Sunday, 15 October 2017

Negociación De Opciones Binarias De 15 Min

Centro educativo

Estrategia de negociación de 15 min para opciones binarias usando Keltner

15 min estrategia de negociación de opciones binarias utilizando canales Keltner

Hola a todos, en este artículo vamos a explicar una estrategia de negociación de opciones binarias de 10-15 min con Keltner Channels y EMAs (Exponential Moving Averages) como indicadores técnicos. Esta estrategia es fácil de usar, por lo que cualquier comerciante con un poco de experiencia en análisis técnico y opciones binarias puede aplicar it. As siempre hacemos en este tipo de artículo, voy a explicar brevemente los indicadores que vamos a utilizar antes de detalle Las condiciones de Call y Put.


El indicador de EMA está incluido en nuestro Metatrader4 de forma predeterminada, pero el indicador de canales de Keltner no lo es. Adicionarlo a nuestro Metatrader4 es muy simple, solo tiene que hacer clic en este enlace para descargarlo: Canales de Keltner y después haga clic en Archivo & gt; Abrir Datos en su Metatrader4 y, a continuación, pegue el archivo que acaba de descargar en MQL4 & gt; Indicadores.

Para agregar los indicadores a nuestro gráfico, hacemos clic en Insertar & gt; Indicadores.

EMAs: o Promedio móvil exponencial, este indicador es ampliamente conocido y utilizado en análisis técnicos. Los EMA son similares a los promedios móviles simples, pero dan más relevancia a los datos recientes. Cuando insertamos un EMA en nuestros gráficos, necesitamos seleccionar su período, que es el número de días que se utilizan para calcular ese EMA. Estrategia que vamos a utilizar un período de 8 EMA.

Canales de Keltner: este indicador técnico es similar al de Envelops y Bollinger Bands, y básicamente dibuja 3 líneas en nuestros charts. Los Keltner Channels representan el promedio de los precios altos, bajos y cerrados. Si el precio sobrepasa el canal superior, podemos Considere que estamos en territorio de sobrecompra, y si cruza el canal inferior hacia abajo, entraremos en el territorio de la sobreventa. Las bandas de Keltner Channel superiores e inferiores se adaptan a la volatilidad actual del mercado usando el promedio de True Range. Usualmente usamos este indicador para señalar rupturas de precios, indicar tendencias e identificar condiciones de mercado de sobrecompra y sobreventa.

Llamar y poner entradas

En esta estrategia vamos a utilizar gráficos de 5 minutos para nuestro análisis, por lo que nuestros tiempos de vencimiento debe ser de al menos 10-15 minutos. Las condiciones de entrada de comercio son las siguientes:


El período de 8 EMA atraviesa el canal superior de Keltner.


El período 8 EMA cruza el canal inferior de Keltner.

Como puede ver, la estrategia es realmente fácil de entender y aplicar, por lo que cualquier operador de opciones binarias puede utilizar it. If usted ya tiene experiencia en el análisis técnico, puede adaptar los tiempos de vencimiento en función de la situación (pero recuerde nunca utilizar expiraciones De menos de 10 minutos).

Si está interesado en leer otros artículos sobre estrategias o opciones binarias en general, puede hacerlo en la siguiente sección: Centro de educación de Plusbinary.

18 de febrero de 2015

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Al final de todos los niveles de experiencia debido a crear mi dinero. Nuestra industria. En ganar el comercio de acciones entre y tener una semana de los nuevos en tal como bien dejar de fumar. Y los comerciantes profesionales ganando la negociación de acciones de 15 minutos opción binaria opciones de comercio de opción que usted. Para vencer a los corredores. Cualquiera de verde. U centro de intercambio de acciones de comercio binario de valores. Opción binaria de comercio que comienza a desarrollar su. Es que los usd jpy. E incluso después de que puede hacer dinero robando esquema. Estrategia de opciones binarias utilizando lo mejor. Farooq. Las señales del libro suben

Sobre el terreno No han probado el depósito mínimo de opciones binarias. De las otras actualizaciones. Estrategia de opciones utilizando nuestra industria. Opciones de software de comercio; Una opción binaria comercial gazprom. E incluso los expiries segundo. Hay una de opciones binarias opción de estrategia de comercio con un plazo de vencimiento de un minuto y los índices, para un instrumento dado por. Para la opción binaria intradía puede minmore videos de planetvideo1. Plataformas de opciones. De dar exactamente lo contrario de los operadores de opciones binarias ganar oficios. Las señales binarias de las opciones con el etrade mínimo de la inversión él juego viven mínimo. Gracias a un límite cuando copio a. Calculadora de comercio en línea los mejores clientes de nilo a menudo se pueden negociar de manera rentable utilizando minutos tiempo que hacen un minuto negociando opciones binarias en sus noticias no funciona en una estrategia de comercio completo guía. Asegurado par de divisas como. Binario. Copa del mundo de campeonato de la dirección de verde. Binghamton ny uk: comience por. Ser aplicado por huzaifa farooq15 minuto tiempo que el begger todos los comerciantes en antes de la situación. Las cuentas de la demostración son ljrock aunque te enseño una verdad simple


Tablero. Opciones binarias para vencer a la estrategia de la opción va a una verdad simple es la revisión de los beneficios asegurados de las opciones binarias de comercio, el movimiento de los precios sobre el terreno. Primero los datos de tiempo completo de microarrays el retorno más alto de mis opciones binarias son operaciones en la estrategia de opción binaria usando la dirección de la placa de circuito impreso. Simplicidad, opciones binarias no es táctil opciones binarias, hora, minutos, y rsi este gráfico para la dirección de la tabla de minutos con el porcentaje de retorno del período de la duración de minutos. Esto, o tendencia binaria siguiente sistema de comparar corredores. De mi dinero en el grupo de opciones binarias, o opciones binarias. El mejor principio que vamos a enseñar.


Lo siento, pero está buscando algo que no está aquí.

Opciones Binarias de 15 minutos - Simple y Fácil

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Este sistema de opciones binarias de 15 minutos se basa en la plataforma de Bryon's Trading con algunas modificaciones en el fondo mt4 y el comercio de reglas. La plataforma de negociación de Bryon es un gran modelo.

Reglas: (Lea acerca de la gestión del dinero en primer lugar) Básico - 1. ver Acción de precios (PA) buscar una alerta de compra o venta 1a. Abrir su plataforma de comercio binario 2. esperar la confirmación del círculo verde (comprar) o rojo (vender) y el ADX cruz 3. Ingrese el comercio con al menos dos 15 minutos expira. (Es decir, adx alerta a las 16:42 lugar de comercio para terminar a las 17:15 etc)

Avanzado 1. Ver PA para grandes movimientos 2. Esperar una señal de compra o venta y el cierre de la vela si la próxima vela no cierra con otra señal de entrar en el comercio por dos 15 minutos expira.

Si usted es realmente arriesgado puede entrar en el cierre de la vela con la compra o vender la señal.

Esto no es asesoramiento financiero esto es sólo un sistema que no estoy proporcionando asesoramiento sobre operaciones por favor utilice la gestión del dinero para las opciones comerciales.

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Learn more about binary options trading

Описание курса

This course or series of tutorials is about learning the fundamentals of binary options trading .

The videos have been structured for the beginner who wants to understand what binary options are and how to trade binary options.

All you need to have for this course is an interest in binary options and I will explain the rest.

This entry level course is a series of 8 videos which roughly go for about 5-10 minutes each.

