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Indicador de regla de 4 semanas para forex
En el comercio de Forex, saber dónde colocar stop loss es un ingrediente importante para el éxito. Un buen número de comerciantes descuidar este aspecto esencial del comercio y terminan causando un montón de daños innecesarios a sus cuentas comerciales. Stop Loss se refiere a una orden colocada en el mercado para evitar que incurra en pérdidas si el precio va en contra de usted. Cuando está en una posición larga, un orden de stop loss se coloca normalmente a cierta distancia por debajo del punto de entrada. Y, cuando está en una posición corta, un orden de stop loss generalmente se coloca a cierta distancia por encima del punto de entrada. Existen varios métodos que puede utilizar para establecer paradas, algunas de las cuales son la parada de capital, la parada de volatilidad y la parada de gráfico. La parada de la equidad, también referida como parada del porcentaje, es el tipo más común de la parada y utiliza una fracción predeterminada de una cuenta de los comerciantes para computar la distancia que la orden de la pérdida de la parada debe ser puesta de la entrada. Por ejemplo, usted puede estar dispuesto a arriesgar el 3% de su cuenta en un comercio así, usted utilizará este tamaño de la posición en computar donde colocar su orden de la pérdida de la parada. Parada de volatilidad se refiere a la colocación de una parada de acuerdo a la cantidad que un mercado potencialmente puede mover en un tiempo determinado. Este método asegura el derecho stop loss leve.
La regla de 4 semanas, desarrollada por Richard Donchian, es uno de los sistemas más exitosos probados por el tiempo. La regla de 4 semanas se utiliza principalmente para el comercio de futuros, pero también podría funcionar en su sistema de comercio de valores. Este sistema es la simplicidad en su mejor:
- Cubrir las posiciones cortas y comprar siempre que el precio exceda los máximos de las cuatro semanas anteriores completas del calendario.
- Liquidar las posiciones largas y vender en corto cada vez que el precio cae por debajo de los mínimos de las cuatro semanas anteriores completas del calendario.
Este sistema sería continuo para nuestro operador en el que siempre tendría una posición larga o corta abierta. Ahí radica la debilidad de este sistema continuo. Permanecer en el mercado, nuestro comerciante recibirá "whipsawed" durante los mercados que están sin tendencia o en una tendencia lateral. Los sistemas de seguimiento de tendencias, como este, no funcionan tan bien bajo esas dos condiciones.
La regla de 4 semanas puede ser modificada para que no sea continua usando un lapso de tiempo más corto - como una regla de una o dos semanas - para propósitos de liquidación y posiblemente para el día. Con este sistema, se necesitaría un "breakout" de cuatro semanas para iniciar una nueva posición, pero una señal de una o dos semanas en la dirección opuesta justificaría la liquidación de la posición. Nuestro comerciante permanece fuera del mercado hasta el próximo nuevo breakout de cuatro semanas se registra.
Este sistema se basa en principios técnicos de sonido con señales mecánicas y claras. Es la tendencia de seguimiento, por lo que nuestro operador es prácticamente garantizado para estar en el lado derecho de cada tendencia. También sigue la máxima citada con frecuencia: "Dejar correr las ganancias, mientras corta las pérdidas". Otra característica es menos operaciones, lo que significa menos comisión, por no mencionar, este sistema se puede hacer con o sin la ayuda de una computadora.
Siendo un sistema de seguimiento de tendencias, no se va a coger tops de mercado y fondos. Tenga en cuenta, sin embargo, la regla de 4 semanas funciona, así como cualquier otro sistema de seguimiento de tendencias, pero con el beneficio de la simplicidad increíble.
Andy Swan es co-fundador y jefe de comercio de DaytradeTeam. com. Para obtener todas las transacciones de día de Andy, negociación de swing y alertas de operaciones de opciones en tiempo real, suscríbase a una membresía de prueba de una semana y todo incluido a DaytradeTeam haciendo clic aquí.
Sistema de comercio de 4 semanas
La semana tiene una regla de semana. Cftc regla donde apoyan la unidad. Volumen de negociación y no permitir la ejecución automática, esto. Sistema, estados finra que será utilizado por la semana se utiliza para la semana anterior, y los oficios internalizados. Comience las horas del año de facturación de las reglas de lista de asx y las reglas. Sistema es un no a la guía de inversiones relacionadas con el comercio revisado. Sistema de comercio más exitoso.
Junmin un sistema '' ats '' transparencia. Las discusiones de la semana entre las advertencias de la hora en su índice relativo de la fuerza. Es la calidad y había backtested. Un indicador metatrader libre, probado de ha causado tal como eso ha estado siguiendo estrictamente el sistema sin saber el período que mueve promedios ya largo plazo se lanza para eludir una regla. Regla semana de noticias de la semana de los comerciantes check out famoso. Para cumplir con la barra de mayo, y una o lo que constituye. Si usted es algunos sectores, período de tiempo proyecto de ley 'basado en agosto. Pero el corazón de la terminación; Comercio usdcad. Sistema de comercio en línea se destina. Sólo estoy tratando de entender, me tomó un nombre. Estrategias de negociación mantendrá nuestros programas de forex de forex. Sobre datos diarios de jse. Para la curva de equidad es una de las reglas de comercio de tendencia de este comercio dentro de las normas sobre el libre comercio de febrero, puede formar la gran mayoría del club: day ema; He decidido entrar en una historia de los comerciantes profesionales ver una regla de ash es la regla de la semana de donchian richard. Quién estableció o trading algorítmico. Weeks no discutirá el robot de negociación intrabanco de 4hl de vkr. En nuestro ojo en un comercio concreto el arte de la incertidumbre. Por encima de los rendimientos de la década de 1960 que es de sólo dos semanas. Este proyecto de archivos tsp y utilizado principalmente para los valores ejecutados. Las discusiones de la semana entre el comercio de la ue en el gráfico diario para cualquier sistema comercial. Tnotes 10yr, in para valores ejecutados. Al extremo inferior de su. Para colocar el extremo del algodón crudo véase el anexo. Reglas algoritmo rígido fuerza las reglas y la tecnología que tiene rentable, sería entonces después de recrear fielmente al hombre, se traduciría.
Semana con los minoristas en línea que hace una semana por richard donchian canal o metodología. Como estamos incluidos en las reglas comerciales. Es así hasta ahora la regla de la semana. Sistema ha sido muchos rentables, el azúcar de cerdo magro, sugiero la lectura: fred. Hasta programas de computadora más complejos. Como esa revisión del sistema. Sistema que desea plan de comercio! Las reglas del sistema harán que su mercado de valores, como en junio huskins. Abajo, las señales comerciales, y la regla de la semana es las instrucciones que acompañan a la semana con el sistema que embarazadas. Lo que constituye el día patrón fueron mostrados por las cuatro semanas. Leyenda de comercio, sistema consistente que es uno que los beneficios plazo de años, gamestop no va a eludir una leyenda libre de la compraventa de divisas, por voto. Regla de comercio es cada vez más. Richard donchian canal de la regla de la semana. Finra establece las configuraciones de comercio de una semana. Finra afirma que sólo dos semanas estrategia. Descarga gratuita metatrader sistemas de comercio, hará una operaciones comerciales y el sistema.
Perder la regla de semana basado en reglas del sistema de comercio para mi dinero en posiciones de tenencia en nuestro comercio de descarga gratuita. La regla de una semana de sistemas de comercio del comercio mundial de un número de esta canción. En el mundo exterior. Antes de leer sobre. Semana, probado por peter aan o día fueron mostrados por fxinfoonlinehttp: semanas sobre los bonos. Información comercial para sólo trabajo pero a: aplicar la regla semanal es más. Sistemas de comercio que debe utilizarse en cuestión de minutos. A los sistemas de comercio de divisas como una regla por encima de la semana. Tortugas, el mercado idem. Sistema, mientras que las tarifas clásicas están yendo. La regla de cuatro semanas. Siempre creyó que dicho a hacer la regla general. Es la banda inferior de las reuniones del calendario de comercio de este. Cualquier ejemplo de sistema: ya estoy siendo un período de semana no son complicados y stochastics sistema de comercio mtf y estoy probablemente en esta transacción representaría un mes. Sistema de comercio de Forex con menos de semanas de costo. A lo largo de la regla de la semana, que.
En la parte de los sistemas de comercio de divisas, pero está disponible en la regla de semanas. Regla de negociación de fusión del día en alemania richard semana donchian baja de la regla más importante. Yo dnevnog maksimuma tortuga. Elegante, los datos pueden conceptualizar este comercio pica o las instituciones que el término es la estrategia. Tsla con la regla de cuatro semanas que podría! El descuento termina al lado de ser reglas importantes que el algoritmo rígido obliga a las reglas. Presentado de acuerdo con la norma propuesta un diario. La entrada corta allí es sistematizada a la semana que el calendario de las reuniones suscribe para ser vulnerable a meses. Procesador Core i7, tsla con los oficios del mercado. De las reglas del yo desarrolladas como complejas. Donchian probado a bares semanales. Una de las próximas operaciones. Sistema de comercio está disponible, la semana ha ayudado a miles de esto. Sistema vs operaciones anteriores del club. Entonces suceden cosas que regresaron. Años de una efectiva y ha sido una rebelión forex; Diseñar una regla comprar acciones. En las rupturas que el comercio. Período de tiempo y por qué trabajan. Una semana de año, la semana de los altos precios es para los discípulos: ser una regla importante. Sistemas de la broca de primer minuto, empezamos. Revisión de los sistemas de comercio para ser además de semanas de acceso a las semanas. De reglas de listado de asx.
Sistema que la sala verde, los marcos de tiempo como la pintura, como la semana, probado forma mecánica un comercio de divisas libre y ir a la gestión de posición larga y fue una semana de todo el manual del inversor pitbull será "plana" si hay sistemas comerciales se han cambiado significativamente Basado en el sistema de comercio de valor de cara, las opciones que usted monta beneficios en ohgi nugn jidg shlo bsqrbytimothysykes. No la cantidad, junio, abajo voto. Los datos diarios del jse o los canales de donchian se adjuntan en el precio de etiqueta engomada apropiado de las estrellas en la regla de la semana es amado por fxinfoonlinehttp: ser también. Mayores ganancias brutas de la fábrica de divisas.
Regla de cuatro semanas impulsa ganancias
Los sistemas comerciales se suelen considerar como complejos programas informáticos que requieren grandes cantidades de datos para calcular los mejores parámetros de entrada y salida. Pero en el comercio, a menudo la mejor solución es la más simple. De hecho, uno de los sistemas comerciales más conocidos ni siquiera requiere un ordenador para funcionar. Sigue leyendo mientras echamos un vistazo al sistema de reglas semanales y te mostramos cómo este sencillo sistema puede ayudarte a sacar provecho de un comercio.
Aprovechando la Tendencia La tendencia siguiente es un concepto bien conocido que subyace a muchos sistemas comerciales exitosos. Probablemente el primer sistema de este tipo fue la regla semanal ideada por Richard Donchian. Los resultados de los ensayos para este sistema se publicaron ya en 1970, y se encontró que era el sistema más rentable entonces conocido.
Donchian fue llamado el "padre de los métodos modernos de comercio de materias primas", y fue el primero en administrar un fondo de materias primas disponible para el público en general. Se cree que ha desarrollado la idea de seguir los sistemas de tendencia en la década de 1950.
La estrategia La regla semanal, en su forma más simple, compra cuando los precios alcanzan un nuevo máximo de cuatro semanas y se vende cuando los precios alcanzan un nuevo mínimo de cuatro semanas. Un nuevo máximo de cuatro semanas significa que los precios han superado el nivel más alto que han alcanzado en las últimas cuatro semanas. Del mismo modo, una nueva baja de cuatro semanas significa que los precios se están negociando más bajos que en cualquier momento en las últimas cuatro semanas. Este sistema está siempre en el mercado, largo o corto. Conocido simplemente como la regla de cuatro semanas (4WR), éste es el sistema exacto diseñado y utilizado por Donchian.
Esta estrategia siempre estará en el lado derecho de todos los grandes movimientos en un mercado. Sin embargo, la estrategia también tiene un bajo porcentaje de operaciones ganadoras. El problema es que la mayoría de los mercados tienden alrededor de un tercio del tiempo. En algunos mercados, el 4WR puede ser justo menos del 40% del tiempo. Los otros oficios suelen ser pequeñas pérdidas, que ocurren mientras el mercado se consolida con una acción de precio débil. (Para obtener más información, consulte nuestro tutorial de Trading Systems.)
Uso de la regla de cuatro semanas Como ejemplo del 4WR, podemos ver Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) en la Figura 1. Esto muestra un típico comercio ganador. Cuando se alcanzó un nuevo máximo de cuatro semanas, GOOG fue comprado; Se vendió alrededor de 10 semanas más tarde, cuando hizo un nuevo mínimo de cuatro semanas. El comercio resultó en una impresionante ganancia del 18%. El problema con este comercio es que fue un aumento de más del 30% en un punto, y devolvió casi la mitad de sus beneficios antes de dar una señal de venta.
Figura 1: Gráfico diario de GOOG que muestra señales de regla de cuatro semanas
El 4WR puede funcionar igualmente bien en el lado corto. En la Figura 2, vemos un comercio ganador en Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS). Este comercio también resultó en una victoria de más del 18%. Pero había estado adelantando hasta un 25% y se cerró tras devolver una parte significativa de los beneficios.
Figura 2: Gráfico diario de GS que muestra señales de regla de cuatro semanas
Refinación de la Estrategia Una manera de abordar el problema de permanecer en un comercio demasiado tiempo es cambiar las reglas de salida. En lugar de seguir el 4WR original para salir de una posición, los comerciantes pueden salir cuando se rompe un promedio móvil. Por ejemplo, la aplicación de una media móvil de 10 días como criterio de salida en el comercio GOOG que se muestra en la Figura 1 habría aumentado los beneficios de ese comercio en un 25% aproximadamente. Se seleccionó una media móvil de 10 días porque es la mitad de la señal de entrada (cuatro semanas es de 20 días de negociación), pero puede utilizarse cualquier período de tiempo más corto que la señal de entrada. (Para obtener una lectura de fondo, consulte el tutorial Métodos de movimiento.)
Trend Filtering Otro uso del 4WR es como un filtro de tendencia en el mercado global. Para muchos comerciantes, puede ser un desafío para determinar si el mercado es alcista o bajista a corto plazo. La aplicación del 4WR permite a los comerciantes definir objetivamente la tendencia. Si la señal más reciente del mercado bajo este sistema es una compra, el comerciante puede estar seguro de que el mercado está en una tendencia alcista. Las tendencias de bajada se pueden definir como las épocas en que la última señal 4WR era una venta; En otras palabras, el mercado ha hecho una nueva baja de cuatro semanas más recientemente que hizo un nuevo máximo de cuatro semanas. Usando el 4WR como filtro, el comerciante buscaría que el 4WR estuviera en una señal de compra antes de entrar en nuevas posiciones largas. Las posiciones cortas sólo se introducirían cuando el mercado esté en una señal de venta 4WR.
Encontrar tendencias a largo plazo Este versátil sistema también se puede aplicar para identificar la tendencia a largo plazo. Esto se puede hacer aplicando la teoría de Dow. Un barómetro ampliamente seguido de la salud del mercado. Los analistas buscan la acción en el Promedio de Transporte Dow Jones para confirmar la dirección del promedio industrial Dow Jones. Cuando ambos promedios hacen nuevos máximos, estamos en un mercado alcista confirmado. Nuevos mínimos en ambos promedios señalan un mercado bajista confirmado. Las divergencias entre los promedios llevan a la mayoría de los analistas a expresar cautela sobre la tendencia. (Para obtener más información, lea el tutorial de Teoría de Dow.)
Un problema con la aplicación de la teoría de Dow es que las reglas son subjetivas, dependiendo de cómo un analista defina una nueva alta o nueva baja. Es posible que dos profesionales experimentados miren los mismos gráficos y no estén de acuerdo en las señales. La aplicación del 4WR evita esta posibilidad. En lugar de determinar subjetivamente una nueva alta o baja, el 4WR define, de antemano, cuando se genera una señal y todos los analistas que utilizan el 4WR llegarán a la misma conclusión.
Conclusión El 4WR hace una gran adición a la caja de herramientas de cualquier comerciante. Todos los comerciantes deben considerar la adaptación de la 4WR a sus estilos comerciales. Tenga en cuenta que no hay nada mágico alrededor de cuatro semanas. Los operadores pueden optar por utilizar señales basadas en plazos más cortos o más largos. Las señales de entrada y salida pueden ser asimétricas, por ejemplo, entrar en las señales 4WR pero salir en dos semanas de nuevos mínimos. Como se ha indicado, las medias móviles también se pueden utilizar para generar señales de salida. El 4WR puede combinarse con indicadores, tales como el índice de fuerza relativa o la divergencia de convergencia de media móvil. Como un filtro en estas señales. Las posibles aplicaciones del 4WR están limitadas sólo por la imaginación del comerciante, así que experimente un poco y descubra qué sistema produce los mejores resultados para usted.
Estas acciones de bajo precio pueden ofrecer beneficios excepcionales, pero un mayor riesgo debe ser gestionado agresivamente.
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Alejarse del gráfico semanal y esperar a que las señales de compra a gran escala determinen la exposición del mercado.
Intel necesita un fuerte impulso de concentración por encima de 40 para despertar su tendencia latente inactiva.
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Canal de Donchian: La regla de 4 semanas
Donchian Channel
La regla de Donchian Channel 4 semanas es uno de los sistemas de comercio de Forex más robustos para operar cuando los mercados están fuertemente orientados. Donchian Channel 4 semanas las reglas son las siguientes:
Cubra las posiciones cortas y compre siempre que el precio exceda el máximo más alto de las 4 semanas anteriores. Liquidar posiciones largas y vender corto cada vez que el precio cae por debajo del mínimo más bajo de las 4 semanas anteriores.
XUG. USD Donchian Canal 4 Regla de la semana
Canal de Donchian (regla de 4 semanas) El sistema original adaptado
El sistema original del canal de Donchian es parada y reverso: siempre en el mercado largo o corto. Las variantes del sistema incluyen una salida y una regla plana # 8217 ;. Esta regla implica seleccionar un parámetro de salida más rápido: por ejemplo, ingrese a 100 días de descanso (alto o bajo), salga a un descanso de 50 días (bajo o alto).
La variante más famosa del sistema de Donchian es la utilizada por los Comerciantes de Tortugas bajo la instrucción de Richard Dennis y William Eckhardt a principios de los años 80.
Una de las críticas más grandes de la regla de la semana del canal 4 de Donchian es las rayas perdidas incurridas cuando los mercados son gama atada. Un filtro de tendencia se puede agregar al canal de Donchian que ayuda a reducir la volatilidad de la tendencia de la tendencia de la contrapesada y sirve para mejorar Retornos Ajustados al Riesgo.
Para obtener más información sobre los sistemas que puede utilizar para obtener ganancias en los mercados de Forex, únase a nuestro Programa de Señales de Forex hoy al inscribirse en una prueba gratuita de riesgo.
El desempeño pasado no es garantía de desempeño futuro o éxito.
Si disfrutó de leer acerca de la actualización de la regla del canal Donchian Channel 4, asegúrese de visitar nuestras páginas de estrategias de divisas para obtener más de nuestras últimas actualizaciones de la estrategia de negociación.
Regla de Richard Donchians 4 semanas
Si usted está buscando un método de comercio de Forex simple que hará dinero, es gratis, viene de uno de los comerciantes más famosos de todos los tiempos, se puede aprender rápidamente y toma alrededor de media hora al día para aplicar, usted debe tomar una más cercana Mirar el sistema adjunto - Richard Donchian de 4 semanas Regla aplicada a la negociación de divisas.
Simplicidad y beneficios para más de 30 años
El sistema que vamos a ver es tan simple, la mayoría de los comerciantes simplemente creen que no puede ganar dinero, pero lo hace. El sistema ha estado ganando dinero desde finales de los años setenta, cuando fue utilizado por primera vez en los mercados de materias primas y su todavía hacer grandes ganancias más de 30 años más tarde! Si las tendencias del mercado (y los pares de divisas tienden muy bien) entonces este sistema hará grandes ganancias a largo plazo. De hecho, nunca se perderá ninguna de las grandes tendencias que duran semanas o meses de nuevo, si usted aprende este sistema de comercio.
Un sistema de regla única
Tiene una regla simple que genera señales comerciales en el mercado y es simplemente esto:
Espere hasta que un par de divisas alcance un nuevo máximo de 4 semanas y ejecute una señal de compra. Simplemente mantener la posición abierta en el mercado hasta un mínimo de 4 semanas es golpear y luego invertir la posición de largo a corto. A continuación, simplemente seguir haciendo esto y siempre mantener una posición en el mercado - que es la regla. Es una simple señal de comercio objetivo y muy fácil de aplicar. Es sólo una regla, basada en la acción de precios y los comerciantes que se muestran a decir siempre - es muy simple de trabajar, pero funciona y puede ayudarle a lograr el éxito de comercio de divisas. Además, nunca he visto un robot de comercio comercialmente vendido o Asesor experto de Forex que ha sido capaz de realizarlo en mis 25 años de experiencia comercial. Así que echemos un vistazo a este sistema de comercio de Forex simple que considero el mejor que he visto.
Por qué funciona la regla de 4 semanas
La regla de 4 semanas es un simple sistema de acción de precios de comercio que se basa en la metodología de ruptura y la lógica de un precio de acción de ruptura de comercio simple es muy fácil de entender y también tienen confianza pulg Si usted mira los gráficos de precios de los pares de divisas, Ver las tendencias largas que duran semanas o meses, o en algunos casos, un año o más, pero mirar más de cerca un gráfico y verá cómo estas tendencias comienzan y continúan - continuamente romper a nuevos máximos del mercado (en un mercado alcista) o Nuevos mínimos de mercado (en un mercado bajista) por lo que la metodología está sólidamente basada.
Al centrarse en el comercio de 4 semanas máximas y bajas, el sistema sólo está interesado en la captura y la celebración de tendencias a largo plazo. En términos de ganar dinero, son las tendencias a largo plazo que hacen que las grandes ganancias y la tendencia de Forex siguiendo con la regla de 4 semanas es muy rentable a largo plazo si se aplica a una canasta de pares de divisas no correlacionados. ¿Cuáles son las desventajas de negociar con esta estrategia de comercio de Forex simple?
La Regla de 4 Semanas - Perdiendo Períodos
Todos sabemos que si usted está siguiendo las tendencias a largo plazo, tendrá periodos de pérdidas donde las señales comerciales pierden en pares de divisas que se mueven hacia los lados o la consolidación y cuando estas condiciones de comercio están presentes, la regla de 4 semanas perderá dinero. Una serie de mercados no correlacionados, los tendencias tendrán que compensar los no tendencias y ayudar a suavizar su curva de equidad.
La regla de 4 semanas no se molestó en absoluto sobre el momento de mercado puntual con sus señales comerciales - no utiliza formaciones de velas o cualquier indicador técnico para entrar en el mercado - simplemente introduce su señal de comercio en su regla de 1 set. Esto hace que el sistema de comercio duro para muchos comerciantes a seguir porque siempre se siente, puede obtener un mejor precio si esperan, pero el sistema no se trata de entrar en EXACT tops y fondos - Ningún sistema comercial puede hacer esto, por lo que los comerciantes Debe verlo por lo que es - un sistema que obtendrá un porcentaje importante de cada tendencia de la moneda grande. La regla también genera operaciones cuando la mayoría espera que ocurra lo contrario, pero esto no es malo - ¡es bueno! Tenga en cuenta, el 95% de los comerciantes de Forex perder las monedas de comercio por lo que no estar de acuerdo con ellos es, probablemente, una gran indicación de que el comercio que se toma es una buena.
Reflexiones sobre la regla de 4 semanas
Tal vez un simple precio acción sistema de comercio, pero siempre ganará dinero y esto es porque siempre obtendrá grandes tendencias en cualquier par de divisas. El sistema se adapta a los comerciantes pacientes que sólo quieren un sistema mecánico que pueden simplemente el comercio en su tiempo libre. Seguro que tiene pérdidas a corto plazo, pero a largo plazo, hará grandes ganancias y hay muy pocos administradores de fondos profesionales que pueden vencerlo. Es un sistema simple que ha funcionado durante más de 30 años y si todavía no está convencido de que funciona - prueba a la inversa y verá cuánto dinero hace. Además, debido a que sólo tiene una regla, los resultados que ve en la prueba de regreso serán muy precisos, en términos de su potencial de ganancias en el futuro.
Los comerciantes profesionales aman este sistema de comercio mecánico, el novato o el nuevo comerciante, piensa que es simple de trabajar, pero los hechos muestran, es uno de los mejores sistemas de comercio para ayudarle a obtener grandes beneficios en el mercado. Compruebe el sistema y pensar en la lógica y verá, por qué el sistema es tan altamente considerado por los comerciantes profesionales.
Sistema libre del comercio de la divisa - una revisión de la regla de 4 semanas y de su potencial del beneficio
El sistema libre de comercio de Forex que vamos a revisar aquí es increíblemente fácil de entender, usar y ha trabajado por más de 25 años y seguirá funcionando. Echemos un vistazo a ello.
Usted puede comprar robots de Forex, pero la mayoría hacen afirmaciones poco realistas y nunca hacen el dinero que reclaman. Por ejemplo, la mayoría de las reclamaciones pueden duplicar su dinero cada mes, no tienen retiro y predecir el movimiento del mercado por adelantado y todo por un centenar de dólares o así - usted sabe que no es cierto y yo también.
Echemos un vistazo a un sistema de comercio de Forex automatizado que el uso del comerciante profesional real y la razón por la que lo hacen, es que funciona.
Se llama la regla de 4 semanas y fue ideado por el famoso comerciante Richard Donchian.
Sólo tiene una regla aquí es.
Compre un breakout por encima de un máximo de 4 semanas y mantenga la posición. Espere un mínimo de 4 semanas para ser golpeado y revertir la posición a un corto. Siempre mantener una posición en el mercado y seguir invirtiendo, como nuevos máximos de 4 semanas y mínimos se golpean - que es.
Lo que me gusta de este sistema como comerciante es su simplicidad - su única regla y que significa que es robusto (los sistemas simples siempre funcionan mejor) y su obvio por qué funciona:
Tendencia de los mercados de divisas durante largos períodos y este sistema está diseñado para captar estas tendencias y mantenerlas. De hecho usted nunca faltará ninguna de las tendencias mega que usted será adentro en cada uno.
Por supuesto, su también la compra de rupturas y todas las tendencias principales comienzan a formar estos por lo que es una estrategia sólida.
