Descubra la versatilidad de las Opciones de Negociación con 25 Opciones de Futuros Estrategias utilizadas por comerciantes de todo el mundo.
¿Es usted un comerciante de opciones veterano? ¿Son nuevas las opciones para usted? Las opciones se pueden utilizar en productos de las tasas de interés al oro. Aprenda a usar las opciones para cubrir y especular. El manual incluye 25 estrategias de negociación de opciones, incluyendo mariposas largas y cortas, straddles, spreads y conversiones de espalda.
El Manual de Estrategias de Opciones Características:
Descripciones de la Estrategia Completa
Gráficos de estrategia fáciles de usar
Manual de Referencia de Escritorio Útil
Tanto digital como impreso disponible
¡Amplíe sus habilidades de negociación más allá del comercio justo de los futuros utilizando opciones!
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El comercio de futuros implica el riesgo de pérdida y puede no ser adecuado para todos.
El riesgo de pérdida en futuros y opciones de commodities comerciales puede ser sustancial. Antes de operar, debe considerar cuidadosamente su posición financiera para determinar si el comercio de futuros es apropiado. Al negociar futuros y / o opciones, es posible perder más que el valor total de su cuenta. Todos los fondos comprometidos deben ser capital de riesgo. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros.
Descubra la versatilidad de las Opciones de Negociación con 25 Opciones Estrategias utilizadas por los comerciantes de todo el mundo.
¿Es usted un comerciante de opciones veterano? ¿Son nuevas las opciones para usted? Las opciones se pueden utilizar en productos de las tasas de interés al oro. Aprenda a usar opciones para cubrir y especular. El manual incluye 25 estrategias de negociación de opciones, incluyendo mariposas largas y cortas, straddles, spreads y conversiones de espalda.
El Manual de Estrategias de Opciones Características:
Descripciones de la Estrategia Completa
Gráficos de estrategia fáciles de usar
Manual de Referencia de Escritorio Útil
Tanto digital como impreso disponible
¡Amplíe sus habilidades de negociación más allá del comercio justo de los futuros utilizando opciones!
Obtenga su LIBRE 25 Opciones Estrategias Manual.
Complete el siguiente formulario para obtener su Manual de Estrategias de Opciones
El comercio de futuros implica el riesgo de pérdida y puede no ser adecuado para todos.
El riesgo de pérdida en futuros y opciones de commodities comerciales puede ser sustancial. Antes de operar, debe considerar cuidadosamente su posición financiera para determinar si el comercio de futuros es apropiado. Al negociar futuros y / o opciones, es posible perder más que el valor total de su cuenta. Todos los fondos comprometidos deben ser capital de riesgo. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros.
Y copia Gate 39 Media, Inc. 2011 | Todos los derechos reservados.
Esta campaña y su contenido son propiedad de Gate 39 Media, Inc. y / o del Grupo CME. Gate 39 Media, Inc. ha recibido la premisión del Grupo CME para usar y distribuir el material anterior.
Descubra la versatilidad de las Opciones de Negociación con 25 Opciones de Futuros Estrategias utilizadas por comerciantes de todo el mundo.
¿Es usted un comerciante de opciones veterano? ¿Son nuevas las opciones para usted? Las opciones se pueden utilizar en productos de las tasas de interés al oro. Aprenda a usar opciones para cubrir y especular. El manual incluye 25 estrategias de negociación de opciones, incluyendo mariposas largas y cortas, straddles, spreads y conversiones de espalda.
El Manual de Estrategias de Opciones Características:
Descripciones de la Estrategia Completa
Gráficos de estrategia fáciles de usar
Manual de Referencia de Escritorio Útil
Tanto digital como impreso disponible
¡Amplíe sus habilidades de negociación más allá del comercio justo de los futuros utilizando opciones!
Complete el siguiente formulario para obtener su
25 Manual de Estrategias de Opciones
El riesgo de pérdida en futuros y opciones de commodities comerciales puede ser sustancial. Antes de operar, debe considerar cuidadosamente su posición financiera para determinar si el comercio de futuros es apropiado. Al negociar futuros y / o opciones, es posible perder más que el valor total de su cuenta. Todos los fondos comprometidos deben ser capital de riesgo. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros.
Descubra la versatilidad de las Opciones de Negociación con 25 Opciones Estrategias utilizadas por los comerciantes de todo el mundo.
¿Es usted un comerciante de opciones veterano? ¿Son nuevas las opciones para usted? Las opciones se pueden utilizar en productos de las tasas de interés al oro. Aprenda a usar opciones para cubrir y especular. El manual incluye 25 estrategias de negociación de opciones, incluyendo mariposas largas y cortas, straddles, spreads y conversiones de espalda.
El Manual de Estrategias de Opciones incluye:
Descripciones de la Estrategia Completa
Gráficos de estrategia fáciles de usar
Manual de Referencia de Escritorio Útil
Tanto digital como impreso disponible
Obtenga su LIBRE 25 Opciones Estrategias Manual. Regístrese AHORA & gt; & gt;
Complete el siguiente formulario para obtener su Manual de Estrategias de Opciones
El comercio de futuros implica el riesgo de pérdida y puede no ser adecuado para todos.
El riesgo de pérdida en futuros y opciones de commodities comerciales puede ser sustancial. Antes de operar, debe considerar cuidadosamente su posición financiera para determinar si el comercio de futuros es apropiado. Al negociar futuros y / o opciones, es posible perder más que el valor total de su cuenta. Todos los fondos comprometidos deben ser capital de riesgo. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros.
Descubra la versatilidad de las Opciones de Negociación con 25 Opciones de Futuros Estrategias utilizadas por comerciantes de todo el mundo.
¿Es usted un comerciante de opciones veterano? ¿Son nuevas las opciones para usted? Las opciones se pueden utilizar en productos de las tasas de interés al oro. Aprenda a usar opciones para cubrir y especular. El manual incluye 25 estrategias de negociación de opciones, incluyendo mariposas largas y cortas, straddles, spreads y conversiones de espalda.
El Manual de Estrategias de Opciones Características:
Descripciones de la Estrategia Completa
Gráficos de estrategia fáciles de usar
Manual de Referencia de Escritorio Útil
Tanto digital como impreso disponible
¡Amplíe sus habilidades de negociación más allá del comercio justo de los futuros utilizando opciones!
Complete el siguiente formulario para obtener su Manual de Estrategias de Opciones
El comercio de futuros implica el riesgo de pérdida y puede no ser adecuado para todos.
El riesgo de negociar futuros y opciones puede ser considerable. Cada inversor debe considerar si se trata de una inversión adecuada. Los resultados anteriores no son indicativos de resultados futuros.
25 Opciones Estrategias para un mercado alcista o plano
Jun. 1, 2009 4:32 AM
Como compartido en mi blog. En los últimos seis meses he sido capaz de superar el mercado con algunas de las estrategias que estoy a punto de compartir en este artículo. Todas estas estrategias son estrategias de compra / escritura sobre acciones bastante volátiles, algunas mucho menos que otras.
Dada la corrida de toros que hemos tenido, he podido duplicar mi valor de cartera y luego algunos.
Si usted es bajista, estas estrategias NO son para usted, pero pueden darle algunas ideas si usted es optimista o piensa que el mercado se moverá de lado. No he vendido llamadas cubiertas (para más información sobre las opciones de comercio haga clic aquí) en cualquiera de las acciones de más de 50 días, ya que me parece más rentable para escribir cerca del dinero para la próxima expiración o la siguiente.
Actualizo mi blog Buscando Alpha tanto como sea posible para compartir estas estrategias con la comunidad Seeking Alpha.
A continuación se presentan algunos ejemplos de compra / escritura que he utilizado, y se utilizará para la expiración de las opciones de junio y julio (todos los datos anteriores a la comercialización del 1 de junio de 2009). Todos los% de retorno se expresan como si fueras llamado fuera (ejercido).
Comprar acciones de Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) y vender la opción de compra de junio de 135. Asumiendo que usted consigue llamar esto le devolverá un beneficio del 3,3% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio esto devolvería un beneficio del 5,4%.
Comprar acciones de Bank of America (NYSE: BAC) y vender la opción de compra del 11 de junio. Suponiendo que se le llama, esto le devolverá un beneficio del 5,43% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio se obtendría un beneficio del 9,6%.
Compre acciones de Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM) y venda la opción de compra del 70 de junio. Suponiendo que le llamen, esto le devolverá un beneficio del 3,4% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio, esto devolvería una ganancia del 5%.
Comprar acciones de Caterpillar (NYSE: CAT) y vender la opción de compra del 35 de junio. Suponiendo que le llamen, esto le devolverá un beneficio del 3,9% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio se obtendría un beneficio del 6,3%.
Compre acciones de SPDR S & amp; P 500 (NYSEARCA: SPY) y venda la opción de compra del 93 de junio. Asumiendo que usted consigue llamado esto le devolverá un beneficio del 2,6% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio esto devolvería una ganancia de 3.0%.
Comprar acciones de Dow Diamonds (NYSEARCA: DIA) y vender la opción de compra del 85 de junio. Asumiendo que usted consigue llamado esto le devolverá un beneficio del 2,0% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio se obtendría un beneficio del 2,5%.
Comprar acciones de Research in Motion (RIMM) y vender la opción de compra del mes de junio. Asumiendo que usted consigue llamado esto le devolverá una ganancia de 7.1% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio se obtendría un beneficio del 9,4%.
Compre acciones de Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) y venda la opción de compra del 20 de junio. Suponiendo que se le llama, esto le devolverá un beneficio del 1,2% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio, se obtendría un beneficio del 2,7%.
Compre las acciones de SPDR Gold (NYSEARCA: GLD) y venda la opción de compra del 96 de junio. Suponiendo que le llamen, esto le devolverá un beneficio del 2,3% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio esto devolvería una ganancia de 4.0%.
Compre acciones de Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC) y venda la opción de compra del 25 de junio. Asumiendo que usted consigue llamado esto le devolverá un beneficio del 4,1% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio, esto devolvería un beneficio del 8,0%.
Comprar acciones de Citigroup (NYSE: C) y vender la opción de compra del 4 de junio. Asumiendo que usted consigue llamado esto le devolverá una ganancia de 10.8% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio, se obtendría un beneficio del 13,4%.
Compre las acciones de SPDR Financial (NYSEARCA: XLF) y venda la opción de compra del 12 de junio. Asumiendo que usted consigue llamar esto le devolverá un beneficio del 3,3% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio esto devolvería una ganancia del 5,9%.
Compre las acciones de Nasdaq 100 Trust (QQQQ) y venda la opción de compra del 35 de junio. Suponiendo que se llama, esto le devolverá un beneficio del 2% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio, se obtendría un beneficio del 2,6%.
Comprar acciones de Ford (NYSE: F) y vender la opción de compra del 6 de junio. Suponiendo que se le llama, esto le devolverá un beneficio del 7,7% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio, se obtendría un beneficio del 12,2%.
Comprar acciones de General Electric (NYSE: GE) y vender la opción de compra del 13 de junio. Suponiendo que se le llama, esto le devolverá un beneficio del 2,9% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio se obtendría un beneficio del 5,3%.
Compre la acción de Direxion Russell 2000 3X Bull (NYSEARCA: TNA) y venda la opción de compra del 27 de junio. Suponiendo que se llama, esto le devolverá un beneficio del 9% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio, se obtendría una ganancia del 13,9%.
Compre la acción de Direxion Financial 3X Bull (NYSEARCA: FAS) y venda la opción de compra del 10 de junio. Asumiendo que usted consigue llamado esto le devolverá un beneficio del 10% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio, se obtendría un beneficio del 16,5%.
Compre la acción de Direxion Financial 3X Bear (NYSEARCA: FAZ) y venda la opción de compra del 5 de junio. Asumiendo que usted consigue llamado esto le devolverá una ganancia del 16% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio se obtendría un beneficio del 23,4%.
Compre acciones de United States Oil Fund (NYSEARCA: USO) y venda la opción de compra del 37 de junio. Asumiendo que usted consigue llamado esto le devolverá un beneficio del 4,4% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio esto devolvería una ganancia del 6,7%.
Comprar acciones de Proshares Petróleo Crudo 2X Bull (NYSEARCA: UCO) y vender la opción de compra del 12 de junio. Asumiendo que se le llama, esto le devolverá un beneficio del 5,3% en menos de un mes. Para la huelga de 12.50 en julio esto volvería una ganancia del 11%.
Compre la acción Direxion Large Cap 3X Bear (BGZ) y venda la opción de compra del 36 de junio. Asumiendo que usted consigue llamado esto le devolverá un beneficio de 7.4 en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio se obtendría una ganancia del 11,4%.
Compre las acciones de Direxion Large Cap 3X Bull (BGU) y venda la opción de compra del 34 de junio. Asumiendo que usted consigue llamado esto le devolverá una ganancia del 6% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio se obtendría una ganancia del 9,8%.
Compre acciones de Palm (PALM) y venda la opción de compra del 12 de junio. Suponiendo que se le llama, esto le devolverá un beneficio del 7,9% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio se obtendría un beneficio del 12,4%.
Comprar acciones de Proshares Financials 2X Bull (NYSEARCA: UYG) y vender la opción de compra del 4 de junio. Suponiendo que se le llama, esto le devolverá un beneficio del 4,6% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio se obtendría una ganancia del 9,5%.