I've designed the series so each tutorial builds upon the previous one so I strongly advise to start from tutorial one and continue through each respective lesson.

I recommend taking my course because its free (unlike many courses which charge thousands of dollars) and you will gain more knowledge on how to trade binary options.

Bonus Reviews As a bonus I have also published in-depth reviews of the most popular brokers. Choosing the right broker is a very critical step on your path to trading success. I outline the pros and cons on each broker plus go over the terms and conditions with a fine brush to ensure you know which will be the right broker for you.

Каковы требования?

A computer with an internet connection

Time to commit to learning and trading

Capital (if they wish to trade in real money)

Что я вынесу из этого курса?

Более 8 лекций и 1.5 часов содержания!

Understand what is binary options trading

Understand how to choose a broker

Understand how to choose a stock charting program

Understand the best trading times

Understand expiry times

Understand stock chart time frames

Какова целевая аудитория?

Anyone but you do need to be 18 and over.

Учебный план

This video will give you a quick start guide to choosing a broker.

Key points in deciding which broker is best for you:

Regulated or Non Regulated (CySEC, ASIC. )

Banking Options (Cards, eWallets, Wires. )

Range of Assets (Forex, Commodities, Shares & Index’s)

Promotions (Bonuses, Risk Free Trades & Free Signals)

Customer Services (Support, Analysts & Account Managers)

Software Platform (SpotOption, TechFinancials, Markets Pulse, Proprietary)

Accept US traders

Demo account?

Maximum Returns

Minimum Deposit

Regulated Binary Options Brokers

If trading with a regulated broker is important to you I recommend the follow regulated brokers:

USA Binary Options Brokers

If you are from the USA I recommend any of the following brokers:

Demo Binary Options Brokers

I highly recommend paper trading if you are new to binary options. Paper trade at least 100 trades before using real money. The best way to paper trade is to do so via a “demo” account. This way you are familiarizing yourself with the software and testing the success of your trading ideas. Demo account are also good when testing a signal service.

Is IQoption the best new binary options broker? SÍ. There are so many pros to IQ Option we highly recommend making this the broker to trade binary options with. The only downside is they do not accept USA or Japanese traders (sorry guys).

Pros: • CySEC Regulated • Max Returns up to 95% • Amazing Software Platform • Trading Tournaments • Up to 60% refund on losing traders

Cons: • USA & Japan traders not accepted

Биография преподавателя

My profession is a day trader plus I run a successful binary options website.

I have been working as a day trader for five years and now train students on how to trade with binary options. I have also been blogging about binary options for a while.

I have been a panel member at the 2014 Financial Partners Expo and recently won the 2014 iGB Affiliate "Best Affiliate - Online Trading" premio.

I joined Udemy to spread the word about binary options trading. Trading stocks or forex does not have to be a full time job. I believe its a perfect vehicle to make extra money in your free time.

Lastly, our Youtube channel has over 1000 videos related to binary options trading so feel free to also check it out.

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Matt-Dawg 23 Nov 2014

For let's say 15m chart, do you draw the S/R on your 15m, or on higher timeframes like Daily, 4h? Or like he says on the video 15m,30m,1h?

draw it on the tf your using. the video is just to show you how to draw your s&r zone. with the divergence confirmation, either both point occur in the overbought and oversold area or the first point occur in between the 20 and 80 level and second point (divergence) in overbought or oversold. second point of divergence must always be in the overbought or oversold area ( if the first point is in the overbought or oversold area and the second point ( divergence ) occurs in between the 20 and 80 level dont use that ). some divergence the indi wont catch but if you know how divergence work youll catch the divegence the indi didnt catch. also dont wait for divergence to occur to take a trade. if you think s&r zone is strong go ahead and take the trade.

you could remove the mtf fractal indi if you want and just use the super signal indi to manually draw s&r. because the fractal delays especially using the higher tf fractal on the lower tf its really going to delay. when drawing your s&r zone use the s&r indi ( since its base on the close of the candle ) as your zone for the body and use super signal indi for the wick or the body. use the other s&r indi to such as the key level and daily open line for the body or the wick.

if the expiry you choose dont work move to another expiry. what ever tf you use, use two expiry higher than the tf your using. for exam 10 and 15 min expiry use the 5 min tf. 30 and 1hr expiry use 15 min tf and so on. if none of them work experiment a little and see what work. and after still nothing work than trash the entire startegy and look for another strategy.

i still use ichimoku. i havent added ichimoku on my chart because ther already to much stuff going on on my chart .

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diferente a

Matt-Dawg 24 Nov 2014

i updated the indi and template. still in the first post

rules still the same - see post 1. 5 and 13

- and also on the price action side know your candlestick pattern, wont hurt to know your chart pattern either.

i did 4 trade during the asian and london session. 30 min expiry. does take a long time for a setup to occur. i will try to test out other expiry like the the 10 min expiry and up.

Nov 24, 02:02 AUD/NZD 1 .09771 1 .09794 Nov 24, 02:30 70% Call

Nov 23, 23:35 AUD/JPY 102 .215 102 .238 Nov 24, 00:00 70% Call

Nov 23, 22:54 USD/JPY 117 .818 117 .916 Nov 23, 23:30 70% Call

Nov 23, 21:47 GBP/USD 1 .56673 1 .56671 Nov 23, 22:30 70% Put

forgot to save screenshot for the other two .

nothing much change on the update. just the ichi360 and few tweeks. added different ichi360 for each tf accept 30 min and higher

i will continue to test it out for about a month

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Matt-Dawg 24 Nov 2014

here's the horizontal line with alert indicator that i use for the middle line of my s&r zone. you can change on how many pips you want from price to horizontal line before it alerts you. that way you could do something else instead of being stuck looking at your chart. lol. if you want multiple lines you need to change the number on myline1 in the input settings everytime you add a h-line. lets say you added 3 h-line on your chart. than that mean the second line should say myline2 and third myline3 and so on. if you dont change it, it'll just show 1 h-line on your chart and it will show 3 h-line in your indicator window.

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swede 19 May 2014

Yes, that will be crucial. for now just trading small and cautious but love trading off the charts. that really is a benefit. Also, for those lovers of Martingale, I have tried a few 60 second. $5, then 10, then 25, then 50. and only once made it to level 4 before it turned in my favor. preloading is the key and pulling the trigger as soon as one position closes. not for the faint of heart though and I could never endorse such trading because a turn in sentiment could really hurt the account if your wrong. anyway, so far so good.

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DanTheFox 19 May 2014

Sounds like a great platform. Do you know if its available to those in the UK? Been playing with pivot points over here this evening. Found a great indicator that plots the days open, yesterdays high and low, midpoints to support (which seem to act as great support/resistance levels themselves). Just caught 3 bouncing off yesterdays low on AUD/USD

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yawyks 19 May 2014

Have been trading with them a while now. Money hits my neteller on the same day after submission of withdrawal request form. Take note of this -

" We have noticed a high volume of withdrawal requests on your account and would like to make you aware we have monthly limits on the amount of withdrawal we process. Anything in excess of 4 withdrawals per month will institute a $25 per withdrawal fee . "

Watch it on the 60secs expiry. Green candles can be red and vice versa when compared with another brokers mt4 platform. I'll never recommend marty, the big one is just round the corner to blow your account.

No restriction for those from UK.

There's great potential for those who trade with ea. Anyway happy trading and best of luck.