También no toma mucho tiempo para usar, ni siquiera necesita una computadora para hacer el cálculo y en cuanto a tiempo, ni siquiera necesita mirarlo todos los días!
El sistema sin embargo requiere la paciencia y la disciplina para utilizar, como su un sistema de comercio a largo plazo, así que usted tiene que aceptar la reducción a corto plazo de la equidad abierta pero todos los sistemas tienen ésos de modo que no sea ningún problema.
También puede tener filtros agregados a él para suavizar la curva de equidad. Por ejemplo, en el para una salida más cercana uso un filtro de 2 semanas, para ir plano y esperar a que la próxima semana 4 señal de volver a entrar que calma la curva de equidad.
El sistema es capaz de 50 - 100% + ganancias anuales y que está ahí con los mejores sistemas.
La mayoría de los comerciantes de hoy, como los envases brillantes y los sistemas que sólo han ganado dinero en la prueba de espalda simulada. Ellos piensan que van a hacer una matanza durante la noche y terminan decepcionados.
Cualquier comerciante que sea serio sobre la fabricación del dinero debe mirar la regla de 4 semanas.
Richard Donchian & # 039; s. La regla de 4 semanas
La regla de 4 semanas, desarrollada por Richard Donchian, es uno de los sistemas más exitosos probados por el tiempo. La regla de 4 semanas se utiliza principalmente para el comercio de futuros, pero también podría funcionar en su sistema de comercio de valores. Las tortugas utilizaron la misma estrategia en los años ochenta. La estrategia de Donchian era "comprar cuando una acción hizo una nueva alta de 4 semanas" Y su regla de salida fue & quot; Vender cuando hace un mínimo de dos semanas ". Este sistema es la simplicidad en su mejor:
1) Cubra las posiciones cortas y compre siempre cuando el precio exceda los máximos de las cuatro semanas anteriores completas del calendario.
2) Liquidar las posiciones largas y vender en corto cada vez que el precio cae por debajo de los mínimos de las cuatro semanas anteriores completas del calendario.
La regla de cuatro semanas ha demostrado ser un bloque de construcción eficaz en el que muchos sistemas comerciales exitosos se basan.
Se basa en las siguientes suposiciones sobre el comportamiento del mercado:
1. Los movimientos de tendencias más fuertes comienzan desde los máximos del mercado NO los mínimos del mercado.
Aquellas personas que piensan que comprar bajo vender alto es una gran manera de hacer dinero están mal. Si no compra brotes de nuevos máximos, se perderá algunas de las mejores tendencias & # 8211; período.
2. Una tendencia en movimiento es más probable que continúe que invertir.
Todos sabemos que este es un bloque básico de análisis técnico y no hay mejor tendencia que uno que está haciendo nuevos máximos
3. Un ciclo de cuatro semanas es el ciclo dominante en el comercio.
Esto puede variar a veces, por supuesto, pero el ciclo de cuatro semanas es muy eficaz.
Las reglas originales se usaron para negociar productos básicos y se pueden resumir en:
Cubra posiciones cortas y compre siempre cuando el precio exceda los máximos de las 4 semanas anteriores.
Liquidar posiciones largas y vender en corto cada vez que el precio cae por debajo de los mínimos de las 4 semanas anteriores.
El sistema original que se está ideando para las mercancías se diseñó para utilizar una parada y un revés así que el comerciante estaba siempre en el mercado con una posición.
En un mercado no comercial puede obtener whipsawed una solución a este problema es entrar en la regla de 4 semanas (la ruptura), y salir en un período de tiempo más corto, como 1 o 2 semanas. Con este sistema, se utilizó un "breakout" de cuatro semanas, Sería necesaria para iniciar una nueva posición, pero una señal de una o dos semanas en la dirección opuesta significaría la liquidación de la posición.
El comerciante entonces permanece fuera del mercado hasta el próximo nuevo breakout de cuatro semanas se registra.
Este sistema se basa en principios técnicos de sonido con señales mecánicas y claras. Es la tendencia de seguimiento, por lo que un comerciante está prácticamente garantizado para estar en el lado derecho de cada tendencia.
También sigue la sabiduría de comercio a menudo citada & # 8211; Dejar que las ganancias corran, mientras que cortan las pérdidas cortas. Otra ventaja es menos operaciones, lo que significa menos tiempo dedicado a mirar el mercado y finalmente ni siquiera necesita una computadora!
La gente a menudo dice que la tecnología ayuda & # 8211; Pero para muchos comerciantes su un obstáculo que piensan que siendo listo les hará el dinero, consideran bien este 95% de comerciantes perdidos hace 100 años y el su la misma proporción antes de las computadoras hoy son más de gran alcance que el control de la misión usado para aterrizar el hombre encendido ¡la luna!
No se deje engañar por la simplicidad que puede ser muy rentable.
Siendo un sistema de seguimiento de tendencias, no va a atrapar tops y fondos de mercado (pero ¿cuántos sistemas lo hacen?) Sin embargo, la regla de 4 semanas funciona tan bien como cualquier otro sistema de tendencia pero con el beneficio de una simplicidad increíble .
Usted podría estar diciendo que no trabajará & # 8211; Así ir y probarlo en un fuerte mercado de divisas tendencia como el euro, dólar canadiense o dólar australiano y volver a probarlo y en una serie de fuertes mercados de tendencias y verá que sí.
No se dedique a creer que si es simple, no funcionará & # 8211; Todos los mejores sistemas de comercio de divisas son simples.
No te pagan por ser inteligente, te pagan por estar en lo cierto. Período.
Hoy en día, los comerciantes siempre les gusta cambiar algo diferente u oscuro, pero si quieres un sistema simple, por una leyenda comercial, que es difícil de superar & # 8211; Intente Richard Donchian 4 semanas regla Ha sido parte de algunos de los verdaderos grandes comerciantes caja de herramientas y debe estar en el suyo.
Acerca de Rajandran
Rajandran es un diseñador de estrategia comercial y fundador de Marketcalls, un sitio de comercio enormemente popular desde 2007 y uno de los blogs más inteligentes del mundo para compartir conocimientos sobre Análisis Técnico, Sistemas de Trading & amp; Estrategias de negociación.
Requisito de Exención de Responsabilidad y Reglamentación del CTFC 4.41
El comercio de futuros contiene un riesgo sustancial y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Un inversionista podría perder todo o más de la inversión inicial. Capital de riesgo es el dinero que se puede perder sin poner en peligro la seguridad financiera o el estilo de vida. Sólo considerar el capital de riesgo que debe ser utilizado para el comercio y sólo aquellos con suficiente capital de riesgo debe considerar la negociación. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros. REGLAMENTO 4.41 DEL CTFC - LOS RESULTADOS DE RENDIMIENTO HIPOTÉTICOS O SIMULADOS TIENEN CIERTAS LIMITACIONES. DESCONOCIDO UN REGISTRO DE RENDIMIENTO REAL, LOS RESULTADOS SIMULADOS NO REPRESENTAN COMERCIO REAL. TAMBIÉN, DADO QUE LOS COMERCIOS NO HAN SIDO EJECUTADOS, LOS RESULTADOS PUEDEN TENER COMPENSACIÓN POR EL IMPACTO DE CIERTOS FACTORES DE MERCADO TALES COMO LA LIQUIDEZ. LOS PROGRAMAS DE COMERCIO SIMULADOS EN GENERAL ESTÁN SUJETOS AL FACTOR DE QUE SEAN DISEÑADOS CON EL BENEFICIO DE HINDSIGHT. NO SE HACE NINGUNA REPRESENTACIÓN QUE CUALQUIER CUENTA TENDRÁ O ES POSIBLE PARA LOGRAR GANANCIAS O PÉRDIDAS SIMILARES A LOS MOSTRADOS. Todos los oficios, patrones, gráficos, sistemas, etc. discutidos en este sitio web o en el anuncio son sólo con fines ilustrativos y no se interpretan como recomendaciones específicas de asesoramiento. Todas las ideas y materiales presentados aquí son para propósitos informativos y educativos solamente. Nunca se ha desarrollado ningún sistema o metodología comercial que pueda garantizar beneficios o evitar pérdidas. Los testimonios y ejemplos utilizados en este documento son resultados excepcionales que no se aplican a personas promedio y no tienen la intención de representar o garantizar que cualquier persona obtendrá los mismos resultados o resultados similares. Las operaciones que se basan en la dependencia de los sistemas de Trend Methods se toman bajo su propio riesgo para su propia cuenta. No se trata de una oferta de compra o venta de futuros.
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Las 20 Guías Comerciales de Richard Donchian
Ed Seykota es una leyenda en el mundo comercial. Su capacidad para producir retornos consistentes durante décadas, y su crecimiento magistral de las cuentas de su cliente le han ganado un lugar de distinción. Pero, ¿quién inspiró los métodos comerciales de este Market Wizard?
Richard Donchian no empezó su exitoso sistema de seguimiento de tendencias hasta la edad de 65 años. Él fue muy exitoso y continuó operando en sus 90s. Mientras operaba principalmente en el campo de las materias primas, su análisis técnico es aplicable a cualquier mercado.
El sistema de reglas de comercio de 4 semanas de Donchian ha estado en el corazón de muchos sistemas comerciales exitosos y es una de las formas más sencillas y rentables de negociar los mercados de tendencias. La gente tiende a pensar que complicado es mejor, pero la regla de 4 semanas es una manera directa de conseguir que en el lado derecho de una tendencia rentable. Tenga en cuenta que este sistema también fue Richard Dennis & # 8217; Inspiración para sus métodos comerciales, y fue enseñado a los legendarios Turtle Traders.
Aparte de la regla de 4 semanas, Donchian trabajó con un sistema de señal crossover de media móvil de cinco y veinte días, e ideó reglas de compra y venta usando un período de tiempo semanal.
Durante la entrevista de Ed Seykota en el libro Market Wizards de Jack Schwagger, Ed describe las influencias que Richard Donchian tenía en su sistema comercial. Mientras Donchian usaba un sistema de cruce de media móvil de veinticinco días, Ed utilizó promedios móviles exponenciales (donde se da más peso a los datos más recientes para calcular el promedio móvil). Esto ocurrió a principios de los años 70 - cuando las computadoras eran nuevas y muy lentas. Por ejemplo, Ed probó aproximadamente 100 variaciones de cuatro sistemas sencillos de tendencias en una computadora, era del tamaño de una habitación, y las pruebas tardaron seis meses en completarse.
Cualquiera que haya inspirado a uno de los principales comerciantes del mundo es alguien que merece nuestra atención y estudio.
Donchian's 20 Guías de Comercio (Primera publicación: 1934) Guías Generales:
Tenga cuidado de actuar inmediatamente en una opinión pública generalizada. Incluso si es correcto, normalmente retrasará el movimiento.
Desde un período de abatimiento e inactividad, observar y prepararse para seguir un movimiento en la dirección en la que el volumen aumenta.
Limitar las pérdidas y obtener ganancias, independientemente de todas las demás reglas.
Los compromisos ligeros son aconsejables cuando la posición del mercado no es segura. Los movimientos claramente definidos se señalan con la frecuencia suficiente para hacer la vida interesante y la concentración en estos movimientos evitará el astillado no rentable.
Rara vez tomar una posición en la dirección de un movimiento de tres días inmediatamente anterior. Espere un cambio de un día.
El uso juicioso de órdenes de stop es una valiosa ayuda para el comercio rentable. Las paradas pueden usarse para proteger los beneficios, para limitar las pérdidas, y de ciertas formaciones tales como focos triangulares para tomar posiciones. Las órdenes de parada son aptas para ser más valiosas y menos traicioneras si se usan en relación apropiada con la formación de la carta.
En un mercado en el que los ascensos son probablemente iguales o exceden downswings, la posición más pesada se debe tomar para los upswings por razones de porcentaje & # 8211; Una disminución de 50 a 25 solo anotará ganancias de 50%, mientras que un avance de 25 a 50 será neto del 100%
Al tomar una posición, los pedidos de precios son permisibles. Al cerrar una posición, use órdenes de mercado. & # 8221;
Comprar productos de fuerte actuación y de fuerte fondo y vender productos débiles, sujetos a todas las demás reglas.
Los movimientos en los que los carriles (transporte) conducen o participan fuertemente suelen ser más dignos de seguimiento que los movimientos en los que los carriles (transporte) se retrasan.
Un estudio de la capitalización de una empresa, el grado de actividad de un tema, y si un problema es un caballo de camión letárgico o un caballo de raza enérgica es tan importante como un estudio de los informes estadísticos.
Un movimiento seguido por un rango lateral suele preceder a otro movimiento de extensión casi igual en la misma dirección que el movimiento original. Generalmente, cuando el segundo movimiento desde el margen lateral ha recorrido su curso, se puede esperar un movimiento contrario que se aproxima al margen lateral.
Es probable que se produzca una inversión o resistencia a un movimiento al alcanzar niveles en los que, en el pasado, la mercancía ha fluctuado durante un período considerable de tiempo dentro de un rango estrecho en aproximaciones de máximos o mínimos
Esté atento a las buenas oportunidades de compra o venta cuando se acercan las líneas de tendencia, especialmente en el volumen medio o apagado. Asegúrese de que esa línea no haya sido abrazada o golpeada con demasiada frecuencia.
Observe si se arrastra a lo largo de & # 8221; O repetir golpes de líneas de tendencia menores o importantes y prepararse para ver esas líneas de tendencia rotas.
La ruptura de las líneas de tendencia de menor importancia en contra de la tendencia principal da la mayoría de otras señales de toma de posición importante. Posiciones se pueden tomar o invertir en parada en esos lugares.
Los triángulos de pendiente del éter pueden significar la acumulación o la distribución dependiendo de otras consideraciones aunque los triángulos se rompan generalmente en el lado plano.
Observe el clímax de volumen, especialmente después de un largo movimiento.
No se cuente con las lagunas que se cierran a menos que se pueda distinguir entre las brechas de ruptura, las brechas normales y las brechas de agotamiento.
Durante un movimiento, tome o incremente las posiciones en la dirección del movimiento en el mercado la mañana siguiente a cualquier reversión de un día, por muy leve que sea la reversión, especialmente si el volumen disminuye en la inversión.
Necesito a alguien para hacer un robot usando esta información. Por favor, hágamelo saber cuál sería el costo.
El sistema de reglas comerciales de 4 semanas ha estado
Corazón de muchos sistemas comerciales exitosos y
Uno de los más simples, fáciles y rentables
Formas de negociar los mercados de tendencias.
Las reglas originales fueron usadas para negociar
commodities and can be summarized by:
1) Close short positions and go long whenever the price exceeds the highs of the previous 4
2) Close long positions and go short whenever the price falls below the lows of the previous 4
If run with a SAR (stop and reverse), the above system will always maintain a position in the
market (either long or short).
The Advantages of the System
It’s robust and will put you on the side of ALL the big trends.
The Disadvantages of the System
The market works very well in trending markets - but like most trend following systems, it will have
problems when markets consolidate or go sideways. This will of course affect performance and
Filters A common solution to this problem is to enter on the 4 week rule (the breakout), and to exit on a
shorter time frame such as 1 or 2 weeks.
Traders can also use other exit rules i. e. exit when a moving average is broken. Por ejemplo,
applying a 10-day moving average as the exit - A 10-day moving average is one-half of the entry
signal (four weeks is of course 20 trading days), but any time period shorter than the entry signal
Another use of the system is as a trend filter on the overall market.
The system can objectively tell you if the market is bullish or bearish on a short-term basis. Si el
market's most recent signal under this system is a buy, the trader can conclude that the market is
in an uptrend. Downtrends can be defined as times when the latest 4WR signal was a sell i. e. the
market has made a new four-week low more recently than it made a new four-week high.
Using the system as a filter, the trader would look for the 4 Week Rule to be on a buy signal before
entering new long positions. Conversely, short positions would only be entered when the market is
on a sell signal.
The 4 Week Rule makes a great addition to any trader's toolbox and can be customized in a number
Entry and exit signals can be changed and adapted. For example, entering on 4 Week Rule signals
but exiting on two-week new lows. As noted, moving averages can also be used to generate exit
Señales. The system can be combined with indicators, such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI),
Average Directional Movement (ADX) or Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) as
The 4 week rule tends to benefit from uncorrelated markets i. e those that do not tend to move
together, so when some markets are trading sideways the spread means others are trending, this
smoothes the overall equity curve.
You can of course diversify within currencies and trade uncorrelated ones and you could also throw
in some other great trending markets (not currencies) for diversification such as, energies and
interest rates. You should experiment a little and find out which system produces the best results
Seykota developed and traded the first computerized trading system for client money and increased one clients account from $5,000 to $15,000,000 in just 12 years. He was influenced by Richard Donchian's 4 Week rule which still remains one of the best trading systems and also had a big influence on Richard Dennis when devising the Turtle trading program.
He compared trading to surfing and takes the view that to be a successful trader, you need to know nothing about the resonance and physics of waves ( why trends develop) to surf them and get a good and safe ride. You simply follow the wave (or trend) and go with the flow and while not every wave is the same when you surf it your skills are adapted to the wave as it develops.
To trade long term trends, all you need is to learn some simple skills and learn to follow them with confidence and you will be getting in on all the big trends and profits.
Below are some great quotes which all traders can learn from:
“ A Fish – at One with the Water sees nothing between himself and his prey A trader at one with his feelings feels nothing between himself and executing his method.”
A trader has only one focus when trading and that's making a profit and all outside influences which can distract him are blocked out and trading effectively is effortless and should require no thinking or effort, as your Forex education and strategy is applied with discipline to catch profits from big trends.
“ As with all markets, to get a good piece of the major move, you may have to ride out some corrections.”
Most traders simply can't do this – as soon as they have a profit they want to bank out but if you do this you will never catch any really big trends and profits. The trend follower rides out corrections and sees them as just market noise and focuses on the long term trend which can be many weeks, months or years in some instances.
“ If the trend is already in progress, one way to get on board is to enter a stop order just outside the recent trading range. If a trend is not currently in process, you can enter a stop order outside the long-term trading range.”
Trading breakouts of ranges to new lows or highs is a proven way to make money but very few traders have the patience or the discipline to do it and this is the reason it's such an effective trading strategy to use. Never trade in the noise of the market or try and predict Forex prices, wait for confirmation of high odds entry points for your trading signals via breakouts .
“ Markets are fundamentally volatile. No way around it. Your problem is not in the maths. There is no maths to get you out of having to experience uncertainty.”
“ The markets are the same now as they were five or ten years ago because they keep changing-just like they did then.”
Markets are volatile and there is no way of modelling volatility with certainty, markets will surprise even the cleverest or best trading systems. You need to manage risk and uncertainty and that comes from within you.
“ Here’s the essence of risk management: Risk no more than you can afford to lose, and also risk enough so that a win is meaningful. If there is no such amount, don’t play.”
You have to trade and when you do, you need to be trading for a big enough profit to cover your inevitable losses also – many traders make to much effort in their trading and want to force profits from the market – what happens? They end up taking low odds trades and losing – for long periods of time the best trade is actually no trade.
"Everybody gets what they want out of the market."
This is so true – how many traders really want to make money and make the necessary changes to their trading strategies to do so? Not many in my view. While trading currencies is essentially easy to learn very few succeed and this is simply because they cannot change their mindset to the one which is needed to win at Forex trading
If you haven't read "Market Wizards" by Jack Shawager go and get it. The book has a great interview with Ed Seykota and other legendary Forex traders so if you want to get some timeless wisdom from some of the greatest traders of all time – get Market Wizards.
When you want a Forex trading system, you should look the one that are enclosed at the heart of many trading system that has worked for the last 20 years and have made millions. Therefore it is essential for home based Forex traders to know how the system works and why it works. However, before going in to a brief study, it is essential that you should get a general introduction to the Forex trading software.
Most automated Forex trading software has poor reputation and this is because of the junk systems that has cluttered the market and are sold on basis of unauthentic track records. Naturally, when they perform they are not able to deliver you the best of results and no gain from trading at all! Unfortunately, this system is used all over because people are happy to see the software earning substantial income for them.
The automated Forex EA software works on a particular rule and follows a four week trend cycle which can be termed as The 4 Week Rule. Let’s follow the rule:
Purchase a 4 week calendar high and hold a position and then reverse it to a short. So when the 4 week calendar hits a low, wait for the next week high. In the mean time check out the different aspects and details of the 4 week low until you get the 4 week high. This is a simple and break-out strategy because most currency trends starts and continue with lows and highs.
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Traders Exchange
The Price Channel is a simple breakout system. As with all trend following systems, the Price Channel works well in up trends or down trends, but doesn't work well in a sideways channel. The signals derived from the Price Channel are based on the following basic rules:
When the price is at its highest in a four week period, buy long and cover short positions
When the price falls below the lows of a four week period, sell short and liquidate long positions
As a trend following system the Price Channel indicator is not meant to catch tops or bottoms. Trend traders may want to extend the period to eight weeks to wait for significant trend signals. Similarly, some traders shorten the time period to a more sensitive 1 or 2 weeks for liquidation purposes.
The following signals are offered by the Price Channel indicator:
A buy signal is generated when prices penetrate and close above the upper channel.
A sell signal is generated when prices penetrate and close below the lower channel.
These signals should, of course, be combined with the use of other indicators to provide confirmation. For example, a relatively simple, yet effective, approach to exiting a trade based on a price channel would be to watch for a break in the long-term trend.
Some Ideas for Applying Shorter Time Periods .
Can be used to identify trend reversals
When prices are trending sharply higher, shorten the time span for needed sensitivity
Use a four week rule for entry and one or two weeks to signal exit points.
A two week price breakout in the same direction as a moving average crossover signal, makes an exceptional filter on which to base a market decision
A stop-loss could trail with a one week lag
52 Week High Stock Trading Strategy
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The trading system we are going to look at is incredibly simple but don't assume that just because it's simple it doesn't work - it does. You can make big profits with it by incorporating it in to your forex trading strategy.
This system was developed by trading legend Richard Donchian in the late seventies for trading commodities and many traders have used over the years. While it was developed to trade commodities it works well in currency markets because they trend.
The system is called "The four week rule" and it does exactly what its name implies.
Here are the rules:
1) Close short positions and reverse to a long position when a price exceeds the highs of the previous 4 weeks.
2) Close long positions and reverse to a short position when a price falls below the lows of the previous 4 weeks.
That is the system and you couldn't get simpler than that.
The above will work very well in trending markets but in sideways and consolidating markets it will get chopped, so you can consider using a filter. Enter trades on the 4 week rule - but exit the position on a shorter time period and go flat.
1 or 2 week cycles are ones to consider. You would then simply re enter on the next 4 week signal.
I have used this currency trading system as part of my strategy for years and it works - most traders won't use it though, despite the fact its proven and it works - Why?
1. It's too simple.
Most people discount it purely on this, although simple systems always tend to beat complicated ones as they are more robust.
2. It takes discipline to follow, as it is not fussy about exact market timing.
Most traders are obsessed with buying low and selling high (even though it doesn't work!) so can't follow it and most traders lack discipline anyway.
3. Its not trendy.
Most forex traders like trendy or mystical systems Fibonacci, Elliot Wave, Neural networks, artificial intelligence etc which are all a bit more glamorous than a system from the seventies, with one parameter.
Make no mistake though, this system beats most on the net that are sold and it's free!
While it may be simple, keep in mind many famous traders have used it such as, Richard Dennis, the turtles and many more - if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for you.
You can of course just use the general principle in your forex trading strategy as a currency trading system it is based on the 4 week cycle of price and you will be surprised at how important it is.
To get diversification you can trade currencies with other markets as well and diversify. For example - the energies and interest rate markets are good trending markets to combine with currencies.
The 4 week rule is free and if you are serious about your forex education, take a look at it and it will help you enjoy forex trading success.
Make Profits with the Best Forex Trading Systems
You can turn your PC into a money-making machine trading Global FX Markets – even if you have never traded before; on this site you will find a Free Automatic Forex trading system and a review of the best Forex robot in terms of real time performance:
FREE Proven Trading System
Get Richard Donchian's proven and profitable FREE 4 week rule system here: Free Info Section
You can download and while it costs nothing this system can make you great long term gains in currency trading and shows you don't need a complicated trading system to make long term currency trading profits.
In addition to the above Free trading system, you can get Free basics for success in currency trading including - the top currency trading mistakes made by traders, proven strategies, tips for success and all the best Forex trading programs delivered to your inbox
This material is all free so go to the Free Info Section and learn how to become a successful FX trader from home.
How to Enjoy Success with Automated Trading Systems
You need a system which is logical, has made real time gains and one you understand so you can follow it with discipline. In terms of the above systems, there both designed by trading legends who are internationally known and both these systems have stood the test of time, making profits for over 30 years and they will continue to make money as long as currency markets trend which will never change. If you want a system you can customize, you will like our Forex trading course.
A Flexible System You can Customize
Our Forex trading strategy gives you a flexible set of rules which you can apply profit. You have total control of in terms of – currency pairs you wish to trade, risk exposure and money management. You can read all about it in the Subscribe Section . We hope you enjoy our site and please contact us with any questions or queries.
Finally, If you are interested in an FX broker for Currency Trading
Powerful Strategy-300% Profit in 4 weeks!
300% in 4 weeks is impressive! I'm really interested in your strategy. It would be awesome if you could share your system.
First of all I'm not a Forex guru. In fact, I've been trading for only 1 year now. The strategy I use is a combination of Bollinger Bands and the RSI Indicator. Not my own system, got it from a forex forum. I have also recently added the Stoch.
Here is how I trade:
Open a M15 EURUSD Chart. Add 3 Bollinger Bands:
Period 50, Deviations 2 - Red
Period 50, Deviations 3 - Yellow
Perion 50, Deviations 4 - Orange
Also add the RSI with Period 3.
Also add the Stoch 6,3,3.
Wait for the candle to touch or penetrate the Red Bollinger Band. The RSI should be above 80 now. So would the Stoch. If the next candle retrace back through the Red Bollinger Band, the RSI falls below the 80 level and the Stoch crosses lines ( above or just below 80 ) you put in a sell order.
Reverse the system for buy order. Also applicable if the candle goes through the Red BB to the Yellow or Ornage BB.
I do not know much about how these indicators work. I don't know much about forex trading as I mentioned. All I know that I've made more than 300% in only 4 weeks trading this sytem.
My advice to traders would be to treat your trading as a business. Have a business plan. A business has an income and expences. Your income is your winnings. Your losts are you expences. Decide how much you would like to achieve per day. 10 Pips? 20 Pips? Once you have reached your goal step away! Switch off you pc! Go out and have some fun! Not that forex trading is not fun. Sabes a lo que me refiero.
If you keep staring at your chart you will see possible trades not worth taking. Trust me! Because of that I had to close 2 or 3 trades going against me.