Comprar acciones de Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) y vender la opción de compra del 145 de junio. Asumiendo que usted consigue llamado esto le devolverá un beneficio del 4,1% en menos de un mes. Para la misma huelga en julio esto devolvería una ganancia del 6,7%.
Si el mercado cae, y la acción no se llama, por lo general escriben el stock para la misma huelga para el próximo mes (bajar mi costo aún más). Usted debe estar dispuesto a ser dueño de la acción para cualquiera de estas estrategias, como si la acción va hacia abajo no será llamado y tendrá la acción subyacente en su cartera. Si no se llama a la buena noticia es que tendrá el stock a un costo global menor debido a la prima recibida en la llamada cubierta.
Tenga cuidado al comprar / vender opciones. Cuanto más volátil sea el stock, mayor será la prima en la opción (esto debería tener sentido). Si usted es más alcista / bajista que desea ajustar el precio de ejercicio. Estas estrategias me han mantenido de golpear el mercado en los últimos 6 meses. Si usted retrocede escribir más profundo en las llamadas de dinero, no volverá tanto, pero si te llaman, y el mercado general está abajo usted está seguro de superar el mercado.
Para una hoja de cálculo de Excel de estas 25 estrategias clasificadas en orden de menor a mayor retorno% para junio y julio visitar mi blog.
Divulgación: BAC largo, CAT, FAS, FAZ, UCO, PALM, UYG, GS
Lea el artículo completo
Estrategias de opciones de futuros
Descubra la versatilidad de las Opciones de Negociación con 25 Estrategias de Opciones utilizadas por los comerciantes de materias primas de todo el mundo.
¿Es usted un comerciante de opciones de futuros veteranos? ¿Las opciones de los productos básicos son nuevas para usted? Las opciones se pueden utilizar en productos de las tasas de interés al oro. Aprenda a usar opciones para cubrir y especular. El manual incluye 25 estrategias de negociación de opciones, incluyendo mariposas largas y cortas, straddles, spreads y conversiones de espalda.
El Manual de Estrategias para Opciones de Futuros Características:
Descripciones de estrategia de opciones de longitud completa
Gráficos de estrategia fáciles de usar
Manual de Referencia de Escritorio Útil
Tanto digital como impreso disponible
¡Amplíe sus habilidades de negociación más allá del comercio de futuros, utilizando opciones en futuros!
Complete el siguiente formulario para obtener su Manual de Estrategias de Opciones
El comercio de futuros implica el riesgo de pérdida y puede no ser adecuado para todos.
El riesgo de pérdida en futuros y opciones de commodities comerciales puede ser sustancial. Antes de operar, debe considerar cuidadosamente su posición financiera para determinar si el comercio de futuros es apropiado. Al negociar futuros y / o opciones, es posible perder más que el valor total de su cuenta. Todos los fondos comprometidos deben ser capital de riesgo. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros.
Estrategias de negociación de opciones: 25 Estrategias de negociación de opciones que pueden brindarle beneficios (estrategias de negociación de opciones, opciones comerciales y opciones de negociación)
¿Está interesado en aprender a negociar opciones?
En este libro electrónico, aprenderá 25 estrategias de negociación de opciones para ayudar a maximizar sus ganancias y minimizar su riesgo. ¿Nuevo en la inversión? ¡No te preocupes! Incluimos una cartilla sobre las opciones de tradings y lo que debe saber al respecto.
Esto es lo que aprenderá después de leer este libro:
Los fundamentos del comercio de opciones;
Cosas para pensar antes de empezar;
Los errores comunes cometidos por los nuevos operadores;
Lo que debe saber sobre el gráfico de operaciones de opciones;
Estrategias para un mercado alcista.
Estrategias para un mercado bajista;
Estrategias para un mercado neutral;
Cómo calcular el beneficio máximo para cada estrategia que usted utiliza;
Cómo averiguar la pérdida máxima que podría encontrarse.
Este eBook te llevará bien en su camino a la comprensión y participar con éxito en el comercio de opciones. Si usted está listo para ganar más dinero o para expandir o incluso comenzar su cartera de inversiones, entonces usted necesita este eBook. Además, aprenderá sobre las estrategias de negociación de opciones en inglés simple. Eso es correcto & # x2013; Escribimos este eBook sólo para usted: la persona promedio. No necesitará ninguna experiencia previa o un MBA para empezar.
Ahora es el momento de prepararse para el futuro. ¿Estás listo para invertir?
Obteniendo su bono GRATIS
Descargue este libro y encuentre BONUS: Su regalo GRATUITO & # x22; Después de la introducción o después de la conclusión.
Descargue su copia de & # x22; Estrategias de Negociación de Opciones & # x22; Desplazándose hacia arriba y haciendo clic en & # x22; Comprar ahora con 1-Click & # x22; botón.
1 de 1 personas encontraron la siguiente reseña útil
HASH (0xa128d054) fuera de 5 estrellas guía sin valor Jan. 24 2016
Por Z. W. Rosenthal - Publicado en Amazon. com
Formato: Versión Kindle Verificado
Me dieron esta guía gratis a cambio de mi crítica honesta. Tengo que decir que es inútil. ¿Por qué pagaría una guía de estrategia & # 34; Para las opciones de inversión de un nadie con absolutamente ninguna experiencia o credenciales opciones comerciales o incluso ser un asesor de inversiones certificado o haber trabajado en la industria. ¿Puedo también compilar y vender una guía para realizar la cirugía del cerebro sin un fondo médico y apenas poner una renuncia dentro de que el libro se piensa para los propósitos de la hospitalidad? Eso es lo que esta persona hizo. Acaban de copiar y pegar información de fuentes disponibles públicamente que describen los diferentes tipos de opciones y cómo realizan un seguimiento del rendimiento de stock subyacente. Guarde su dinero y busque consejo de su corredor en su lugar.
0 de 1 personas encontraron la siguiente reseña útil
HASH (0xa0eff69c) de 5 estrellas Tres estrellas 15 de agosto 2015
Por Amazon Cliente - Publicado en Amazon. com
Formato: Versión Kindle Verificado
No muy completo.
0 de 2 personas encontraron la siguiente reseña útil
HASH (0xa128d5d0) de 5 estrellas Contiene las mejores cosas que usted necesita saber acerca de las opciones comerciales 4 de julio de 2015
Por Vincent - Publicado en Amazon. com
Formato: Versión Kindle Verificado
Este libro es muy informativo. Contiene las mejores cosas que usted necesita saber acerca de las opciones de comercio, incluyendo los errores más comunes, pone y estrategias de opciones, largas llamadas, casados poner, llamadas de protección, etc Hay tanto aquí que sería una locura no comprarlo Si se trata de una industria que desea entrar.
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Opciones Estrategias de negociación: 25 Estrategias de negociación de opciones que pueden brindarle beneficios (estrategias de negociación de opciones, opciones comerciales, opciones comerciales) (Versión en inglés) Formato Kindle
¿Está interesado en aprender a negociar opciones?
En este libro electrónico, aprenderá 25 estrategias de negociación de opciones para ayudar a maximizar sus ganancias y minimizar su riesgo. ¿Nuevo en la inversión? ¡No te preocupes! Incluimos una cartilla sobre las opciones de tradings y lo que debe saber al respecto.
Esto es lo que aprenderá después de leer este libro:
Los fundamentos del comercio de opciones;
Cosas para pensar antes de empezar;
Los errores comunes cometidos por los nuevos operadores;
Lo que debe saber sobre el gráfico de operaciones de opciones;
Estrategias para un mercado alcista;
Estrategias para un mercado bajista;
Estrategias para un mercado neutral;
Cómo calcular el beneficio máximo para cada estrategia que usted utiliza;
Cómo averiguar la pérdida máxima que podría encontrarse.
Este eBook te llevará bien en su camino a la comprensión y participar con éxito en el comercio de opciones. Si usted está listo para ganar más dinero o para expandir o incluso comenzar su cartera de inversiones, entonces usted necesita este eBook. Además, aprenderá sobre las estrategias de negociación de opciones en inglés simple. Eso es correcto & # x2013; Escribimos este eBook sólo para usted: la persona promedio. No necesitará ninguna experiencia previa o un MBA para empezar.
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HASH (0x9d335750) su 5 stelle guía sin valor 24 gennaio 2016
Di Z. W. Rosenthal - Pubblicato su Amazon. com
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Me dieron esta guía gratis a cambio de mi crítica honesta. Tengo que decir que es inútil. ¿Por qué pagaría una guía de estrategia & # 34; Para las opciones de inversión de un nadie con absolutamente ninguna experiencia o credenciales opciones comerciales o incluso ser un asesor de inversiones certificado o haber trabajado en la industria. ¿Puedo también compilar y vender una guía para realizar la cirugía del cerebro sin un fondo médico y apenas poner una renuncia dentro de que el libro se piensa para los propósitos de la hospitalidad? Eso es lo que esta persona hizo. Acaban de copiar y pegar información de fuentes disponibles públicamente que describen los diferentes tipos de opciones y cómo realizan un seguimiento del rendimiento de stock subyacente. Guarde su dinero y busque consejo de su corredor en su lugar.
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HASH (0x9d24d624) su 5 estrellas Tres Estrellas 15 agosto 2015
Di Amazon Customer - Pubblicato su Amazon. com
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No muy completo.
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HASH (0x9d319b40) su 5 stelle Contiene las mejores cosas que usted necesita saber sobre opciones comerciales 4 luglio 2015
Di Vincent - Publicada en Amazon. com
Formato: Formato Kindle Acquisto verificato
Este libro es muy informativo. Contiene las mejores cosas que usted necesita saber acerca de las opciones de comercio, incluyendo los errores más comunes, pone y estrategias de opciones, largas llamadas, casados poner, llamadas de protección, etc Hay tanto aquí que sería una locura no comprarlo Si se trata de una industria que desea entrar.
Opciones Estrategias de negociación: 25 Estrategias de negociación de opciones que pueden aportar beneficios (estrategias de negociación de opciones, opciones comerciales, opciones de comercio) (Versión en inglés) Versión Kindle
¿Está interesado en aprender a negociar opciones?
En este libro electrónico, aprenderá 25 estrategias de negociación de opciones para ayudar a maximizar sus ganancias y minimizar su riesgo. ¿Nuevo en la inversión? ¡No te preocupes! Incluimos una cartilla sobre las opciones de tradings y lo que debe saber al respecto.
Esto es lo que aprenderá después de leer este libro:
Los fundamentos del comercio de opciones;
Cosas para pensar antes de empezar;
Los errores comunes cometidos por los nuevos operadores;
Lo que debe saber sobre el gráfico de operaciones de opciones;
Estrategias para un mercado alcista.
Estrategias para un mercado bajista;
Estrategias para un mercado neutral;
Cómo calcular el beneficio máximo para cada estrategia que usted utiliza;
Cómo averiguar la pérdida máxima que podría encontrarse.
Este eBook te llevará bien en su camino a la comprensión y participar con éxito en el comercio de opciones. Si usted está listo para ganar más dinero o para expandir o incluso comenzar su cartera de inversiones, entonces usted necesita este eBook. Además, aprenderá sobre las estrategias de negociación de opciones en inglés simple. Eso es correcto & # x2013; Escribimos este eBook sólo para usted: la persona promedio. You won’t need any prior experience or an MBA to get started.
Now is the time to get ready for the future. Are you ready to invest?
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Download this book, and find "BONUS: Your FREE Gift" chapter right after the introduction or after the conclusion.
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Stock Options - Basic Strategies for A Lifetime Of Option Investing From the Bull Market Report Seminar, Vail 1999
Introduction - The Very Basics
& # 8226; An option is the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a stock for a specified price on or before a specific date. A call is the right to buy the stock, while a put is the right to sell the stock.
Buyer and Writer or Seller
& # 8226; The person who purchases an option, whether it is a put or a call, is the option "buyer." Conversely, the person who originally sells the put or call is the option "seller" or "writer."
Contract -- Premium -- Risk
& # 8226; 1 option contract controls 100 shares • The price of the option is referred to as the "premium" • The potential loss to the buyer of an option can be no greater than the initial premium paid for the contract.
Strike Price
& # 8226; "Strike price" or "exercise price" - the price at which the option holder may buy the underlying stock pursuant to a call option or sell the stock pursuant to a put option.
Fecha de caducidad
& # 8226; "Expiration date" - options expire on the third Friday of the month.
Call Options vs. Put Options
& # 8226; Call Options - The buyer of a call option purchases the right to buy 100 shares of the underlying stock at the stated exercise price. Thus, the buyer of 2 IBM May 160 call options has the right to purchase 200 shares of IBM at $160 up until May expiration date.
& # 8226; Put Options - The buyer of a put option purchases the right to sell shares of the underlying stock at the contracted strike price. Thus, the buyer of one IBM May 160 put has the right to sell 100 shares of IBM at $160 any time prior to the expiration date.
Strategies - Risks and Rewards
& # 8226; Who Buys Options?