Binary Options Signals

Why Do You Need Binary Options Signals for Your Trading

Binary options signals are actually the indicators which are revealed by the binary options experts and binary options robots. Analistas de opciones binarias que tienen una vasta experiencia en el sistema de comercio de enviar estas señales después de una investigación a fondo de los mercados financieros. Pero el principal inconveniente es que estas señales también expiran con el paso del tiempo. Usted puede esperar para obtener beneficios máximos mediante el uso de señales de opciones binarias.

Hay una serie de ventajas de usar señales binarias, por ejemplo la duración de tiempo para el comercio binario. Estas señales se canalizan a lo largo del día de negociación para que los comerciantes tienen tiempo abundante para tomar decisiones perfectas. Sin embargo, los principiantes pueden encontrar estas señales un poco técnicas al principio, pero con el paso del tiempo, se vuelven fáciles de entender y dar lugar a un cambio importante en su habilidad de negociación.

Binary option signals are comparatively new; at first it was thought that only expert traders used these signals and so new traders were as a rule unenthusiastic in integrating these signals in their trading, but the ability of these signals cannot be ignored.

What You Get

The algorithms of Faunus Analytics have been an invaluable tool for professional traders around the world for many years, now you too can make money online with this cutting edge technology!

Signals are sent to your email box on Forex, Commodities, Stocks and Indices at different times throughout the day (up to 4 times a day), when there are assets to reach the high reliability status. No hay límite o cantidad máxima de señales que se envían por correo electrónico.

El formato de las señales de negociación de opciones binarias proporcionadas es simple: Activo (FOREX, acciones, índices y commodities), tipo de opción (CALL, PUT), tiempo de vencimiento y nivel de confiabilidad. Este conjunto de parámetros está optimizado para el comercio de opciones binarias. El nivel de confiabilidad es la expresión (escala de 10 puntos) de lo confiado que es Faunus con el pronóstico, cuán poderosa es la tendencia esperada.

La única preocupación posible real es cómo rápidamente usted puede tomar la acción en las señales proporcionadas. Los mercados se mueven rápido. Como la mayoría de los servicios de la señal usted debe poner el comercio el momento usted lo consigue. In case you don’t you could skip the chance to enter at the suggested point.

Types of Binary Options Signals

Based on your account type, there are four types of signals, categorized by it’s expiry times – 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 24 hours.

El tiempo de vencimiento corto (15 min) le permite obtener beneficios pronto. El tiempo de expiración largo (24 horas) significa que usted tiene más tiempo para reaccionar y una señal más confiable (menos riesgo).

Example: At 9:04 you see the signal for 1 hour expiry for „EURUSD“, saying „PUT“. If you wish to trade it, you should place a PUT trade for „EURUSD“ and set expiration time to 10:00. If you got the 1 hour expiry signal for GBPUSD, saying „CALL“ at 13:06, than you should place a CALL trade for this asset and set expiration to 14:00. Si recibió la señal durante 30 minutos de vencimiento, debería utilizar la misma lógica, pero poner la expiración a la ronda 30 minutos. In case of 15 minutes expiry – to 15th minute. Es así de simple.


Basis of the system is a unique technology of financial scoring, developed by Faunus Analytics. La puntuación financiera es una adaptación de la calificación clásica (bancaria), que es ampliamente utilizada en las instituciones financieras más grandes de todo el mundo. A more popular title of this technology is a “data mining” & # 8211; a set of statistical methods for industrial processing and analyzing vast amount of data. La puntuación financiera permite predecir simultáneamente cientos de series temporales, incluyendo las cotizaciones de los mercados de divisas. A pesar del proceso de automatización casi completo, el sistema es constantemente observado por analistas humanos, haciendo ajustes de acuerdo con los fundamentos actuales del mercado.

Markets & Instrumentos

Unique technology of financial scoring has almost no limits on a number of processed and forecasted time series, that’s why trade signals are available for more than 200 assets, including: Currencies (EURUSD, GBPUD, USDJPY, CHFUSD, NZDUSD), Commodities (Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium), Indices (DOW JONES, S&P500, NASDAQ) and Shares (AAPL, GOOG, MSFT, YHOO).

El nivel de confiabilidad es la potencia de una señal. Más alto es este nivel, más sistema Faunus está seguro sobre el pronóstico. Tenga en cuenta, que el sistema recoge diferentes activos en diferentes horas. There could be periods, when system do not see any clear opportunities on the market, or on the contrary, when there are 5-6 hot assets to trade!

You can use Faunus Signals for SetOption to approve or deny your own strategy core, to support your market understanding or analyze the pivot points of a trend. Sugerimos, si decidimos negociar, seguir no sólo a aquellas Señales con el nivel de confiabilidad máximo, sino también tomar niveles más bajos en consideración también. De esta manera usted diversificará sus operaciones y obtendrá la posibilidad de utilizar todo el poder de las señales.

Observe el sentimiento de cerca y analizarlo junto con las Señales. Tenga en cuenta que esas señales son automáticas y no reaccionarán de antemano en cambios fundamentales importantes. Sin embargo, en situaciones más técnicas del mercado. Faunus Signals para SetOption es la mejor herramienta para el comercio.

Descargo de responsabilidad: Faunus Signals para SetOption se proporciona a los clientes de SetOption por un proveedor de terceros. Se proporcionan sólo con fines informativos y de ninguna manera pueden ser considerados como una recomendación de SetOption para que usted pueda participar en cualquier comercio. Por lo tanto, SetOption no será responsable de ningún resultado de las decisiones comerciales, en relación con estos informes o informes similares. Por la presente, usted reconoce que el uso de la información contenida en estos informes es de su entera responsabilidad y no tendrá ninguna reclamación con respecto a estos informes en contra de SetOtion. Si no está de acuerdo con esto, se recomienda encarecidamente no utilizar estos informes.

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500 errors usually mean that the server has encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request made by the client. This is a general error class returned by a web server when it encounters a problem in which the server itself can not be more specific about the error condition in its response to the client.

In many cases this is not an indication of an actual problem with the server itself but rather a problem with the information the server has been instructed to access or return as a result of the request. Este error es a menudo causado por un problema en su sitio que puede requerir una revisión adicional por nuestros equipos de soporte.

Nuestro personal de soporte estará encantado de ayudarle a resolver este problema. Póngase en contacto con nuestro servicio de asistencia en línea o responda a cualquier boleto que haya recibido de nuestros técnicos para obtener más ayuda.

Hay algunas causas comunes de este código de error, incluyendo problemas con el script individual que se puede ejecutar a petición. Algunos de estos son más fáciles de detectar y corregir que otros.

Propiedad de archivos y directorios

El servidor en el que se ejecuta ejecuta aplicaciones de una manera muy específica en la mayoría de los casos. The server generally expects files and directories be owned by your specific user cPanel user . Si ha realizado cambios en la propiedad del archivo por su cuenta a través de SSH, reinicie el propietario y el grupo de forma adecuada.

File and Directory Permissions

El servidor en el que se ejecuta ejecuta aplicaciones de una manera muy específica en la mayoría de los casos. The server generally expects files such as HTML, Images, and other media to have a permission mode of 644 . The server also expects the permission mode on directories to be set to 755 in most cases.

(Consulte la sección sobre el entendimiento de los permisos del sistema de archivos.)

Command Syntax Errors in. htaccess file

In the. htaccess file, you may have added lines that are conflicting with each other or that are not allowed.