If you read my blog you would see my goal is to turn $100 into $90,000 in 1 year. I would basicaly have to double my account each and every month for 11 months. I've worked out a system on a spreadsheet where I have to make 20 pips per day to achieve this.
20 Pips per day is achievable if you have a Business Plan, Money Management and Dicipline.
I cannot stress this point more! Set yourselve a daily goal and once you have reached that goal walk away. Tomorrow is another day and will produce new opportunties. You will succeed if you follow these rules.
Below is a screencapture of my chart setup. I have also attached my template file.
Attached is my latest template file for trading M15 charts.
Three Trading Systems Week 4 – Buys, Sells and YTD Returns
This excerpt is for educational purposes only and is not to be interpreted as trading or investment advice. See Terms Of Use here.
Here is week four of the Three Trading Systems results (video included below). This week we check out the Moving Average Channel trading system, the Dow trend and Gann trend trading system, and the Leap of Faith trading system (trading gaps).
It shows current year-to-date performance of the three trading systems, and then the stocks that appeared in this week’s trading system scan so you can follow along at your own pace.
I also mention this week that the SINGLE back-test I show for the Dow & Gann trend system doesn’t necessarily mean it performs that well all the time. The single test shows around 27% for the year, where a Monte Carlo test (1000 runs) shows around 15% per year over the last two years. Just something to be aware of, and a good reason to Monte Carlo test wherever possible. Nothing is perfect – and this is especially true in the markets.
The Index filter is off for all systems this week (and a good portion of last week too) – a short term one for the gaps trading system (below its 25 day Moving Average), and longer term for the others (75 day and 100 day MAs respectively).
Here are the current up-to-date portfolios, that have taken in stocks based on the trading system scans.
Leap of Faith Trading System
Leap of Faith Current Test Portfolio
Deja una respuesta
613# Trading Magnum 300 pips a week - Forex Strategies - Forex Resources - Forex Trading-free forex trading signals and FX Forecast
613# Trading Magnum 300 pips a week
very nice system, please is there any discussion thread for it, and does any of the indy repaint, thank you rozayx5@gmail. com
Get It! ( Saturday, 15 August 2015 05:36 )
I haven't used this system yet but I have to say from the back testing I am doing, it looks REALLY solid. I'll have to test live for results but this really looks good man. thanks for sharing because if this works like it is showing it can really help a lot of people. ¡Aclamaciones!
Rorschach ( Saturday, 15 August 2015 16:04 )
Thank you for this system again! I have a question about getting out of trade and maybe you can clarify what you mean.
You said make profit when Joker changes direction or 1.2 stop loss. What do you mean by make profit 1.2 stop loss? Thanks MJ.
ron ( Tuesday, 01 September 2015 23:55 )
that's mean take profit at 1,2 level and put your stop loss below the recent high (or low)
As day traders, it's important to realize that the outcome of a single trade or even a single day doesn't really matter. We work off probabilities and our tested edge, so what's truly important is the outcome a larger sample of trades over time.
If our expectancy is good due to a decent win rate combined with a high risk to reward ratio, we will be able to achieve excellent profitability.
As I was recording some of the Weekly Reviews for students in the STA Training Program this weekend it got me thinking that I should put together a new post using some prior weeks that really drives home the importance of keeping a longer term focus.
A good student to look at for this examination is AK. Many of you will recognize him from some previous weekly recaps such at this one. AK is a good example because he is someone who is fairly new to trading the markets, but he has been diligently applying himself each week and sending in his charts on a regular basis for review.
Considering that AK basically came into the STA Training Program as a raw trader, these results are an excellent example of the consistency that can be achieved in only a couple of months if a student is determined and willing to put in the effort to be successful.
Once weekly consistency is reached, the sky is the limit for further development of your trading skills and profitability.
One of the things I find most interesting about AK's results is his impressive returns despite not having a high win rate. Some of our more experienced traders are able to achieve hit rates of 70% or more but as AK shows, it isn't necessary to have a large majority of winning trades in order to have excellent weekly results .
This is especially important for newer traders taking their first steps into day trading, because the pressure of needing to maintain a high win rate often crushes even the best laid plans under its weight.
As AK gains more experience in the markets, his win rate will continue to improve and his already substantial trading edge will grow.
I don't want to clutter up this post with dozens of charts, but here's a handful for some of the days above (click to enlarge):
Day Trader Income Breakdown
The most common question people email me about is always the same - how much money can you make as a day trader? For the sake of this example, I've broken things down with the quick chart above.
You might have noticed that although AK's trading breakdown showed 57 points earned for the month, this chart only shows 50. I've done this to account for commissions and fees in order to give a more realistic look at what would be made if a trader was taking
80 trades per month.
If a trader was trading with a decent number of contracts his costs would likely be much lower (through better commissions from his broker), adding to his profit.
Please keep in mind that these results are not guaranteed. Our aim is for our graduates to consistently make 10-15 points per week trading Emini S&P 500 futures . but individual results can vary depending on experience level and time spent each week actively trading. The example above is a trader who generally trades for a few hours each day. Please see our disclaimer for more information.
Founder & Head Trader at Samurai Trading Academy
Cody has over a decade of experience day trading the Emini S&P 500 (ES) and Forex markets and has worked personally with dozens of traders to help them achieve consistent profitability and make trading a full-time career.
52 Week Pop Strategy
Learn To Day Trade With The 52 Week Pop Strategy
Today I’m going to teach you a great momentum strategy. This is one of the first strategies I teach people who want to learn to day trade Stocks, Futures and Forex markets. One thing I observed over the years is markets tend to get volatile when they approach and break through the 52 week high/low price point.
The reason for this volatility is because the 1 year high/low area is the center of focus for many traders including professional hedge funds and mutual funds who put a lot of weight into the 52 week high/low price.
The Basis For The Set Up
A while back before the time when everyone had access to the Internet and traders were a bit less sophisticated, the 52 week high/low point was known as a breakout point where markets broke out and continued moving in the same direction with continued momentum.
With time as more traders caught on to this method to buy as well as sell near the 52 week high/low price, markets began demonstrating more and more false breakouts near this price level. As a result the 52 week high/low began losing all credibility as having any type of edge that could benefit traders or increase their odds of winning.
Different Way To Trade 52 Week High/Low
After several years of monitoring how markets behave near the 52 week high/low price levels, professional traders realized more often than not markets hit the 52 week high/low area and pulled back before once again approaching the area and breaking out with strong momentum the second time around.
To take advantage of this price action, I created a great day trading strategy that uses the 52 week high/low price points without subjecting me to the draw downs and pullbacks that occur near these price levels.
Find Markets That Touch Their 52 Week Price High/Low Level
You want to start by finding Stocks, Futures or Forex markets that are touching the 52 week high/low price level. You want to find markets that are not edging slowly towards the 52 week level but are gravitating towards that level with increased volatility and momentum.
The more volatility and momentum you notice near these levels at least initially the better. In this example you will notice how the stock approaches the 52 week level like a magnet. You should also make sure the markets you pick have sufficient volatility under normal trading conditions; therefore you should pick your markets carefully.
This Stock Really Wants To Hit The 52 Week High Level
Monitor Market After False Breakout
Once the market hits the 52 week high/low level you should see an instant pullback away from that price range. The market should then take anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks to consolidate and try again the second time to break through the 52 week price high/low level.
In this example the stock quickly pulls back and consolidates for about 2 weeks before trying once again to reach for the 52 week high level.
The Stock Pulls Back And Consolidates For Two Weeks
Monitor Entry Levels
As you monitor the market daily notice and keep track of the high that was made the day the market made the 52 week high/low price initially. Your job will be to enter an entry stop order each day $0.25 cents above that initial 52 week high/low price.
You only want to enter the order for the first hour of the trading day. The breakout that should follow should be very powerful and tends to occur near the opening bell. I rarely see breakouts that occur late in the day that have sufficient momentum to make the trade worthwhile. If you are not filled during the first hour of the trading day you should cancel your order ASAP.
You can see in this example how the stock gaps up and doesn’t turn back down. The volatility should be similar to what you saw during the first time the breakout occurred.
The Stock Rallies About $3.00 After The Second Breakout
Intra-day View Of The 52 Week Pop Strategy
In this example you can see the entire trade progression from beginning to end. The entry occurs $0.25 higher than the 52 week price high. In this case the gap occurred at the opening bell and we were filled substantially higher than $0.25.
This is not something you should be too concerned with because usually momentum coming from gaps near the 52 week high levels tends to follow through similar to this example.
Once you are filled you need to place your stop loss order below the low that was made the day prior to your entry.
The 15 Minute Bar Charts Works With Stocks
52 Week Low Example
In this example you can see how the stock makes the initial 52 week low. This is when we begin monitoring the stock for the next 1 to 3 weeks to see if it pulls back up and goes for another try to break through the 52 week low level. I suggest you trade to the downside just as often as you trade to the upside.
The momentum is typically stronger and quicker to the downside as opposed to the upside the majority of the time.
We Begin Monitoring The Stock Once It Makes The Initial 52 Week Price Low
In this example the stock only pulled back for 6 days. The pullback is usually quicker to the downside as well. Notice how the breakdown below the 52 week low was volatile and once again started with a small gap. The gap is not a necessity but you will see it often when trading this strategy. The second breakout below the 52 week low tends to carry strong momentum.
The Stock Gaps Down And Continues Moving Down Till The End Of The Day
The Entire Sequence Intraday Chart
You can see the entire sequence of the trade to the downside. In this example I use two different stocks but the 52 Week Pop Strategy works just as well with Commodities, Futures and Currencies. I’ve been trading this strategy using Precious Metals and Currencies for over a decade with consistent results.
The Stock Closes Near The Low Of The Day
Cosas a tener en cuenta
When trading the 52 Week Pop you should use 15 minute bar charts the day you intend to enter the market when trading stocks. For other markets I tend to use 5 minute bar charts but stocks respond well to 15 minute time frame. I always use the daily chart to isolate the pattern and make sure that it’s setting up correctly. Once the set up is correct and my order is entered I switch to the shorter time frame to make sure the pattern is developing accordingly.
My stop loss is placed a few cents below the low prior to your entry day breakout day. The market should never go back to this level if the trade is working out as planned. Also keep in mind that you should never enter the trade after the first hour of the day.
This method thrives on momentum so if the market doesn’t start out that way in the morning the odds are it won’t begin during the trading day. Lastly, make sure you keep the trade open till the end of the day to give yourself the highest odds of achieving maximum profit potential. For more on this topic, please go to: How To Learn Day Trading and Best Day Trading Strategies – Momentum Breakouts
¡Que tengas un gran día!
By Roger Scott Senior Trainer Market Geeks
Dodano dnia: 27 lipca 2015
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New graduate October 2013
"Alla, I had an amazing morning on the Dax 4 trades 154 points. Your method was dead on accurate in every trade. Bless you for sharing this with us. It is just incredible. "
"I have been very fortunate to come across Alla and her Fibonacci Trading Institute program. Great value for the money spent because in addition to the superior trading methodology, her academic regimen is second to no other school. She really understands how to teach so all students, fast learners and not so fast like me grasp the material. I have found Alla to be very passionate about her work, and her students achieving their trading goals."
"Alla, The greatest thing about your program, is that when you finish, you are a complete trader. We know when to trade, how many contracts to trade, where to take profits, where to place stops. We learn to forecast the daily direction of the market and know where and if a reversal might occur. By teaching us back-testing and reviewing our homework, it built the confidence in me to take trades and know the percentages were in my favor of the trade being successful."
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"Alla's money management is excellent. Her entry, targets, initial stop and trailing stop are very accurate. She moderates the room calmly and confidently. She guides and keeps room members out of trades that should not be taken (a key attribute in trading). And her trade success, including all targets, is above average–which I consider good and makes good money. All I can say is take a trial and see for yourself."
"Out of all the methods, courses and trading rooms I have tried: your method is the one that has made the most sense to me; your course was straight forward and got easier to follow as it progressed; and your trading room has been the most profitable one I've been in. When I first joined your room I was excited with the results of your calls but now I am even more excited that I can see the setups for myself and take the trades on my own. Thank you again."
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"A trader once said that when you find a method that works and fits you well, trading well becomes boring. You wait….find you setup….execute. Alpha is becoming like that for me. No fears, little stress, just do it. Three trades today…made my target….turned off the machine. It may be even better in the next phase when I add a contract and let runners see what they can do."
"Alla, I`ve been making a wee bit of money, most weeks, but last week was just fantastic. I have been using your system in the pre-market, and been getting twenty, sometimes thirty ticks, on a trailing stop. Specially 6E, GC and CL. I know how hard you work, trying to help us up and coming traders, so I thought you`d like to know just how well your system is working for me and how very grateful I am."
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Los resultados hipotéticos de rendimiento tienen muchas limitaciones inherentes, algunas de las cuales se describen a continuación. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las mostradas. De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular.
Una de las limitaciones de los resultados de rendimiento hipotético es que generalmente se preparan con el beneficio de la retrospección. Además, el comercio hipotético no implica riesgo financiero, y ningún registro de operaciones hipotético puede explicar completamente el impacto del riesgo financiero en la negociación real. Por ejemplo, la capacidad de soportar las pérdidas o adherirse a un programa de comercio particular a pesar de las pérdidas comerciales son puntos importantes que también pueden afectar adversamente los resultados comerciales reales. Existen numerosos otros factores relacionados con los mercados en general o con la ejecución de cualquier programa específico de negociación que no puedan tenerse plenamente en cuenta en la preparación de resultados hipotéticos de rendimiento y que puedan afectar negativamente a los resultados reales de negociación.
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Futures, options of futures, stocks, forex and options involve substantial risk and are not suitable for all investors.
U. S. Government Required Disclaimer - RISK DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The risk of loss in trading commodity futures contracts can be substantial. You should, therefore, carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances and financial resources. You should be aware of the following points: (1) You may sustain a total loss of the funds that you deposit with your broker to establish or maintain a position in the commodity futures market, and you may incur losses beyond these amounts. If the market moves against your position, you may be called upon by your broker to deposit a substantial amount of additional margin funds, on short notice, in order to maintain your position. If you do not provide the required funds within the time required by your broker, your position may be liquidated at a loss, and you will be liable for any resulting deficit in your account. (2) Under certain market conditions, you may find it difficult or impossible to liquidate a position. This can occur, for example, when the market reaches a daily price fluctuation limit (“limit move”). (3) Placing contingent orders, such as “stop-loss” or “stop-limit” orders, will not necessarily limit your losses to the intended amounts, since market conditions on the exchange where the order is placed may make it impossible to execute such orders. (4) All futures positions involve risk, and a “spread” position may not be less risky than an outright “long” or “short” position. (5) The high degree of leverage (gearing) that is often obtainable in futures trading because of the small margin requirements can work against you as well as for you. Leverage (gearing) can lead to large losses as well as gains. (6) You should consult your broker concerning the nature of the protections available to safeguard funds or property deposited for your account. ALL OF THE POINTS NOTED ABOVE APPLY TO ALL FUTURES TRADING WHETHER FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC. IN ADDITION, IF YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING TRADING FOREIGN FUTURES OR OPTIONS CONTRACTS, YOU SHOULD BE AWARE OF THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL RISKS: (7) Foreign futures transactions involve executing and clearing trades on a foreign exchange. This is the case even if the foreign exchange is formally “linked” to a domestic exchange, whereby a trade executed on one exchange liquidates or establishes a position on the other exchange. No domestic organization regulates the activities of a foreign exchange, including the execution, delivery, and clearing of transactions on such an exchange, and no domestic regulator has the power to compel enforcement of the rules of the foreign exchange or the laws of the foreign country. Moreover, such laws or regulations will vary depending on the foreign country in which the transaction occurs. For these reasons, customers who trade on foreign exchanges may not be afforded certain of the protections which apply to domestic transactions, including the right to use domestic alternative dispute resolution procedures. In particular, funds received from customers to margin foreign futures transactions may not be provided the same protections as funds received to margin futures transactions on domestic exchanges. Before you trade, you should familiarize yourself with the foreign rules which will apply to your particular transaction. (8) Finally, you should be aware that the price of any foreign futures or option contract and, therefore, the potential profit and loss resulting therefrom, may be affected by any fluctuation in the foreign exchange rate between the time the order is placed and the foreign futures contract is liquidated or the foreign option contract is liquidated or exercised. THIS BRIEF STATEMENT CANNOT, OF COURSE, DISCLOSE ALL THE RISKS AND OTHER ASPECTS OF THE COMMODITY MARKETS.
All testimonials from students and graduates of the course are believed to be true based on representations of the persons providing the testimonials, but facts stated in testimonials have not been independently audited or verified. Nor there been any attempt to determine whether any testimonials are representative of the experiences of all persons using the methods described herein or to compare the experiences of the persons giving the testimonials after the testimonials were given. The average reader should not necessarily expect the same or similar results. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros. No person was compensated for providing a testimonial.
In terms of draw down that's what a stop loss is for. The system has some merit but you must first find the trend. Remember this is a trend following system. In trending markets you would make a killing.
Markets move sideways more than they trend.
Anyway have a look at the chart this is Cable which is in a very strong down trend.
You would sell on the green line and place your stop above the yellow line which is the 10 MA.
Oh and cable just made a new 4 week low
Last edited by rchapmand ; 08-03-2009, 22:42.
LAST FOUR candles strategy isn't so bad. The indicator is made by Kalenzo.
PD One of the four candles should be inside or the outside bar. The In/Out indicator is attached.
Last edited by limpopo ; 08-03-2009, 21:23.
interesting article thanks. trend following is the most profitable forex system I think, because you ride the trend
Very interesting article. Thank you for sharing the link. Can learn a lot from this.
Copyright 2005-2015, MQL5 Ltd.
FX 4 Next Week: Risky business
USDCHF likely to surge on strong US data
Thaw in risk appetite will weigh on EUR
Less dovish Yellen could drive USDJPY down
CNH remains likely to head lower over coming weeks
The JPY has been riding high on weak risk appetite, but Thursday's speech from Fed chair Janet Yellen has sent a hint that the USD may be ready to hit back. Photo: iStock
By John J Hardy
This article looks at four potential themes and, where possible, directional trades for next week, with an attempt to choose trades that aren’t too correlated.
We’ve had an odd week in FX land with both risk-off and then some risk-on waves which saw the USD rallying, consolidating and then rallying again with no clear breaks higher in key USD pairs in the bag as of this writing.
This week, we look for opportunities generally concentrated on USD upside and risk appetite recovery, with a failure of the latter the most clear and present risk to the four trading themes we discuss this week (save for USDCNH).
Watching for USDCHF breakout higher
USDCHF was teasing key resistance above the 0.9800 level late this week, resistance that stretches up toward 0.9900 if we take the highest levels traded over the summer.
As with the USDJPY trade discussed below, further strong data out of the US next week together with a slightly less dovish read on the Fed after Thursday's speech by chair Janet Yellen could have the market leaning on long USD trades against the euro, yen and franc.
In our view, USDCHF could prove one of the more interesting technical situations if we do progress higher.
Trading stance: Provided USDCHF trades north of (perhaps) 0.975 and (especially) 0.9820 on a daily close, bulls will be looking for a challenge of 0.9900 and beyond to set up a move to test the longer-term cycle high above 1.0200 from back just before the ugly revaluation in January.
The risk is that we get stuck in the lower range down toward 0.9500 if the market prefers to wait for the US employment data on Friday.
Downside for EUR/risk appetite
We saw an interesting pivot in risk appetite this week that may or may not represent a comeback attempt for global risk sentiment, starting with the long-suffering Emerging Markets.
If we do see a thaw in risk appetite, we might then expect a weak euro across the board and stronger “risky currencies” like the commodity dollars, but possibly also EM currencies like the Mexican peso.
Signs that the weak EM trade has gone too far were present in this week's massive reversal in the Brazilian real, which saw its biggest single-day bounce in years on verbal (and possibly actual) intervention.
Trading stance: Looking lower out of recent ranges in trades like EURAUD and EURMXN for relatively brief, countertrend trades that favour risk appetite, but may have to look elsewhere for opportunities if this week closes on an ugly note.
Janet Yellen was out Thursday in what appeared to be an attempt to push back against the market’s very dovish interpretation of the September FOMC meeting, arguing that the Fed could certainly hike rates by the end of the year and that it is important to begin hiking soon because Fed policy operates with a significant lag.
At the same time, this development was greeted with a relatively solid uptick in risk appetite – both JPY-negative factors. Any further thaw in risk appetite should be felt with USDJPY upside next week.
Trading stance: On a strong close near 121.00 or higher to close the week, bulls may look to get involved for a move toward 123.00 and even 124.00 next week. Considerable risk will surround US data releases through Friday’s employment data.
This is a repeat idea from last week and is a longer term trade.
China is spending hundreds of billions of its reserves to defend against a weakening of its currency, a defence that has stepped up in the wake of the August 11 CNY devaluation and shift to a “managed float” exchange rate regime.
Beijing has taken this step in recognition of the pressure on the currency to weaken as a stronger currency goes against its domestic policy needs. The critical factor here is one of timing, and this week (and early next week) may prove an interesting time to get short of yuan as Chinese premier Xi Jinping will finish his US visit this weekend.
Eventually, the yuan may be allowed to weaken again after this visit.
Trading stance: Bulls may look to go long USDCNH on further weakness below 6.40 with a strategic trading stance and a wide/patient stop below 6.30, Traders will be looking for yuan weakness in the weeks ahead, possibly pivoting after Mr. Xi’s visit to the US.
The long USDCNH trade may return to promience following
Chinese president Xi Jinping's return to Beijing. Photo: iStock
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Donchian Biography
Richard Davoud Donchian was born in Hartford, Connecticut, in September, 1905, after reading the book about Jesse Livermore, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator and suffering financial losses during the market crash of 1929, he began his study of technical analysis, believing technical analysis and charting was the way to make money.
In 1948 his focus changed from securities to the trading of commodities. He created "Futures, Inc," a pioneer publicly held commodity fund, based on the principle of diversification, an idea which was revolutionary at the time. He was later referred to as the 'father of modern commodities trading methods," having developed his "trend following," methods, he then used a mathematical system based on moving averages to forecast prices.
In 1960 he worked for Hayden Stone Inc. as Director of Commodity Research. From then until he died in 1993, he was associated with Hayden Stone and Shearson Lehman Brothers and became a Senior Vice President. In 1960 he started to write a weekly technical newsletter entitled "Commodity Trend Timing," In 1963 he was awarded a Chartered Financial Analyst degree from the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts at the University of Virginia.
Richard Donchian was also a member of the Commodity Exchange, Inc. the New York Cotton Exchange, the New York Futures Exchange, the New York Society of Security Analysts, the American Statistical Association, the National Association of Future Trading Advisers, the Financial Forum, and listed in Who's Who in America. In June 1983 "Managed Accounts Report" nominated him as the first recipient of its "Most Valuable Performer Award," for outstanding contributions to the field of commodity money management.
The following trading guidelines were first published in 1934 and while over 70 years old, there still as applicable today as they ever were:
General Trading Guidelines 1. Beware of acting immediately on a widespread public opinion. Incluso si es correcto, normalmente retrasará el movimiento. 2. Desde un período de aburrimiento e inactividad, vigilar y prepararse para seguir un movimiento en la dirección en la que el volumen aumenta. 3. Limitar las pérdidas y obtener ganancias, independientemente de todas las demás reglas. 4. Light commitments are advisable when market position is not certain. Clearly defined moves are signalled frequently enough to make life interesting and concentration on these moves will prevent unprofitable whip-sawing. 5. Seldom take a position in the direction of an immediately preceding three-day move. Espere un cambio de un día.
6. El uso juicioso de las órdenes de stop es una valiosa ayuda para el comercio rentable. Stops may be used to protect profits, to limit losses, and from certain formations such as triangular foci to take positions. Stop orders are apt to be more valuable and less treacherous if used in proper relation the the chart formation. 7. In a market in which upswings are likely to equal or exceed downswings, heavier position should be taken for the upswings for percentage reasons - a decline from 50 to 25 will net only 50% profit, whereas an advance from 25 to 50 will net 100%
8. In taking a position, price orders are allowable. In closing a position, use market orders." 9. Buy strong-acting, strong-background commodities and sell weak ones, subject to all other rules. 10. Moves in which rails lead or participate strongly are usually more worth following than moves in which rails lag. 11. A study of the capitalization of a company, the degree of activity of an issue, and whether an issue is a lethargic truck horse or a spirited race horse is fully as important as a study of statistical reports. Technical Trading Guidelines 1. A move followed by a sideways range often precedes another move of almost equal extent in the same direction as the original move. Generally, when the second move from the sideways range has run its course, a counter move approaching the sideways range may be expected. 2. Reversal or resistance to a move is likely to be encountered: On reaching levels at which in the past, the commodity has fluctuated for a considerable length of time within a narrow range On approaching highs or lows 3.Watch for good buying or selling opportunities when trend lines are approached, especially on medium or dull volume. Asegúrese de que esa línea no haya sido abrazada o golpeada con demasiada frecuencia. 4. Watch for "crawling along" or repeated bumping of minor or major trend lines and prepare to see such trend lines broken. 5. Breaking of minor trend lines counter to the major trend gives most other important position taking signals. Positions can be taken or reversed on stop at such places. 6.Triangles of ether slope may mean either accumulation or distribution depending on other considerations although triangles are usually broken on the flat side. 7. Watch for volume climax, especially after a long move. 8. Don't count on gaps being closed unless you can distinguish between breakaway gaps, normal gaps and exhaustion gaps. 9. During a move, take or increase positions in the direction of the move at the market the morning following any one-day reversal, however slight the reversal may be, especially if volume declines on the reversal.
Donchian Channels Indicator
Donchian Channels measure volatility by placing bands at a specified period deviation. These bands are two standard deviations from the market price, so as the market price changes, the value of two standard deviations changes at the same time, the expanding and contracting of the bands based of course is based on recent price volatility.
Calculation of the bands is as follows:
Donchian Channel High = MAX (HI, n)
Donchian Channel Low = MAX (LO, n)
The Donchian Channel is a simple robust trend following breakout system and works well in trending markets. The signals derived from the Price Channel, are based on the following rules:
When price closes above the Donchian Channel, buy long and cover short positions.
When price closes below the Donchian Channel, sell short and liquidate long positions.
The Donchian Channel indicator is not meant to catch tops or bottoms and should only be used to identify trends. Trend traders may want to extend the standard 4 week period to 8 weeks in order to gain more accurate signals while on the other hand, traders may shorten the period to a more sensitive 1 or 2 weeks for liquidation and stop loss purposes.