* An investor who is very bullish * An investor who would like to take advantage of leverage with a limited dollar risk
In an example, ZYX is trading at 44 1/4. Instead of spending $22,125 for 500 shares of ZYX stock, an investor could purchase a six-month call with a 45 strike price for 3 3/8. By purchasing a six month call with a 45 strike for 3 3/8, the investor is saying that he anticipates ZYX will rise above the strike of 45 (which is where ZYX can be purchased no matter how high ZYX has risen) + 3 3/8 (the option premium), or 48 3/8, by expiration. Each call represents 100 shares of stock, so 5 calls could be bought in place of 500 shares of stock. The cost of 5 calls at 3 3/8 is $1,687.50 (5 calls x 3 3/8 x $100). Instead of spending $22,125 on stock, only $1,687.50 is needed for the purchase of the 5 calls. The balance of $20,437.50 could then be invested in short-term instruments. This investor has unlimited profit potential as ZYX rises above 48 3/8. The risk for the option buyer is limited to the premium paid, which in this example is $1,687.50. Commissions and taxes have not been taken into consideration in these examples, although they can have a significant affect on the investor's returns.
Had the stock been purchased at 44 1/4 (a cost of $22,125), and it rose to 51, it would now be worth $25,500. This would be a 15.3% increase in value over the original cost of $22,125. But, the call buyer spent only $1,687.50 and earned 77% on his options.
& # 8226; Who Sells Options?
* Put Sellers * Call Sellers
& # 8226; Put Writer:
* An investor who would like to acquire a position in a particular security, but is willing to wait for it to trade at his desired price. * Would you rather buy CSCO today (4/5/99) for $113 or 2 months from now for $105 - (May 115 puts @ $10)
Have you ever given your stockbroker an order to buy a security at a specified price? If you have, you have participated in a waiting game. The stock will not be purchased until it trades at or below your limit price. Instead of waiting for that to happen, you could have sold a cash-secured put. A premium (the price of the option) for selling a put option would be paid to you for accepting the obligation to buy a stock that you want to be a part of your portfolio at the price you select.
If the stock does not drop below the strike price by expiration, the premium will be retained by the seller and another put may be sold. By selling the put, the investor receives the premium while waiting for the stock to decline to the strike or price at which he is willing to own it. Therefore, the cash-secured put is a strategy that may help you accumulate stock at a lower price than where it is currently trading (net cost = strike price - premium).
& # 8226; Covered Call Writer
* An investor who is neutral to moderately bullish. * An investor who is willing to limit his upside for some downside protection. * "Cash flow"
NOTE: The covered call strategy may be implemented in Keogh and IRA accounts.
Covered Call Writing
Covered call writing is either the simultaneous purchase of stock and the sale of a call option or the sale of a call option against a stock currently held by an investor. Generally, one call option is sold for every 100 shares of stock. The writer receives cash for selling the call but will be obligated to sell the stock at the strike price of the call if the call is assigned to his account. In other words, an investor is "paid" to agree to sell his holdings at a certain level (the strike price). In exchange for being paid, the investor gives up any increase in the stock above the strike price. If an investor is neutral to moderately bullish on a stock currently owned, the covered call might be a strategy he would consider. Let's say that 100 shares are currently held in his account. If the investor was to sell one slightly out-of-the-money call, he would be paid a premium to be obligated to sell the stock at a predetermined price, the strike price. In addition to receiving the premium, the investor would also continue to receive the dividends (if any) as long as he still owns the stock.
The covered call can also be used if the investor is considering buying a stock on which he is moderately bullish for the near term. A call could be sold at the same time the stock is purchased. The premium collected reduces the effective cost of the stock and he will continue to collect dividends (if any) or as long as the stock is held.
Credit Spreads
& # 8226; Credit . because the option sold is priced higher than the option bought.
& # 8226; Spread . because it's a purchase of one option and the sale of a related option on the same stock at a different strike price.
& # 8226; Bearish Credit Spreads * uses call options * profitable if the stock does not increase significantly
& # 8226; Bullish Credit Spreads * uses put options * profitable if the stock does not decrease significantly
Making It All Work For You!
& # 8226; Covered Calls & Credit Spreads * Time is on your side * "Position trades"
Time and "Position Trades"
It is very difficult for most people over the long-term to make money buying options on a regular basis. The main reason for this is two-fold. When you buy an option with a month or two until expiration, you have to be right in the direction that the stock is going to move AND you have to be right on the timing of the move. that is, it has to move pretty soon or the time value of the option will work against you too much.
When you sell options (ie, covered calls and credit spreads), the strategies tend to be a little more forgiving. This is due greatly to the fact that you will have the time value working for you.
Another benefit of covered calls and credit spreads is that they are what I refer to as "position trades". That is, once you enter the covered call position or the credit spread, generally, you don't need to watch the screen all day. Such is not true when you are buying options. Generally, when you buy options, you want to keep close tabs on it during the day in case it makes a run one way or another so that you can make a move if needed. Thus, the covered call and credit spread techniques fit in to many people's lifestyle much better than other stock option strategies.
Certain of of the foregoing text re-printed herein with permission from the C. B.O. E. Copyright © 1998 1999 Chicago Board Options Exchange.
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Options 101: Strike Price
An option contract gives the buyer the right to buy or sell the underlying security at a predefined price for a specified amount of time. That predefined price is known as the strike price. It is the price at which an option buyer will be able to exercise an option contract. For this reason, you may also hear it referred to as the exercise price.
As an example, a trader might pay a premium of $25 in July to buy a call option on Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL ) at $450 that expires in November. At the expiration date, the call buyer can buy 100 shares of Apple for $450 no matter what the market price of Apple is. If Apple is trading at $500, the call buyer would pay $450 and have an immediate profit of $25 (the $50 difference in market price from the exercise price minus the $25 paid in premium).
Put option buyers are given the right to sell the underlying security at the strike price. In this example, if Apple was trading at $400 on the expiration date, the buyer of a put with a $450 strike price could sell 100 shares at $450 and make a profit equal to $50 minus the premium they originally paid for the put.
Cómo los comerciantes lo utilizan
The strike price is an important consideration in developing an options trading strategy. Options traders will use the strike price in their effort to find the best combination of risk and reward in an options contract.
They may find that a strike price near the market price has a high probability of being exercised, or they may decide strike prices far away from the current market price offer the most potential reward with limited risk. Options analysis is a difficult task and the strike price is an important factor.
Por qué es importante para los comerciantes
The strike price is a critical factor in determining whether a trade ends up profitable or not. If the underlying security is close to the strike price at expiration (at the money ), the trade is likely to be only marginally profitable.
For call buyers, the biggest profits will be earned when the market price of the underlying security is substantially above the strike price (in the money ). Put buyers see their biggest gains when the market value is significantly below the strike price.
Option sellers will minimize the risks associated with exercise by using strike prices that are far away from the market value (out of the money ). Traders exercise options when they can make an immediate profit and distant strike prices minimize the chance that an underlying security will offer this potential at expiration.
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Two Bullish Strategies to Make Money With Options
by Kevin Matras Published on February 25, 2016 |
Bullish on stocks?
Here are two ways to play it with options:
How bullish you are will help determine which strategy is right for you.
Buying Calls is one of the easiest and probably most well know option strategies.
If you believe the price of a stock will go up, you can buy a call option on it and make money as it does.
But unlike a stock, it needs to move within a certain period of time.
And based on the strike price you've got, it'll need to move a certain minimum amount to overcome your purchase price.
Knowing this, there are a few things to consider when you're selecting your option.
The first thing you'll want to consider is time.
As a rule of thumb, unless I'm speculating on a date-specific event, I'll normally buy a little extra time than I might need.
This gives me a little extra leeway and time in case the move I was looking for takes a bit longer than expected.
For example, if I'm expecting a move within two months there's no harm in picking up an extra month or two to be on the safe side especially if that extra month could mean the difference between a profit and a loss.
The next decision to make is if you'll pick up an in-the-money option (ITM) or an out-of-the-money option (OTM).
Just remember: an in-the-money option will have a greater likelihood of making money than an out-of-the-money option.
Because at expiration, your profit is the difference between the stock price and the strike price less your premium.
For example: let's say a stock was trading at $50 and you had two options:
&toro; 1, $45 call (ITM) for $6.50 • and 1, $55 call (OTM) for $3.75
If at expiration, the stock was trading at $60, that's a 20% move in the stock.
At expiration, the $45 call would be worth $15 or $1,500. Remove your premium of $6.50 and that's an $850 gain.
The $55 call on the other hand would be worth only $5 or $500. Subtract your premium of $3.75, and instead you'd only have a gain of $125.
Same stock move, but vastly different profit outcomes. Sure you saved a few hundred dollars on the way in, but look what it cost you on the backend.
Of course, if you're wildly bullish, you could really get a lot of leverage on the cheaper out-of-the-money options. But usually, the out-of-the-money options are best only if you're expecting some pretty big things to happen.
For your regular moves good moves but not astronomical moves, consider staying closer to the money as it'll increase your chances for success.
This strategy, unlike buying calls, is probably one of the least known option strategies.
And also, probably one of my favorites.
It's a bullish strategy.
But you have more ways to profit with this one.
When Writing Puts . the stock can go up, sideways or even down (albeit only a certain amount) and you can still make all of the money you expected to make when you put the trade on in the first place.
Essentially, writing a put means you might be obligated to buy the underlying stock at a certain price if the stock goes down to your strike price. This is called 'having the stock put to you'. But you'll get paid for taking that risk.
But the benefits are great.
First, when writing a put option, I don't favor getting more time than needed. Instead, try and get only as much time as necessary to ensure a big enough premium to make the trade worth your while. This strategy will benefit from time decay.
Moreover, I recommend writing out-of-the-money options too. Not too far out, but close enough to maximize the premium you'll collect. But far enough away so your chances of keeping the entire premium remains high.
Continuing with the same example, let's say the stock was at $50 and you thought it was going to go higher or maybe even a little lower at first, but you liked the stock and were essentially bullish on it.
If you wrote a put option, let's say the $45 put for $400:
&toro; At expiration, as long as the price of the stock was above your strike price of $45, you'd keep the entire premium you collected. (It doesn't even have to be above $50, just your strike price of $45.)
&toro; If the stock is at or below $45, the stock will likely be put to you, meaning you'll have to buy that stock at $45. But not only did you now get to own that stock at a cheaper price ($45 rather than $50), but you also got paid $400 while you waited and got in at a lower price.
The stock would have to go below $41 to even begin losing money on the trade.
This is a great strategy if you have a neutral-to-bullish bias on a stock and would like a strategy to profit under a wide range of scenarios.
But if you're super-duper bullish on a stock, this would be the wrong strategy because you'll always be limited with what you can make.
But your chances are good that you'll get what you expected if you correctly determined what you broadly thought the stock would do (or at least wouldnt do).
But these two strategies, buying calls or writing puts, should be considered based on how bullish you are.
Want to apply these winning option strategies and others to your trading? Then be sure to check to check out our Zacks Options Trader service.
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Disclosure: Officers, directors and/or employees of Zacks Investment Research may own or have sold short securities and/or hold long and/or short positions in options that are mentioned in this material. An affiliated investment advisory firm may own or have sold short securities and/or hold long and/or short positions in options that are mentioned in this material.
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The Closest Thing to a 'No-Lose' Strategy You'll Find in the Market
Four weeks ago, I told you about a trading strategy specifically designed to reduce exposure to market volatility, preserve capital and generate income. I know it sounded almost too good to be true, but those readers who acted on the specific trade in that issue are on their way to scoring a quick 12% return.
The specific recommendation in this instance involved independent oil refiner Phillips 66 (NYSE: PSX ) and came courtesy of my colleague, options strategist Amber Hestla-Barnhart.
Based on the company's solid fundamentals, Amber determined Phillips was a company she was "more than comfortable" owning at what was then a price of $50.60 a share. But by selling puts, Amber could collect instant income upfront without having to purchase shares outright. If shares fell, she would be a shareholder at "dirt-cheap" precios.
To recap: A put option contract gives the owner the right, but not the obligation, to sell 100 shares of the underlying stock at a specified price, known as the "strike price." Sellers of put options receive from the buyers a "premium," which is determined by such factors as the stock price, strike price and time remaining until expiration.
In options lingo, Amber at the time was looking at PSX Feb 48 Puts at $1.15. That's a put with a strike price of $48 that expires in February (after the third Friday of the month, as is the case with all monthly stock options). This "put" paid Amber, the seller or options "writer," a premium of $1.15 per share, or $115 per contract, which was hers to keep, no matter what. (Most brokers require a small margin requirement or "down payment" to sell puts. In this trade, the down payment amounted to about $960.)
If Phillips 66 were to trade under $48 a share during the life of the contract, Amber would become a stockholder at a cost basis of $46.85 per share ($48 minus $1.15, her premium). The down payment at the brokerage would go toward purchasing the shares -- at a discount to the price Amber was originally "comfortable" with, and at a price she knew up front, before the trade was made.
If shares go on to stay above $48 through expiration this Friday, as almost certainly will be the case in this instance, the options will expire worthless to the buyers, and Amber won't have to purchase a single share. She'll get her deposit back, and the $115 per contract -- the "instant income" -- is pure profit.
And lest you think Amber's Phillips 66 trade was a fluke, read on.
Since last summer, Amber agreed to test the results of her options strategy with the ProfitableTrading staff. As with Phillips 66, Amber looked to sell put options primarily on dominant, blue-chip companies.
Amber passed her beta test with flying colors. Between July 31, 2012, and Jan. 28, 2013, she executed 13 trades, 11 of which were winners. That's a success rate of 84.6%.