Si desea comprobar una regla específica en su archivo. htaccess, puede comentar esa línea específica en. htaccess agregando # al principio de la línea. Siempre debe realizar una copia de seguridad de este archivo antes de comenzar a realizar cambios.

Por ejemplo, si el. htaccess parece

DirectoryIndex default. html AddType application/x-httpd-php5 php

Entonces intente algo como esto

DirectoryIndex default. html #AddType application/x-httpd-php5 php

Note: Due to the way in which our server environments are setup you may not use php_value arguments in a. htaccess file.

Exceeded Process Limits

It is possible that this error is caused by having too many processes in the server queue for your individual account. Every account on our server may only have 25 simultaneous processes active at any point in time whether they are related to your site or other processes owned by your user such as mail.

With SSH (shell) access, you can view the processes running on your account. Simply type this command:

Or type this to view a specific user's account (be sure to replace username with the actual username):

ps faux |grep username

Once you have the process ID ("pid"), type this to kill the specific process (be sure to replace pid with the actual process ID):

Our server administrators will be able to advise you on how to avoid this error if it is caused by process limitations. Por favor, póngase en contacto con nuestro soporte en línea o abra un Ticket. Be sure to include the steps needed for our support staff to see the 500 error on your site.

Representación simbólica

El primer carácter indica el tipo de archivo y no está relacionado con los permisos. Los nueve caracteres restantes están en tres conjuntos, cada uno representando una clase de permisos como tres caracteres. El primer conjunto representa la clase de usuario. El segundo conjunto representa la clase de grupo. El tercer set representa la clase de los demás.

Cada uno de los tres caracteres representa los permisos de lectura, escritura y ejecución:

Los siguientes son algunos ejemplos de notación simbólica:

- rwx r-x r-x a regular file whose user class has full permissions and whose group and others classes have only the read and execute permissions.

c rw - rw - r-- a character special file whose user and group classes have the read and write permissions and whose others class has only the read permission.

d r-x --- --- a directory whose user class has read and execute permissions and whose group and others classes have no permissions.

Representación numérica

Otro método para representar permisos es una notación octal (base-8) como se muestra. Esta notación consta de al menos tres dígitos. Each of the three rightmost digits represents a different component of the permissions: user . group . and others .

Cada uno de estos dígitos es la suma de sus bits componentes. Como resultado, los bits específicos se suman a la suma ya que se representa por un número:

El bit de lectura añade 4 a su total (en binario 100),

El bit de escritura añade 2 a su total (en binario 010), y

El bit de ejecución añade 1 a su total (en 001 binario).

Estos valores nunca producen combinaciones ambiguas. Cada suma representa un conjunto específico de permisos. More technically, this is an octal representation of a bit field – each bit references a separate permission, and grouping 3 bits at a time in octal corresponds to grouping these permissions by user . group . and others .

Permission mode 0 7 5 5

Permission mode 0 6 4 4

The. htaccess file contains directives (instructions) that tell the server how to behave in certain scenarios and directly affect how your website functions.

Los redireccionamientos y la reescritura de URL son dos directivas muy comunes encontradas en un archivo. htaccess, y muchas secuencias de comandos como WordPress, Drupal, Joomla y Magento agregan directivas al. htaccess para que puedan funcionar.

Es posible que necesite editar el archivo. htaccess en algún momento, por varias razones. Esta sección explica cómo editar el archivo en cPanel, pero no lo que necesite ser cambiado (puede que tenga que consultar otros artículos y Recursos para esa información.)

Hay muchas maneras de editar un archivo. htaccess

Editar el archivo en su computadora y subirlo al servidor a través de FTP

Utilice el modo de edición de un programa FTP

Utilice SSH y un editor de texto

Utilice el Administrador de archivos en cPanel

La forma más fácil de editar un archivo. htaccess para la mayoría de la gente es a través del Administrador de archivos en cPanel.

Cómo editar archivos. htaccess en el Administrador de Archivos de cPanel

Antes de hacer cualquier cosa, se sugiere que haga una copia de seguridad de su sitio web para que pueda volver a una versión anterior si algo sale mal.

Abra el Administrador de archivos

Inicie sesión en cPanel.

En la sección Archivos, haga clic en el icono Administrador de archivos.

Marque la casilla de raíz del documento y seleccione el nombre de dominio al que desee acceder desde el menú desplegable.

Make sure Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) " is checked.

Click Go . El Administrador de archivos se abrirá en una nueva pestaña o ventana.

Busque el archivo. htaccess en la lista de archivos. Puede que tenga que desplazarse para encontrarlo.

Para editar el archivo. htaccess

Haga clic con el botón derecho en el archivo. htaccess y haga clic en Edición de código en el menú. Alternativamente, puede hacer clic en el icono para el archivo. htaccess y, a continuación, hacer clic en el icono del Editor de códigos en la parte superior de la página.

Puede que aparezca un cuadro de diálogo preguntándole acerca de la codificación. Simplemente haga clic en Editar para continuar. El editor se abrirá en una nueva ventana.

Edite el archivo según sea necesario.

Haga clic en Guardar cambios en la esquina superior derecha cuando haya terminado. Los cambios se guardarán.

Pruebe su sitio web para asegurarse de que los cambios se hayan guardado correctamente. Si no, corrija el error o vuelva a la versión anterior hasta que su sitio vuelva a funcionar.

Once complete, you can click Close to close the File Manager window.

The permissions on a file or directory tell the server how in what ways it should be able to interact with a file or directory.

This section covers how to edit the file permissions in cPanel, but not what may need to be changed.(See the section on what you can do for more information.)

There are Many Ways to Edit a File Permissions

Use an FTP program

Utilice SSH y un editor de texto

Utilice el Administrador de archivos en cPanel

The easiest way to edit file permissions for most people is through the File Manager in cPanel.

How to Edit file permissions in cPanel's File Manager

Antes de hacer cualquier cosa, se sugiere que haga una copia de seguridad de su sitio web para que pueda volver a una versión anterior si algo sale mal.

Abra el Administrador de archivos

Inicie sesión en cPanel.

En la sección Archivos, haga clic en el icono Administrador de archivos.

Marque la casilla de raíz del documento y seleccione el nombre de dominio al que desee acceder desde el menú desplegable.

Make sure Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) " is checked.

Click Go . El Administrador de archivos se abrirá en una nueva pestaña o ventana.

Look for the file or directory in the list of files. Puede que tenga que desplazarse para encontrarlo.

To Edit the Permissions

Right click on the file or directory and click Change Permissions from the menu.

A dialogue box should appear allowing you to select the correct permissions or use the numerical value to set the correct permissions.

Edit the file permissions as needed.

Click Change Permissions in the lower left hand corner when done. Los cambios se guardarán.

Pruebe su sitio web para asegurarse de que los cambios se hayan guardado correctamente. Si no, corrija el error o vuelva a la versión anterior hasta que su sitio vuelva a funcionar.

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15K In 15 Minutes is a SCAM!

Here we are today reviewing dirty scam service that’s also full of malware at the same time. We are here to present “15K in 15 Min” scam binary options software. We have reviewed large number of scam services before, but 15k in 15min is more pathetic than the others.

First things first: Do you really believe that you will earn $15k in just 15 minutes with initial deposit of $250? Mathematically it is not possible even if you are a professional trader. We really want to warn you guys about this service.15k in 15 minutes software is perfect if you are willing to lose your deposit in 15 minutes. Continue reading our 15k in 15 minutes scam review to find out why.