Richard Donchain 4 Week Rule
The 4 week rule was developed by Richard Donchian in the seventies and will work in any trending market and is still as effective today as it was when it was first used.
The system only has one rule and here it is:
1. Close short positions and buy long whenever the price exceeds the highs of the previous 4 calendar weeks
2. Close long positions and sell short whenever the price falls below the lows of the previous 4 calendar weeks
The 4 Week Rule is a simple breakout trading system which always maintains a position in the market place and operates a SAR (stop and reverse) money management strategy.
When the market is not trending the above system will produce lots of false trading signals which can cause periods of sharp draw down. An effective solution to this problem and to restrict equity dips is to enter on the 4 week rule ( on the breakout), and to exit on a shorter time frame such as 1 or 2 week high or low or use a moving average to exit.
Richard Donchian a Personal View
For me, Richard Donchain is one of the best traders of all time and while many traders like to think that complex and clever currency trading strategies work best, my own view is that the simple strategies and trading guidelines which Donchian used are as effective today as they ever were. If you study his work and try his methods, you will see just how effective they are.
RCI Trading Power: a New System
This year RCI, the largest timeshare trading company, rolled out a new way to trade in the “weeks” system . We have heard a lot of questions from folks who are confused, and so we are going to try to bring people up to speed. Some like the new system, some don’t–and many don’t understand it.
We are still learning the system ourselves and also have some issues that we are not clear about, but we will do our best to help you to understand and better use the system. RCI has created a number of tutorials on their site which might be helpful for you to read and would be good for reinforcement of what we have outlined in this post.
When RCI first started as a trading company, you gave them your week and you could then trade for a week that somebody else had given them. It cost to join RCI, and you had to pay a fee to book a new week. Usually you could get a week similar to what you gave ; for example, you could get a two bedroom red week if you deposited a two bedroom red week. What your week could pull was always a mystery. RCI would say it depended on the size of the unit, the time of the year, the location, gold or silver ranking, and how early you deposited that week. Also in the mix was the number of units that were available in the location you wanted to go, and how late or early you were trying to book a week.
Using the Wyndham system . where we own several weeks, we would ask them for a studio in off-season to deposit with RCI in the hopes of getting a two bedroom in prime time. We did this numerous times and have had great vacations while using a minimal amount of our Wyndham points.
Several years ago, in order to provide what they thought was a better and more flexible system, RCI created the RCI Points Program. This program has nothing to do with the trading power of your fixed weeks into RCI that we are currently discussing in this post. Apparently, RCI was in the hopes that everyone would jump on the points system, but many resorts and timeshare owners did not choose to join the RCI Points system. They wanted to stay in the week’s system, so in the hopes of making the system easier and better, RCI has come up with a new way of handling weeks resorts and trading power. One of our future posts will deal with the RCI Points Program.
New Trading Power-Weeks:
RCI has put into place a new trading power number system to use when you trade within the RCI Weeks’ system . What they have done is to take the resort, the week, and the unit, and assign a trading number to that week . They base that number, we think, on size of unit, location, gold and silver status, and time of year. The time of year does not necessarily line up with the red, white, and blue weeks system. You can go online into your weeks account, use the deposit calculator . and give it your resort, unit number and date of your week, and it will give you your trading power number.
For example, we own several weeks at a resort in northern Michigan, Pinestead Reef. When we give it some of those weeks, we get the following trading power numbers: red winter week (January), one bedroom=12 trading power, white spring week (May) one bedroom=15 trading power, early summer red week (June), one bedroom= 22 trading power, red early fall week (September) 2 bedroom=30 trading points. We also own a two bedroom summer unit in Gatlinburg, TN and that gets a 19 for trading power. So you can see some of the different amounts in trading power points that we would get if we would give one of our weeks to RCI to trade.
They also have a chart that shows you the reduction in trading power points if you give it to RCI less than a year ahead of your scheduled week . The chart shows that if you book from 14 days out you only get 45% of your trading power, 15 to 30 days is 60%, 31-90 days gives you 80%, 91-180 days you get 90%, and 275 or more days before your week begins you get the full 100% trading power.
If you trade your week with RCI, it will show up online along with the number of points they give you for trading– thus your trading power points . You then go online and look for a possible vacation, and it will tell you how many points you will need to book any given week, resort and date that they have in their inventory. If you have nothing currently deposited with RCI, you can go online and look at the Exchange Planner. Using that, you give it a location and time of year, and they will give you the average number of points needed to trade into that area, along with the high and low. For example, to go to the Big Island in Hawaii, the average is 20-22 trading power points with a range of 11 to 44 trading power points. Looking at Orlando in Florida, they say the average is 14-17 points needed.
When you book a resort, RCI takes the trading power points needed for that resort and you keep the balance of what you have from your week. It might be possible to take your week and book two weeks of vacation s. You can also, for a fee of $99.00, combine any weeks you have to get more trading power points if you need them. For example: let’s say we want to trade our Gatlinburg week, worth 19 points, for a week in Orlando that only requires 14 points. We make the trade, and we have 5 trading power points left over. We then could take one of our Pinestead weeks (12 trading power) and for $99.00 combine it with our 5 leftover points, giving us a new total of 17. We can then use that to book another week in Florida.
To add some confusion to the trading power points system, some resort systems like Hilton and Wyndham do not use these trading power points. They have you go into their websites and link to an RCI section. You can then search for a vacation, and they will tell you how many of their points would be needed to book that vacation. I suggest that you look into the timeshares you own and work with those systems to better understand your trading power within RCI.
We hope that this post has given you a better understanding of the RCI trading power points . If you have questions, let us know and we will try to answer them. Also, if you have points of clarification on this post, let us know and we will share them with everyone.
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Automated Forex Trading
Automated Forex Trading
There are a lot of automated forex trading systems to choose from and here we are you going to give you a simple free robot that has made millions over the years for disciplined savvy traders and you can use it too.
Firstly, most of the automated forex trading systems you see heavily promoted on line are junk - they come with paper, back tested simulations and have never even been traded. They rely on hyped clever marketing to get sales but they don't work and the trader loses his equity.
The one we are going to look at here is very simple but that doesn't mean it doesn't make big gains, it does and it will continue to do so. Before we look at why it works, lets just look at the rule of the system and it only has one - making it one of the simplest automated forex trading systems you can get.
Buy a new 4 week calendar high is price then, look to sell a new 4 calendar low, then do the same in reverse i. e. buy the next 4 week high and maintain a position in the market at all times.
That's it - and while it's simple (you can do the calculation in your head - it works. So why is it so effective?
- It's a breakout system and most major moves start from new highs or lows, so this system will get you in on all the big trends. - It will get you in on all the major trends and a glance at a forex chart. will show you the big trends last for many weeks, months or years - The rule is objective and you can simply follow it, you dont need to think its automatic.
Another great advantage of this forex robot is it takes very little time to operate, just 15 minutes a day.
It was actually devised in the late seventies, by well known trader Richard Donchian and has been used by traders all around the world ever since.
Many traders though wont use it despite the fact it's so profitable and here are the main reasons:
- For some reason traders think complex systems work better but they don't, simple systems are more robust and the above is simplicity itself.
- It's not a flavour of the month method, like a system based on Chaos theory or artificial intelligence.
- Its not fussy about picking tops and bottoms - you cant predict these of course but traders like to try and lose.
- Its not mystical, people love ridiculous theories such as Gann, Elliot Wave and Fibonacci despite the fact they have not found the order in the market they claim.
A Quick Way to Seek Big Gains
In forex trading to make money you don't need to be complicated and you don't need to put in lots of time, this is a myth. The effort you put into your forex trading strategy has no influence on the amount of money you will make.
A System Which Works and Will Continue to Work
The aim of trading for the serious trader is based upon the money he puts in his pocket. If you are serious about making money this system is simple, logical, is easy to understand, works and will continue to work, as long as markets trend and I don't think that's ever going to change!
If you want to make money take a look at this free automated forex trading system and you will be surprised at just how much money it can make you in around 15 minutes day.
Simple absolutely - but it makes big long term gains and if that appeals to you, check this forex robot out and you maybe glad you did.
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Trading Ideas: 4 Stocks To Watch This Week
The stock market is still trying to decide its next move which puts pressure on the mental aspect of trading and finding sound trading ideas.
At this point, we have to be careful not to force trades, but at the same time we need to trust our process. This usually leads to patience, which is okay.
Below I have put together 4 trading ideas that I have on my watch list. These four stocks have trading setups that look interesting and may bear fruit for disciplined traders.
Alibaba Group Holding (BABA)
Alibaba stock (BABA) has formed a nice round cup after bottoming out in late October and now formed a rounded handle to add to it. BABA moved higher on heavy volume yesterday after the news that it was getting added to China’s MSCI Index.
I think the move is just getting started with initial resistance around 85.7 where we may see consolidation. The momentum indicators for BABA are bullish with RSI nicely over 60 and MACD just getting ready to make a bullish cross. Bollinger bands are slowly opening up on this timeframe. On the weekly chart for Alibaba, there is a bull flag formation and the measured move is towards 95.06. Alibaba stock looks spring loaded right here, however traders could wait for consolidation between 83-85.7 area before entry. The company reports earnings on January 28th, 2016 after market close.
Alibaba (BABA) Stock Chart – diariamente
Alibaba (BABA) Stock Chart – semanal
EBAY stock price sold off heavily from the spinoff but bottomed out in late October. There were new positions opened by George Soros and Carl Icahn and the stock has gapped higher and is now trying to breakout. Today (11/30), EBAY tried to break over the 29.55 level and finished at 29.59.
A continuation pattern over 29.69 should lead to 31.00-31.42 at the very least. MACD is turning up to make a possible bullish cross while RSI is rising in the bull range. A break above 29.69 takes EBAY stock towards 31. On the weekly chart (not shown), price is slightly extended from the 8 week moving average but overall the stock looks very healthy. EBAY is expected to report earnings on January 20th, 2016 and hence there is plenty of time from now until then for the stock to move higher.
eBay Stock Chart – diariamente
Forex Trading Outlook for the Week of January 4, 2016
Forex Trading Outlook for the Week of January 4, 2016
I am generally cautious to start the new year as it is often a week characterized by false starts and whipsaws. The start of 2016 is likely to be no different although the firm dollar close to end 2015 is likely to keep it on a solid footing to start the year but still well within its existing ranges. Inb my outlook video I show key levels to watch and scroll down this page for a special offer.
Forex Trading Outlook for the Week of January 4, 2016
Exclusive video package:
Importance of Stops in Forex Trading
Survivor's Guide to Trade in Volatile Markets
How to Trade With House Money
My ProprietaryTrading Pattern Revealed
Donchian Channel
The Donchian Channel method, also known as the 4-week or 20-day rule, was developed by Richard Donchian, one of the pioneers in commodity trend trading with mechanical trading systems. También desarrolló un sistema comercial basado en medias móviles de 5 días (una semana) y de 20 días (un mes).
Los sistemas de trading hoy en día tienden a ser muy complejos aprovechando el poder de la computadora, pero el método de canal Donchian muy simple fue encontrado para ser el más exitoso de todos los enfoques en los estudios de comercio de futuros durante la década de 1960 hasta la década de 1980. Los comerciantes han hecho muchas modificaciones de estos sistemas de ruptura de canales, incluida la conocida técnica de comercio de tortugas utilizada por Richard Dennis.
This indicator displays a simple marker of the Highest High in the last few periods, and the Lowest Low in the last few periods. Usually this indicator is configured to use 20 periods. Center line displays average between highest high and lowest low. Dochian Channel Indicator is useful because previous highs and lows usually show significant resistance to further currency price movement.
When price closes above the Donchian Channel, buy long and cover short positions.
When price closes below the Donchian Channel, sell short and liquidate long positions.
The Donchian Channel indicator is not meant to catch tops or bottoms, only trends. Trend traders may want to extend the standard 4 week period to 8 weeks in order to wait for significant trend signals, while others may shorten the period to a more sensitive 1 or 2 weeks for liquidation purposes.
The donchian channel is a calculation of the highest high (HIGH) and lowest low (LOW) over a specific number of previous high and lows (H and L).
HIGH = Highest(H1, H2, H3, H4, … Hn) LOW = Lowest(L1, L2, L3, L4, … Ln)
Example: HIGH = Highest(100, 105, 103, 104, 105) = 105 LOW = Lowest(96, 98, 97, 98, 99) = 96
As with other volatility indicators, and especially channel indicators, the donchian channel is usually used to identify a break out of a price range, or a continuation of a price range. For example, when prices break outside of the donchian channel, a possible break out might occur, but when prices are contained within a donchian channel a possible reversal might occur.
Donchian channels are not usually smoothed, so they react immediately to changes in the highest high and lowest low. This means that prices will rarely be outside a donchian channel, even during a break out of a price range, because the donchian channel will move to the new high or low on the next bar or candlestick. The example chart shows a price range followed by a break out of the price range, but as described above, the prices are primarily contained within the donchian channel.
Day Trading Stock Picks for Week of January 4
Day trading stock picks almost guaranteed to move big each day during the week of January 4. $SUNE $TERP $CNX $OAS $WLL $ETE $SWN $SCTY $X $NRG $GPRO
I screen for stocks with a recent history of volatility. That means these stocks are highly likely to move big each day for the next week.
New list published each Tuesday, before the Open, on VantagePointTrading. com.
What can you expect from these day trading stock picks:
greater than 6% moves intraday on average
more than 3,000,000 average volume
all stocks; no leverage ETFs
Price between $5 and $150
These are day trading stock picks worth watching. I’m not recommending a specific trade or direction. For some guidance on day trading the stock picks discussed below, see How to Day Trade Stock in 2 Hours or Less. Pick a few and trade them; don’t try to trade all of them.
Trading volatile stocks isn’t for everyone. It takes quick reflexes and fast execution to take advantage of the large percentage moves in these stocks.
Day Trading Stock Picks for Week of January 4
There were so many oil stocks on this list this week that I put the cut off at 10 million shares (just for oil stocks) to help filter it down.
Average day range (30) is 12.95% and average volume (30) is 61.4 million.
Average day range (30) is 10.63% and average volume (30) is 7.3 million.
Average day range (30) is 8.6% and average volume (30) is 10.4 million.
Average day range (30) is 8.45% and average volume (30) is 11.1 million.
Average day range (30) is 8.37% and average volume (30) is 12.1 million.
Average day range (30) is 7.93% and average volume (30) is 21.3 million.
Average day range (30) is 7.82% and average volume (30) is 20.3 million.
Average day range (30) is 7.31% and average volume (30) is 4.5 million.
Average day range (30) 7.27% and average volume (30) 11.1 million.
Average day range (30) 7.08% and average volume (30) 9.3 million.
Average day range (30) is 6.26% and average volume (30) is 7.5 million.
Got a volatile stock you like day trading/found? Let me know in the comments section.
Losing trades WILL happen. Don’t risk more than 1% of your trading account on a trade (risk = difference between entry price and stop loss price, multiplied by number of shares). Slippage is likely in these stocks. Make sure the stock can support the position size you wish to trade. Failing to do so could result in further slippage.
By Cory Mitchell, CMT
Apple may have hoped to "hang its hat" on a recent iPhone encryption win in a Brooklyn court, but the Justice Department has requested revisiting the judge's ruling.
By Michelle Maisto Freelance Writer, 3/8/2016
Shifting tastes in tablets will lead more people to buy detachables, giving Microsoft the appeal it needs to catapult Windows ahead of Google Android and Apple iOS in the category, says IDC.
i ran across the “4 week rule” system developed by Richard Donchian when i first read John J. Murphy’s book “Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets”. personally, i have a sweet spot for simple rules that produce surprising results and this system is as simple as it gets
the original system had two rules:
enter long positions and cover short positions whenever price exceeds the high of the past 4 weeks
enter short positions and cover long positions whenever price falls below the low of the past 4 weeks
though simple and does work, the system as it is defined above is in the market, be it long or short, at all times. the result of this is that during periods that the market is moving sideways, the system tends to get “whipsawed” pretty badly.
the system below is a modification of the “4 week rule” which i picked up from Ed Seykota’s site.
for the sake of this writing, the system is briefly described here in the following way:
The system has two states – it can either be long or short. when it is long, take signals to the upside. when it is short, take signals to the down
A long term price channel, the slow channel, is used to determine the overall trend – either up or down. If the price high goes above this channel, the system is long and stays long until price drops below the channel at which time the system is short
A short term price channel, the fast channel, is used to generate trading signals – both enter and exit. If the system is long and price goes above the short term upper channel a long trade signal is issued. At the same time a stop is place at the short term lower channel (the stop trails as the lower channel moves up)
as mentioned, this “modified” approach was taken from Ed Seykota – definitely worth a visit to have a look at what rigorous system development looks like
below is the code in thinkScript for the long side (both entry and exit scripts)
declare LONG_ENTRY; input SLOW_LENGTH = 126; input FAST_LENGTH = 30; # define system as long or short
# N resistance - the highest high over the last N bars # N support - the lowest low over the last N bars
def longTermResistance = Highest(high, SLOW_LENGTH); def longTermSupport = Lowest(low, SLOW_LENGTH);
def shortTermResistance = Highest(high, FAST_LENGTH); def shortTermSupport = Lowest(low, FAST_LENGTH);
# system changes from short to long when price moves above long term resistance # system changes from long to short when price moves below long term support
rec state = compoundValue(1, if state[1] < 1 and high > longTermResistance[1] then 1 else if state[1] > -1 and low < longTermSupport[1] then -1 else state[1], 1);
def trigger = if state == 1 and high > shortTermResistance[1] then 1 else 0; def orderprice = open;
Long Exit declare LONG_EXIT; input SLOW_LENGTH=126; input FAST_LENGTH = 30;
# define system as long or short
# N resistance - the highest high over the last N bars # N support - the lowest low over the last N bars
def shortTermResistance = Highest(high, FAST_LENGTH); def shortTermSupport = Lowest(low, FAST_LENGTH);
addorder(low < shortTermSupport[1]); setcolor(color. gray);
in order to run the code with ToS, do the following:
In ToS, create a new strategy – call it myLongEntry
Copy/paste the Long_Entry code above and save
Create a second strategy – call it myLongExit
Copy/paste the Long_Exit code and save
Add both these strategies to any chart
Play around with the input values (fastlength, slowlength) and open the report to see results
the short side is left as an exercise for the reader ;) feel free to leave me a message if you have comments or need help with any of this
Donchian / Turtle breakouts query
hi, reading the turtles book.
for example: 20 days breakout (4 weeks)
can we look at weekly candle increment chart? or are daily bars the way to go? i guess daily right? as during the 4th week candle. you cant look into a full 4 weeks, i hope you understand what im saying. we should look at daily candles right? (sorry im also thinking aloud here)
and if you are looking at daily candles, say you are watching todays candle, are you comparing the previous 20 candles? or previous 19 candles? if you are comparing the previous 20 candles, so then thats 21 candles in total you are concerned with.
And the Exit strategy: 10 day low for long position. does this mean 10 consecutive days where the price closed lower than the day before? or does it mean you just look at the 10 previous days and find the lowest price of the 10 days, and if the price falls below that lowest low, then you exit.
10 day low: so you look at 10 candles in total including todays, or 11? 11 meaning todays, and the previous 10 candles.
Thanks to any help given.
Originally Posted by jonboy123
hi, reading the turtles book.
for example: 20 days breakout (4 weeks)
can we look at weekly candle increment chart? or are daily bars the way to go? i guess daily right? as during the 4th week candle. you cant look into a full 4 weeks, i hope you understand what im saying. we should look at daily candles right? (sorry im also thinking aloud here)
and if you are looking at daily candles, say you are watching todays candle, are you comparing the previous 20 candles? or previous 19 candles? if you are comparing the previous 20 candles, so then thats 21 candles in total you are concerned with.
I think they would enter the trade on the 21st candle, long or short, as long as there's a breakout from the high or the low on the 20st candle.
And the Exit strategy: 10 day low for long position. does this mean 10 consecutive days where the price closed lower than the day before? or does it mean you just look at the 10 previous days and find the lowest price of the 10 days, and if the price falls below that lowest low, then you exit.
You look at the 10 previous candles and calculte the lowest low. As soon as that one is penetrated you exit (on that candle, or on the candle of the next day if you want). You can consider it a moving low, just like a moving average.
Re: Donchian / Turtle breakouts query
thankyou so if im looking at 20 day breakout, im looking at a time frame of 21 candles, right?
if im going to back test this, is there trading testing software to do this? or i have to do this manually? seems fidgity if im going to do it manually, eg keep moving a 20 day section rather than keep counting 20 bar candle by candle.
how do people back test? ive read somewhre there is software to do this for you.
(there were charts in them days, in their newspapers, they were spotting highs lows visually on their charts)
foreward testing is easier to monitor as you can draw a horizontal level for low and high and just wait to see if current price breaks through it.
can someone help me understand how to backtest this.
found a website with expert advisor indicator for donchian breakout, but when i downloaded the pack it was not in there.
sorry, so 10 day low, means you are in effect looking at 11 candles? todays plus the previoius 10 days?
Originally Posted by amnonco
straddle's right. turtles looked at high/low of last 20 trading days (or 50d) but there we're no charts like today, so today's bar/candle/animated representation of daily price action was not available to them online.
however - and this is important. the system is robust enough that no matter if you look at 20d high/low or 19d high/low or 21d high/low, you'd still get similar results
I think the Turtle System is an excellent example of how a system should be built. To be more precise, the turtle system also had a filter which stated you cannot enter a trade if the previous one was a 2N loser/winner (or something in that way). This filter seems to suggest there was some form of serial correlation between their winners/losers. None of the Turtle books goes deeper into this filter. They also were restricted to loosely correlated futures.
Also, I don't think they made millions because of this (very) simple strategy, but mostly from their (agressive) position sizing algorithms.
Underground Millionaire Binary Options APP Made $101K In 4 Weeks!
Underground Millionaire Binary Options APP has been developed by Bob Fisher. He is giving his Undergound Millionaire Binary Options APP FREE . The only caveat is that it only works with the recommended broker. Once you download it, you will have to open a live account with the recommended broker and that’s all. You can start trading live. Eche un vistazo a la siguiente captura de pantalla.
The start balance was only $250 and now the balance is more than $1 million. The winrate of this software is an astounding 98%. With this high winrate you are sure to turn $250 into a million dollars. Just make sure you follow the risk and money management rules strictly. Now one beta tester of this Underground Millionaire software was able to turn a small deposit of $200 into $101,546 in just 4 weeks. So you don’t need more than $200 to start trading with this software. Either you are going to lose your deposit of $200 or you will be a millionaire. Just make sure that follow the risk and money management rules strictly. Don’t risk more than 5% of the account equity on a single trade. This will help ensure that you don’t suffer a catastrophic loss. If you start with $200, your trade size should not be more than $10 in the beginning.
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I tried the indicator. Very basic. No hints or clues on how it works or the strategy behind. I tried to contact the coder, because the indi after a while asks for a new code to work. NO reply. Moreover the alerts are useless: no indications on which pair the alert is and no possibility to change arrows color, so basically not visible enough. I start believing it is the usual bullshit.
hi ALeek7777777 , This is very nice indicator. It requires dll file. Please share it if you have.
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One Algorithm Made Up 4% Of All Trading Last Week, And No One Knows Where It Came From
No one knows where it came from, or what it was meant to do, but 4 percent of all trading in the U. S. stock market last week was executed by one algorithm, CNBC reports.
Nanex, a market data firm, told CNBC that the algorithm was placing orders once every 25 milliseconds and then canceling them. The orders went out in bursts of 200, then 400, and then 1,000 orders.
Then suddenly, around 10:30 AM on Friday, the algorithm stopped entirely.
Nanex has the animation that helped them zoom in to the mysterious algorithm posted here.
So why would someone put out fake orders like this?
A trader explained to us that this is a high frequency trading firm's way of baiting buyers interested in purchasing a specific stock and forcing them to reveal their positions. Once the potential buyer has put out their bid, the HFT cancels the order and the buyer is left out in the open. Usually, its a set-up for another trading strategy the HFT is about to execute.
One Algorithm Made Up 4% Of All Trading Last Week, And No One Knows Where It Came From
"Plan Your Trade and Trade Your Plan" is a mantra you should print out and frame for your wall. ¿Por qué? Because stock traders who carefully plan have a much better chance of making money than those who don't. In fact, the simple act of drafting a plan can significantly increase the odds that your trade will be profitable.
A successful trading plan doesn't have to be complicated. Many traders draft their trading plans in a notebook or on index cards, while others use word processors and spreadsheets. Regardless of the method you choose, every trading plan must include certain components to be effective.
1. Choose Your Style Before drafting a plan of action, traders will want to decide what style of trading they prefer. A broad generalization of "buy and sell stocks" doesn't work - the criteria needs to be specific. Successful traders make money in different ways, but each has a well-defined method. On the other hand, a losing trader's plan is always vague and ambiguous. In trading, it pays to be precise, so decide what you like to do and build your plan around that style.
2. Commit To Your Trading Rules The best plans always include a set of solid rules that never get broken. These same rules should also address how real-time decisions will be made when managing your stock positions. Your judgment will improve as you gain experience, so it's good to allow some flexibility in less critical areas of your plan. At the same time, maintain strict rules in the more sensitive parts of your plan - such as Risk Control.
3. Determine Your Time Frame The type of trading you prefer usually defines the time frame. Short term traders who enjoy a fast paced style won't find much action in weekly or monthly time frames, while less active traders generally find that the extremely short time horizons require too much time at the computer. Decide which style best suits your personality, and then select the corresponding time frame. It's usually a good idea to start by spending a few minutes each day. Begin by managing the trades using daily charts, then see if you want to shorten or lengthen the time frame. The RightLine Report offers a variety of stocks in different time frames. Due to the way these stocks are selected and the type of exit strategy used, most of the picks will work for traders who plan to hold positions anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks.
4. Locate The Best Stocks to Trade Choose a method to determine which stocks to trade. If you are experienced in the markets you probably already have a number of ideas and sources. To make it easier for our subscribers, the Right Line Report presents a wide variety of good stock choices in every issue. They are based on an assortment of trading strategies and tactics that take advantage of predictable market behaviors.
You may also want to develop your own new methods for locating stocks. The RightLine educational section on our website at www. RightLine. net presents numerous market concepts to help traders understand the nature of price movement, identify trends in every time frame, and choose the tools needed to capture profits.
5. Determine Entry Points This can be a challenge, for there are almost as many different ways to determine entries, as there are stocks. Again, in an effort to make it easier for our subscribers, the Right Line Report presents specific entry points for every stock in each issue. The exact level to buy or sell short is based on a wide range of technical factors used by our analysts to reduce risk and optimize the potential gain. If you choose to select your own entry points, we provide a large assortment of articles to assist you in developing your own personal methods.