"Selling puts is one of the smartest, highest-percentage trades you can make in the market," Amber contends. "You're betting that a great company won't fall to fire-sale prices in a short period of time."
Among the "great companies" involved in Amber's put strategy in the past six months are: Mastercard (NYSE: MA ), which returned 42.2% in 172 days on a "down payment" of $6,400; Amazon. com (NASDAQ: AMZN ), which delivered $750 from a down payment of $4,400; and Coach (NYSE: COH ), which returned 14.2% in 109 days on a down payment of only $880.
Another key to the success of this former military analyst: her unique ability to spot patterns that others miss and an often-overlooked "glitch" in the options markets.
Let's have Amber tell you more in her own words:
Bob: What is the "glitch" in the options market, and how are you taking advantage of it?
Amber: Most options traders lose money for one simple reason -- they're on the wrong side of the trade. You see, more than 80% of options expire worthless.
That may sound like a bad thing, but my strategy involves selling, not buying options. When I sell an option, money is deposited in my brokerage account. It's called a premium, as you've already noted, and I like to refer to it as "instant income." In other words, I get paid upfront for options that more than likely will expire worthless in a few months, allowing me to keep 100% of my instant income.
While most options expire worthless for the buyer, the premium collected upfront by the seller is certainly not worthless. It's this "glitch" in the options market that makes it possible to generate steady income selling options.
That's the general idea behind my strategy, but let me go into a little more detail so readers understand there is a logical reason why the overwhelming majority of options expire worthless.
One reason is that many investors make unwise financial bets. They treat options like lottery tickets and lose money more often than not.
Options are also designed to decrease in value. In more technical terms, options are a wasting asset, which means they decline in value every day you own them. They are like new cars that depreciate when you drive them off the lot and lose a little more in value every day after that. The money is lost by the buyer, not the seller. Knowing this, to make consistent money trading options, we should be sellers.
All options have an expiration date, which gives buyers a limited amount of time to exercise their right to buy (call option) or sell (put option) the stock or exchange-traded fund (ETF) the option is for. If an option can be profitably exercised, it is said to be "in the money," and options that cannot be profitably exercised are called "out of the money." With each passing day, the chance that an out-of-the-money option will be exercised decreases, and that makes the option just a little bit less valuable to the holder.
On their expiration day, most options will be worthless, so options buyers are tasked with the difficult job of picking the right option, something they accomplish less than 20% of the time. Sellers of those options, on the other hand, will show profits the majority of the time. In my advisory, Income Trader . I take advantage of this situation by being the seller.
Bob: What kind of recommendations are you making in Income Trader ?
Amber: My primary objective is to protect capital, and my secondary objective is to generate income from that capital by selling options. All of my recommendations follow those principles -- safety and income. For the most part, I recommend selling options on high-quality, undervalued stocks.
When selling put options, there is a chance I will become a shareholder, so one of the most important parts of my strategy is choosing the right stocks. That means stocks that have the potential to be long-term winners that I want to own.
I focus on stocks with low PEG (price-to-earnings to growth) ratios, for example. The PEG ratio is a derivative of the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio that takes into account future growth in earnings. To find the PEG ratio, I divide the P/E ratio by the earnings growth rate. This ratio finds promising value stocks without ignoring growth stocks. Companies that are growing earnings faster than average deserve a higher-than-average P/E ratio, and the PEG ratio accounts for that. There are other value metrics I analyze, but the PEG ratio is where I often start my search for great stocks.
After finding undervalued stocks, I use puts to develop strategies that allow me to collect income and occasionally buy them at a discount of 5%-10% or more below fair value. In most cases, I won't have to buy shares, and I book the premium as pure profit. If I am obligated to buy the shares, then I'll own a great company at a dirt-cheap price.
As for the time frame, the options I sell generally expire in one to two months, which makes the investments liquid, meaning my money is not tied up for long periods of time. Depending on the market, I might sell longer-term options, but most of my income plays in Income Trader are short term.
Bob: Selling puts appears to work well in flat to up markets. Do you shift strategies when the market is trending down?
Amber: My basic strategy remains unchanged even in a falling market, but there are some different tactics I use.
Option prices adapt to the market environment, and the premiums on most options should be higher if the market is falling. This is due to the fact that volatility, an important factor in options pricing, should rise in falling markets. And when volatility rises, so do premiums.
For example, I generally sell puts with strike prices that are below the current price of the stock. During bull markets or times when prices are trendless, the strike prices on the options will usually be close to the market price. In a down-trending market, I might leave more room between the market price and the option's strike price. Since I'll generate more income from high-priced options, the optimal risk-reward ratio will be found in options with lower strikes.
My primary objective is to safely deliver income, and that will require adapting as the market changes. The strategy will remain consistent, but how it's executed it will be determined by the market. Options selling works in any environment, but the best options to use will always be determined by the math.
Bob: You've mentioned that the VIX is an important factor in options prices, can you elaborate?
Amber: The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) is one of the most important indicators to follow when selling options.
Option prices are determined by several factors, including the underlying stock's price, the exercise price of the option, and the amount of time until the options contract expires. These can all be easily determined, but one factor that is more difficult to assess is volatility.
Volatility refers to how much a stock's price moves. A stock that gains or loses an average of 2% a week is considered to be more volatile than one that moves only 0.5% a week on average.
I can get a general idea of whether volatility is high or low by looking at the VIX. The VIX is commonly called the "fear index," because it tends to rise as the market falls and traders become more anxious. On the other hand, when market prices rise, the VIX tends to decline.
The chart below shows that the VIX itself is a volatile indicator.
Here's why it matters: Options prices, in general, move in the same direction as the VIX. That means options are expensive when the VIX is high and cheap when the VIX is low.
And I think options sellers are about to get a huge opportunity to sell high-priced options. As you can see in the chart above, the VIX tends to spike higher when it hits the 15 to 13 range. When that happens, I'll be ready to collect large chunks of income from my favorite stocks.
But even if the VIX stays flat for a while, there are always a few great income-generating opportunities in the market.
Bob: Can you give me an example of a "great income-generating opportunity" you've found recently?
Amber: Sure. In this week's issue of Income Trader . I took advantage of "the worst analyst call of the month" to collect income. As I mentioned above, volatility in a company's shares causes options prices to move higher. And after the news broke that PetSmart (NASDAQ: PETM ) had been lowered to a "Reduce" rating from "Neutral," the stock sold off more than 10% in one day.
According to the analyst, Amazon. com could become a competitor to PetSmart as shipping costs fall. I don't agree with that call. For one thing, UPS (NYSE: UPS ), FedEx (NYSE: FDX ) and the U. S. Postal Service all raised shipping rates recently.
It's also not the first time PetSmart has been "threatened" by an online retailer. Pets. com, the former online pet supplies retailer, is best known for its high-profile advertising campaign featuring a dog sock puppet and going out of business in November 2000, within a year of going public. PetSmart now owns the Pets. com domain.
In fact, nothing has stopped PetSmart from growing revenue year after year. The company has increased revenue every year since its IPO in 1992, a period that includes two recessions.
Needless to say, I believe that PETM is a great long-term investment. But by selling puts, I could collect instant income without having to purchase shares outright. And if I did get the chance to buy shares, it would be at a significant discount to market price at the time.
I advised readers to sell PETM March 60 Puts for around $0.80 to take advantage of the fall in price and increase in volatility. That's a put that expires in March that pays sellers an $0.80 a share premium, or $80 per contract. If shares of PETM trade below $60 a share, we'll be shareholders at a cost basis of $59.20 a share ($60 minus $0.80, our premium). When I sold the put, shares were trading at $65.40, so our cost basis would represent a 9.5% discount.
Assuming PETM trades for $60 or more until March 15 (when the option expires), we keep the premium and make a profit of $80 on a $1,200 down payment, or 6.7%, in 37 days. If we can repeat a similar trade every 37 days, we'd earn a 66% return on our capital in 12 months.
Worst case: If PETM trades for less than $60 before March 15, then we'll keep the $80, but we'll have to buy PETM stock at $60 per share. In this case, we'd own PETM at a cost basis of $59.20 (the $60 strike minus the $0.80 premium, which we keep). At $59.20, we'd own shares at 15 times 2014 estimated earnings -- a bargain for a stock expected to grow earnings at about 18% a year in the short term.
These are the kinds of trades I look for in my weekly Income Trader newsletter. My goal is to create "no-lose" Situaciones. Of course, there's no such thing in the financial world, but I think selling puts on stocks you want to own is as close as it gets. It's like getting paid to set limit-orders on your favorite stocks.
Editor's note: To hear a presentation from Amber about Income Trader and to learn more about Amber's income strategy, click here .
Bull Call Spread (Debit Call Spread)
A bull call spread is a type of vertical spread. It contains two calls with the same expiration but different strikes. The strike price of the short call is higher than the strike of the long call. which means this strategy will always require an initial outlay (debit). The short call's main purpose is to help pay for the long call's upfront cost.
Up to a certain stock price, the bull call spread works a lot like its long call component would as a standalone strategy. However, unlike with a plain long call, the upside potential is capped. That is part of the tradeoff; the short call premium mitigates the overall cost of the strategy but also sets a ceiling on the profits.
A different pair of strike prices might work, provided that the short call strike is above the long call's. The choice is a matter of balancing risk/reward tradeoffs and a realistic forecast.
Net Position (at expiration)
High strike - low strike - net premium paid
Net premium paid
The benefit of a higher short call strike is a higher maximum to the strategy's potential profit. The disadvantage is that the premium received is smaller, the higher the short call's strike price.
It is interesting to compare this strategy to the bull put spread. The profit/loss payoff profiles are exactly the same, once adjusted for the net cost to carry. The chief difference is the timing of the cash flows. The bull call spread requires a known initial outlay for an unknown eventual return; the bull put spread produces a known initial cash inflow in exchange for a possible outlay later on.
Looking for a steady or rising stock price during the life of the options. As with any limited-time strategy, the investor's long-term forecast for the underlying stock isn't as important, but this is probably not a suitable choice for those who have a bullish outlook past the immediate future. It would require an accurately timed forecast to pinpoint the turning point where a coming short-term dip will turn around and a long-term rally will start.
This strategy consists of buying one call option and selling another at a higher strike price to help pay the cost. The spread generally profits if the stock price moves higher, just as a regular long call strategy would, up to the point where the short call caps further gains.
Profit from a gain in the underlying stock's price without the up-front capital outlay and downside risk of outright stock ownership.
A vertical call spread can be a bullish or bearish strategy, depending on how the strike prices are selected for the long and short positions. See bear call spread for the bearish counterpart.
Max Loss
The maximum loss is very limited. The worst that can happen is for the stock to be below the lower strike price at expiration. In that case, both call options expire worthless, and the loss incurred is simply the initial outlay for the position (the net debit).
Max Gain
The maximum gain is capped at expiration, should the stock price do even better than hoped and exceed the higher strike price. If the stock price is at or above the higher (short call) strike at expiration, in theory, the investor would exercise the long call component and presumably would be assigned on the short call. As a result, the stock is bought at the lower (long call strike) price and simultaneously sold at the higher (short call strike) price. The maximum profit then is the difference between the two strike prices, less the initial outlay (the debit) paid to establish the spread.
Both the potential profit and loss for this strategy are very limited and very well-defined: the net premium paid at the outset establishes the maximum risk, and the short call strike price sets the upper boundary beyond which further stock gains won't improve the profitability. The maximum profit is limited to the difference between the strike prices, less the debit paid to put on the position.
This strategy breaks even at expiration if the stock price is above the lower strike by the amount of the initial outlay (the debit). In that case, the short call would expire worthless and the long call's intrinsic value would equal the debit.
Breakeven = long call strike + net debit paid
Slight, all other things being equal. Since the strategy involves being long one call and short another with the same expiration, the effects of volatility shifts on the two contracts may offset each other to a large degree.
Note, however, that the stock price can move in such a way that a volatility change would affect one price more than the other.
Time Decay
The passage of time hurts the position, though not as much as it does a plain long call position. Since the strategy involves being long one call and short another with the same expiration, the effects of time decay on the two contracts may offset each other to a large degree.
Regardless of the theoretical price impact of time erosion on the two contracts, it makes sense to think the passage of time would be somewhat of a negative. This strategy requires a non-refundable initial investment. If there are to be any returns on the investment, they must be realized by expiration. As expiration nears, so does the deadline for achieving any profits.
Assignment Risk
Early assignment, while possible at any time, generally occurs only when the stock goes ex-dividend. Be warned, however, that using the long call to cover the short call assignment will require establishing a short stock position for one business day, due to the delay in assignment notification.
And be aware, any situation where a stock is involved in a restructuring or capitalization event, such as a merger, takeover, spin-off or special dividend, could completely upset typical expectations regarding early exercise of options on the stock.
Expiration Risk
Sí. If held into expiration this strategy entails added risk. The investor cannot know for sure until the following Monday whether or not the short call was assigned. The problem is most acute if the stock is trading just below, at or just above the short call strike.
Assume that the long call is in-the-money and that the short call is roughly at-the-money. Exercise (stock purchase) is certain, but assignment (stock sale) isn't. If the investor guesses wrong, the new position on Monday will be wrong, too. Say, assignment is expected but fails to occur; the investor will unexpectedly be long the stock on the following Monday, subject to an adverse move in the stock over the weekend. Now assume the investor bet against assignment and sold the stock in the market instead; come Monday, if assignment occurred, the investor has sold the same shares twice for a net short stock position, and is exposed to a rally in the stock price.