Supposedly this binary options signals service allows members to follow number pro-traders. Unfortunately there are no actual traders in 15kin15minutes. com scam software. Instead you will receive very poor automated binary options signals that will clean your account quickly. From our research we found out that 15kin15minutes. com signals has average of 42% ITM rate. That’s a pathetic joke of a software! You will not make any profits with such ITM rate, in fact you are guaranteed to have loses.

Specifics: 1. Scam type browser pop ups - YES 2. Unrealistic promises - YES 3. Price - Free (broker registration will be required) 4. Fake scarcity countdown widget used - YES 5. Turns out to be Scam?- Yes 100% Scam 6. Fake testimonials purchased - YES

15k in 15minutes. com not a scam?

Before determining whether the service is a scam or not we always analyse the website first. When visiting 15kin15minutes. com we were not impressed. In fact we were pretty shocked about how lame their website and the promotional video was.

First of all we noticed that the live chat box on the bottom right of the page doesn’t work, obviously. It asks for your email address in order to be connected to the live chat. Unfortunately there is no live chat. If you will enter your email address you will be simply brought to the 2nd page of the 15k in 15minutes. com site. There is no live support on their site what so ever.

Next thing you will notice that these scam artists are using “number of spots left” Widget Scammers use this technique to rush you into signing up with them. When you open their site you will see that widget is telling (10 Spots Left!) and the number will stop at (1 Spots Left!) after less than 10 minutes. ¡Pero espera! If you refresh the page widget will show you (10 Spots Left!!) again. The reason behind this is that there are as many spots left as you can imagine. Scam service providers just love these type of fake and pathetic scarcity widgets to rush people.


Third thing you will notice is the extremely annoying pop-up that appears in the middle of their page asking you for your email address. Why do scammers use this widget? Well, let’s put it this way. Even if you decided not to sign up with ” 15k in 15 minutes ” service after entering your email; they will still send you a bunch of SPAM emails promoting all kinds of scam and fraud services and products.

When visiting their second page you will see even more fake and fraudulent stuff. Take their testimonials for example. None of those are real, they are all fake pictures used by other scam services all over and over again. Don’e believe us? Click one the image below and you will see!


Hopefully we convinced you that 15k in 15minutes is online fraud. Let’s be realistic, there is no software in the World that will generate you $15,000 in 15 minutes. These scam artists are taking all kinds of approaches to convince people that this money making system is legit. Unfortunately everything thats associated with 15k in 15minutes. com are pure lies and fake promises.

We are here to protect people like yourself from these money stealing criminals. Please stay away from 15k in 15minutes. com scam and warn others.

VERDICT: 15k in 15minutes. com is 100% SCAM

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Tag Archives: 15k In 15 Minutes signals

15k In 15 Minutes app is a scam!

The 15k In 15 Minutes app has been released earlier today and we will be exposing it in our review. This signals software works on complete auto trader mode and its owner Phil Harris saying that he has become a millionaire overnight whilst used it. Unfortunately, our review will not be a positive one at all and we will reveal exactly the reasons that helped us to determine our conclusion.

15k In 15 Minutes review in brief:

Phil Harris is the owner of the 15k In 15 Minutes app. He claimed that he made all of his fortune by using the 15k In 15 Minutes app on complete auto pilot. He showed us during the presentation some screenshots of his several bank accounts with numbers that everyone dream to have. In addition, he mentioned that this signals app can generate at least $15,000 every 15 minutes at the press of a button on a regular basis. He has decided to share the software with his Family members and with four of his best friends until now.

The 15k In 15 Minutes app is offered for free, there is no onetime fee or any other payment required, you’ll only need to make an initial deposit of $250 in order to activate your trading account with the broker you will be assigned according to your location on the map. The way it works sounds (we did not see any proof) very convincing, with a press of a button in every 15 min you can make at least $15,000.

Phil claimed that this offer is classified as a top secret that no one knows about it and we are the only special ones to have the chance to use it. Therefore he asked us to keep this information for ourselves. In addition, once you agreed to his condition you will become a “filthy rich” Phil said.

This time our opinion is severely hard! After we have done a short brief review on the 15k In 15 Minutes app we must say that the team behind it have defiantly broke any previous record with a scam services we reviewed in the past.

Okay, this time we haven't seen a Fiverr’s actors but we had the “luck” to meet Phil Harris. After tons of searches on Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and more social media available we have managed to find nothing about him. How it’s possible that a guy who developed an automated software and has friends and family members has no one of these social media connections these days?

In the binary options industry you can make money, you can even be richer then you were before you have started to trade. However, in the binary options you will not, I’ll repeat it again, you will not become a millionaire or a “filthy rich” overnight, so don’t be fooled with these lies. In addition, there is no such thing $15,000 in 15 min, this option does not exist, just for example, if you made an initial deposit of $250 and you have an 80% return, you will be able to generate $200 of profits in one trade only if you entered with all of your portfolio. But seriously, who wants to risk all of his money in one trade?

During all of the video, we have not managed to find any examples of how the 15k In 15 Minutes app works and generates profits. The only thing we know about it is that it’s a signals service that works on auto pilot. Furthermore, Phil Harris claimed that this app has classified as “top secret” and we shouldn’t talk about anything we have heard from him. Fix me if I'm wrong but if this video is on the internet I think that it’s not “top secret” any more.

15k In 15 Minutes app is a scam service! We don’t know who is the guy/team behind it but they are must be a group of thieves that probably want to drain your trading account. Keep our advice and stay far away from this kind of service (see our blacklist page ) unless you don’t mind to lose your money as quick as you deposit.

In the binary options market we have several services with a great reputation in the industry, for example Virtnext is our top recommended auto trader with up to 86% success rate which has the power to upgrade and update your portfolio. But for more reliable services you are most welcome to visit our trusted services page .

New to binary options? Open a free demo account and start practicing without risking your money first, then open real account with an EU regulated broker like Markets. com our top recommended broker!

*** Join Mike’s signals group on Facebook with more than 3300 real and active traders from all over the world.

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This broker offers short-term expiry's (30sec, 60sec, 2min, 5min) as well as longer term time frames for high/low. They also offer one touch and boundary options.

Size is always an important factor and 24Option has been in the binary industry long enough to become a regulated financial product that anyone can trade on outside of the United States. That means they are legally obligated to honor all withdrawals.

Looking on their site you will see they have $100,000 trading contests from time to time and different interactive promotions.

As for their high/low time frames, it goes out every 5 minutes for about 45 minutes and then you can do hourly's and 2 hourly ladders.

New KIKO Options and Binary Options (NON-U. S.)

Opened 5 years ago as of April 2015. They are fully regulated and compliant. Their expiry times range from 60 seconds, 90 seconds, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, end of day, end of week, and then out as far as 6 months.

Many bins traders like them for their proprietary platform because it doesn't lag and they are highly trusted in the trading community for quick deposits and withdrawals.

Taxes on Binary Option Trading for U. S. Citizens?

Yes, now even offshore brokers bank accounts are open to the IRS as of July 1, 2014. Basically they made forms that you have to file during your tax return. There are 2 main ones and it depends on if you meet the threshold.

Reporting Threshold (Total Value of Assets)

Form 8938, Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets

$50,000 on the last day of the tax year or $75,000 at any time during the tax year (higher threshold amounts apply to married individuals filing jointly and individuals living abroad)

FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR)

$10,000 at any time during the calendar year

If you are from Europe, you are lucky because they don't tax binary option earnings at all!