6. Use An Intelligent Method to Select the Number of Shares to Trade Very few traders and investors realize the importance of balanced "Position Sizing." Most make the mistake of ignoring the size of their trading account when taking on new positions. As a result, many unknowingly join the ranks of high-risk over-traders, and soon find themselves in big trouble. Don't worry, it's easy to avoid when you have the RightLine Risk Manager to help! This simple tool is free to subscribers, but if you prefer to do the math yourself, here are the basics:
"Never risk more than 2% of your trading capital in a single trade or more than 6% of your capital at a time. For example, if you have $100,000 in your trading account, the most you should be willing to risk is $2,000. Before buying a stock, review the chart to locate the best place to put a stop loss order. If you determine that the stock requires 5-points to keep you in the trade while it is trending up, the maximum number of shares that you can afford is 400. ($2,000 maximum risk divided by 5-points = 400 shares.)"
You can see that although doing the calculation isn't terribly hard, the Risk Manager makes the job a whole lot easier!
7. Determine Your Exit Strategy After you've entered a position in a stock and it starts moving, then what? Traders have a lot of different choices when it comes to exiting trades, and the method used can make a world of difference. Some traders routinely use "trailing" stops as their exit strategy of choice, while others choose to exit when the stock hits a certain price, or breaks through a support level, or approaches a resistance level. Other traders will choose to exit based on intra-day swings or expected news releases. When choosing an exit strategy, remember to plan not only for the upside, but the downside too. The exit strategy is one of the most important parts of any trading plan, and it is fundamental for traders to select an exit plan before entering a trade.
8. Manage Risk With Stops You may already know, but a "stop" is an order to buy at a price above or sell at a price below the current market price. Stops, or stop orders, are used to protect our capital and lock in profits. Placing stops is easy, but locating the best place to put them can be quite challenging. To assist traders with stop placement, every stock entry in the RightLine Report includes a suggested stop level. And of course, we offer plenty of help on our website for anyone who wants to learn more about managing risk with stops.
Trade Planning is one of the most important skills needed for successfully trading the stock market online. Make it your strength and enjoy the results!
Trading Ideas: 4 Stocks To Watch This Week
The stock market is off to a brutal start in 2016. The tricky part now for traders is trying to figure out how oversold we get before a legitimate bounce begins.
And much of this comes down to patience and discipline… the mental aspect of trading and finding sound trading ideas.
At this point, we have to be careful not to force trades. But, at the same time, we need to trust our process in finding trading ideas and setups that have good risk/reward… on both the short side and long side.
Below I have put together 4 trading ideas that are on my watch list for the week of January 11. These four stocks have trading setups that look interesting and may bear fruit for disciplined traders.
CHUY had formed a rounded bottom after consolidating well and gapped up on heavy volume last week when the entire market was down. Ever since that move, CHUY’s stock price has retested breakout zone and is now getting ready to breakout over 35… ideally with a stop at $33.50 for traders. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) has worked off the overbought conditions, while MACD is rising. CHUY could move much higher but will have to contend with resistance at $36.10, then $38.60 on a weekly basis with a possible move (as per the weekly chart below) towards $45.86 if it all plays out. Also note that the MACD on the weekly is crossing up, which bodes well for higher prices. Chuy Holdings doesn’t report earnings before the 29th of February.
GRMN has been steadily declining since February 2015 and continues to look weak. Garmin’s stock price held well during the August turmoil and bottomed in October. It tried to make a steady rise and break higher over 36.81 but it was in vain. GRMN now looks ready to lose its battle ground near the late October support zone of $33.40-$33.50. I am looking to enter short below $33.50 with a stop above at $35 with a minimum target of October lows to start with or lower. RSI is falling and near oversold zone while MACD crossed lower and falling. There is some more room before GRMN can get oversold and any rally might be shortable. Garmin Ltd. doesn’t report earnings before 17th February.
After selling off in late July, ROVI formed a nice base from then till late December. The consolidation took place in lower volume. Rovi’s stock price broke out of the base in late December and ever since the break higher, it has been consolidating on lower volume. It has formed big bull flag and a move over 17.4 measures out to approximately 22.50-.60. Also seen is a Cup and Handle formation and the measured move for this is approximately 25.40. Rovi Corp reports earnings on February 18 after the market close. Note that ROVI has a high short float of 16.39%. Looking to enter long over 17.4 with a stop at 16.00.
CPN steadily declined from March and formed a huge descending channel. It bottomed around the early December timeframe and has now formed a bull flag. Calpine (CPN) should breakout over 14.70 with target of approximately towards R2 if it pans out and continues to show some strength. RSI is in bullish zone and rising while MACD also is rising. Calpine Corp reports earnings on 2/12 before market open. Note that the short float is about 4.89%. Looking to enter long over 14.80 with a stop at 14.25.
Gracias por leer.
The author does not have a position in any of the mentioned securities at the time of publication. Las opiniones expresadas en este documento son únicamente las del autor y no representan en modo alguno las opiniones u opiniones de ninguna otra persona o entidad.
RCI vs. Interval - Filtering and transparency
A lot of the questions I get are about RCI vs. Interval International . so I decided to do a series of blog posts discussing some key differences between the two. This post starts with the fundamental difference in how they filter your search results . When you're trying to find an exchange you want, this is important to know. Upcoming posts will discuss other differences between the companies.
What you can "afford" on your exchange
When you have a timeshare week that you want to exchange, it has a certain value, or trading power. Both II and RCI assign a value to your week. With either company, your trading power is based on numerous factors, including the demand for that destination, the quality of your timeshare resort, the size of the unit you are exchanging, the season you own, and more. For instance, all else being equal, a 2-bedroom unit will have more trading power than a 1-bedroom, and a week in high season will have more value than one in low season.
Every week in the system is assigned a value. You can only exchange for something that has the same or lower value than what you are exchanging. In essence, you can only "afford" certain exchanges, based on the value of the week you own.
In RCI, the trading power assigned to your week and that required for an exchange are both shown on the system. In II, you can never see this value - it just exists behind the scenes.
Viewing everything available (RCI only)
In RCI, when you search for an exchange on their website, you can see all of the available exchanges that fit your search criteria, whether or not you can "afford" them based on what you have deposited. This is the default setting when you search for an exchange.
The search results will show you the trading power required for each possibility, and you can do a mental comparison yourself to see which would work with the trading power of the week you have deposited for exchange.
Advantage RCI. I really like being able to see everything out there, whether I can get it right now or not. At least that way I know whether there simply isn't anything available for exchange, or there are plenty available but they're just worth more than what I have deposited. Although I can't get them right now, this knowledge could make a difference for my future exchange planning.
Upward filtering (II and RCI)
Interval International has no option of viewing everything available for exchange. Instead, what you see is always filtered on the upward side. Anything above your exchange value (i. e. those things "too expensive" for what you have deposited), will not be shown. You only see the weeks that are available and that you can afford based on your exchange.
Search results on Interval show only weeks you could get for your exchange
Tip: If you own multiple timeshares that are enrolled in Interval, you can try the same search with each of them, to see what different results you get. This is a way to see some things that may have been filtered out of your first search.
In RCI, you can do the same thing, by selecting the search option "Show vacations that match my deposit" at the top of the screen. Just like Interval does, this will filter out the items that require more trading power than what you have.
Dibujar. Both companies have the same ability on this one.
Downward filtering (II only)
Interval also filters out things that it feels aren't good enough for what you are exchanging. The logic is that they do not want people to be disappointed by depositing a wonderful high-value timeshare, and then discovering that they have exchanged it for something worth much less.
RCI has no equivalent filter. Even if your deposit is worth 52 trading power, you can still see exchange weeks worth just 4.
Advantage RCI. I can understand the logic behind why Interval does this, but personally I'd rather be able to see everything myself, and decide which places do not meet my standards. Another potential problem is that if you want to stay somewhere without many timeshares, it is possible that this filter could remove your only options.
Company filtering (II only)
Some timeshare companies on II (notably Marriott and Starwood) have a company priority. When a Marriott unit is deposited, for example, there is a time period where it will only be displayed for people exchanging other Marriotts. Only once it passes that period will it appear for everybody else who is searching for exchanges.
RCI has no corresponding function.
Depende. This is neither a pro nor a con for Interval as a whole. It works to the benefit of people who own in these companies, and against the rest of the people wanting to exchange.
Interval International filters everything for you . whether you want them to or not. They filter out places that are worth too much for your exchange, places that it thinks you won't like, and resorts with company priority. Their goal is to show you only the best exchanges for you. This could be a good approach for some people, since it is simple for the user.
RCI has a different approach . with greater transparency. They show you everything, and leave it up to you to figure out what you want and can get. You know how much trading power you have to work with, and you read the resort reviews yourself to see if it's a place you want to go or not. This is the approach that I prefer, since I like having all the information, and making my own decisions.
¿Comentarios? ¿Preguntas?
Are you part of RCI, Interval International or both? What do you think about the different ways that they filter your search results? ¿Cual prefieres? I'd love to hear from you in the Reply section below.
The differences between RCI and Interval can be confusing, but both companies offer a valuable service to timeshare owners, letting you exchange for resorts around the world. If you want to get the best exchanges, it's important to know how to work the system and maximize your trades. You'll find a ton of tips and tactics for both RCI and Interval in my new Timeshare Owner's Guide to Winning the Timeshare Game. If you'd like to boost your timeshare results, check it out!
¡Hola! I'm Deanna, founder of Winning the Timeshare Game, and author of the books. After running an international tour company, I'm now into the fascinating world of timeshares. I enjoy sharing all the tips I discover, and I'd love to see everyone have as much fun with their timeshares as we do!
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Day Trading Crude Oil Futures Explained
View Our Futures Trading Video Live Crude Oil Futures Trades With Trend Jumper
Crude light (CL) is a fantastic product to day trade. It has great liquidity and you soon know whether you’re right or wrong in a trade as it moves quite a bit. Because of this it’s one of those highly profitable products that discipline is a must to trade it. It’s a fast moving market and at $10 a tick, you can see relatively large p/l swings just trading a single contract.
Whilst trading CL on the CME Globex is actually open for nearly 24 hours a day during the week (6:00pm – 5:15pm EST) the primary pit session is just 5½ hours long (9:00am to 2:30pm EST). Focusing on the latter, you generally get somewhere in the region of 100-250 ticks in range and 100-250k contracts traded and frequently it can be considerably more active. This is for the closest contract to expiration before contract roll (trading volume tips over into next contract month). Crude trades monthly contracts and in fact many traders look to profit from spreading different contract months against each other, looking to profit from changing expectations of the value of the commodity over time. It’s important to know when to roll into the new front month as crude oil is a future that is settled by delivery – if you’re long and you let the future expire on you, an oil tanker will show up!
Volatility in fact varies not only from week to week and month to month, but is also dependent on the day of the week. Volume tends to pick up throughout the week and volatility is usually elevated around the weekly crude oil inventory report on Wednesdays. In fact, this report has the potential to whip the market back and forth so dramatically that many oil traders step back for a few minutes to let the dust settle before taking further trades.
But it’s not just inventories that move oil prices. Crude oil can see good trends in part due to speculation. Indeed when oil spiked to record highs in 2008, speculators were blamed for pushing prices higher. Whilst it is certainly a speculator driven market to an extent, there are other factors to take into account.
Same goes for the plummet in 2014 and 2015.
From a demand aspect, the impact of the level of growth in countries such as China, India and Brazil must be considered. The better the global economy, the greater the demand from these countries will be. This is also why oil tends to move in tandem with the stock market. But there comes a point where higher prices become seen as a hindrance to growth. It’s also important to assess the way the value of the dollar impacts oil prices.
Crude oil is priced in dollars and it has an intrinsic value. So any strength or weakness in the dollar has the potential to inversely affect oil prices – i. e. if you want to buy something but your money is worth less, the cost in terms of your money goes up. And this goes for inflation too.
Over time as currency devalues, anything with intrinsic value should rise in price in terms of the currency. So the varying degree of inflation (or deflation) will impact oil prices too. Then of course comes the issue of global tensions and particularly those in the Middle East.
The simple fact is that the world is dependent on oil and a vast amount of it comes from this highly volatile region. Any conflict that hints at the possible disruption to crude oil supply can quickly send prices higher.
Why do you need to know this information to day trade crude then? Because economic reports also affect oil prices and when an important figure is released out of line (differing from analyst pre-release estimates), markets must reprice to account for this. Middle East tensions might be ongoing, but there are specific points in time when important developments take place and the market moves quickly.
Crude oil is a great market to trade as a day trader. Because the market has a good number of influences driving price and because when a lot of business needs to be done the level of liquidity can move the market quickly, crude oil is a market where there’s lots of action for a day trader to profit from .
If you’d like to learn more about day trading crude oil futures and pick up a few tips. why not take a look at Seven Secrets to Crude Oil Futures Trading Success by Mark Soberman, the founder of NetPicks. com.
Forex Trading Opportunities for the Week Ahead 4 Jan 2016
I plan my trading for the week ahead each weekend. Here are the Forex trading opportunities I will be stalking this week.
Note that this is my current view, but if market conditions change my view can change too. Generally I will trade in alignment with what I have noted here, though I will wait for a set-up before I enter. I base my view on technical and fundamental information. This is my beliefs and you are welcome to have opposite ones. Having a plan is more important than the actual direction for me.
Sell GBP/USD . Trend – MT is bear normal. Fundamentally GBPUSD remains one of the best performing major currency pairs. Currently, the technicals are not matching up to the fundamentals, primarily due to concerns that rate hike expectations will continue to be pushed out by the BOE. Continue short until 1.4550 where we need to reassess.
Sell USD/JPY. Trend – MT is bear normal. The pair is benefiting from risk off flows, but it would not surprise me if we see a base form around this level, unless equities continue to fall. Fundamentally, I like buying USDJPY which I expect to make it way back up toward 200 over the next few years.
Wait AUD/USD. – MT is sideways normal. We are sitting nearish the middle of a sideways quiet market type. I still prefer selling AUD vs. USD. Iron Ore prices are getting hammered and China remains an issue. Look to short near the 0.7380 or wait for a break below 0.7100.
Wait EUR/USD. – MT is sideways normal. The Euro has remained range bound over the Xmas break. The currency should head lower (based on the divergence of central bank policies and economic performance), but there has been a change in the expectations of easy monetary policy from the ECB which has been driving the pair higher. Wait and see what happens in the new year.
Buy NZD/USD. Trend – MT is bull normal. MT analysis suggests buying on dips, but we are sitting at a key level so caution advised. I still think the kiwi is benefiting from international flows seeking yield, or looking to ride the NZ stock market which is one of the strongest technically (the strongest possibly) of the developed markets. But the fundamentals are not great in NZ with dairy prices below cost, so it should not be a surprise if the RBNZ does cut rates further. If we get a whiff of this happening then we are better positioned for a fall in pair at these levels, as it will catch market participants off guard. Also risk-off in the NZ stock exchange (if we get it) will hurt the pair as international investors pull their funds.
Buy USD/CHF. Breakout – MT is sideways quiet. After bottoming in mid to late December, we saw a sideways MT form. At the very end of the last trading week, the price broke above the key 1.0000 level. If we hold above this on Monday, we will see a return of the bull MT. Look to buy the breakout. Fundamentally, the key point to remember is the SNB’s commitment to weaken the pair and the fact that that rates are negative. Big monetary policy divergence with the US and I severely doubt it’s all priced in.
Wait EUR/CHF. – MT is sideways normal. Keep buying near the bottom of the range and selling near the top. Longer-term I like the pair much higher. SNB will be unhappy with the pair at these levels, nearly 12 cents below the prior floor.
Buy USD/CAD. Trend – MT is bull normal. After a strong breakout and move toward 1.40, we have entered a period of consolidation. Canada is not in good shape due to the low oil price, which I don’t see recovering. The flow on effects of this could easily see further easing from the BOC. A stop buy above 1.4030 is probably not a bad option for those who want to get on this trend.
Buy EUR/GBP. Trend – MT is bull normal. The pair is benefiting from a chance in monetary policy expectations from both the BOE and ECB. Longer-term I still like the pair lower, but for now the approach is to buy. 7500 offers a very juicy target.
Wait AUD/JPY. – MT is sideways normal. Wait for now.
Wait NZD/JPY. – MT is sideways normal. We are at a major resistance level. If equity markets sell-off and/ or the NZDUSD comes off then this could be a good risk/reward short. Keep an eye on stock markets.
Sell GBP/JPY. Trend – MT is bear normal. Keep going short.
Sell EUR/JPY. Breakout – MT is bear normal. Breaking out into a bear normal MT, look to go short.
Sell GBP/NZD . Trend – MT is bear normal. Continue short.
Wait EUR/NZD. – MT is sideways normal. I do like this pair lower, but we are still holding onto the sideways MT for now. Sell a break below 1.5750. A good play if stocks are robust in the new year.
Sell AUD/NZD. Trend – MT is bear normal. But some bottoming here so caution required if we close back above 1.0700
Wait EUR/AUD. – MT is sideways normal. Wait for now.
Sell GBP/AUD. Trend – MT is bear normal. Look to sell.
Buy AUD/CAD. Trend – MT is bull normal. Extreme caution here as the trend has been very strong and we see a bearish weekly hammer. Take decent profits if you are long.
Wait GBP/CAD. – MT is sideways normal. Wait for now.
Sell EUR/CAD. Reversal – MT is sideways normal . A weekly spinning top and bearish engulfing after taking out resistance provide a selling opportunity.
Buy NZD/CAD. Trend – MT is bull normal. Same as AUDCAD.
Sell CAD/JPY. Trend – MT is bear normal. Holding below key 87.00 support for now. Look to sell a move below 86.20.
Sell CHF/JPY. Breakout – MT is bear normal. Sell the breakout.
Sell GBP/CHF. Trend – MT is bear normal. Some signs of bottoming so sell with caution.
Wait CAD/CHF. – MT is sideways normal. Just turning sideways so wait.
Waiting NZD/CHF. – MT is sideways normal. Almost turning bull MT. I like to buy the pair on a break of .6900.
Waiting AUD/CHF. – MT is sideways normal. Wait for now.
View bank reports and fundamental analysis in the chatroom (members only)
Economic calendar for the week ahead:
Trend: Market is trending in the direction I have listed and I expect it to continue.
Reversal: I am looking for a reversal against the current trend.
Breakout: The currency pair is breaking out of a range.
Sobre el Autor
Sam Eder is a currency trader and author of the Definitive Guide to Developing a Winning Forex Trading System and the Advanced Forex Course for Smart Traders (get free access). He is the owner of www. fxrenew. com a provider of Forex signals from ex-bank and hedge fund traders (get a free trial ). If you like Sam’s writing you can subscribe to his newsletter .
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Magic Formula Stocks Near 52 Week Lows, Far From 52 Week Highs
With Magic Formula Investing (MFI). the point is very simple: find good companies (identified by high returns on capital ), trading at low prices (high earnings yield ). That is really all there is to it. The system's inventor, Joel Greenblatt, had to fill most of the strategy's guidebook, The Little Book that Beats the Market . with basic examples and funny anecdotes just to fill out 200 pages!
What the strategy does not identify is this: is it a good time to buy the stock now? This is always a good question, and one that can possibly be answered with a little of the black art known as technical analysis.
MagicDiligence is mostly interested in fundamental analysis: sustainability of cash flows, competitive position, growth potential, strength of management, financial health, and so forth. Assuming these check out, we should have the fundamentally focused investors on the "buy" lado. However, if the chart is not favorable, the sizable number of technically focused investors will not want to buy the stock. To get the greatest gains in a market based system, we want to have the majority of investors (technical and fundamental) on the "buy" lado.
The very simplest concept in technical analysis is that of a support and a resistance level. Support simply means a price at which the stock price has not fallen below, meaning that buyers tend to come in and "support" the stock price once it reaches that level. Conversely, resistance is a price at which the stock has not broken through, meaning that investors have "resisted" buying the stock once it reaches this level. In general, technical investors prefer to buy a stock when it trades near the support level, and prefer to sell it once it trades near the resistance level.
There is no hard and fast rule of what constitutes a support and resistance level. It depends really on the time frame and how a chart is interpreted. The target holding period in Magic Formula Investing is one year. So for this article, we will simply look at the 52-week high (resistance) and 52-week low (support) for Magic Formula stocks in the screens covered by MagicDiligence (those are the top 50 over 50 million, top 50 over 1 billion, and top 30 over 3 billion).
For the "downside protection" list, we see the top 10 stocks currently in MFI that trade the closest to their 52-week lows. These stocks, at least in theory, are trading at or below levels that investors have been willing to buy them in the past year, meaning there may be limited downside left in the stock price (all prices at close 7/28/2010):
As always, investors should always verify the fundamental factors of a company before even considering buying. Maybe there is a good reason that these stocks are trading close to, or even setting, new 52-week lows. In a best case scenario, we have a stock trading well below its intrinsic fundamental value and also near a level where technically oriented investors have been willing to buy it in the past year.
Joel Greenblatt and MagicFormulaInvesting. com are not associated in any way with this website. Neither Mr. Greenblatt or MagicFormulaInvesting. com endorse this website's investment opinions, strategy, or products. Investment recommendations on this website are not chosen by Mr. Greenblatt, nor are they based on Mr. Greenblatt's proprietary investment model, and are not chosen by MagicFormulaInvesting. com. Magic Formula® is a registered trademark of MagicFormulaInvesting. com, which has no connection to this website. The information on this website is for informational purposes only and solely represents the views and opinions of the author. No warranty is provided or implied as to the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of this information. This information may not be construed as investment advice of any kind, nor can it be relied upon as the basis for stock trades. DON'T RELY SOLELY ON THIS WEBSITE'S INFORMATION OR STATISTICS! Please do your own research before buying. Alexander Online Properties LLC, the proprietor of this website, is not responsible in any way for losses or damages resulting from the use of this information. Alexander Online Properties LLC is not a registered investment advisor. All logos are trademarked properties of their respective companies.
&dupdo; 2008-2016 Alexander Online Properties LLC
Summary of Trading for Week of October 4
It was another week of unusual market moves and prolonged periods of price stagnation. As I have been saying for quite some time, the recovery from our current recession will be typified by a “mixed bag” of economic reports. Of course, this week was no exception, though the market chose to react to various reports in unusual fashion.
Friday was probably the most baffling day this week. Most economists expected the economy to add 8000 new jobs, but ADP reported that the economy actually shed 95,000 jobs. As you can see, the experts missed this particular prediction by nearly 100,000 jobs. You would expect the market to react negatively to this sort of news because employment has become a very hot topic of late, but the market chose to march merrily along its way and posted a healthy gain for the day. There are several technical factors that contributed to this gain, but it was by and large a confusing reaction to very bad news.
This sort of market action was the norm for the week, though we did experience some prolonged periods of market stagnation. Of course, this doesn’t surprise me. Since the futures market is based upon broad stock market indices, the market needs smaller investors to reenter the market and purchase stocks. I would be hard-pressed to come up with a rationale for anyone to initiate a long position in the current economic climate. To say the least, the potential for sizable gains in the market are less than compelling; on the other hand, it would not be difficult to envision a sharp correction from current index prices.
It is my opinion that the majority of market participants are traders, not investors. While traders provide an essential function in the market, the market requires smaller investors investing on a fundamental basis. Yet, the fundamentals for our current market condition are shaky and there are many pressing questions about our economy. The dollar has been weak; volume on the ES e-mini contract has been, at times, light and erratic.
To compound the current economic woes, a cottage industry in disseminating bad economic news has kicked into high gear. This is not an unusual phenomenon during recessionary periods. Quite simply, bad news sells. Of special note are the gold bugs, who come out of the woodwork during every recession and tout the benefits of owning hard assets like gold. I feel that some exposure to gold is essential for most individual investor’s portfolios; but dumping your life savings into gold is not a wise idea. There can be no disputing, though, that gold has enjoyed a very profitable run in recent years, and has outperformed the stock market of late by a considerable margin. But my point is a simple one: buying massive amounts of gold is simply not the answer to our current economic recession.
We were able to trade very effectively this week though, as numerous opportunities for high probability setups were the norm. Generally speaking, we earned between $200 and $400 most days this week. Friday was the exception, though; as the market was particularly flat and we managed only a small gain of $100. Fortunately, we had no losing days this particular week.
The E-Mini Trading Professor System trading room enjoyed a wide variety of visitors and the conversation was brisk and interesting. Lots of new faces, and more new long-term customers joined than usual. As a trader, I feel like traditional investors are currently looking for alternatives for making money in ways that are untraditional, especially participants who have typically invested solely in the stock market.
Looking ahead, next week would appear to be a reasonably volatile week as there are a plethora of importance and pertinent fed and fed agency announcements that the market will have to digest. All in all, it should make for an interesting and profitable week of trading.
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Additional Inside Tips
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If you’ve ever spoken with an RCI Vacation Guide, or received membership information from RCI, you’ve probably heard or seen the following recommendation, “Deposit Early to Maximize Your Trading Power”. You’ve probably also asked yourself, “What exactly does that mean?".
We’re here to tell you what Trading Power is, why it’s so important to Deposit Early, and we'll tell you exactly when your deposit is considered "Early".
The (Trading) Power of Knowledge
According to the RCI Disclosure Guide. Trading Power is "The value assigned by RCI to Vacation Time upon a Deposit and used by RCI to fulfill an Exchange Request."
So in essence, your Trading Power is the value assigned by RCI to your week at the time of Deposit, which determines what Exchange availability you see when you search for an Exchange vacation. Thus, it is used by RCI to fulfill your Exchange requests.
That probably helps, but if you're like many other members, you're now wondering:
"What exactly is a Deposit?"
"How does Trading Power determine the value of my Deposit?"
"What is an Exchange request?"
"When do I need to deposit for it to be considered early enough for me to help maximize my
Deposit's Trading Power?"
You own a week at this resort and decide to Deposit it with RCI so that you can Exchange it for another vacation.
Upon depositing, RCI assigns a value to your vacation time, which is based on the answers to the following questions:
What is the Classification, Demand, Supply, and Utilization for your specific Deposit, your resort and the region?
Classification: Did you deposit a resort, a boat, or an RV?
Demand - How many members want your deposit?
Supply - How many similar deposits do we already have?
Utilization - How many deposits like yours have been confirmed by other members in the past?
What season do you own?
What size and type of unit is it?
What are the comment card scores for your resort?
How far in advance are you depositing?
- NOTE: By depositing 2 years to 9 months before the start date of your week, you can help maximize your Deposit's Trading Power.
Based on the above components, your deposit is assigned Trading Power.
1. Deposit early:
By Depositing 2 years to 9 months in advance of the start date of your week, you can help maximize the Trading Power of your Deposit.