Two ways to prepare: close the spread out early or be prepared for either outcome on Monday. Either way, it's important to monitor the stock, especially over the last day of trading.
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Este sitio web analiza las opciones negociadas en bolsa emitidas por The Options Clearing Corporation. Ninguna declaración en este sitio web debe interpretarse como una recomendación para comprar o vender un valor, o para proporcionar asesoramiento de inversión.
Las opciones implican riesgo y no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. Prior to buying or selling an option, a person must receive a copy of Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options (PDF). Copies of this document may be obtained from your broker or from any exchange on which options are traded or by contacting The Options Clearing Corporation, One North Wacker Dr. Suite 500 Chicago, IL 60606 (options@theocc. com ).
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What’re The Best Binary Options Strategies
There was a time when option trading was carried out solely between the issuer and the purchaser. It was mostly due to the lack or want of fluid marketplaces where these options could be traded before they’d expire. Furthermore, the official rules and regulations that have been used before now barely applied to options trading. These were so known as over-the-counter binary options. They are now recognized from exchange traded binary options.
If the trader considers the cost of the asset under consideration would rise or if your special economic occasion impacting the cost of the asset would happen he may buy. On the other hand if he thinks the opposite he may sell. The outcome of the penetration of the trader would be known on the expiration date, where the payoff is made so as per the contract.
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Posted February 25, 2016 by Fahim in category "Arts and Entertainment
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While on a combat tour in Camp Fallujah (09/05–04/06) with the Marine Corps, Chad was part of a task force involved in the development of a classified database tracking significant events in the Al-Anbar province. Once data had been collected, the task force wrote algorithms to sift through the mounting database to find trends and correlations. The information was passed on to ground force commanders, who where able to turn it into actionable intelligence, destroy the enemy, and save Marine lives. Although every Marine is a rifleman, sometimes data analysis can have a lethal effect on the unsuspecting enemy.
If we knew where the market was going we would all be rich!
In the summer of 2010 using similar mathematical strategies as previously described, Chad created a mathematical strategy for an investment advisory firm in Denver. In late September the algorithmic strategy was employed across the advisory firms portfolio in the fall of 2010. In December of 2010, the advisory firm won a Lipper fund award for a portfolio that employed this algorithm. (U. S. Balanced/Multi-asset (All Styles) Ranked # 1 ROR 17.45%) Since that time Chad has taken his propriety algorithm and continued to increase it’s power and accuracy. The algorithm currently tracks and trades over 600 stocks, ETFs, and options. Currently, the algorithm has been employed across 3 portfolios, Quatro Kinetic, Hardline, Robot Defender. Chad has earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Occidental College and an MBA from Pepperdine University. While at Occidental College, Chad enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Reserve. In December 2004, received a commission as Chief Warrant Officer. Chad Humphrey While serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Chad was awarded his second Navy Achievement Medal. Chad Humphrey is the founder of Strategic Options, LLC, an algorithmic quant fund in Denver, Colorado and veteran owned business.
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The Webinar
Sunny Side Up | Options Strategies
The Sunny Side Up is a way to place a directional trade for earnings
The strategy consists of a long at-the-money call spread that is financed by a short naked call. When we place this trade we want to make sure that the implied volatility of the stock we're trading is high enough that the credit we receive for selling the naked call covers the debit we need to pay to buy the at-the-money call spread. We typically place the long call spread 1 point wide and sell the naked call at the strike that has a probability of expiring out of the money of 84%. There is no downside risk to this trade, but there is undefined risk, should the price of the stock increase above the strike price of the naked call following the earnings announcement.
The Webinar More installments
The Webinar
Should We Roll To The Same Strike?
THU MAR 17, 2016
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Covered Calls - Need To Worry About Earnings?
WED MAR 16, 2016
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Where Are There Potential Opportunities?
TUE MAR 15, 2016
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Reviewing Positions Before Expiration
MON MAR 14, 2016
Can We Leg Into Our Trades?
Rolling | Keeping With Our Initial Targets
Tips For New Traders | Recap Of Shows 1-6
Battle Royale | Naked Put vs Put Ratio
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Can You Only Use One Strategy?
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Air McFly: Self-Lacing Nikes
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VIX Call Spread
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Dividend Risk
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Delta, Delta, Delta, Can I Help Ya, Help Ya.
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Options Quiz #1
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Foreign currency options expire on the Saturday:
A. following the third Monday of the expiration month at 11:59 PM ET B. prior to the third Wednesday of the expiration month at 11:59 PM ET C. following the third Wednesday of the expiration month at 11:59 PM ET D. following the third Friday of the expiration month at 11:59 PM ET
A customer sells short 100 shares of PDQ stock at $59 and sells 1 PDQ Oct 60 Put @ $6. The market rises to $68 and the put expires. The customer buys the stock in the market covering her short stock position. The gain or loss is:
A. $100 gain B. $300 loss C. $600 gain D. $900 loss
When the Euro is trading at $1.39, a customer takes the following positions:
Sell 1 PHLX Jan Euro 140 Put Buy 1 PHLX Jan Euro 135 Put
The position is profitable if:
I the spread between the premiums widens II the spread between the premiums narrows III both contracts expire IV both contracts are exercised
A. I and III B. I and IV C. II and III D. II and IV
Bullish Options strategies
Why Owning Options Beats Owning Stock
Monday, February 6th, 2012
Two weeks ago, Apple announced blow-out earnings that pleased just about everyone who follows the stock. Since that time, AAPL has soared by 9.2%. Owners of the stock are celebrating.
Meanwhile, the actual options portfolio we carry out at Terry’s Tips increased in value by 42.5% over this same time period. Options outperformed the stock by more than 4 times.
Today I will share with you the actual option positions we hold in this portfolio, and show the potential gains (or losses) that lie ahead. This is an important report that I hope you will read carefully
Why Owning Options Beats Owning Stock
In April, 2010, we set up a $5000 portfolio to demonstrate that a well-designed options portfolio could substantially outperform the outright purchase of stock. We selected AAPL as the underlying, a company we thought had a good future.
We never imagined that future would be quite as spectacular as it has been so far. The stock has skyrocketed by 72% since then. Meanwhile, our options portfolio has gone up by 263%. Our subscribers who mirrored our portfolio from the very beginning have gained over 3.5 times as much as they would have if they had merely purchased shares of AAPL.
We withdrew $3000 of the original $5000 so new subscribers could mirror the portfolio with a smaller investment. The original investment, now $2000, as grown to its present value of $12,141 in 21 months. Not bad by any standards, if we do say so ourselves.
How did we do it? Quite simply, we bought call options with a few months of remaining life and sold call options with only one month of remaining life against these positions. The shorter-term calls we sold to someone else decay at a faster rate than the longer-term calls that we own. This gives us a major advantage over anyone who has just gone out and bought shares of stock.
In options terminology, we created a portfolio that maximized net delta (the equivalent number of shares of stock we own) as long as there was positive theta (which means that the portfolio would make a small gain every day that the stock remained absolutely flat).
Here are the actual positions of this report from our weekly report sent to paying subscribers:
If you spent $12,141 (the portfolio value) to buy stock, you could purchase 26 shares. The net delta of this portfolio (117) means that we own the equivalent of 117 shares, or over 4 times as many as the stock owners control. Meanwhile, theta ($32) means that we are collecting a sort of dividend of $32 every day that the stock remains flat. We don’t actually get a check for that amount, but that is how much the portfolio should gain from the different decay rates of the long and short options in the portfolio.
Here is the risk profile graph which shows the gains (or losses) that this portfolio should experience when the current short options (Feb-12) expire on February 17, 2012 at the various possible stock prices. (Note: If the stock moves sharply from its present level, we would make adjustments to the portfolio that would shift the curve in the direction the stock had moved.)
The graph shows that the portfolio should gain over 15% in two weeks if the stock remains absolutely flat or goes up by about $10. Surely, this is a better place to be compared to what the stockholders have. If the stock stays flat, they will not make anything.
If the stock falls about $5 in two weeks, the owners of stock would lose that amount while the portfolio should break even. If the stock falls about $10 in two weeks, the options portfolio would do just about the same as the owners of stock would do. If it falls more than $10, the options portfolio would suffer a greater loss than the stock would, but we would have made an adjustment to reduce or eliminate that possible loss (by rolling down short calls to lower strike prices).
This may sound confusing, or maybe even too good to be true, but Terry’s Tips Insiders are generally not confused, and they know full well from experience that these results are real. We feel that we have definitively proved that an options portfolio can significantly outperform the outright purchase of stock if you pick a stock that goes up.
Actually, we are a little confused why anyone who really believes in a particular stock would buy shares in it rather than setting up an options portfolio like this one. Do you understand why? Other than it taking a little more work? Surely, learning a little about options is something that could pay off every year for the rest of your life. Why not start off right now by clicking here ?
Andys Market Report 1/31/12
Tuesday, January 31st, 2012
January’s rally was admirable. Its perseverance frustrated bears. The infrequent single day declines maxed out at -0.6%.
And the last nine days of the month were more than mind-numbing for most traders as the market traded in a very tight range.
There’s no doubt the bears are ready. Almost every technical and sentiment measure I follow has pushed into a bearish state. Typically, I am ecstatic by the weight of the bearish measures, but it seems everyone is aware of the measures and have joined my short-term bearish camp. And when the herd is anticipating something a bearish move might have a hard time coming to fruition.
That was certainly the case last month.
We must remember that January is one of the strongest month of the year for the market. February not so strong with a historical return of 0.0%.
February swoon? Aún no.
After Friday’s unemployment report, the bulls managed to push the indices, particularly the Dow to highs not seen since before the financial crisis in 2008. A drop in the unemployment rate to its lowest level in three years (8.3%) propelled stocks.
In this economy only one variable matters right now and that variable is employment, said Lawrence Creatura, an equity portfolio manager at Federated Investors.
This report was great news. It was beyond all expectations, literally. The number was higher than even the highest forecast.
After three months of gains a decline seems the likely scenario. Again, almost all technical and sentiment measures have reached short to intermediate-term extremes, but will they win out for the bears or will the mighty power of the bulls push through the consolidation that has lasted nine long trading days?
Talented analyst Jason Goepfert of Sentimentrader. com recently stated that when “the S&P 500 closed at a six-month high with volume 10% off its low from the past month (as it did on Thursday), then the next two days were positive only 12 out of 46 times.”
Out of the 12 positive occurrences, only twice did it advance more than 1%. Thirteen times it closed with a loss greater than 1%.
Another interesting stat provided by Mr. Goepfert is “the last 8 Fridays when the Nonfarm Payroll report was released” all have closed lower than the prior trading day.
In fact, if you went back to September 2009 and purchased shares of the S&P and sold at the close of the trading day you would have only made a paltry 1%.
Couple the aforementioned studies with short-term overbought readings in three out of the four major indices and I expect to see a short-term pullback over the next 1-5 days.
The two best performing days (on a historical basis) in February are now behind us and now we are entering into a period of bearish seasonality.
Just more food for thought.
Trading Rules for New 5%-a-Week Strategy
Tuesday, December 27th, 2011
Today I will list the trading rules for the new strategy that has made an average 6.4% gain every week since we set it up in early December.
More importantly, we are repeating of our offer of becoming an Insider for the lowest price we have ever offered.
Trading Rules for New 5%-a-Week Strategy
Our goal is to make 5% a week. Admittedly, that sounds a little extreme. But we did it for the first 3 weeks we tried it in a real account. In fact, we gained an average of 6.4% after commissions.
We call it the STUDD Strategy . STUDD stands for Short Term Under-Intrinsic Double Diagonal. Hows that for a weird acronym?
Here are the Trading Rules:
1) Purchase an equal number of deep in-the-money (5 8 strikes from the stock price) puts and calls for an expiration month which has 3 to 7 weeks of remaining life.
2) At the same time, sell the same number of at-the-money or just out-of-the-money Weekly puts and calls.
3) Make the above purchases and sales at a net price which is less than the intrinsic value of the long options. (Intrinsic value is the difference between the strike prices. For example, we purchased IWM January-12 70 calls and 80 puts, and the intrinsic value of these two options will be at least $10 no matter where the stock ends up. We paid a net $9.46 for the initial spreads, and as long as the short options are out of the money, the long options will eventually be worth at least their intrinsic value of $10). Any out-of-the-money premium collected in subsequent weeks would be pure profit.
4) During the week, if either of the short Weekly options become over $1 in the money, buy them back and replace them with another short option which is 2 strikes higher or lower (depending on which way the stock has moved). Move both short Weekly options by 2 strikes in the same direction, one at a debit (buying a vertical spread) and one at a credit (selling a vertical spread). The net amount that the two trades cost will reduce the potential maximum gain for the week.
5) On the Friday when the Weeklys expire, buy back the short Weeklys and sell next-week Weeklys at the just out-of-the-money strike price for both puts and calls.
6) On the Friday when the original monthly options are due to expire, close out all the positions and start the process over with new positions.
There will invariably be some variations to these trading rules. For example, instead of selling just out-of-the-money Weekly options, we might sell some which are a dollar more than the just out-of-the-money strike. We also might close out the original monthly options a week before the final Friday if they can be sold for appreciably more than the intrinsic price (the more the stock has moved during the month, the higher above the intrinsic value the options will be able to be sold for).