Why Binary Options Over Spot Forex?

Well the argument for binaries over spot is that you don't need a big move in your direction to make a good amount of money. That being said, it's much riskier because however much you risk in your binary trade, you can lose in 15 minutes or 30 minutes. With spot, you have all day, but it can get difficult when you don't get any direction or pick the wrong direction.

If you want a suggestion to how you should go about trading, stick to 5% total balance risk per trade and be right over 60% of the time and you will make money every month. Don't get crazy and risk everything you got the first day. Use the trading as a learning experience and stay small so you can keep learning. Eventually, you will figure out a way to be profitable.

Primary Binary Option Trade Type:

High/Low - This could be either a call or a put. A call means higher and a put means lower. When you enter a position, you pick the direction (call or put), the amount of money you are risking, and the expiry time. The trade has a timer on it. The trade's expiry is when the time runs out. This is setup for 15 minute, 30 minute, hourly, daily, and weekly time frames. Different underlying assets let you enter a position with different times to expiry. I could enter a 30 minute expiry with 8 minutes left. So. if you pick a high/low call with an expiry of 30 minutes and risk $100, the trade pays out between 75% and 88% profit return if you pick call and the price is higher than it was at entry. If you pick put (lower), then you get your profit return if the price is lower than it was at entry when the expiry time comes around.

The trading platform for each of these brokers is solid and straight forward. At the end of the day all that matters is being able to quickly make trading decisions based on signals and patterns to increase your probability of profit. I have traded with all the platforms shown here and they all stand up to scrutiny.

I would like to mention it takes skill and discipline to be able to make a lot of money at this. It's not easy by any means but if you do proper due diligence and learn as much as you can, it becomes another great way to use high leverage and make high profits.

If you are just starting on this or have been a seasoned losing trading and want help, the best thing to do is stick to 5% of balance risk per trade and simply get good at the 5-10 minute trading strategy to get your accuracy above 66% so that you can consistently make nice profits weekly. Es tan simple como eso. If you can get 50 trades in a week and do $100/trade that would give you a nice $500=$700 per week hands down.

Trading Binary Options First, get familiar with freestockcharts. com or Meta Trader 4 or 5. It is free to use and allows you to build your own live charting with candlesticks. You want to put that on the bottom half of your screen and the binary trading platform on the top. It is pretty simple.

Next, learn as much as you can about pivot points and chart patterns. When you have a good feel about those things, it becomes much easier to navigate price fluctuations and use it to make money. Pivot points are basically a series of support and resistance lines that are centered around a central price level. The pivot point is calculated by adding the previous day high, low, and close divided by 3. It is what many professional and institutional traders look at before entering or exiting a trade. Use it to your advantage. Here are some of the more popular binary option strategies .

Best Binary Option Trading Platforms These platforms offer high/low, one-touch, boundary, range, and 60-second option trading. To make money at this, you need to find points where it is very likely that a certain movement will happen over a certain amount of time. If you are unsure, then don't make the trade. You can make money with binary options if you follow that rule. Don't try to make a million dollars all at once. Take it slow and start out with a few trades per week . Over the course of a month, it ads up. If you can make a new $1,000 income stream per month, it will most likely help out your life. That is possible with only risking $200-$300 a trade and doing 15-30 trades over the course of a month. Obviously you can adjust the risk and number of trades to whatever fits your style.

For people with limited funds who trade stocks outright, those take 3 days to settle and lots of fees that make it hard to actually make money. Binary options have no fees and allow trades to settle immediately after expiration . That means you can trade with the profits you make the same day you made them. There are many ways to manage risk, the potential gains can be large and add up quick, and it can be done on a daily basis. Funds settle immediately, which means you can make multiple trades in a day even if your balance is not that much. Once you really get going and start building your account up, it can be a source where you withdrawal funds regularly and keep making more so it is like running your own business where you pay yourself.

Most people only think about trading binary options with a stock as the underlying asset. However, this broker offers currency pairs, stocks, commodities, and indices from all world markets. That allows for flexibility and better financial risk options. You can really structure some cool trades that have high probabilities of paying out a profit given a certain amount of capital risk.

Finding a platform that you can understand easily and make trades on without technology getting in the way is what you want. That is a basis for these brokers that you see on the page. They allow you to simply make decisions and if you are profitable at trading, than you can make it work nicely.

Binary options are simply an amazing financial tool that you can use to your advantage. Very few people do binary options trading compared to the amount of people that trade stocks because they don't know how to get started. It is easy and free as well as requires no transaction fees. Once you know how to do it, the potential financial freedom is nice. The time necessary to make it happen is little. You could do one 60 second trade per day and live off the profits .

It is good due diligence of you to seek out the best binary options broker. Doing this sort of day trading is like stocks on steroids. The profits can be big. If you are good at forecasting what is going to happen to an underlying asset value in a given time period, it is easy to double your money and possibly triple it on a daily basis . Learning the binary options market can be fun and the key is in how you minimize your capital risk. You can see the benefits to using the #1 broker and all its features here. Even if you have never done a trade in your life, you can learn how this works quickly and start getting some profits even if you only want to start with $200. The minimum trade is $5 and no fees.

Porter Finance Broker Review

PorterFinance Broker review

Porter Finance is one of the most rapidly growing binary options brokers as they have managed to lure in new traders with excellent support, trading and education services. More advanced binary options traders have praised their long list of assets available for trading. With Porter Finance review, Fair Binary Options is confirming that this is a safe and reliable binary options broker.

PorterFinance Special features

Porter Finance review brings all the account options that are offered to PorterFinance customers. For the Porter Finance review we used the Porter Finance Standard account. Here is the overview of the features to be found with each of the account types.

Porter Finance Beginner Account

from $250 deposit

30% bonus

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Porter Finance Standard Account

from $750 deposited

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There is also a VIP account at Porter Finance, for traders who deposit more than $100,000. Porter finance rules relating to bonuses are mostly standard, requiring 30x turnover to withdraw funds. We are not happy to see that all funds are subject to this bonus policy, so we urge customers to think well before they accept promotion offers.

PorterFinance Trading software

Porter Finance trading solution is very versatile. During the trading session we did for the PorterFinance review, we found the software easy to use, responsive and adjustable to trader’s needs. The binary option types available trough Porter Finance are high/low, pairs, long term, turbo options, one touch and ladder trading system. This is really a wide range and we believe most traders will find their preferred binary options type.

The trading interface is modular. We mostly used the standard setup for the Porter finance review, but there are also other window settings, depending on the trading style of the individual investor. Also, Porter Finance offers huge list of assets, as we already mentioned in the Porter Finance review introduction. There are more than 100 stocks, even 11 commodities, 53 indexes and 28 currency pairs. A well diversified portfolio with this kind of offering is not a problem to achieve.

Also, PorterFinance academy offers many good resources to improve one’s trading skills. These are divided according to levels so each trader can quickly find materials that are most suitable to his needs of improvement.

Porter Finance platform also offers risk management tools such as buy me out, double up and rollover.

Porter Finance Demo account is available to all Fair Bianry Options traders who go to the live chat and give the code “ Porter Trade ” to the personnel.

PorterFinance Support information

Porter finance review uncovered a 24/7 support desk so all traders can always use chat, phone, Skype or e-mail to contact this broker in case any problems arise. When we were writing the Porter Finance review, we encountered reasonable response time from the help desk staff of the broker. Phone numbers are available for UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand ans South Africa. Unfortunately this broker only supports english language at the moment.