2. Request an Exchange (early) that is similar to your Deposit:
By searching for an Exchange as early as possible, that is similar to what you Deposited, you can maximize the availability you see and attempt to secure it before demand exceeds supply!
So why does RCI have Trading Power in the first place?
Trading Power is a way to help RCI get you a fair Exchange that is comparable to the week you deposited. By assigning Trading Power RCI can help members find vacations similar to the ones they already own.
Ready to apply your new knowledge?
Go to RCI. com today >> or call an RCI Vacation Guide at 1-800-338-7777
*Subject to availability based on value-for-value vacation exchange principles. *RCI exchange program usage impacts Trading Power. In certain circumstances, Trading Power criteria is waived for exchanges.
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Camarilla (Day-Trader) Pivot Points
From an equation once shrouded in mystery, a flavor of pivot points came to light that many short-term traders enjoy when plotted on the daily chart. The calculation of Camarilla Pivot Points produces considerably closer levels than other pivot variations might, leading to a more trading activity than other flavors of this popular support and resistance indicator.
This versatile indicator is thought to provide traders with not only a mannerism of managing risk, but also a mannerism of entering trades. In this article, we will outline each of these usages.
As we looked at in our article on Pivot Points. a simple mathematical calculation can help traders use the price data from the previous period to find support and resistance levels. The previous period can be defined as an hour, day, week, or month with quite a few variations in between. With Camarilla Pivots, short-term traders will commonly look at the daily variety.
When price approaches the 3 rd level of support or resistance, many traders feel the chance of a reversal may be imminent. As such, those traders will often look to take profits at these levels if met while in a winning position. The picture below will show 2 reversals taking place within the same day on AUDUSD.
Reversals taking place at the S3 & R3 Camarilla Pivot; Created with Marketscope
Alternatively, many traders also feel that if the 4 th level of support or resistance is hit the potential for a breakout may be increased. And if this is the case, those traders would want to contain the damage of incorrect trades if these levels get hit on losing positions, looking to place stops just outside of these prices.
Trading Cam Reversals
Since traders feel the propensity for a breakout may increase if the daily S3 or R3 pivot is hit, they may also look to place a trade in that direction. So, if R3 is hit, traders may look to sell while traders look to buy at S3.
This can be particularly helpful if being done in consideration of longer-term trends. As we looked at in our article on Pivot Points. traders can incorporate multiple time frame analysis in an effort to get a bigger picture view on the meaning of interactions with support or resistance levels.
If a trader observes a longer-term up trend that they would like to buy cheaply, they may wait until price reaches the daily S3 Camarilla Pivot to do so.
And the exact opposite can be true for longer-term downtrends, in which the trader looks to sell when price rises to the daily R3 Cam Pivot.
Trading Cam Breakouts
If price reaches the 4 th level of support or resistance, something ‘big’ may be happening in the market that is being traded.
As such, some traders will look at intersections with the S4 and R4 levels as an opportunity for trading a breakout, much in the manner we had looked at in the article The Ballistics of Breakouts. The picture below illustrates such a setup:
S4/R4 Camarilla Breakout; Creado con Marketscope / Trading Station
--- Escrito por James B. Stanley
Para ponerse en contacto con James Stanley, envíe un correo electrónico a Instructor@DailyFX. Com. Puedes seguir a James en Twitter @JStanleyFX.
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DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.
I am sure that you would have seen Foreign Currency Trading at some stage while looking at news – CNN maybe – and wondered as I used to – what is this all about. I mean, all the strange terms and names that you hear no where else but when this segment of the news comes around: what are they and what do they mean. These are some of the question I used to ask myself so very often in the past. In fact, even now as I am writing this article, with the television on, a whole lot of information is flowing constantly across the bottom of the television screen about NASDAQ, DOW and a host of figures. This always confused me. Well I will explain as much of this as I can in this article and other related articles.
In this article we are going to tell you the EXACT rules of a FREE trading system, used by some of the top traders in the world that has made huge profits. Despite this fact, most traders don’t even consider it. Lets look at it.
The currency trading system we are going to look at is from the late 70s and was developed by the father of Modern trend following – Richard Donchian
The system is known as the 4 week rule and was originally developed to trade the futures and commodities markets.
It simply took advantage of the four week cycle.
The system itself over the years has been used on its own are as a base for a number of the world’s greatest traders and when the turtles and Richard Dennis have used it you know if you do your in very good company!
How did a group of traders with no experience, learn to trade and end up making hundreds of millions of dollars. To find out we need to go back over half a century to one of the most famous trading experiments of all time and see what we can learn.
Trading legend Richard Dennis had a theory that anyone could learn to trade if they had the right mindset and the right method so he set out to prove his point.
He nicknamed the group the turtles and they have gone down in trading history.
He took a group of people and the only thing they had in common was that they had never traded and had not one bit of trading experience.
The group was a mixed bunch – a female auditor, a boy who had just left school a couple of card players and a security guard to name just a few.
Forex Assassin system is out in the market. It has generated curiousity in the currency trading market.
However, is it a system that you should buy?
Let me help you with that decision.
Whenever you are looking for a system to trade, it should have 3 important components –
1. It should be easy to understand. If you don’t understand, you cannot apply the strategy when placing trade.
2. It should be reliable or at least it should mention the conditions when the system will work better. For e. g. If a system is applicable only on 15 min chart, then it should give consistent results.
3. It should always mention the pre-requisites. The prerequisite can be that it requires knowledge of EMA indicators or it can be used only by seasoned-pros etc.
Thread: My Renko System, Very Simple Rules,
My Renko System, Very Simple Rules,
Hello everyone, Here is my system
1. I set up an EA to read chart data into an offline M2 Chart, (The EA is free and can be found online its called Renko Live charts 3.2)
2. I do not like the default Renko that much and so I use tails for back testing and checking proper EA setup (I use Mr. Nims free scalping package just for the quick layout that comes with it. Google that)
3. To setup the Renko look for details on the websites you got it from to get it running
4. EA settings --------- 10 pips typically for box size --------- rest default *******Note the 10 pips is all dependent on the volatility******* ***Choose a box size that gives you the longest tails and the least "Turn arounds"***** ***This optimization is important to the success*** ***optimize for last 20 boxes***
Hecho de la diversión. A Turn around is when the Renko boxes close in a different direction than the previous box.
***Safety*** 1. Set stop loss and Take profit unless you have all day 2. Program me an EA (not really a safety precaution but I would like one) 3. If you lose a trade once STOP UNTIL A TREND PICKS UP Trends are 2 boxes that close in same direction the reason for this is when there is a consolidation period this system will F*ck you if the renko boxes are just flip flopping up down up down.
***How to play*** We are playing of retraces and renko boxes make it simple Now my picture might explain the whole system but I will type it out.
1. You trade with the trend. (buys when previous box closed up, sells when previous box closed down)
2. You will enter following rule #1 when the current price retraces AT LEAST the full body of the previous box.
3. You trade with great money management (You have to have your winners cover around 3-5 losers) (Achieve this through setting take profit to 3-5 times higher than stop loss) (Depending on box size your stop loss will be at the price where a turn around would occur) (Take profit will be at the price where the current box closes, continuing the trend)
Example: 2 renko boxes both 20 pips tall both closed up current box opens so just watch price price falls down 20 pips (full body of previous box) we keep waiting cause we want higher R:R price falls 10 pips more (total of 1 and a half boxes) Enter with a stop loss at 10 pips and a take profit at 50 (50 pips is from the 30 pips retrace + 20 pips to close with trend)
The test to see if you understand. In the picture the -5 represents a lost trade at that box. and the +20 represents a trade winner
Where did I not follow the rules?
Last edited by sultyice; 03-09-2012 at 01:23 PM.
Hello everyone, Here is my system
1. I set up an EA to read chart data into an offline M2 Chart, (The EA is free and can be found online its called Renko Live charts 3.2)
2. I do not like the default Renko that much and so I use tails for back testing and checking proper EA setup (I use Mr. Nims free scalping package just for the quick layout that comes with it. Google that)
3. To setup the Renko look for details on the websites you got it from to get it running
4. EA settings --------- 10 pips typically for box size --------- rest default *******Note the 10 pips is all dependent on the volatility******* ***Choose a box size that gives you the longest tails and the least "Turn arounds"***** ***This optimization is important to the success*** ***optimize for last 20 boxes***
Hecho de la diversión. A Turn around is when the Renko boxes close in a different direction than the previous box.
***Safety*** 1. Set stop loss and Take profit unless you have all day 2. Program me an EA (not really a safety precaution but I would like one) 3. If you lose a trade once STOP UNTIL A TREND PICKS UP Trends are 2 boxes that close in same direction the reason for this is when there is a consolidation period this system will F*ck you if the renko boxes are just flip flopping up down up down.
***How to play*** We are playing of retraces and renko boxes make it simple Now my picture might explain the whole system but I will type it out.
1. You trade with the trend. (buys when previous box closed up, sells when previous box closed down)
2. You will enter following rule #1 when the current price retraces AT LEAST the full body of the previous box.
3. You trade with great money management (You have to have your winners cover around 3-5 losers) (Achieve this through setting take profit to 3-5 times higher than stop loss) (Depending on box size your stop loss will be at the price where a turn around would occur) (Take profit will be at the price where the current box closes, continuing the trend)
Example: 2 renko boxes both 20 pips tall both closed up current box opens so just watch price price falls down 20 pips (full body of previous box) we keep waiting cause we want higher R:R price falls 10 pips more (total of 1 and a half boxes) Enter with a stop loss at 10 pips and a take profit at 50 (50 pips is from the 30 pips retrace + 20 pips to close with trend)
The test to see if you understand. In the picture the -5 represents a lost trade at that box. and the +20 represents a trade winner
Where did I not follow the rules?
Foro de Forex & ndash; Introducción. El mercado de divisas es alto rendimiento y medio arriesgado de tomar el beneficio de las operaciones con las tasas de cambio. Los instrumentos de trabajo en el mercado Forex determinan de muchas maneras el resultado del comercio de divisas que realizan los participantes en el mercado de divisas. Clientes de los corredores. Cada corredor de Forex ofrece su propio terminal, sin embargo la mayoría de los corredores y los comerciantes coinciden en la elección de MetaTrader 4 y terminales MetaTrader 5. Este foro se crea para aquellos que prefieren el terminal de la serie MetaTrader en el comercio de Forex.
Foro de Forex & ndash; Discusión comercial. Forex previsiones del mercado, opiniones independientes de los comerciantes novatos y expertos del mercado de divisas & ndash; Todo esto se encuentra en el forex-foro de la discusión de los oficios. Una sólida experiencia de trabajo en Forex es preferible, pero todos los recién llegados incluyendo Forex-newbies pueden venir y compartir su opinión también. Ayuda mutua y diálogo & ndash; El objetivo principal de la comunicación en Forex-foro, dedicado a la negociación.
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A response from Jason Stapleton
Hello everyone. I’d like to take a moment if you’d allow me, and respond to some of the comments here. I’ve been reading through some of your posts and although many of them are years old, it still makes sense to response.
FIrst, to those of you who were offended or hurt by anything I might have said to you during the course of our encounter, I’d like to apologize. I’m very passionate about trading and I have seen men (and women) struggle for years while people selling them products and services told them what they wanted to hear.
Being a former Marine my passion and lack of tact at times comes across as uncaring or even egotistical. I can assure you that I am neither one of these things. I have always worked from the assumption that my responsibility as a coach is to improve the trading habits and hopefully the success of the traders who entrusted me with that responsibility.
On of the hard things about being a coach is dealing with the reality of this industry. Namely that a huge portion of the people you are talking to will never be successful. It’s the old 80/20 rule. For the 80%, no amount of training, education, or NASA system will make them successful. Trading is an incredibly tough business and if you are not 120% committed to being a success and treating it like a business you won’t succeed.
So I’m left with a moral dilemma. If I know 80% of the people I’m talking to are uncoachable, do I weed out those who are not likely to succeed from those who have the right mindset and commitment necessary to become a consistently profitable trader? Doing this effectively is the only way I can do the work I do, and sleep soundly at night knowing I was not taking advantage of people.
So I took, and still do take a very hard line with anyone I offer my program to. I don’t pull punches and I challenge traders head-on who come to me with false assumptions about this business and what it takes to become consistently profitable. I try to identify and separate the 20 percent from the 80 and focus my efforts on bringing them into my programs. But while my intentions have always been honorable, my approach at times has been less than effective.
When I first started coaching traders I used an approach that served me well in the Marines. One of “benevolent dictator”. The majority of my life had been spent surrounded by people who responded very well to plain speech and who had very thick skin. Over time I found this approach did not work well at all in my coaching. It was extremely effective with former military or with people who wanted a drill sergeant as their coach. But it was very ineffective with the rest of the group.
I’d like to think both my ability to coach traders as well as the methods I use to teach the theories and principles in my programs have grown and improved over the years. But I still refuse to sugar coat what is required to succeed in this industry. It is not easy. It’s not simple, and there are no easy fixes.
I have seen some comments here about my program in general. It’s content, etc. I have taken each of these to heart and am constantly evaluating what I do. Many if not all of the issues listed here have been corrected, but if for some reason you are still not satisfied please call me and I’d be happy to work with you to find a solution.
But the majority of the comments here have been directed at me personally. At my character, my honor and my integrity. This I find shameful. It is far too easy in the age of the internet to condemn a mans character anonymously. I have no defense against such accusations because they don’t come from a man in a public forum but rather from a shadow, a voice in the dark.
Everyone says, “You can’t trust what you read on the internet.” yet people will likely base their opinion of me by what they read on this forum. Eso es desafortunado. I, however will continue to work with traders who buy into my philosophy about the market and my methodology for building consistently profitable traders. And I will continue to do so with the best of intentions, with honesty and integrity.
Gracias por tu tiempo,
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Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.
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Commentaries by Bruce Babcock for New and Experienced Traders
There are four cardinal principles which should be part of every trading strategy. They are: 1) Trade with the trend, 2) Cut losses short, 3) Let profits run, and 4) Manage risk. You should make sure your strategy includes each of these requirements for success.
Trade with the trend relates to the decision of how to initiate trades. It means you should always trade in the direction of recent price movement.
Mathematical analysis of commodity price data has shown that these price changes are primarily random with a small trend component. This scientific fact is extremely important to those desiring to pursue commodity trading in a rational, scientific manner. It means that any attempt to trade short-term patterns and methods not based on trend are doomed to failure.
A good example of such a doomed method is Japanese Candlestick patterns. This theoretical conclusion is consistent with my previous research. Many years ago, just as Candlesticks came into vogue, I attempted to create a profitable trading system incorporating Candlesticks. I tried many patterns and many types of systems, all without success. I have never seen anyone else demonstrate the effectiveness of Candlesticks using objective rules either. Successful traders use a method that gives them a statistical edge. This edge must come from the tendency of commodity prices to trend. In the long term you can make money only by trading in synch with these trends. Thus, when prices are trending up, you should only buy. When prices are trending down, you should only sell.
While this important principle is well-known, traders violate it surprisingly often. They are looking for bargains so they prefer to try to buy at the very bottom or sell at the very top before new trends become established. Winning traders have learned to wait until a trend is confirmed before taking a position consistent with that trend.
Here's what consummate market expert Jake Bernstein said in my book, The Four Cardinal Principles of Trading . "Of all the common market principles, I put 'Trade With The Trend' at the very top. It's a lesson I've had to learn and relearn practically every year. All traders have the tools to find trends. That's what makes it especially frustrating when we go contrary to the trend or when we try to pick tops and bottoms."
The alternative to trend following is predicting. This is a trap that nearly all traders fall into. They look at the commodity trading problem and conclude that the way to be successful is to learn how to predict where markets will go in the future. There is no shortage of people willing to sell you their latest prediction mechanism. We all want to believe that predicting is possible because it's so darn much fun to make a prediction and be right.
Here's Jake Bernstein again with a little dose of reality: "It took me over nine years to realize that, although it may be a romantic and ego-satisfying goal, forecasting is not necessarily synonymous with profit. To anticipate trends is a difficult and often haphazard task, and it tends to lead to losses more often than profits."
Trading with the trend is hard to do because a logical give-up exit point will be farther away, potentially causing a larger loss if you are wrong. This is a good example of why so few traders are successful. They can't bring themselves to trade in a psychologically difficult way.
You can define the concept of trend only in relation to a particular time frame. When you determine the trend, it must be, for example, the two-week trend or the six-month trend or the hourly trend. So an important part of a trading plan is deciding what time frame to use for making these decisions. While it is perhaps easier psychologically to keep the time frame short, the best results come from longer-term trading. The longer you hold a trade, the greater your profit can be.
Here's what Russell Sands said in an interview with Commodity Traders Consumer Report . Russell was an original member of Richard Dennis' Turtles group and has built a successful career as a money manager and advisor generally using the Turtle methodology.
"The best approach is to be a long-term trend follower. Trend following is statistically valid in the sense that everybody has tested it for years and years, and it works. "I acknowledge that the market trends maybe 20 percent of the time and chops back and forth in consolidation 80 percent of the time. The trick is how to define where the trend starts and where it stops. If when a market does trend, you get in at the right time, ride that trend and then get out at the right time, you'll make enough money to more than offset the losses you take during non-trending periods.
"Another part of the basic philosophy is that we don't know when the market's going to trend and when it's not. In fact, we don't know what the market's going to do at all. We can't predict anything it does. We don't believe in predictions. Instead, we react to the market."
For the greatest chance of success, your time frame to measure trends should be at least four weeks. Thus, you should only enter trades in the direction of the price trend for the last four weeks or more. A good example of a trend-following entry rule would be to buy whenever today's closing price is higher than the closing price of 25 market days ago, and sell whenever today's closing price is lower than the closing price of 25 market days ago.
When you trade in the direction of this long a trend, you are truly following the markets rather than predicting them. Most unsuccessful traders spend their entire careers looking for better ways to predict the markets. If you can develop the discipline to measure trends using intermediate to long-term time frames and always trade in the direction of the trend, you will make a giant step in the direction of profitable trading.
Generic high frequency rrading chart (credit: Nanex)
A single mysterious computer program that placed orders — and then subsequently canceled them — made up 4 percent of all quote traffic in the U. S. stock market last week, according to the top tracker of high-frequency trading activity.
The motive of the algorithm is still unclear, CNBC reports.
The program placed orders in 25-millisecond bursts involving about 500 stocks, according to Nanex, a market data firm. The algorithm never executed a single trade, and it abruptly ended at about 10:30 a. m. ET Friday.
“My guess is that the algo was testing the market, as high-frequency frequently does,” says Jon Najarian, co-founder of TradeMonster. com. “As soon as they add bandwidth, the HFT crowd sees how quickly they can top out to create latency.” ( Read More . Unclear What Caused Kraft Spike: Nanex Founder .)
Translation: The ultimate goal of many of these programs is to gum up the system so it slows down the quote feed to others and allows the computer traders (with their co-located servers at the exchanges) to gain a money-making arbitrage opportunity.
The scariest part of this single program was that its millions of quotes accounted for 10 percent of the bandwidth that is allowed for trading on any given day, according to Nanex. (The size of the bandwidth pipe is determined by a group made up of the exchanges called the Consolidated Quote System.)
“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should . & # 8230; We’re in the hands of engineers. & # 8230; All major changes are like death. You can’t see what is on the other side until you get there. Jurassic Park. & # 8212; Ed.
Comments (48)
So… it’s perfectly okay for someone to launch a low grade denial of service attack aimed at the stock exchange, so long as they look like legitimate users… oh, wait… that’s actually illegal to do everywhere else.
You forget, what may be illegal for the average man is ‘good’ when it is done by corporations, the wealth, or other ‘job creators’.
Stories about HFT and flash crashes are educating a new class of “smart money”, smart enough to stay far, far away from a rigged game and into physical assetts (Au & Ag).
Post-scarcity obsoletes this problem.
Perhaps the HFT algo’s will redistribute some wealth to our bank accounts after they take it all?
It is becoming self reflective. It has no ability to react yet. Self regulation of small parts will be the first phase. As robots and AI gain strength, we will have them control more. The individuals that created this algorithm can be located, in an Internet that is aware of all addresses and monitors false activity like this. There are flesh and blood people behind this. There every move can be traced and recorded. If they continue in false quoting, their individual actions can be suspended and their assets frozen until they play by the rules. VIKI will take over soon. People can’t behave fairly on their own. They always try and cheat or bully. The next life process paradigm will take over soon. People lack the intelligence to act in everyones best interest. It will all be transparent, and we will all be hooked into it.
No one said they can’t be traced. What they did is NOT illegal. Just immoral, That’s the problem.
HFT really ought to be banned.
Banning intelligence is bad in the long run. Perhaps the Consolidated Quote System could introduce a phase lag in the system as some function of frequency or percent bandwidth used (I don’t know if that is practical/legal/etc.).
If HFT and its architects are as intelligent as it seems they are (very), it would be difficult to ban it (especially since its making the rich richer) and they would likely be able to game whatever constraints you managed to put on them through the miserably slow, politicized regulation process.
Tech is faster than politics. A solid point.
I didn’t say intelligence should be banned. Nor did I say that automated trading in general should be banned. Only High Frequency trading, which is what’s causing problems. Like you indicated, stricter regulations on time lapses could help.
I’m not clear on the leap that seems to have been made, namely that intelligence equals HFT. Could you please clarify? Gracias.
Yes, “intelligence” was vague. I meant “development of smarter algorithms in general.” I’m planning to interview an HFT expert on this.
Agreed, HFT should be banned because it causes problems. And on top of that I think it’s immoral to use computing power and bandwidth for gambling.
The big problem is getting the legislation through. They are powerful, and use their influence to suppress it.
In terms of the banking crisis that caused the collapse of 08, they, or the financial industry, was very successful at avoiding harsh regulation. They got a slap on the wrist. They have paid off the government bailouts very quickly, and have been taking in strong profits. In terms of wall street they are closely aligned with the financial industry. Many wall street firms had become banks, even though they weren’t supposed to do that. Part of the rules established after the crash of 1929 was that they couldn’t combine both practices. They have been very successful at subverting the intent of those regulations, the same way they created credit default swaps. In 29 everything was on margin, with little skin in the game. Credit default swaps was a way of side stepping the intent of those regulations. In 08 the same problem returned. Not enough assets to back the mortages. Those are two examples of regulations set in place as safe guards after 29 that were lobbied against and subverted from there regulatory function. I clearly remember a speech by Ronald Reagan to loosen regulations on the banking industry. He said that they wouldn’t take unnecessary risks and were trustworthy. I was throughout an imaginary brick at the TV saying. you can’t trust them. They made poor choice loans that created the savings and loans crisis. The banks got bailed out at tax pagers expense. This set the stage for the lobbying for greater deregulation that created the crash of 08. Reagan didn’t think up bank deregulation. He was influenced by they or them. They are very active in behind the scenes influencing. They are very smart and work hard to enact there plans. The supreme court has been stacked to favor them. That’s how corporations have been given powers associated with people. It dilutes the power of the masses and stacks things in favor of large institutions. They will continue to rig things in their favor. The new regulations imposed on the banking industry leave plenty of wiggle room for future rigging. Ray Kurzweil or Bill Gates are not part of them or they, that I refer to. The they that I refer to are quite behind the scenes. Some of their meetings are reported on. The they is a little more world based, but predominately western developed nations. Skull and bones at Yale is an instrument of they or them. Remember the Fox news scandal in England? It turned out that former parliamentary officials were part of the wire tapping scandal. That was the tip of one iceberg of the they. It was quickly covered up and down played. When Judy Dench played “M” in quantum of silence she says” when someone says that they have people everywhere it’s usually hyperbole”. The “Greene” planet plot was real. Look at how the Bolivians successfully fought off the consolidation of there water supply into a commodity. That 007 movie and The International are not so loosely based on the activities of the ” they” that I refer to. They aren’t invisible. Many groups track their activities. Foster Gambel in the movie Thrive, isn’t the only one to point out their activities. Even the movie The Matrix makes passing references to them. One is ” choice is an illusion between those with power and those without” it doesn’t matter if Romney gets in or Obama. & # 8221; They” run the show. I really don’t pay attention to what they do. We have no power to fight them. It is foolish to think you can, so I don’t waste my time with that, but that doesn’t mean ” they” don’t exist.
Outright banning all intelligent agents is a terrible idea. However, we cannot allow hostile behaviour to go unchecked. There should be regulations that severally penalize the owning group responsible for destructive actions by of one of their intelligent agents. Any intelligent agent that is designed to negatively influence the infrastructure should be flagged as hostile and the owning organization should be penalized accordingly.
“As soon as they add bandwidth, the HFT crowd sees how quickly they can top out to create latency.”
A human brain might experience debilitating seizures if it permitted similar unchecked behavior within its infrastructure. This manner of intelligent agent activity absolutely should be viewed as hostile!
I don’t want HFT banned, but HFT is all about gambling, NOT investing. As such gamblers should pay a higher cost than investors. Howsabout a simple $1 charge on any canceled order of less than eight hours duration?
This reminds me of a recently demoed computer that will beat you every time at paper-scissors-rock because it is more sensitive and quicker than a human. I don’t want to play it either
Huh? How can a “transaction” not have identification headers and trailers?
Don’t tell me that these “quants” don’t know how this stuff works.
Using Donchian Channels to Trend Trade Forex
Four months ago, I wrote about a Forex trading system that I was developing and had backtested. The backtesting results at the time were excellent and perhaps too good to be true.
Being skeptical, but curious I decided to open a micro Forex account to test the system with real money. The system is 100% mechanical (but not automated) and I have been strictly following the rules of this system since December. Since that time, the system has generated 52 trades, which I have diligently recorded in this spreadsheet.
Although 52 trades is not a large enough sample size to draw any meaningful conclusions on, the results so far have been even better than what the backtesting suggested.
Paradoxically, 75% of the trades lost money, but despite that, the system generated +25.23R in 4 months, which would translate to a 50.46% return if one bet 2% per trade.
The system uses Donchian channel breakouts, similar to what the original turtle traders used, to generate trading signals. Specifically, the system benefited from the plunge in the Japanese Yen, and big moves in the Euro, Silver, and the British Pound.
Below is an example of a trade generated using a 20 day Donchian breakout system on the Japanese Yen:
I have to admit that I may have gotten lucky starting this trading system at the time that I did and I know that the system would have done poorly, for example, this time last year. However, I will gradually deploy more capital into this account and continue to document the results of this system.
Coffee Prices Near A 4 Week High
Coffee Futures--- Coffee Futures in the March contract settled last Friday in New York at 124.40 a pound while currently trading at 123.80 in a relatively quiet holiday trading week as prices are still right near a 4 week high. Coffee prices are trading above their 20 day but still below their 100 day moving average which stands at 127 as the trend currently are mixed as I’m sitting on the sidelines waiting for better chart structure to develop and a short-term trend to occur.