This all may seem a little confusing right now, but if you decide to make a serious investment in your financial future, it will all become clear as you can watch how an actual portfolio (or two) unfolds using these trading rules for the next two months as a Terrys Tips Insider.
As our New Years gift to you, we are offering our service at the lowest price in the history of our company. We have never before offered a discount of this magnitude. If you ever considered becoming a Terrys Tips Insider . this would be the absolutely best time to do it.
So whats the investment? Im suggesting that you spend a small amount to get a copy of my 70-page (electronic) White Paper . and devote some serious early-2012 hours studying the material.
And now for the Special Offer If you make this investment in yourself by midnight, December 31, 2011 . this is what happens:
For a one-time fee of only $39.95, you receive the White Paper (which normally costs $79.95 by itself), which explains my two favorite option strategies in detail, 20 Lazy Way companies with a minimum 100% gain in 2 years, mathematically guaranteed, if the stock stays flat or goes up, plus the following services :
1) Two free months of the Terrys Tips Stock Options Tutorial Program, (a $49.90 value). This consists of 14 individual electronic tutorials delivered one each day for two weeks, and weekly Saturday Reports which provide timely Market Reports, discussion of option strategies, updates and commentaries on 8 different actual option portfolios, and much more.
2) Emailed Trade Alerts . I will email you with any trades I make at the end of each trading day, so you can mirror them if you wish (or with our Premium Service, you will receive real-time Trade Alerts as they are made for even faster order placement or Auto-Trading with a broker). These Trade Alerts cover all 8 portfolios we conduct.
3) If you choose to continue after two free months of the Options Tutorial Program, do nothing, and youll be billed at our discounted rate of $19.95 per month (rather than the regular $24.95 rate).
4) Access to the Insiders Section of Terrys Tips . where you will find many valuable articles about option trading, and several months of recent Saturday Reports and Trade Alerts.
5) A FREE special report How We Made 100% on Apple in 2010-11 While AAPL Rose Only 25% .
With this one-time offer, you will receive all of these benefits for only $39.95, less than the price of the White Paper alone. I have never made an offer anything like this in the eleven years I have published Terrys Tips . But you must order by midnight on December 31, 2011. Click here and enter Special Code 2012 ( or 2012P for Premium Service $79.95 ) in the box to the right.
Investing in yourself is the most responsible New Years Resolution you could make for 2012. I feel confident that this offer could be the best investment you ever make in yourself.
Happy New Year! I hope 2012 is your most prosperous ever. I look forward to helping you get 2012 started right by sharing this valuable investment information with you.
www. terrystips. com/track. php? tag=2012&dest=programs-and-pricing using Special Code 2012 ( or 2012P for Premium Service $79.95 ).
Invest in Yourself in 2012 (at the Lowest Rate Ever)
Monday, December 26th, 2011
For the last few weeks I have been discussing a low-risk strategy that is designed to gain at least 5% each week. The actual account where we conduct that strategy managed to reach the goal once again last week (gaining 5.5%). So far, the portfolio is batting 1000 and averaging a 6.4% gain per week even though last week was a challenge because SPY rose almost 4% (the strategy works best when the market doesnt move very much in either direction).
Tomorrow I will disclose the Trading Rules for this unique strategy, but today I would like to discuss something far more important your financial future.
Invest in Yourself in 2012 (at the Lowest Rate Ever)
The presents are unwrapped. The New Year will be upon us in few days. Start it out right by doing something really good for yourself, and your loved ones.
The beginning of the year is a traditional time for resolutions and goal-setting. It is a perfect time to do some serious thinking about your financial future.
I believe that the best investment you can ever make is to invest in yourself, no matter what your financial situation might be. Learning a stock option investment strategy is a low-cost way to do just that.
As our New Years gift to you, we are offering our service at the lowest price in the history of our company. We have never before offered a discount of this magnitude. If you ever considered becoming a Terrys Tips Insider . this would be the absolutely best time to do it. Leer más
Dont you owe it to yourself to learn a system that carries a very low risk and could make 5% a week as our actual portfolio has done since we started it?
So whats the investment? Im suggesting that you spend a small amount to get a copy of my 70-page (electronic) White Paper . and devote some serious early-2012 hours studying the material.
And now for the Special Offer If you make this investment in yourself by midnight, December 31, 2011 . this is what happens:
For a one-time fee of only $39.95, you receive the White Paper (which normally costs $79.95 by itself), which explains my two favorite option strategies in detail, 20 Lazy Way companies with a minimum 100% gain in 2 years, mathematically guaranteed, if the stock stays flat or goes up, plus the following services :
1) Two free months of the Terrys Tips Stock Options Tutorial Program, (a $49.90 value). This consists of 14 individual electronic tutorials delivered one each day for two weeks, and weekly Saturday Reports which provide timely Market Reports, discussion of option strategies, updates and commentaries on 8 different actual option portfolios, and much more.
2) Emailed Trade Alerts . I will email you with any trades I make at the end of each trading day, so you can mirror them if you wish (or with our Premium Service, you will receive real-time Trade Alerts as they are made for even faster order placement or Auto-Trading with a broker). These Trade Alerts cover all 8 portfolios we conduct.
3) If you choose to continue after two free months of the Options Tutorial Program, do nothing, and youll be billed at our discounted rate of $19.95 per month (rather than the regular $24.95 rate).
4) Access to the Insiders Section of Terrys Tips . where you will find many valuable articles about option trading, and several months of recent Saturday Reports and Trade Alerts.
5) A FREE special report How We Made 100% on Apple in 2010-11 While AAPL Rose Only 25% .
With this one-time offer, you will receive all of these benefits for only $39.95, less than the price of the White Paper alone. I have never made an offer anything like this in the eleven years I have published Terrys Tips . But you must order by midnight on December 31, 2011. Click here and enter Special Code 2012 ( or 2012P for Premium Service $79.95 ) in the box to the right.
Investing in yourself is the most responsible New Years Resolution you could make for 2012. I feel confident that this offer could be the best investment you ever make in yourself.
Happy New Year! I hope 2012 is your most prosperous ever. I look forward to helping you get 2012 started right by sharing this valuable investment information with you.
www. terrystips. com/track. php? tag=2012&dest=programs-and-pricing using Special Code 2012 ( or 2012P for Premium Service $79.95 ).
Using Options to Hedge Market Risk
Monday, September 12th, 2011
Another crazy week in the market. Investors vacillated from panic to manic and back to panic. The net change for the week was not so significant, but the fluctuations were huge. How can you cope with a market like this?
You might consider using options to hedge against market moves in both directions. Check out how two of our portfolios are doing it.
Some Terrys Tips subscribers choose to mirror in their own accounts one or more of our actual portfolios (or have trades executed automatically for them by their broker). We recommend to that they select two portfolios, one of which does best in an up market and one that does best in a down market.
Almost all of our portfolios do best if not much of anything happens in the market, but that has not been the case in the last few weeks. It is during times like this that both a bullish and bearish portfolio be carried out at the same time.
We have one bearish portfolio. It is called the 10K Bear . It is currently worth about $5000 (although we have withdrawn $2000 from it to keep it at the $5000 level for new subscribers it had gone up in value by 54% over the last couple of months while the market was weak).
Here is the risk profile graph for the 10K Bear portfolio. It shows how much the $5000 portfolio should gain or lose by the regular September options expiration this Friday at the various possible ending prices for SPY (currently trading just under $116):
Using Options to Hedge Market Risk
Some Terrys Tips subscribers choose to mirror in their own accounts one or more of our actual portfolios (or have trades executed automatically for them by their broker). We recommend to that they select two portfolios, one of which does best in an up market and one that does best in a down market.
Almost all of our portfolios do best if not much of anything happens in the market, but that has not been the case in the last few weeks. It is during times like this that both a bullish and bearish portfolio be carried out at the same time.
We have one bearish portfolio. It is called the 10K Bear . It is currently worth about $5000 (although we have withdrawn $2000 from it to keep it at the $5000 level for new subscribers it had gone up in value by 54% over the last couple of months while the market was weak).
Here is the risk profile graph for the 10K Bear portfolio. It shows how much the $5000 portfolio should gain or lose by the regular September options expiration this Friday at the various possible ending prices for SPY (currently trading just under $116):
Remember, this is an actual brokerage account at thinkorswim which any paying Terrys Tips subscriber can duplicate if he or she wishes. The graph shows that if the stock stays absolutely flat next week, there could be a gain of over $1000 for the week. If the stock should fall by $2, an even higher gain should result. (Once the stock falls by $2, we would likely make some downside adjustments so that further drops in the stock price would generate higher gains. After all, this is our bearish bet.)
Where else could you expect a 20% gain if the market doesnt move one bit? In a single week? Or even more if the market should fall?
Admittedly, todays option prices are extremely high (in 92% of the weeks over the last 5 years, option prices have been lower than they are right now, so we are in truly unusual times). The risk profile graphs for our portfolios usually do not look as promising as they do right now.
One of the bullish portfolios that we recommend to be matched against the 10K Bear portfolio is called the Ultra Vixen . This portfolio is based on the underlying stock (actually an ETN, an exchange traded note) called VXX. This index is based on the short-term futures of VIX (the measure of SPY option prices, the so-called fear index). When the market drops, VIX generally rises (as do the VIX futures prices), and VXX usually moves higher. Over the last month while the market dropped over 10%, VXX has more than doubled in price. For that reason, many people consider VXX to be an excellent hedge against market crashes.
We dont like VXX as an investment possibility, however. Over time, due to a mechanism called contango (futures prices become more expensive in further-out months), VXX is destined to fall over time. It may be a good hedge as a short-term investment but is awful as a long-term holding. It fell for 12 consecutive months last year, for example, even though VIX fluctuated in both directions.
Our Ultra Vixen portfolio is set up to benefit when VXX goes down (which it does when the market is flat or goes up). We generally maintain a net short position on VXX with some call positions for protection in case the stock does go up. However, our portfolio does best if the market stays flat or moves higher, so it is a good hedge against the 10K Bear portfolio.
Here is the risk profile graph for Ultra Vixen for next Fridays expiration (September 16th). It is a $10,000 portfolio and the underlying stock (VXX) is trading about $45.83:
The graph shows that a 10% gain for the week is possible if the stock falls as much as $3 or goes up by as much as $2. (Historically, in about half the weeks, VXX fluctuates by less than a dollar in either direction.) Where else besides options do you find opportunities like this? In a single week?
Both the 10K Bear and Ultra Vixen portfolios should make excellent gains every week when the market is flat, and one or the other should make gains when the market moves more than moderately in either direction. Theoretically, if the two portfolios together break even in the high-fluctuation weeks and they both make gains when the market doesnt do much of anything, the long-run combined results should be extraordinary.
Some Thoughts About Options Trading
Tuesday, September 6th, 2011
Last week was a crazy one in the market four days of gains and then a big crash on Friday when the jobs report came out and said that there were no new jobs created last month, the worst showing in eleven months. It was a tough week for our portfolios (we generally hate volatility) but our bearish portfolio racked up a 5.5%, the seventh week in a row when it made gains. Over this period, this portfolio has picked up 58% in value while SPY has fallen by 8.8%.
This week I would like to share some of my thoughts about my favorite subject. Guess what it is?
I think the key to options trading success is the exact same key to stock trading success; the ability to pick stocks or ETFs that will perform exactly as you would like it to.
In stock trading, you make money only when you buy stocks that go up or short stocks that go down.
In options trading, you make money when you apply bullish options strategies on stocks that go up, bearish options strategies on stocks that go down, neutral options strategies on stocks that remain stagnant or volatile options strategies on stocks that stage quick and explosive breakouts.
You only lose money in options trading when you apply bullish options strategies on stocks that goes down, bearish options strategies on stocks that go up, neutral options strategies on stocks that breaks out and volatile options strategies on stocks that remain stagnant.
Even though the key to success in options trading is largely the same as the key to success in stock trading or any other forms of investment or trading, options trading does have a few tricks up its sleeves to help put the odds in your favor.
First of all is leverage and protection. The ability to risk lesser capital for the same profit or a lot more profit with the same capital already puts the benefit of risk in your favor.
Second is the ability to make a profit in more than one direction! Yes, since the key to success in options trading is the ability to guess the correct direction the underlying stock or index is going to take, wont your chances of success be dramatically increased if you could profit in more than one direction?
For example, the 10K Strategy which we employ at Terrys Tips (a strategy using calendar spreads at several different strike prices) makes a profit when the stock goes upwards, remains stagnant OR drops a little! Yes, all 3 directions. Wont your chances of success be dramatically increased with a strategy like that?
The key to stock investing is to pick the right stock(s). Almost no one, even the professionals can do that consistently. That is why options trading increases the odds of success in your favor if you use a strategy that profits from more than one direction. This is a huge advantage that you do not get when you invest in stock it only exists in option trading.
Some Thoughts About Options Trading
Friday, July 1st, 2011
I think the key to options trading success is the exact same key to stock trading success; the ability to pick stocks or ETFs that will perform exactly as you would like it to.
In stock trading, you make money only when you buy stocks that go up or short stocks that go down.
In options trading, you make money when you apply bullish options strategies on stocks that go up, bearish options strategies on stocks that go down, neutral options strategies on stocks that remain stagnant or volatile options strategies on stocks that stage quick and explosive breakouts.