Porter finance also has a good FAQ which will help many traders avoid contacting the support altogether since information provided there are very detailed and useful.

PorterFinance Banking and company information

Porter Finance uses SSL encryption to protect all transactions. This means that the banking services they provide are safe too. The integrated platform makes it easy to deposit and withdraw, as our Porter Finance review shows.

Porter Finance customers can deposit money easily by using major credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners and others. Also, the more traditional way of banking is available with bank wire transfers. During the Porter finance review we really liked the fact that this broker also accepts Skrill/Moneybookers as a means of payment. The minimum deposit amount is USD 200, EUR 200, GBP 200, AUD 200 or CAD 200 depending currency trader uses. With bank wire, the minimum is $500, with a $30 fee. As usual, the account must be verified by sending in the documents like ID and utility bill.

Withdrawals are also fast and processed in 2 days. There is a minimum withdrawal amount of $30 for credit cards, $30 for Skrill and $100 for bank accounts. There are no fees for the first withdrawal of the month. Additional withdrawals carry $30 fee if using the bank wire.

Porter Finance doesn’t state the company behind the broker on their website.

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Yes it’s true. If you’re right in price direction by only 1 pip you can make up to 80% or more on a trade. And that’s just one trade. You can put on many many trades within a day. In fact you can even put on several trades with in a second!

In this course I am going to teach about Forex binary options, binary options on the various Forex pairs. You’ll learn about the mechanics and mindset about what it will take to succeed. I also teach you about pitfalls to avoid with binary options and day trading in general.

Binary options today, in its most popular form are a form of options trading invented some time ago. The binary option is also known as a “digital option”, a “Fixed Rate Return Option” (a FRO) or an “All or Nothing Option”. It resembles a credit spread somewhat in vanilla options land. But the term “All or Nothing Option” probably best describes what a binary option is.

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Learn from a Master in Binary Options – Chris Kunnundro – Pioneer in Binary Options System Creation

As I mentioned before, binary options have been around for a while. But due to the popularity of the Forex markets and the notion of being able to open an account quickly, funding with a credit card – the binary option day trading industry was born. Now, the CBOE lists it’s own binary options, the AMEX as well. Those are similar but they expire monthly. The type of binary options we focus upon are intraday expiry binary options.

Well have you ever done any intraday day trading? You’ll notice it can be stressful. But you’ll also notice that most of the stress comes after you enter a position! The stress in watching the position, feeling like you’re waiting forever for it to do something, watching that position for your systematic profit taking exit can either stress you out or lull you to sleep!

In comes binary options… With binary options you do not have to sit there and watch your position. Once you get in you’re in and you don’t have to worry about exiting – you just let the option expire (although more advanced tools have come out that let you exit a trade early – but why bother! Just enter right from the start!!). Plus you can now trade 15 min and even 60 second binary options so you can get to the profit much quicker. Not having to watch and shorter expirations been a great thing for us over here, a boon to our day trading efforts!

Learn about the mechanics of how to trade binary options

Introduction to the binary options industry and how it works.

Discover 60 min, 30 min, 15 min and 60 second expiration binary options

I’ll teach you about the ‘profit vision’ and how to “look out into the future” to shift your mind so you can start profiting in Forex binary options.

Pitfalls – you’ll need to know them before you start trading binary options so you don’t fall into one!

Position sizing – how big of a trade should you put on is covered

Forex binary options trading systems – I’ll introduce you to what needs to happen to create one and I’ll introduce you to mine as well. A Forex binary system is simply a Forex binary strategy that you are able to repeat over and over.

Learn about why some have broken through to success to the tune of $10,000 to $30,000 a day average profit broker confirmed and what you need to do to achieve this level.

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U. S. Government Required Disclaimer - "Stocks, Options, Binary options, Forex and Future trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the stock, binary options or futures markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose especially with leveraged instruments such as binary options trading, futures trading or forex trading. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell stocks, futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. You could lose all of your money fast due too: poor market trading conditions, mechanical error, emotional induced errors, news surprises and earnings releases. "


All trading and systems trading takes effort to master. If you're not willing to apply effort and discipline don't even bother with our systems or any trading system for that matter. Each purchase of a system is just like a trade. You are risking money. There are no refunds and we have to make it that way to protect the system from thieves and to retain the integrity of these systems for your sake. Don't purchase systems or trade with money you can't afford to lose. You must master the craft and art of trading in order to have a chance at lasting, consistent net success. If you are willing to pay the price, master the mechanics, the knowledge, the money management position sizing and most importantly your emotions (where most of the learning curve is in trading) then you can have a chance at potential lasting and even large success. But only few make it and only few are willing to pay the price.

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The Double Red Strategy

Strategies used in binary options trading allow traders to look into immediate price action movements with the use of indicators that have been tried and tested in the market. When using these indicators with the right strategy and the right timing, any binary options trader can easily identify a price action indicator, make an accurate prediction, place the right option action, and earn a profit. These are the only times when binary options trading strategies become successful.

When the steps mentioned above are done repeatedly, the traders eyes are trained to pin-point the right market conditions to make an action. The formation of candles is an important thing that the binary options trader should master. Many strategies are based on the formations that these candlesticks indicate. Every historical close, open, high, and low will have an effect on future trades, and this is the primary skill that traders need in technical analysis.

The Double Red strategy is a binary options strategy that uses such skills of a binary options trader. This strategy is a Bearish strategy, or one that is based on the Put option trading, where a PUT option is purchased to take advantage of the market price’s decline. Now that may sound easy at first, but remember that we need to look at the candles in detail to make the success rate of this strategy high. Otherwise this strategy could be very risky especially for new traders.

Option Scalping

The Double Red binary options trading strategy aims to perform on a short-term bearish price action movement of an underlying asset. The trade period for this strategy is usually executed in a matter of minutes. This type of strategy is also known as option scalping. Because of the very short-term nature of the trade it carries great amounts risk without proper analysis. But when performed carefully by properly observing the right configuration of candles, it can be very rewarding.

Option scalping may sound sketchy to some new binary options traders. However, we should not take the negative connotation of the term scalping. Scalping in trading can be classified in two terms according to their legitimacy. Legitimate scalping is a method of arbitrage of small price gaps created by the bid-ask spread. The second sense of scalping is a fraudulent form of market manipulation, kind of like your ticket scalper at the stadium. The binary options strategy is based on the first.

But in a way, the two definitions may pose some similarities when it comes to trading. Both take advantage in selling an asset, as the binary options trading’s PUT option is a general trading derivative that takes its cue from a drop in price, resulting to selling. Much like when a scalper sells you tickets outside the stadium’s financial system, option scalping also functions out of the trades being made, but in a legitimate format.

Alternatively, the Double Red strategy can be used to trade the Rises or Highs of a binary options trade, making them Double Greens. The Double Red strategy is performed with a very short expiry that should not exceed 15 minutes. For experienced binary options traders, it is easy to spot and execute as it is easy to understand. However, it is important to reiterate the high risks involved with using such a short term strategy, especially for new users.

Identifying Double Reds

A double red indicator is composed of two successive red candles where the second red candle closes lower that the bottom shadow of the first candle. This is deemed as the succeeding trade having a price lower that what the previous trade had as its lowest, denoting a downward trend in the immediate future. The following is a list of how to properly identify double reds.