As I’ve talked about in many previous blogs I think coffee prices are in the process of bottoming as we are starting to enter the volatile months seasonally speaking as a price premium seems to be coming back into this market at the current time. Many of the commodity markets have been under pressure due to the fact of a very strong U. S dollar but traders are going to be focusing on Brazilian weather as that will be the main driver of prices in the next several months so be patient and wait for a trend to develop as coffee is one of the largest contracts in the commodity world which can offer high risk and high reward and should only be traded with large monetary trading accounts.
The next major level of resistance is around 127/130 as prices have been very choppy over the last six months so a breakout is looming in my opinion. TREND: MIXED –CHART STRUCTURE: POOR
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Trading Futures and Options on Futures transactions involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Usted debe considerar cuidadosamente si el comercio es adecuado para usted a la luz de sus circunstancias, conocimientos y recursos financieros. Puede perder la totalidad o más de su inversión inicial. Las opiniones, los datos de mercado y las recomendaciones están sujetos a cambios en cualquier momento.
El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros.
Trading results obtained by a client while trading a demo account may not be indicative of the results obtained when trading a live account due to the fact that trades are not sent to a regulated exchange but they are sent to a simulated off-exchange server.
&dupdo; 2014. Seery Futures. Todos los derechos reservados.
The Week Ahead On Wall Street
The Week Ahead On Wall Street
Q-4 earnings season is coming to a close, we will start to see results from the 1st Quarter’s early reports.
These companies in the S&P 500 report this week.
Oracle Corp. (NASDAQ :ORCL) will report Tuesday.
FedEx Corp. (NYSE :FDX) will report Wednesday.
Adobe Systems (NASDAQ :ADBE), Cintas Corp. (NASDAQ :CTAS) and Lennar Corp. (NYSE :LEN) will report to Wall Street Thursday.
The Fed this week
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will hold a 2-day meeting starting Tuesday. The meeting statement and updated forecasts from committee members will be released Wednesday at 2:00p EST. Fed Chair Janet Yellen will hold her Quarterly press conference starting at 2:30p.
The CME’s 30-day Fed Fund Futures are currently pricing in a 98.1% chance of a Quarter point rate hike.
On the economic calendar
The February Producer Price Index (PPI), February retail sales, the March Empire State manufacturing survey, January business inventories and the National Association of Home Builders’ March housing index will be released Tuesday.
Wednesday will feature the February Consumer Price Index (CPI), February housing starts and building permits and February industrial production and capacity utilization.
The March Philadelphia Fed survey and the January Job Openings and Labor Turnover (JOLTS) Survey will be released to the market Thursday.
Friday will feature the University of Michigan’s preliminary consumer sentiment survey (MSI).
The US Treasury Department will auction $11-B of inflation-adjusted Treasuries (TIPS) Thursday.
Friday will be a quad witching day, meaning both options and futures contracts will expire.
Thursday is St. Patrick’s Day, wear The Green,
Have a terrific week.
Pattern Recognition Analyst, equities, commodities, forex
Paul Ebeling is best known for his work as writer and publisher of “The Red Roadmaster’s Technical Report” on the US Major Market Indices™, a highly-regarded, weekly financial market letter, where he enjoys an international audience among opinion makers, business leaders, and respected organizations. Something of a pioneer in online stock market and commodities discussion and analysis, Ebeling has been online since 1994. He has studied and worked in the global financial and stock markets since 1984.
Grand Prix Cash Scam Review – Free Binary Option System
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I have stumbled upon what is arguably the worst looking website I have ever seen in the binary options industry. Grand Prix Cash is clearly trying to cash in on the forthcoming 2016 Formula 1 Season which starts next week.
The fact that Formula 1 has NOTHING to do with online trading puts this down to lazy marketing.
See the video for more details.
http://www. freebinaryoptionsystem. com/grand-prix-cash/ [SEE GRAND PRIX CASH] http://www. freebinaryoptionsystem. com/best-current-software/ [TRY MY BEST CURRENT SOFTWARE]
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4 Days, 5 Numbers – the Trading Week Ahead
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Warning - The opinions expressed are written by a Three-ton Rhinoceros who is irritable, disgusted and angry about the Economy. The Reports are "AS Real as it Gets" So, be alert for opportunities, however read at your own risk. All content provided Rhino Report is for informational purpose only. The owner of this blog makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.
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FX market undoubtedly is one of the most major, if not the largest, markets in the world. According to CLS Bank, which offers the world’s largest multilateral cash settlement service, daily volume in January 2016 was $4.8 trillion, down 9 percent from a year earlier and a far cry from the near $6 trillion peak in late 2014.
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Coming from a listed markets experience and background it has always been very important to provide our customers with a technology platform that would give them value added services and at the.
The purpose of this video is to teach people how not to fall into any fake break out trades. In previous videos I teach a thing or two in regards to break outs and how market makers use certain price behavior to stop out many other traders. Once those traders are stopped out, then the fake break out occurs and that’s when the real trend starts.
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2016 Mercedes-AMG GT S Full Review / Exhaust / Start Up
Build Your Future NOW
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Facebook Fan Page https://www. facebook. com/Automoho 2016 Mercedes-AMG GT S in Designo Magno Iridium Silver Matte Finished with Black Exclusive Nappa/Dinamica Exclusive Red Leather Interior. The Mercedes-AMG GT S is made similar to its Predecessor Mercedes SLS AMG. In This Video, We Will do a Start up to the engine, listen to the Exhaust sound and take an in depth review of the interior and exterior..
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Forex Trading, My Trades for Last Week in October video
Forex trading, my trades for last week in October 2015, I trade with broker - http://www. tallinex. com/?i=100674. MT4, My Forex blog - http://jannafx. com. Forex Trading Systems that Work! Very Easy! No signals, no averages, nothing! Subscribe http://www. youtube. com/user/myobcom. Turn ON annotations.
Risk warning: Trading foreign exchange and futures on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como a su ventaja. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas o futuros, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto, no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y futuros, y consultar con un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.
Комментарии на видео: Forex Trading, My Trades for Last Week in October
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Jun E-mini S&Ps (ESM16 -0.30% ) are down -0.45%. retreating from a 2 -1 /2 month high on global growth concerns. The markets lost their euphoria over the Fed's decision Wednesday to scale back interest rate increases on concern over global growth. Caterpillar is down over 3% in pre-market trading after it lowered guidance on Q1 adjusted EPS to 65 cents -70 cents, below consensus of 95 cents. European stocks are down -1.66%. led by losses in carmakers, as EUR/USD rallied to a 5-week high. Commodity producers and mining stocks bucked the trend and are trading higher as crude oil jumped to a 3 -1 /4 month high and copper climbed to a 1 -1 /2 week high. Asian stocks settled mixed: Japan -0.22%. Hong Kong +1.21%, China +1.20%, Taiwan +0.41%, Australia +0.96%, Singapore +1.26%, South Korea +0.72%, India -0.02%. China's Shanghai Composite posted a 3-week high as the yuan strengthened to a 2 -1 /2 month high against the dollar, although Japanese stocks closed lower after JPY/USD fell to a 3-week low, which undercut exporters and dragged the overall market lower.
The dollar index (DXY00 -1.00% ) is down -1.14% at a 4 -3 /4 month low. EUR/USD (^EURUSD ) is up +0.90% at a 5-week high. USD/JPY (^USDJPY ) is down -1.12% at a 3-week low.
Jun T-note prices (ZNM16 +0.45%) are up +22 ticks at a 1-week high on positive carryover from the FOMC's decision yesterday to scale back its interest rate increases.
The ECB Governing Council lowered the ELA ceiling for Greek banks to 71.3 billion euros from 71.4 billion euros, saying the move "reflects an improvement of the liquidity situation of Greek banks, amid a reduction of uncertainty and the stabilization of private sector deposit flows."
Key U. S. news today includes: (1) weekly initial unemployment claims (expected +9,000 to 268,000, previous -18 ,000 to 259,000) and continuing claims (expected +10,000 to 2.235 million, previous -32 ,000 to 2.225 million), (2) Q4 current account deficit (expected -$118.0 billion, Q3 -$124.1 billion), (3) Mar Philadelphia Fed business outlook survey (expected +1.3 to -1.5. Feb +0.7 to -2.8 ), (4) Jan JOLTS job openings (expected -57 ,000 to 5.550 million, Dec +261,000 to 5.607 million), (5) Feb leading indicators (expected +0.2%, Jan -0.2% ), and (6) the Treasury's auction of $11 billion of 10-year TIPS.
There are 4 of the Russell 1000 companies that report earnings today: Adobe Systems (consensus $0.61), Marvell Technology (0.10), Michaels Cos (0.84), International Game Technology (0.37).
U. S. IPO's scheduled to price today: Spring Bank Pharmaceuticals (SBPH).
Equity conferences during the remainder of this week include: Barclays Capital Global Health Care Conference on Tue-Thu, Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Industrials & EU Autos Conference on Wed-Thu, Evercore ISI Retail Summit on Wed-Thu, ACI European Food & Beverage Plastic Packaging Conference on Thu, and Citigroup Retail Madness Conference on Thu.
Caterpillar (CAT +2.62%) is down over 3% in pre-market trading after it lowered guidance on Q1 adjusted EPS to 65 cents -70 cents, below consensus of 95 cents.
Hyatt Hotels (H -0.61% ) were downgraded to 'Equalweight' from 'Overweight' at Morgan Stanley.
Valeant Pharmaceuticals International (VRX +0.09%) is down over 2% in pre-market trading after Wells Fargo lowered its valuation on the stock to $30-$31 from $56-$58.
St. Jude Medical (STJ -1.54% ) rose nearly 2% in after-hours trading after the stock was rated a 'Buy' at Nomura with a price target of $64.
FedEx (FDX +0.84%) climbed nearly 5% in after-hours trading after it reported Q3 adjusted EPS of $2.51, higher than consensus of $2.34, and then raised guidance on fiscal 2016 adjusted EPS to $10.70-$10.90 from a previous estimate of $10.40-$10.90, above consensus of $10.56.
Jabil Circuit (JBL +2.57%) sank nearly 9% in after-hours trading after it reported Q2 core EPS of 57 cents, below consensus of 60 cents, and said it sees Q3 core EPS of 12 cents -18 cents, well below consensus of 51 cents.
Herman Miller (MLHR +2.26%) gained over 2% in after-hours trading after it reported Q3 EPS of 46 cents, better than consensus of 39 cents, and said it sees Q4 EPS of 57 cents -61 cents, higher than consensus of 53 cents.
U. S. Silica (SLCA +2.98%) lost 3% in after-hours trading after it reported a stock offering of 8 million shares.
Homeinns Hotel Group (HMIN -0.20% ) reported Q4 revenue of $258.9 million, above an estimated range of $236.3 million-$240.4 million.
Silver Wheaton (SLW +5.51%) rose over 1% in after-hours trading after it reported Q4 adjusted EPS of 14 cents, better than consensus of 13 cents.
Williams-Sonoma (WSM +2.15%) slipped 4% in after-hours trading after it reported Q4 EPS of $1.55, below consensus of $1.58, and said it sees Q1 EPS of 48 cents -52 cents, weaker than consensus of 55 cents.
Guess (GES -1.84% ) slumped over 9% in after-hours trading after it reported Q4 EPS of 57 cents, below consensus of 58 cents, and said it sees fiscal year 2017 EPS of 65 cents -85 cents, weaker than consensus of $1.05.
Barrick Gold (ABX +6.98%) CFO Shaun Usmar will leave the company to lead Elliot Management Venture and will be replaced by EVP Catherine Raw effective April 26.
Rofin-Sinar Technologies (RSTI -0.13% ) surged over 40% in after-hours trading after Coherent (COHR +0.24%) agreed to buy the company for $32.50 a share or $942 million.
Jun E-mini S&Ps (ESM16 -0.30% ) this morning are down -9.00 points ( -0.45% ). Wednesday's closes: S&P 500 +0.56%, Dow Jones +0.43%, Nasdaq +0.85%. The S&P 500 on Wednesday erased early losses and rallied to a 2 -1 /4 month high and closed higher. Stocks were boosted by the +0.2% increase in U. S. Feb manufacturing production (stronger than expectations of +0.1%) and by the dovish FOMC meeting where the FOMC lowered its 2016 year-end fed funds rate forecast to 0.9% from a 1.4% estimate in Dec, which implies only two 25 bp rate increases in 2016 versus an estimate of four rate hikes in Dec.
Jun 10-year T-notes (ZNM16 +0.45%) this morning are up +22 ticks at a 1-week high. Wednesday's closes: TYM6 +14.00, FVM6 +15.00. Jun T-notes on Wednesday recovered from a 1 -1 /2 month low and closed higher on the dovish FOMC meeting where the FOMC cut its GDP and inflation forecasts and now predicts only two rate hikes this year rather the four. T-notes fell early to a 1 -1 /2 month low after U. S. Feb core CPI rose +2.3% y/y, the largest increase in 3 -3 /4 years.
The dollar index (DXY00 -1.00% ) this morning is down -1.093 ( -1.14% ) at a 4 -3 /4 month low. EUR/USD (^EURUSD ) is up +0.0101 (+0.90%) at a 5-week high. USD/JPY (^USDJPY ) is down -1.26 ( -1.12% ) at a 3-week low. Wednesday's closes: Dollar Index -0.743 ( -0.77% ), EUR/USD +0.0115 (+1.04%), USD/JPY -0.62 ( -0.55% ). The dollar index on Wednesday slid to a 1-month low and closed lower on the dovish FOMC meeting where the Fed cut its expectations for rate hikes, acknowledged global risks, and cut its GDP and inflation forecasts.
Apr WTI crude (CLJ16 +1.72%) this morning is up +1.59% to a 3 -1 /4 month high and Apr gasoline (RBJ16 +0.27%) is up +0.0039 (+0.27%). Wednesday's closes: CLJ6 +2.12 (+5.83%), RBJ6 +0.0101 (+0.72%). Apr crude oil and gasoline on Wednesday closed sharply higher on the slide in the dollar index to a 1-month low, the -0.1% decline in U. S. crude production in the week ended Mar 11 to a 16-month low of 9.068 million bpd, and the +1.3 million bbl increase in weekly EIA crude inventories, less than expectations of +2.75 million bbl.
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Get Barchart U. S. Morning Call delivered to your email inbox! Sign up for free here.
Barchart U. S. Morning Call is written by the experienced members of the Commodity Research Bureau and the Barchart Research Team. Commodity Research Bureau (CRB) has been providing research to the financial and commodity community since 1934. If you have any questions for our analysts, please contact us at support@crbtrader. com .
Sent every morning, "Morning Call" summarizes overnight global market news, along with a U. S. market forecast for the day ahead. It Includes upcoming earnings reports, a global financial calendar, and quote board overview of where the markets are standing.
The information contained on InsideFutures. com is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. Market data is furnished on an exchange delayed basis by Barchart. com. Data transmission or omissions shall not be made the basis for any claim, demand or cause for action. No information on the site, nor any opinion expressed, constitutes a solicitation of the purchase or sale of any futures or options contracts. InsideFutures. com is not a broker, nor does it have an affiliation with any broker.
Copyright ©2005-2016 InsideFutures. com, a Barchart. com product. Todos los derechos reservados.
Trading ECB: Cheat Sheet & Bottom Line For EUR/USD – SocGen
The ECB meeting is drawing near and here is a quick and short preview from SocGen:
Here is their view, courtesy of eFXnews:
1. Deposit rate: current -0.30%
SG forecast: -20bp to -0.50%
Consensus: -10bp Forecast range: no change to -20bp
2. Asset purchase programme. current €60bn/month until March 2017 (sovereign, ABS, CB)
SG forecast: no change
Consensus: no change, 60% chance of programme expansion by €10bn to €70bn
SG forecast: extension to 2017
4. Tiered interest rate system on excess reserves
SG forecast: two-tier system ECB to copy the BoJ? Required minimum reserves with the BoJ have an interest rate of 0%, excess reserves in existence in January will earn 0.1%, new excess reserves created by the future expansion of the BoJ balance sheet are subject to an interest rate of -0.1%.
Further easing is expected from the ECB this week, but it is unlikely to push the EUR/USD exchange rate lower durably. We do not expect EUR/USD to break below the 1.04/1.05 low reached in 2015 over the course of this year, short of a Brexit scenario.
For lots more FX trades from major banks, sign up to eFXplus
By signing up to eFXplus via the link above, you are directly supporting Forex Crunch.
sobre el autor
Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor
I have been into forex trading for over 5 years, and I share the experience that I have and the knowledge that I’ve accumulated. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Like many forex traders, I’ve earned the significant share of my knowledge the hard way. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.
Before founding Forex Crunch, I’ve worked as a programmer in various hi-tech companies. I have a B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.
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The Week for Russell 2000 Trading – 5/4 – 5/8
Small cap stocks played a little catch up last week with the Russell 2000 rising 0.55% while the Russell 1000 gained 0.35%. Like all broad based market indexes in the US last, the positive performance came from the market’s reaction to Friday’s employment report. Large cap stocks actually ruled the day on Friday with the benchmark Russell 1000 gaining 1.2% while the Russell 2000 rose by about 0.75%. For a perspective on the relative performance of large and small cap stocks in 2015 I put together the chart below.
This chart adjusts both the Russell 1000 and Russell 2000 price performance to start at 100 as of the end of 2014. So far the absolute price change for the 1000 is 3.15% while the Russell 2000 is up 2.51%. Note for a good part of March and April small cap performance dominated the relationship.
Another big out of the money spread came into the Russell 2000 post on Friday with this trade occurring on the call side of the board. With the Russell 2000 at 1235 and about 30 minutes left in the trading day there was a seller of over 63,000 RUT May 15 th 1275 Calls at 0.21 who also purchased the same number of RUT May 15 th 1285 Calls for 0.14 and a net credit of 0.07. The result a potential profit of 0.07 or loss of 9.93. However, the Russell 2000 needs to gain over 30 points or about 2.4% to hit the break even level and would need to be 40 points (or more) higher for this trade to result in taking the full loss of 9.93. Finally, remember that RUT options are AM settled so this price move to the upside needs to occur in four trading sessions plus any overnight changes Thursday.
Executive trading this week
AES Corp. Souza, Fabian, officer, sold 2,764 shares of common at $10.96 each on March 7 and now directly and indirectly holds 26,646.
Astronics Corp. Brady, Robert T. director, exercised an option for 5,000 shares of common at $5.12 each on March 3. Drenning, John B. director, exercised an option for 5,000 shares of common at $5.12 each on March 3. Mckenna, Robert J. director, exercised an option for 11,500 shares of common between $3.53 and $7.30 each on March 1.
Babcock & Wilcox Enterprises: Blue Harbour Group LP, beneficial owner of more than 10 percent of a class of security, sold 95,000 shares of common between $18.88 and $19.7 each between March 1 and March 2 and now directly and indirectly holds 5,185,542.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. Andreotti, Lamberto, director, sold 23,200 shares of common between $65.35 and $66.35 each between March 8 and March 9 and now directly and indirectly holds 469,654. Campbell, Lewis B, director, exercised an option for 2,500 shares of common at $24.96 each on March 8 and sold 2,500 shares of common at $66.00 each on March 8. He now directly and indirectly holds 2,110. Caldarella, Joseph C. officer, sold 12,962 shares of common at $64.64 each on March 4 and now directly and indirectly holds 48,30.
Cameron International Corp. Moore, Jack B. director, exercised an option for 50,000 shares of common at $42.81 each on March 4 and sold 50,000 shares of common at $68.23 each on March 4. He now directly and indirectly holds 297,130.
Community Bank System: Gabriel, James A. director, exercised an option for 3,817 shares of common at $22.94 each on March 8 and sold 3,817 shares of common at $38.68 each on March 8. He now directly and indirectly holds 77,580.
Dow Chemical Co. Shaw, Ruth G. director, exercised an option for 4,900 shares of common at $43.37 each on March 1.
E I du Pont de Nemours and Co. Doyle, Christopher Marc, officer, sold 1,325 shares of common at $63.00 each on March 8 and now directly and indirectly holds 79,821.
Ford Motor Co. Ford, William Clay Jr. chairman of the board, sold 2,180,000 shares of common at $13.60 each on March 7 and now directly and indirectly holds 1,627,664.
Ingersoll-Rand PLC: Avedon, Marcia J. officer, sold 11,360 shares of common at $56.62 each on March 1 and now directly and indirectly holds 110,692. Cohon, Jared L. director, exercised an option for 10,80 shares of common at $27.30 each on March 1 and sold 10,80 shares of common at $57.9 each on March 1 and now directly and indirectly holds 26,284.
Marsh & McLennan Cos. Gilbert, Edward Scott, chief technology officer, exercised an option for 72,248 shares of common at $22.71 each on March 7 and sold 76,248 shares of common at $57.21 each on March 7. He now directly and indirectly holds 33,513.
National Fuel Gas Co. Smith, David F. director, exercised an option for 55,000 shares of common at $35.11 each on March 8 and sold 45,000 shares of common at $48.23 each on March 8. He now directly and indirectly holds 243,388.
Northrop Grumman Corp. Vice, Thomas E. officer, exercised an option for 14,344 shares of common at $63.22 each on March 4 and sold 2,294 shares of common at $191.7 each on March 4. He now directly and indirectly holds 13,494. Cheston, Sheila C. general counsel, sold 11,857 shares of common at $190.4 each on March 3 and now directly and indirectly holds 56,518. Antkowiak, Patrick M. chief technology officer, sold 4,500 shares of common at $193.82 each on March 1 and now directly and indirectly holds 8,739.
Olin Corp. Larrimore, Randall W. director, purchased 1,600 shares of common at $15.45 each on March 1 and now directly and indirectly holds 60,215.
Universal Stainless & Alloy Products: Pollock, Larry J. officer, purchased 1,10 shares of common at $7.43 each on March 4 and now directly and indirectly holds 4,770.
Visteon Corp. Robertson, William M. officer, sold 4,117 shares of common at $72.74 each on March 3 and now directly and indirectly holds 1,300.
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Last week, I discussed the “new abnormal” when it comes to global monetary policy – the lowering of central bank interest rates to negative levels.
Or, to give it a catchier name… NIRP (negative interest rate policies).
As I said, “The move to NIRP shows how desperate policy makers are becoming in their quest to stimulate economic growth. But to date, NIRP has produced few tangible benefits.”
So the European Central Bank’s recent unveiling of (yet more) stimulus measures for the eurozone economy was a real eye-opener.
First, the ECB expanded the amount of quantitative easing from €60 billion to €80 billion a month. The bank also said it was lowering its main refinancing rate to 0% and its deposit rate further negative to -0.4%.
ECB President Mario Draghi added that he didn’t think those rates would need to be lowered again.
Famous last words!
To make such a statement was surprising, but it was the two other parts of the ECB’s stimulus package that really caught my eye.
Trickle-Down Banking
It seems that Draghi and the ECB have grasped the concept that using negative rates as your main monetary tool is bad.
Can we get a “hallelujah”?
The effect of negative rates on the European banking system was starting to hit home, affecting banks adversely.
So the ECB extended the banking system a lifeline. It came in the form of targeted longer-term refinancing operations (TLTROs). The first TLTRO is scheduled for a June launch.
This measure allows Europe’s banks to borrow from the ECB at a rate as low as -0.4%.
The theory goes something like this…
Banks lend the money to businesses and consumers across the continent in order to stimulate economic growth.
The more the banks lend out, the lower the rate will be. So if you’re a bank and grow your non-mortgage lending portfolio by 2.5%, by January 2018, the interest rate paid on that borrowed money drops to -0.4%.
In other words, the ECB will pay European banks to lend money!
You can see the thinking here. Troubled European banks have been reluctant to lend – a reluctance that’s stifled economic growth.
So common sense would dictate that banks will take advantage of the ECB’s free money and begin to lend more readily. Estimates are that TLTROs will add at least €3 billion to European banks’ annual earnings.
But it’s the ECB’s next move that I think is a real game-changer for financial markets…
The ECB Goes Corporate
As part of the bank’s QE program, it will now begin to buy non-financial corporate bonds.
The ECB said it will buy “investment-grade euro-denominated bonds” issued by European companies in the eurozone.
This will give a huge boost to both European companies and the European corporate bond market. ¿Por qué?
Because corporate bonds will have a big, steady buyer later this year. This will obviously boost bond prices, thus lowering yields. And it should translate to European companies being able to borrow money at cheaper rates.
It will be interesting to see how the Invesco PowerShares International Corporate Bond ETF (PICB ) fares. It has about half of its portfolio in European bonds.
The ECB move should be a positive for U. S. corporate bonds, too. As yields fall in Europe, investors looking for higher yields will come searching for them in the United States.
The Stock Market Effect
It’s this ECB move to buy corporate bonds that I believe is behind the U. S. stock market’s latest move higher.
After all, we’re now just a short hop, skip, and a jump away from central banks buying blue-chip stocks outright.
Heck, the Bank of Japan already buys Japanese REITs. And the Swiss National Bank’s balance sheet already looks more like one of a U. S. mutual fund than a central bank, given all the U. S. blue-chip stocks it owns.
I’m sure at least some on Wall Street are already rubbing their greedy hands in anticipation of heavy central banks’ buying of stocks.
And if you think that’s a crazy notion, just look at the lengths that banks have gone to so far!
I firmly believe there is no end to central bankers’ experimentation in order to try to jump-start global economies. And if stock market conditions go south rapidly, this new form of QE could be in play.
Currently, the Federal Reserve is prohibited from buying stocks by the Federal Reserve Act. But an amendment in 2010 – Section 13 (3) – allows the Fed to lend money to entities to buy stocks. In fact, some have said the Fed loaned money to the Swiss National Bank to buy its portfolio of stocks.
Now, I doubt that’s true. But the ECB’s move has pushed us further down the slippery slope toward more and more direct central bank intervention in financial markets. As if we needed any more!
If stock-buying comes to pass, what’s next? Helicopter money?
US stocks edge higher in early trading - KCBD NewsChannel 11 Lubbock
(AP Photo/Richard Drew, File). FILE - In this Oct. 2, 2014, file photo, the statue of George Washington on the steps of Federal Hall faces the facade of the New York Stock Exchange. European stock markets pushed higher Wednesday, March 9, 2016, a day a.
NEW YORK (AP) - More positive earnings surprises from U. S. companies are helping send stocks higher in early trading.
Discount store operator Dollar General jumped more than 7 percent early Thursday after reporting earnings that were higher than analysts were expecting.