You only lose money in options trading when you apply bullish options strategies on stocks that goes down, bearish options strategies on stocks that go up, neutral options strategies on stocks that breaks out and volatile options strategies on stocks that remain stagnant.
Even though the key to success in options trading is largely the same as the key to success in stock trading or any other forms of investment or trading, options trading does have a few tricks up its sleeves to help put the odds in your favor.
First of all is leverage and protection. The ability to risk lesser capital for the same profit or a lot more profit with the same capital already puts the benefit of risk in your favor.
Second is the ability to make a profit in more than one direction! Yes, since the key to success in options trading is the ability to guess the correct direction the underlying stock or index is going to take, wont your chances of success be dramatically increased if you could profit in more than one direction?
For example, the strategy which we employ at Terrys Tips (a strategy using calendar spreads at several different strike prices) makes a profit when the stock goes upwards, remains stagnant OR drops a little! Yes, all 3 directions. Wont your chances of success be dramatically increased with a strategy like that?
The key to stock investing is to pick the right stock(s). Almost no one, even the professionals can do that consistently. That is why options trading increases the odds of success in your favor if you use a strategy that profits from more than one direction. This is a huge advantage that you do not get when you invest in stock it only exists in option trading.
For the past year, we have been carrying out a demonstration options portfolio on one individual stock. Our favorite months are those when the stock stays absolutely flat and our portfolio gains value. This portfolio has consistently out-performed the gains that would have been made if we had just bought shares of the stock instead. In several time periods, our portfolio gained three times as much as the stock price did. Properly executed, options trading can be far more profitable the merely buying stock.
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Trading Alibaba (BABA) Options: What You Need to Know.
optionsguy posted on 09/25/14 at 03:45 PM
TradeKing’s Brian Overby outlines key points for traders interested in options contracts on Alibaba Group, which are scheduled to begin trading Monday, September 29th.
Alibaba Equity IPO
As any market-watcher knows, Alibaba (BABA) went public last Friday, September 19th. The initial public offering (IPO) was priced at $68 per share. Initially the stock spiked to $99, then settled into the low-90s, ending the day at $93.89 a share. The company raised over $21 billion, making it the largest initial public offering in U. S. history. The stock price, as of the writing, is just shy of $89.00 a share.
Alibaba options are slated to begin trading on Monday, September 29th. Trading both puts and calls on BABA will be tricky at first. Expect wide bid-ask spreads on the option contracts until market makers have done some price discovery. What does that mean, exactly? The market makers’ hardest job with IPO option contracts is getting the implied volatility (IV) number correct for each expiration available. This is because there’s very little historical stock price data to go on. (If you’re unfamiliar with IV, read What is Implied Volatility in Options Trading? in our Education Center or watch this short video, Defining Volatility for Stock & Options Traders .)
Additionally, outright buyers of puts and calls will want to be aware of a possible implied volatility crunch on the options after the first week of trading. Market makers will most likely spike up implied volatility to begin with, and you can get burned if the stock settles down quickly thereafter.
Finally, you should be aware that buying put and call options can result in the loss of 100% of your investment, should BABA trade against you. (Learn more about long puts and long calls here.) Trading options on highly publicized IPO stocks is tempting, but it is crucial to understand the various forces at play with the pricing and trading of the option contracts besides the volatile movement of the stock price. You have officially been warned!
Practically, what this means is that the option’s asking price may well be artificially higher than the bidding price. This helps compensate for the market makers risk of potentially getting this IV number wrong. But this wider spread increases the overall cost to traders who want to invest in these options.
Comparing to Facebook
A 2012 CNNMoney article reminds us that Facebook’s IPO price was set at $38 per share the night before the opening trade on the Nasdaq stock exchange (5/18/12). It then ended the first day’s trading session at $38.23. Since then it’s been a bumpy ride for Facebook: the stock traded as low as $17.55 and recently made an all-time high of $78.94. Suffice to say the volatility of the stock price remained higher than expected for quite some time after the IPO. Over the past couple months, with FB continuously setting new highs, the IV of its options has since leveled off.
BABA traded 271 million shares on first day of trading and stock was up 38%, compared to Facebook’s (FB) 566 million shares and the stock was only up 0.6%. On the first day of option trading for FB, it set a volume record for a first day of 365,000 contracts (203,000 puts and 162,000 calls traded). It so happened that the stock hit a new all time low on that day, which often drives people to the option market for protection.
BABA will likely not have that panic of the stock hitting a new all time low, and unlike FB BABA stock has earnings, which makes any company easier to value. With these facts in mind, I would be surprised to see BABA mimic FB’s first day of options trading. I’d expect to see more around a ¼ of the volume that FB did, and of course - that’s just an opinion and estimate, not a guarantee or recommendation.
REMEMBER: Option traders will be trading much more than stock price movement on the first day of option trading in BABA. Make sure you’re equipped to appreciate all the factors involved in trading these instruments. Of course, feel free to comment with questions.
Las opciones implican riesgo y no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. Please read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options available at http://www. tradeking. com/ODD.
Brian Overby currently holds no positions in any mentioned securities.
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Si bien la volatilidad implícita representa el consenso del mercado en cuanto al nivel futuro de la volatilidad de los precios de las acciones o la probabilidad de alcanzar un punto de precio específico, no hay garantía de que este pronóstico sea correcto.
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Brian, but you are leaving out the Chinese factor, which could bring its own sense of volatility to BABA options. It would be somewhat surprising for the Chinese government to step in and do something that would substantially undercut western shareholders (I could sooner see that from Putin) because if that should be done, it would effect every other Chinese stock offering. But that fact that they could do it will, no doubt, color Chinese based western stocks for quite some time.
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How to buy. opciones
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Puts, calls, strike price, in-the-money, out-of-the-money — buying and selling stock options isn't just new territory for many investors, it's a whole new language.
Options are often seen as fast-moving, fast-money trades. Certainly options can be aggressive plays; they're volatile, levered and speculative. Options and other derivative securities have made fortunes and ruined them. Options are sharp tools, and you need to know how to use them without abusing them.
Because options have this rogue reputation, their pragmatic side is frequently overlooked. Thinking about options as an investor, not as a trader, gives you, well, more options. Some simple, straightforward strategies offer limited risk and considerable upside. At the same time, conservative investors can rely on stock options as a source of income and a protective hedge in market declines.
"Options are not vehicles just for the purpose of speculating," said Randy Frederick, managing director of active trading and derivatives at brokerage Charles Schwab & Co. "They actually have far better uses for purposes of income generation and risk reduction."
What to watch for:
Stock options give you the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell shares at a set dollar amount — the "strike price" — before a specific expiration date.
When a "call" option hits its strike price, the stock can be called away. Conversely, with a "put" option the shares can be sold, or "put," to someone else. The value of puts and calls depends on the direction you think a stock or the market is heading. Stated simply, calls are bullish; puts are bearish.
The beauty of options is that you can participate in a stock's price movement without actually holding the shares, at a fraction of the cost of ownership, and the leverage involved offers the potential for sizeable gains.
Of course, this doesn't come free. An option's value, and your profit potential, will be impacted by how much the stock price moves, how long it takes and the stock's volatility. You can be right on direction but run out of time, since options expire, and trading activity might not work in your favor. In addition, leverage cuts both ways.
The Chicago Board Options Exchange makes a market on almost 2,000 U. S.-listed stocks. Its Web site, www. cboe. com. features a learning center with in-depth information about options investing. The Options Industry Council, www. optionseducation. org. also provides extensive tutorials.
There are dozens of complicated options strategies, some more speculative than others, but two of the most conservative uses of options are to generate income and to cushion a portfolio from downside risk.
To produce income, you sell calls on shares you already own. This is known as writing a "covered call" or a "buy-write" estrategia.
Here's how it works: Suppose you own 100 shares of Intel Corp. and you think the stock won't be much higher, if at all, over the next few weeks. Intel is trading at around $25.50 a share. You can sell an October call — the right to own 100 shares — at a strike price of $25 and pocket a "premium," in this case, of almost $140.
If Intel shares stay below $25 by the third Friday in October when the option expires, you keep the premium. The premium received also gives some downside protection — $140 compensates for a $1.40 drop in the shares, equivalent to a 5.5% decline in the stock.
The trade-off is that writing a covered call gives up any substantial appreciation, in this case a move beyond the $25 strike price plus the $140 premium, or about $26.40 a share. If the stock is higher than $25, the option will be exercised and your shares will be called. But you would make a 3.7% return in just over a month. And since you own 100 shares, you are completely covered for their delivery, hence the term.
"The covered call has limited downside protection and also delivers limited upside potential," Joe Cusick, senior market analyst at OptionsXpress, an online brokerage firm. "The sentiment when you're doing a covered call should be that you're neutral about the underlying security. & Quot;
One interesting twist on covered calls is that they can turn a non-dividend-paying stock into a dividend-payer, says Jim Bittman, an options instructor at the CBOE.
Say you own 200 shares of Kansas City Southern railroad, which doesn't pay a dividend. Sell one covered call, representing half of your position. If the stock goes sideways, the premium counts as income. If the stock rises past the strike price and the option is exercised, you'll still have 100 shares.
"When you sell a covered call, there's an obligation to sell the underlying stock," Bittman said. "You have to be willing to sell the stock or you have to know where you might want to buy that call option back if the stock rallies above the strike price."
As a hedging strategy, you can buy what's known as a "protective put" option, which is an insurance policy against a downturn in a stock you already own.
The strike price of a put is the exercise price at which you'll sell the stock. Puts are more costly in volatile markets, when insurance is on everyone's mind. The right to sell your Intel shares at $25 in October, for example, will cost you about $75 now. That means your break-even point is $24.25 a share — the strike price minus the premium — or 3% on the downside. If Intel trades below $24.25 in October, and you can sell the stock for $25, that $75 premium will have paid off.
"If you're confident about the future, buy a stock and take all the risk of owning a stock," Bittman said. "If you're more worried that the bull market might be ending, you could limit risk with options just like a homeowner limits risk by buying insurance."
What to watch out for:
Choosing a broker
You can get into trouble with options quickly if you insist on being a do-it-yourself investor without doing the required homework. Plenty of deep-discount brokerages will be glad to take your money. "People have a tendency to overestimate their expertise and knowledge," said Frederick, the Schwab strategist.
It's better to sign up with a brokerage that, while maybe not the cheapest, can connect you with options experts, such as you'll find at Schwab, E-Trade, TD Ameritrade and OptionsXpress, or a major Wall Street firm.
Trading near expiration
An option has value until it expires, and the week before expiration is a critical time for shareholders who have written covered calls.
Tiempo lo es todo. Keep a close eye on the calendar if those options are in the money, Frederick says. The stock could be called before expiration. If you want to keep your shares and at least part of the premium, buy the option back before that happens, he adds.
With a protective put, time is working against you as expiration looms. If the stock hasn't moved down enough, you might decide to sell that put and forfeit some, but not all, of your premium.
Dividend-paying stocks
It may be weeks until your covered call expires, but if it's in the money your stock is likely to be called away the day before the company pays its quarterly dividend.
"If you sell a covered call, be aware of when the dividend is going to be paid," Frederick said. "Either make sure you don't sell an option that expires after the ex-dividend date, or buy that (in the money) option back a couple of days before the dividend."
Market conditions
"There isn't one strategy that works in all market environments," said Cusick, the OptionsXpress analyst. Whether you're bullish, neutral or bearish about stocks will guide your options investing decisions.
If you're bullish and more speculative, for instance, consider buying calls on stock you don't already own. Factor in broad-market volatility using the CBOE Volatility Index, which measures the expected near-term volatility of the Standard & Poor's 500 Index.
Also, Cusick says, comparing the time remaining on the option with a stock's historical volatility — the OptionsXpress Web site, for example, has a gauge of recent price activity — can give clues into the stock's potential to fluctuate.
For income-oriented investors looking to write covered calls, higher volatility equals a larger premium. But there's also a greater possibility that a stock will have big price swings that could go against you.
Keep a short-term perspective and book the income quicker, Cusick says. "You're going to generate the most income with options that have the shortest amount of time left in them," Añadió.
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What Are Binary Options: An Introduction. It’s a term which many of us have heard, but only a select few properly understand. Binary options trading is a relatively new form of online financial trading which many forward-thinking individuals are using as an exciting Continue reading →
Why Trade Binary Options. For traders who are just getting started with the investment process, it can be difficult to figure out what options will end up providing them with the most reliability and utility. Some markets may be more difficult Continue reading →
Identifying Top Binary Options Brokers. Binary options trading offers a simple and accessible approach that offers the global trader an excellent opportunity to easily make significant profits. At the top of the list of factors to consider on the journey to being Continue reading →
Banc de Binary or Bbinary as it is also known, is one of the earliest binary brokers to arrive on the scene once binary options were made available to retail traders. The company was founded in 2009, Continue reading →
What is a simulator exactly? A simulator is a device, instrument or piece of software designed to mimic the essential functions and features of something. This is usually done for the purpose of study or training. A Continue reading →
It is important to keep abreast of news items that can potentially cause asset value fluctuations which provide the basis for binary options trading. The primary asset classes of equities, stocks, commodities and forex are all affected Continue reading →
A binary options trading game is designed and developed to help first-time and advanced traders to simulate real binary options trading. This is done in order to help traders understand the industry better while also teaching about Continue reading →
Binary options are significantly different from more conventional options. The payout in a binary options trade will depend entirely on the outcome of a yes/no proposition. These “all or nothing” outcomes typically relate to whether the price Continue reading →
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To make it in binary options trading, a trader must be well versed in technical analysis and possess flawless research skills. Unfortunately, most of us traders neither know how to analyze markets nor how to conduct viable Continue reading →
Whenever the question about legality of binary options comes up, it usually elicits varying responses. Owing to the ever-increasing popularity of binary options, governments are pressured into enacting laws governing trading in their territory. However, since different Continue reading →
A demo account is a trading account funded with virtual money and operates in a simulated environment that mirrors what happens in the real binary options market. A demo account allows investors to see how their trades Continue reading →
To make it in binary options trading or any other form of trading, you must always invest in a good strategy. Although finding a strategy is very easy, successfully trading the strategy is what matters at the Continue reading →
Mensaje de navegación
Opciones binarias
Binary options provide traders with an outlet to trade across a wide variety of assets, including, currency pairs, stocks, commodities and stock market indices.