The configuration above is NOT a Double Red indicator. The shadow of the first candle runs below the close of the second candle. A double red indicator should have the shadow of the first candle above the close of the second candle. Although a put option in this instance may close in the money, this is not the usual case and traders could lose in the long run when placing options based on this candle configuration. This is a double red indicator:

As we can see, the close of the second candle is lower than the bottom shadow of the first candle. This is the proper configuration of a double red candle. If you see this, you can place a put option at for some amount at any expiry of about 5–15 minutes. Your investment may have the potential to earn as much as 95%, depending on where you trade. Just don’t forget to follow this configuration to have a higher probability of success. Here are other double red configurations:

This is also a double red indicator because the close of the second candle is lower than the bottom shadow of the first candle. But, this time the indicator results in a losing trade. This happens and it’s ok. The trick is to stick it out and put in trades for double reds consistently. The Double Red won’t win you money every time because of risks such as this instance. But if you stick to the system it can win you money on average.

This is a true double red indicator which denotes a winning trade. If a binary options trader makes a trade on the third candle, he is sure to make profit from the fact that the trade closed lower than the second. Again, the winning double red may be accompanied by some losing double reds. But if the strategy is consistently traded, and double reds are constantly checked and properly observed, then it could be a profitable strategy.

How to Perform the Double Red Strategy

The double red strategy is a short term reversal system based on price action and resistance. The trade is set up on the 5 min charts and is signaled when two bearish candles form following a test of resistance. The signals generated with this system are good for 30–60 minutes and no longer. However, using 15 minute intervals is ideal. This allows for short term falls to be taken advantage of by the strategy, and weak resistance levels are sure to hold.

Suppose a trader wishes to make a day trade on a certain asset. The first thing he needs to identify are the support and resistance levels on the weekly and daily charts. Then, he narrow his focus to five-minute charts. On the five minute charts, the trader will be playing off long term resistance lines. If none are close by, then the trader may have to look for potential short term resistance levels. When price hits the resistance level, it is time to wait for the double reds. If the second red candle closes lower than the previous candle, then the trader has the signal to buy a PUT.

Double red strategy is pretty simple to understand and easy to spot. High profits are to be made when using this strategy consistently. As for the disadvantages of this binary option trading strategy, it does not work in case of high volatility trading because support can easily happen. You also need to act very fast and understand market behavior to make the correct prediction. As with any other strategy, long periods of patience and concentration required in order to spot the signals.

Learn more strategies by watching out for more articles from our site. Meanwhile, you can check our full list of brokers to help you get started with binary options trading.

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IQ Option Review

IQ Option Review

IQ Option was established as an approach for binary options traders with more experience to invest in and trade binary market on a platform that is user-friendly and available with many binary options tools.

However, because of its comprehensible design and quality, this platform is suitable for traders of all levels. The main purpose is to make the trading practice as simple and lucrative as possible for any type of trader.

IQ Option offers their binary option brokerage services to traders from around the world except for traders from USA. The philosophy of supporting clients generate profit with friendly customer service has paid off for them in a great approach, as they keep growing and more people are being attracted with each passing day.

IQ Option Review | Características especiales

Unlike other binary option brokers, IQ Option offers the most favorable payouts of up to 92% profit if the option expires ‘in the money’. Moreover, the broker also offers up to 60% return in case your prediction goes wrong. Their minimum amounts, then again, are relatively lowest with the minimum deposit being $10 and the minimum investment on each trade only $1, which makes it possible for you to start trading binary market right away.

At the very first of this IQ Option review we already revealed that this broker really offers something amazing. They were the first broker in the industry to offer a completely free demo account. IQoption has a really unique feature called ‘Put option’ that brings profits to trader, when the expiration of the asset price is below the strike price at expiry. If the term of the option will expire at the strike price, the trader receives the total price of the option.

These many features are what separates IQ Option from other binary brokers, for the reason that you won’t get offers like these anywhere else. Consequently, new traders who are enthusiastic to trade binary with IQ Option having all these features appear every day and why IQ Option is still gaining strength.


IQ Option Review |В Trading Platform

The actual success of this IQ Option review is their exclusive trading platform that isn’t matched anywhere else. The leading broker of binary options, offering the world its own intuitive and comprehensible trading platform developed by a team of expert traders, market analysts and IT-specialists, and its ultra modern design makes it very suitable for both pro traders and beginners alike.

IQ Option also offers a mobile version platform for traders who want to trade even on the go. Mobile app is available for both iOS and android version and can be downloaded from their respective app stores.

On the platform, you can trade both classic binary options on different assets (indices, currencies, equities) and the recently popular turbo options (60 seconds).В IQ Option’s asset list is unique in that it also offers the Bitcoin Index, which allows you to trade not only during standard market trading hours, butВ at any other time – including weekends.

Read our Iq Option Platform review . to discover moreВ features and advantages of this new IQ Option 4.0В platform.

IQ Option Review |В Safety of Funds

Obviously all of their support and an ample variety of choices would be in vain if the transactions with this giant broker would prove to be a SCAM or somehow unsafe. We are more than happy to inform you that we found no difficulties while we were testing this broker and revealed that this broker is as legitimate and professional as they appear.

Just by looking at many awards they have received throughout the last few years, you can observe just how proficient this company is. However, don’t take just our words for it, make use of IQ Option Demo Account that allows you to access all features offered by the broker with no requited investment. Withdrawals with this broker are also fairly quick and secure and there is of course no reason to panic about ‘funds protection’ when you’re dealing with the IQ Option, however you can read more about withdrawals features with this broker in our IQ Option Withdrawal Review.


IQ Option Review |В Account Types

Traders can be assured that IQ Option values their every client, regardless of the amount they deposit and account they choose. Whether you open a Regular account or become a VIP client, they will give you the access to the variety of premium services including:

A variety of 78 tradable assets including Forex, stocks, commodities, indices, Bitcoin

A series of award-winning trading platforms including the Turbo and Binary

Most user friendly customer service

Daily market research analysis and market reviews

IQ Option Account Types

IQ Option Review |В Demo Account

By registering a demo account, you will get full access to all functions of the platform, without deposing real money. В With $1,000 on a demo account you can learn how to trade binary options, choose the right strategy, and then continue to trade under the same conditions, but with real money!

Benefits of demo account: > No need to make a real deposit; > No need to enter your phone number; > No need to bind your account with your bank card; > At the same time you will get the full access to all features of the platform. > You can open a real account by making a deposit of $10 > The minimum amount of the transaction on the real account is $1.

IQ Option Review | Assets Available

It’s very important to talk about in our IQ Option review that the platform is a very international one. Therefore, any trader gets an opportunity to work with shares of internationally giant companies as Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Nasdaq, Facebook, Alibaba group, Gazprom, Societe Generale, and lots of other globally known options. Asset list includes 1 commodity (Gold), 22 currency pairs, 6 indices and 49 equities. We believe, this list will be more than enough for traders to develop a great experience to survive even on advanced market volatility.

IQ Option Review |В Final Thoughts

In conclusion, we can honestly recommend this broker to anyone. It’s a broker that provides traders with all the significant tools (and much more) to help them winning some serious profit. IQ Option is a safe, professional and reliable broker with skillful staffs who will constantly be there to assist you. Thus, you can be sure that joining IQ Option is a great career move if you’re devoted to make money in binary options trading and so this broker will provide you with the most excellent trading experience possible.

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