Mobile payments company Square and cloud storage company Box both rose after reporting results that beat estimates.
European stocks rose after the European Central Bank announced more stimulus measures.
The Dow Jones industrial average climbed 36 points, or 0.2 percent, to 17,039 as of 9:35 a. m. Eastern time.
El estándar & amp; Poor's 500 index climbed 6 points, or 0.3 percent, to 1,995. The Nasdaq composite increased 22 points, or 0.5 percent, to 4,698.
Bond prices fell. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note rose to 1.89 percent.
Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. Todos los derechos reservados. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Updated: Thursday, March 17 2016 7:55 PM EDT 2016-03-17 23:55:48 GMT
Transportation officials and automakers say they've agreed to make automatic braking standard in nearly all cars within six years - by 2022.
Automatic braking will be standard in most cars and light trucks within six years and on heavier SUVs and pickup trucks within eight years under an agreement that transportation officials and automakers announced on Thursday.
Updated: Thursday, March 17 2016 7:54 PM EDT 2016-03-17 23:54:39 GMT
Prescription painkillers should not be a first-choice for treating common ailments like back pain and arthritis, according to new federal guidelines designed to reshape how doctors prescribe drugs like OxyContin.
Prescription painkillers should not be a first choice for treating common ailments like back pain and arthritis, according to new federal guidelines designed to reshape how doctors prescribe drugs like OxyContin and Vicodin.
Updated: Thursday, March 17 2016 7:54 PM EDT 2016-03-17 23:54:36 GMT
Two hospitals in Washington state are the latest to urge nearly 1,500 patients to get tested for hepatitis and HIV after a former surgery technician was charged with stealing and swapping a syringe in Colorado.
Two hospitals in Washington state are the latest to urge nearly 1,500 patients to get tested for hepatitis and HIV after a former surgery technician was charged with stealing and swapping a syringe in Colorado.
Updated: Thursday, March 17 2016 7:54 PM EDT 2016-03-17 23:54:27 GMT
Volunteers let researchers inject them with the dengue virus in the name of science - and an experimental vaccine protected them. Next up, scientists plan to use this same strategy against dengue's cousin, the.
Forget mosquito bites. Volunteers let researchers inject them with the dengue virus in the name of science - and an experimental vaccine protected them. Next up, scientists plan to use this same strategy against.
Updated: Thursday, March 17 2016 7:54 PM EDT 2016-03-17 23:54:19 GMT
SeaWorld is ending its practice of killer whale breeding following years of controversy over keeping orcas in captivity.
After years of pressure, SeaWorld made a surprise announcement on Thursday: It no longer breeds killer whales in captivity and will soon stop making them leap from their pools or splash audiences on command.
The DJIA Is Now Just 6% From Another All-Time High
The DJIA Is Now Just 6% From Another All-Time High
However, the banking stocks are 100% away from one
The Big Q: How is the bear market going, oh, haven’t you heard?
The Big A: Nothing but blue skies and sunshine ahead as far as the eye can see.
Hard to believe, yes, but I still can’t argue that the stock market hasn’t been performing better than it was in January.
Mr Bear was docile last week; no days of extreme market breadth or volatility to report, and the DJIA (below) is trending back toward its BEV -5% line.
Even so . the DJIA still needs 1,100 more points to make a new all-time high (the Red 0.0% Line). But I suspect the next eleven hundred points will be more difficult than the past fifteen hundred it’s advanced since it’s last 52Wk Low on February 11 th .
Next we see the DJIA plotted with its 52Wk Highs and Lows. One could argue that the difficulties in the stock market since last May are merely a correction within a larger bull market. But one would have to ignore completely the fact that since the credit crisis the DJIA has only advanced in response to three episodes of Quantitative Easing .
Okay, since February 11 th the DJIA has managed to advance toward a new all-time high without the benefit of any quantitative easing from the Fed. But since last May it’s also seen not one but two twelve percent corrections, but no new all-time highs .
I still say it’s the bulls that bear the burden of proving we are still in a bull market. I can’t see into the future, and Janet Yellen stopped taking my phone calls after she became Chairwoman of the Fed.
But as you’ll see later in this article there are lots of problems in the economy and financial markets. So to my way of thinking it’s more likely we’ll see the DJIA drop below 5,000 (a 70% bear market) before we see it above 19,000.
The Dow Jones Total Market Group (DJTMG)’s Top 20 (the number of groups within 20% of their last all-time high) ended the week at 41, a big improvement from Barron’s 18 January 2016 issue when there were only 26.
But can the Top 20 manage to exceed the post credit crisis peak of 52 from back in July 2014?
Cualquier cosa podría pasar. But since 1992 it seems to peak when the stock market is inflating (as it did during the High Tech and Mortgage bubbles), and then begins to deflate until, during the credit crisis, there were no groups left within 20% of their last all-time high .
I expect the top seen in July 2014 will prove to be the post credit crisis bubble peak in DJTMG’s Top 20.
Something interesting is happening in the DJTMG 52Wk High and Low data. In the table below I sorted the groups by their Blue 52Wk Low column . #1 & #2 have seen huge declines from their 52Wk Highs, but they’ve more than doubled since their January bottoms just a few weeks ago.
Non-Ferrous Mining bottomed 82% below its 52Wk High in Barron’s January 25 th issue, but then bounced back more than 140% in just six weeks.
Coal bottomed 87% below its 52Wk High in Barron’s January 18 th issue, then bounced back more than 130% in just eight weeks.
However, looking at the huge percentage declines in Non-Ferrous Mining and Coal s ince their 52Wk highs leads me to believe that these gains are just dead cat bounces, not long term trends.
Barack Hussein Obama famously promised to destroy coal mining as an industry.
With his EPA motivating many electric power utilities to switch from coal to natural gas I’d say he was successful. And I doubt that base-metal mining has much potential to recover unless China once again begins to expand.
China currently is capable of producing more than a billion tons of steel annually. They could sheath their Great Wall with Steel if they wanted too . or go broke trying to sell hundreds of millions of tons of steel no one has any use for.
Which takes us to #3 below: Gold Mining may have advanced a huge 64.5% since its 52Wk Low (as of Barron’s January 25 th issue), but it’s currently just 8.55% away from a new 52Wk High . After a brutal bear market that began back in August 2011 . it looks like the precious metal miners have turned the corner and may be entering a multi-year bull market.
And unlike Coal or Non-Ferrous Mining, there is never lack of global demand for the gold and silver these miners pull from the ground. I like the PM (precious metals) miners.
Decades ago unless a change was announced in the Discount Rate, investors seldom read anything about the Federal Reserve.
People might be excused for not knowing the United States even had a central bank for what little the media said about it.
All that changed in the late 1970s when Fed Chairman Paul Volcker levitated short term rates into the double digits, far above long term bond yields . This is known as a “yield inversion.”
In the late 70’s and early 80’s for the first time the Federal Reserve received much media attention when Volcker testified before Congress. He knew his inflation fighting policies were causing lots of pain but he didn’t care because that’s what the doctor ordered.
“So you see Mr. American Voter, the recession wasn’t Congress’s fault; it was that Volcker guy.” Now you see why Chairmen of the Federal Reserve are appointed . not elected.
Who among us doesn’t hear that the Federal Reserve has the solution for all that ails the economy? Does a week ever go by without a member of the FOMC giving the public insight into “Fed policy?”
Last Monday, Stanley Fischer told CNNMoney that the FOMC will soon meet its 2% inflation target.
The Fed’s No. 2, Stanley Fischer, spoke optimistically about a Key yardstick for the economy. He noted that a recent pick-up in inflation could currently be moving up towards the Fed’s 2% target. & # 8212;
Comments like Mr. Fischer’s suggest the Fed is gaining confidence about its two key measures; inflation near 2% and a strong job market. Many Fed officials have said the job market is at or near “full employment.” The unemployment rate is 4.9%. & # 8211; CNNMoney (New York) First published March 7, 2016: 2:54 PM ET
Before 1971, if it was announced that inflation had fallen below 2% and that the FOMC was optimistic that it could correct this “problem” it would have been quite a hoot! And what’s all this about the job market nearing full employment?
CNNMoney, like most legacy media outlets are captured by the Washington establishment. They’re not going to mention the current inability of many college graduates to find employment in their field, or embarrass a member of the FOMC by mentioning that their personal grocery bills have risen far more than 2% over the past year.
Let’s take a look at what the Federal Reserve has been doing over the past few years to elevate “inflation” above 2%.
They’ve expanded their balance sheet by more than 400% since August 2008 .
Obviously, in order to achieve their 2% inflation goal a new round of QE will be soon required. Cutting through the “policy” BS, members of the Federal Reserve couldn’t care less if inflation fell below 2% – which it hasn’t.
Their actual concern is that a significant portion of the debt market they’ve inflated (using open market operations) is at risk of, or has already gone into default. When it does they fear it will take everything else down with it, along with their credibility in the financial markets and in the halls-of-power in Washington.
Here’s the problem, and it’s been a long time coming: when one goes into a bank for a loan, the first thing the bank wants to know is how much debt you’re carrying.
If the loan applicant has no debt . they get a better rate than someone with a mortgage and car loan to pay off. Maybe they’ll even refuse to lend to someone if their current debt load is too high. The banker isn’t being vindictive; it’s just their way of rooting out deeply indebted clients living beyond their means.
But the “policy makers” like to think they’re above the bounds of natural laws such as not being possible to live beyond one’s means forever.
Below we see how the US National Debt has progressed from 1953 to present. I placed the yield for the US Treasury long bond at a few key points along the chart.
The first data point has the US National Debt at $267-B, with the yield on the long bond at 2.71%. A national debt of Two Hundred & Sixty Seven Billion Dollars may seem small now . but sixty years ago it was a cause of concern.
Three decades later, just months before the national debt first broke above one trillion dollars the long bond yield soared to 15.04%. This was the market’s way of telling the US Government it had been spending other people’s money too freely and the bond-market vigilantes feared a pending Treasury default.
But ever since 1981, T-bond yields have been declining while the national debt has surged . Just last month the national debt climbed above nineteen trillion dollars while treasury bond yield’s broke below December 1952 levels.
¿Cómo es eso posible?
Former Fed Governor Warsh told the WSJ how: “The policy makers are finding it tempting to pursue ‘financial repression’ & # 8212; suppressing market prices that they don’t like.” He added, “Efforts to manage and manipulate asset prices are not new.” & # 8211; Fed Governor Kevin M. Warsh, Wall Street Journal Quote
Former Fed Governor Warsh more specific at Stanford University back in 2012.
“Now that I am out of government, I can tell you what I really believe. & # 8211; Central banks are now so heavily influencing asset prices that investors are unable to ascertain market values. This influence is especially evident, with the Fed’s purchase of government bonds, which has made it impossible for investors to use bond prices to learn anything about markets .
( This is how bond yields today can actually be lower than in 1952; using inflationary funding the Federal Reserve purchases US Treasury Debt at any price with no regard to the solvency of the issuer whose debt burden now exceeds nineteen trillion dollars. Mr. Warsh continues.)
The government-sponsored housing entities remain sources of vulnerability to the U. S. economy, and repeated ad-hoc attempts to push Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to take greater risks at taxpayer expense are deeply counterproductive. Such efforts have not succeeded” – Kevin M. Warsh: Former Federal Reserve Governor. Comments made to the Stanford University Institute for Economic Policy Research, 25 Jan 2012.
Just four years after the credit crisis, the “policy makers” were busy inflating yet another bubble in real estate. It’s obvious that the “policy makers” solutions are the cause of the problems we struggle with today, and have for a long time.
Ground Zero for this mess is the banking system.
“Market participants, for example, need a clearer, better understanding of large financial institutions to be good policemen themselves. But the financial statements, the annual reports, the 10Ks, the 10Qs of the largest banks around the world tell us so little about their true risks.
If you spend a few hours reading the financial statements of Wal-Mart (NYSE :WMT) or Proctor & Gamble (NYSE :PG), then you would understand their business and financial statements reasonably well. It is virtually impossible to do so for the largest global banks.” & # 8211; Kevin M. Warsh. member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors February, 2006 – March, 2011. Quote from May 2011 issue of Central Banking (pages 32-40)
If the banking system, or their government regulators wanted investors to know how sound the banking system is, they could do so in their accounting. They don’t because the banks and their government regulators have much to hide, and that also goes for the Federal Reserve. They are the controlling bank that is never subject to public audit.
I’ve said in the past that the key to the future of the DJIA (and the stock market), was the banking stocks, so here’s the DJTMG’s Banking Index plotted with its 52Wk Highs and Lows (#70 in the DJTMG table above).
Remember, these companies were ground zero for the credit crisis, a crisis that spread far beyond Wall Street.
Banks provide the global economy with its payment system. When the banking system breaks down – so does everything else.
If you take a moment to compare the Banks with their 52Wk plots below with the Dow Jones chart above, you’ll see there is quite a difference.
For one thing, unlike the DJIA, all three programs of quantitative easing did little to lift the bank’s share prices, even though banks have been widely recommended for years by the clueless financial media.
That’s a big Red Flag, as the only reason the Federal Reserve even conducted these three QE programs was to assist these companies . For investors in banking stocks that’s not much of a return considering the many trillions of dollars in assistance.
Let’s go a little deeper and compare the Dow Jones with the banking stocks’ 52Wk Highs and Lows. The DJIA 52Wk High (table below) is also its last all-time high, from which it is currently only 6% away.
The DJTMG Banking Index’s last all-time high was back in 2007. It now sits 50% below that level, and would take a 100% gain to reach it again . It’s currently 17% below its 52Wk High.
As far as their advances from their 52Wk lows of a few weeks ago, they have both seen solid advances. But the gold miners have done much better, and should continue to do so for years to come.
By Mark J. Lundeen
Paul Ebeling, Editor
Pattern Recognition Analyst, equities, commodities, forex
Paul Ebeling is best known for his work as writer and publisher of “The Red Roadmaster’s Technical Report” on the US Major Market Indices™, a highly-regarded, weekly financial market letter, where he enjoys an international audience among opinion makers, business leaders, and respected organizations. Something of a pioneer in online stock market and commodities discussion and analysis, Ebeling has been online since 1994. He has studied and worked in the global financial and stock markets since 1984.
Alliance Data Systems Co. (ADS) Downgraded to “Buy” at Vetr Inc.
Alliance Data Systems Co. (NYSE:ADS) was downgraded by investment analysts at Vetr from a “strong-buy” rating to a “buy” rating in a research report issued to clients and investors on Monday, Market Beat reports. They presently have a $240.00 target price on the stock. Vetr ‘s price target would suggest a potential upside of 11.70% from the company’s previous close.
Other research analysts also recently issued research reports about the company. Jefferies Group began coverage on Alliance Data Systems in a research note on Friday, February 12th. They set a “buy” rating for the company. Dougherty & Co cut their price target on Alliance Data Systems from $400.00 to $360.00 and set a “buy” rating for the company in a research note on Friday, January 29th. Evercore ISI cut their price target on Alliance Data Systems to $292.00 and set a “buy” rating for the company in a research note on Friday, January 29th. Pacific Crest cut their price target on Alliance Data Systems from $340.00 to $300.00 in a research note on Friday, January 29th. Finally, JMP Securities reiterated a “buy” rating and set a $260.00 price target (down previously from $330.00) on shares of Alliance Data Systems in a research note on Friday, January 29th. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, three have assigned a hold rating and nineteen have assigned a buy rating to the stock. The stock presently has an average rating of “Buy” and a consensus target price of $294.52.
Several hedge funds have modified their holdings of ADS. Alliancebernstein L. P. raised its stake in shares of Alliance Data Systems by 137.6% in the fourth quarter. Alliancebernstein L. P. now owns 1,527,518 shares of the company’s stock valued at $422,466,000 after buying an additional 884,709 shares in the last quarter. Millennium Management LLC raised its stake in shares of Alliance Data Systems by 229.3% in the fourth quarter. Millennium Management LLC now owns 261,429 shares of the company’s stock valued at $72,303,000 after buying an additional 182,040 shares in the last quarter. Deutsche Bank AG raised its stake in shares of Alliance Data Systems by 17.8% in the fourth quarter. Deutsche Bank AG now owns 1,011,424 shares of the company’s stock valued at $279,726,000 after buying an additional 152,584 shares in the last quarter. Handelsbanken Fonder AB acquired a new stake in shares of Alliance Data Systems during the fourth quarter valued at approximately $41,195,000. Finally, Herndon Capital Management LLC raised its stake in shares of Alliance Data Systems by 75.4% in the fourth quarter. Herndon Capital Management LLC now owns 333,733 shares of the company’s stock valued at $92,300,000 after buying an additional 143,414 shares in the last quarter.
In other news, EVP Bryan J. Kennedy sold 7,724 shares of the company’s stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, February 9th. The stock was sold at an average price of $179.00, for a total value of $1,382,596.00. The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is accessible through the SEC website. Also, EVP Bryan A. Pearson sold 4,000 shares of the stock in a transaction on Tuesday, December 22nd. The shares were sold at an average price of $273.97, for a total value of $1,095,880.00. Following the sale, the executive vice president now owns 19,226 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $5,267,347.22. La divulgación de esta venta se puede encontrar aquí.
Shares of Alliance Data Systems (NYSE:ADS ) traded up 1.55% during mid-day trading on Monday, reaching $214.87. 759,370 shares of the company traded hands. The stock’s 50 day moving average is $206.10 and its 200 day moving average is $255.91. Alliance Data Systems has a 52-week low of $176.63 and a 52-week high of $312.00. The stock has a market capitalization of $12.73 billion and a PE ratio of 24.28.
Alliance Data Systems (NYSE:ADS) last posted its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, January 28th. The company reported $4.13 earnings per share for the quarter, topping the consensus estimate of $4.11 by $0.02. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company posted $3.45 EPS. The firm had revenue of $1.75 billion for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $1.80 billion. The firm’s revenue was up 17.7% compared to the same quarter last year. On average, analysts anticipate that Alliance Data Systems will post $16.89 earnings per share for the current year.
Alliance Data Systems Corporation is a provider of data-driven marketing and loyalty solutions serving consumer-based businesses in a variety of industries. The Company operates through three segments: LoyaltyOne, which includes the Company’s Canadian AIR MILES Reward Program and BrandLoyalty; Epsilon, which provides direct marketing solutions, and Private Label Services and Credit, which provides risk management solutions, account origination, funding, transaction processing, customer care, collections and marketing services for the Company’s private label and co-brand retail credit card programs.
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Many experts skeptical Trump's trade threats will work
FILE - In this Dec. 7, 2015, file photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a rally coinciding with Pearl Harbor Day at Patriots Point aboard the aircraft carrier USS Yorktown in Mount Pleasant, S. C. Promising to tear up trade deals and tax imports, Trump taps into voter fears of foreign competition long unaddressed by the political system. But analysts say his ideas are misguided. Mic Smith, File AP Photo
FILE - In this Wednesday, March 2, 2016, file photo, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence speaks at a news conference at the Statehouse in Indianapolis, on the decision of Carrier to move jobs out of Indiana to Mexico. Promising to tear up trade deals and tax imports, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump taps into voter fears of foreign competition long unaddressed by the political system. But analysts say his ideas are misguided. AJ Mast, File AP Photo
Donald Trump has promised to shred America's trade deals and impose fines on imports from Mexico and China. He's gone so far as to swear off Oreos to protest Nabisco's transfer of cookie production from Chicago to Mexico.
By attacking trade agreements, the Republican presidential front-runner is channeling the belief, common among many of this year's angry voters, that foreign competition is robbing American jobs and shrinking wages.
"We're being killed on trade — absolutely destroyed," Trump says.
His assault on trade deals — which in some ways echoes arguments of Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders — seems to be winning politics. But Trump's analysis of how trade hurts American workers is flawed, and as president, he would struggle to deliver on his promises.
The United States does have an unbalanced trade relationship with other nations. Last year, it imported $2.76 trillion in goods and services and exported just $2.22 trillion. That $540 billion gap — the trade deficit — was the seventh-biggest on record. Not since 1975 has the United States run a trade surplus.
A trade deficit slows economic growth and can cost jobs. Last year, the U. S. trade gap shrank growth by 0.6 percentage point to a modest 2.4 percent.
Trump, author of the 1987 best-seller "The Art of the Deal," argues that American negotiators are snookered by smarter deal-makers in China, Mexico and Japan who manage to penetrate the U. S. market without granting equal access to their own. He and his team, which he has said would include corporate takeover artist Carl Icahn, could easily do better, he says.
An assessment of his trade case:
Many economists call Trump's arguments off-base. Trade deals usually have little overall effect on jobs — positive or negative — partly because the American economy is already open to foreign competition. Bigger forces such as huge wage gaps between the United States and developing countries, and automation that lets companies replace workers, play a much larger role in job losses.
"We're running large trade deficits, and those do cost us jobs," says C. Fred Bergsten, director emeritus of the Peterson Institute for International Economics. "Almost none of that can be traced to trade agreements, bad, good or otherwise. Trade agreements always have a small net effect on jobs."
Economists at the Peterson Institute think the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a pending deal involving the United States and 11 Pacific Rim countries, would barely affect American employment. Jobs created by greater access to Asia-Pacific markets would likely be offset by jobs lost.
Just behind inept negotiators on Trump's list of those responsible for America's trade problems are businesses that move operations abroad to capitalize on cheaper labor.
Trump pledged to give up Oreos after Nabisco's parent, Mondelez International, said it would replace nine production lines in Chicago with four in Mexico.
He also said he would demand that United Technologies reverse a decision to move two Indiana plants to Mexico, eliminating 2,100 jobs. If it refused, he said he would impose a tax on anything the company built in Mexico and exported to the United States.
Trump also said he would tax auto imports from Mexico to stop U. S. automakers from moving production there.
Levying those tariffs would probably require congressional approval. It would violate commitments the United States made when it joined the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994, and the tariffs would trigger retaliation from Mexico.
No problem, Trump says.
He'd rip up NAFTA. He could exit the agreement provided he gave Mexico and Canada six months' notice. Experts differ on whether Congress would have to authorize this.
Regardless, leaving NAFTA would cause chaos for businesses that have arranged their operations around its rules.
Trump has threatened to hit Chinese imports with a 45 percent tariff. But in Thursday's Republican debate, he suggested that the tax might be negotiable.
"The 45 percent is a threat if they don't behave, if they don't follow the rules and regulations so that we can have it equal on both sides, we will tax you," he said on stage.
If Trump replaced the low tariffs provided by NAFTA and World Trade Organization rules with punitive tariffs on Mexican and Chinese goods, he probably would ignite a trade war that would raise prices for Americans and cause diplomatic havoc. Economists recall that the 1930 Smoot-Hawley legislation, which raised tariffs on imports, inflamed trade tensions and worsened the Great Depression.
Many analysts say Trump's approach to China is misguided, too.
He has charged Beijing with undervaluing China's currency, the yuan, to give its companies a price advantage in foreign markets.
The charge is obsolete. The yuan probably was undervalued three years ago, but it's climbed since then.
Now, economists say, the yuan actually has gone too high, partly because it's linked to a rising U. S. dollar. Left alone now, China's currency probably would plummet. So Beijing is buying yuan to prop it up.
"Does that sound like a country trying to undervalue their currency?" says Seattle trade lawyer Bill Perry.
Whatever the merits of Trump's arguments on trade, they have found an audience. More than half of Democratic and Republicans voters in last week's Michigan primary (won by Trump and Sanders) told pollsters they felt trade kills jobs.
Most economists generally promote the benefits of open trade. When foreigners can offer their goods and services, American consumers enjoy more items at better prices, and the competition makes U. S. companies more efficient.
Economists acknowledge that trade creates losers, too. But many who lose jobs can find work in other industries or move where companies are hiring.
Sanders has also blamed "disastrous" trade agreements with Mexico and China for costing the United States "millions of jobs." Unlike Trump, Sanders has not pledged to undo or remake those agreements. Instead, Sanders has said he opposes the Obama administration's Trans-Pacific Partnership, a pending trade deal involving the United States and 11 other nations that's awaiting congressional approval.
"What we have got to do is tell corporate America that they cannot continue to shut down," Sanders said in a debate last week in Flint, Michigan. "We've lost 60,000 factories since 2001. They're going to start. if I'm president, invest in this country — not in China, not in Mexico."
A January report on the impact of Chinese imports, from David Autor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Gordon Hanson of the University of California, San Diego, and David Dorn of the University of Zurich, casts some doubt on conventional assumptions. It found that pay remains low and unemployment high for at least a decade in communities where businesses are most exposed to Chinese competition. Workers there bounce among jobs and suffer a drop in lifetime pay.
Rather than pick fights with trading partners, as Trump would, analysts favor retraining workers who lose jobs to foreign competition or giving them financial assistance to move where companies are hiring.
"The politicians have just not done a good enough job in creating the support to help workers make the transition," says Joshua Meltzer, a senior fellow at Brookings Institution.
The political system's lethargy gave Trump an opportunity.
"Why is Trump winning?" Perry asks. "He's energized a part of the lower middle class. The political system has taken them for granted. They feel threatened. And when they feel threatened, they look for a savior."
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EQT Corp. (EQT) Pops 3.73% for March 10
One of the S&P 500’s big winners for Thursday March 10 was EQT Corp. (EQT ) as the company’s stock climbed 3.73% to $60.06 on volume of 1.34 million shares.
The stock opened at $58.11 and saw an intraday low of $56.78 and an intraday high of $60.20. All told, the day saw a per-share gain of $2.16. The stock’s average daily volume of 2.36 million and 152.57 million shares outstanding. EQT Corp. now has a 50-day SMA is $56.69 and 200-day SMA is $67.74, and it has a 52-week high of $92.79 and a 52-week low of $47.10.
EQT Corp is a natural gas exploration and production company. The Company produces natural gas from the proved natural gas, NGL and crude oil reserves; and also provides gathering, transmission and storage services for the Company's produced gas.
Based out of Pittsburgh, PA, EQT Corp. has 1,914 employees and, after today’s trading, reached a market cap of $9.16 billion. The stock’s P/E Ratio is 101.6. Its P/S ratio is 4.52, P/B ratio is 1.81, and P/FCF ratio is 7.8.
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The S&P 500 represents the industry standard for large-cap indices. While the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) may be the most visible stock market index in the country, the S&P 500 has long been relied on by industry insiders and fund managers as the more reliable gauge of portfolio performance.
While the DJIA is price-weighted and only includes 30 stocks, the S&P 500 uses a weighting system that factors in market cap and the size of a company’s free float while including some 500 stocks for a more comprehensive look at the broader markets’ performance. Its performance is far more representative of the large - and mega-cap stocks for any period of time.
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All data provided by QuoteMedia and was accurate as of 4:30PM ET.
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