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Best Online Brokers for Options Trading
For any active investor, trading costs are an important consideration when shopping for the best online brokerage. But price isn’t everything, especially for options investors who rely on the right tools to build, test and track trading strategies and a broker that can quickly execute orders.
Below is NerdWallet’s roundup of the best brokers for options traders. Para una orientación aún más personalizada basada en su actividad de negociación, utilice nuestra herramienta de comparación de corretaje en línea gratuita para encontrar la mejor cuenta con las características que necesita al menor costo. (Note that investors are required to maintain a higher equity minimum in their account in order to engage in some options trading strategies.)
Best overall for options trading
Our top picks for options traders offer sophisticated tools and quality trade execution.
Ofrece una gran selección de inversiones con importantes descuentos para los comerciantes de alto volumen. Vea nuestra revisión de OptionsXPress.
Commission: Active traders pay a flat $12.95 for 1-10 contracts, $1.25 per contract for 11 and up.
Account minimum: $0 for a cash account
In-depth research, advanced trading tools and speedy, accurate order execution. Vea nuestra revisión TradeStation.
Commission: $4.99-$9.99 base rate and $0.20-$0.70 per contract, depending on volume
Account minimum: $5,000 ($5,500 for IRAs)
Promotion: Save 20% on commissions through March 2016
Committed traders seeking access to the same tools the pros use can tinker to their heart’s content with the offerings in TradeStation’s award-winning desktop platform. Además del acceso directo al mercado y la ejecución automática del comercio, TradeStation tiene herramientas para que los inversores expertos en tecnología diseñen, prueben, monitoreen e incluso vendan sus estrategias de negociación personalizada a otros inversionistas. However, TradeStation’s tools aren’t for the casual options investor: The broker’s $99.95 monthly fee is waived for those who in the previous month carried a $100,000 account balance or traded at least 5,000 shares, 50 options contracts or 10 round-turn futures/futures option contracts. TradeStation’s pricing also favors bulk traders, with volume discounts and either flat or per contract fees.
Para los comerciantes ligeramente activos comenzando a vadear más profundo en las opciones de inversión, OptionsXpress es una buena alternativa. All of the OptionsXpress platforms — web-based and desktop — and tools are free to customers and include much of what you’d expect from an options-centric platform (customization, real-time quotes and the ability to view options chains). El corredor no cobra honorarios adicionales por sus herramientas y no tiene requisitos de saldo mínimo de comercio o cuenta. That said, its pricing does favor more active traders: Options trades at OptionsXpress are just $1.25 per contract for active traders, with a $12.95 minimum for up to 10 contracts. Customers who don’t meet that trade volume pay a $14.95 minimum for up to 10 trades and $1.50 per contract for 11 or more.
Best brokers for low-cost options trading
These brokers offer competitively priced options trading commissions and have eliminated or dramatically capped minimum trading fees.
Una sólida plataforma de negociación sin ningún cargo adicional por el acceso. Vea nuestra revisión de OptionsXPress.
Commission: Active traders pay a flat $12.95 for 1-10 contracts, $1.25 per contract for 11 and up.
Account minimum: $0 for a cash account
Provides low commissions and superior trading tools, particularly for options traders. Vea nuestra revisión de OptionsHouse.
Commission: $4.95 + $0.50 per contract
Account minimum: $0 for a cash account
Promotion: Trade commission-free for 60 days
TD Ameritrade and OptionsHouse happen to be NerdWallet’s top picks overall for best online brokers for stock trading. Y aquí están de nuevo, ganando altas calificaciones para sus opciones de plataformas de negociación.
TD Ameritrade’s highly regarded thinkorswim platform caters to active investors looking for professional-grade research and tools and the ability to test trade strategies and analyze potential risks and rewards. Customers can also use the broker’s web-based Trade Architect platform and mobile trading through TD Ameritrade’s Mobile Trader app. Although Trade Architect isn’t as fully stocked with tools and data as thinkorswim, it offers advanced features like a market/options heat map, screening tools and streaming news.
OptionsHouse comenzó como un corredor para los comerciantes auto-dirigidos de las opciones activas, que se refleja en sus herramientas del grado profesional. Its merger with TradeMonster in 2014 bolstered its reputation by expanding its stable of offerings and adding TradeMonster’s highly regarded web-based trading platform. Now it is fully integrated into OptionHouse’s platform with significant automation, customization and fast ordering capabilities. Además de eso, sus comisiones de comercio de opciones bajas lo convierten en una opción atractiva.
Best research for options investors
Both offer extensive research and data for free, as well as live classes and webinars for beginning and advanced options traders.
Amplia investigación y dos plataformas de negociación disponibles para todos los clientes. Vea nuestra revisión de Charles Schwab.
Commission: $8.95 + $0.75 per contract
Account minimum: $1,000 (waived for customers who sign up for $100 a month auto-deposit)
Promotion: 500 commission-free online trades
Provides low commissions and superior trading tools, particularly for options traders. Vea nuestra reseña de Fidelity.
Commission: $7.95 + $0.75 per contract
Account minimum: $0 for IRAs, $2,500 for brokerage
Promotion: 300 commission-free trades
If reasonably priced trading costs and free data and research are on your shopping list, both Charles Schwab and Fidelity are worth checking out.
Fidelity’s breadth of research stands out from the competition and draws from more than 20 providers, including Recognia, Ned Davis, S&P Capital IQ and McLean Capital Management. Through Fidelity’s web-based platform, customers can access the full suite of research when they sign in. And you don’t have to stop digging when you’re away from your computer: Fidelity has a strong mobile app that lets customers access the company’s full suite of research through a mobile browser.
Charles Schwab’s suite of options trading data, research and trading capabilities got a big boost when it purchased OptionsXpress (one of our top overall picks for options traders). Schwab itself has a fully realized suite of offerings for options traders, including trade assessment tools; customizable screeners; and access to Schwab analyst options-market commentary, live online webinars and pre-recorded seminars. Schwab offers two excellent platforms: the web-based platform Streetsmart. com (ideal for beginners) and the more advanced StreetSmart Edge with elevated charting functionality for active traders.
Because Schwab and Fidelity each have a physical presence across the country, they’re able to offer in-person guidance at local branches. Puede asistir a seminarios gratuitos sobre cómo negociar opciones, así como obtener orientación individualizada sobre el uso de las herramientas que ofrece cada plataforma.
Dayana Yochim is a staff writer at NerdWallet, a personal finance website: Email: dyochim@nerdwallet. com. Twitter: @DayanaYochim .
We want to hear from you and encourage a lively discussion among our users. Por favor, ayúdenos a mantener nuestro sitio limpio y seguro siguiendo nuestras pautas de publicación. and avoid disclosing personal or sensitive information such as bank account or phone numbers. Any comments posted under NerdWallet's official account are not reviewed or endorsed by representatives of financial institutions affiliated with the reviewed products, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
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U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission Roundtable on Hedge Funds
David A. Vaughan Partner, Dechert LLP
Selected Definitions of "Hedge Fund"
"Hedge fund" is an expression believed to have been first applied in 1949 to a fund managed by Alfred Winslow Jones. 1 Mr. Jones's private investment fund combined both long and short equity positions to "hedge" the portfolio's exposure to movements in the market. Today, hedge funds are no longer defined by a particular strategy and often do not "hedge" in the economic sense. The following is a selection of definitions and descriptions of the term "hedge fund" showing the diversity of views among commentators.
"The term 'hedge fund' is commonly used to describe a variety of different types of investment vehicles that share some common characteristics. Although it is not statutorily defined, the term encompasses any pooled investment vehicle that is privately organized, administered by professional money managers, and not widely available to the public."
"The term 'hedge fund' refers generally to a privately offered investment vehicle that pools the contributions of its investors in order to invest in a variety of asset classes, such as securities, futures contracts, options, bonds, and currencies."
"Hedge funds engage in a variety of investment activities. They cater to sophisticated investors and are not subject to the regulations that apply to mutual funds geared toward the general public. Fund managers are compensated on the basis of performance rather than as a fixed percentage of assets. 'Performance funds' would be a more accurate description."
"A hedge fund can be broadly defined as a privately offered fund that is administered by a professional investment management firm (or 'hedge fund manager'). The word 'hedge' refers to a hedge fund's ability to hedge the value of the assets it holds (e. g. through the use of options or the simultaneous use of long positions and short sales). However, some hedge funds engage only in 'buy and hold' strategies or other strategies that do not involve hedging in the traditional sense. In fact, the term 'hedge fund' is used to refer to funds engaging in over 25 different types of investment strategies .…"
"A hedge fund is an actively managed investment fund that seeks attractive absolute return. In pursuit of their absolute return objective, hedge funds use a wide variety of investment strategies and tools. Hedge funds are designed for a small number of large investors, and the manager of the fund receives a percentage of the profits earned by the fund. Hedge fund managers are active managers seeking absolute return."
--ROBERT A. JAEGER, ALL ABOUT HEDGE FUNDS, at x (2003) (Perhaps in a bit of his own hedging, Jaeger calls his definition "provisional.").
"There is no universally accepted meaning of the expression 'hedge fund'; indeed, many competing (and sometimes partially contradicting) definitions exist. The term first came into use in the 1950s to describe any investment fund that used incentive fees, short-selling, and leverage. A summary definition frequently used in official sector reports is 'any pooled investment vehicle that is privately organised, administered by professional investment managers, and not widely available to the public'. The term can also be defined by considering the characteristics most commonly associated with hedge funds. Usually, hedge funds:
are organised as private investment partnerships or offshore investment corporations;
use a wide variety of trading strategies involving position-taking in a range of markets;
employ an assortment of trading techniques and instruments, often including short-selling, derivatives and leverage;
pay performance fees to their managers; y
have an investor base comprising wealthy individuals and institutions and a relatively high minimum investment limit (set at US$100,000 or higher for most funds)."
"The term 'hedge fund' is used to describe a wide variety of institutional investors employing a diverse set of investment strategies. Although there is no formal definition of 'hedge fund,' hedge funds are largely defined by what they are not and by the regulations to which they are not subject. As a general matter, the term 'hedge fund' refers to unregistered, private investment partnerships for wealthy sophisticated investors (both natural persons and institutions) that use some form of leverage to carry out their investment strategies."
"Originally set up to 'hedge bets' or insure against currency or interest rate risks, hedge funds have since taken on a much wider remit, investing in assets ranging from equities and fixed interest stocks to derivatives and commodities. Their aim is to make absolute returns, that is to make performance returns irrespective of which way the markets are going. Rather like derivative funds, hedge funds use derivative instruments or gearing (borrowing against the fund's assets) to gain greater exposure to their investments or to protect against losses."
"The term 'hedge fund' was in use as early as the 1960s to describe a new speculative investment vehicle that used sophisticated hedging and arbitrage techniques in the corporate equities market. In the late 1960s, former Securities and Exchange Commissioner Hugh Owens described 'hedge funds' as 'private investment partnerships which employ the investment techniques of leveraging and hedging.' In the 1970s and 1980s, the activities of similar types of funds broadened into a range of financial instruments and activities .… The term 'hedge fund' does not have a precise definition, but it has been used to refer generally to a cadre of private investment partnerships that are engaged in active trading and arbitrage of a range of different securities and commodities."
A hedge fund is a "private investment partnership (for U. S. investors) or an off-shore investment corporation (for non-U. S. or tax-exempt investors) in which the general partner has made a substantial personal investment, and whose offering memorandum allows for the fund to take both long and short positions, use leverage and derivatives, and investment in many markets. Hedge funds often take large risks on speculative strategies, including [program trading, selling short, swap, and arbitrage]. A fund need not employ all of these tools all of the time; it must merely have them at its disposal."
"There is no precise definition of the term 'hedge fund,' and one will not be found in the federal or state securities laws. The term was first used to describe private investment funds that combine both long and short equity positions within a single leveraged portfolio. It is generally believed that the first such fund to employ this approach was an investment partnership organized in 1949 by Alfred Winslow Jones .… Hedge funds are no longer defined by the strategy they pursue. While a number of today's funds pursue the hedged equity strategy of Jones, numerous different investment styles are embraced by hedge funds .… Hedge funds are defined more by their form of organization and manner of operation than by the substance of their financial strategies."
--Scott J. Lederman, Hedge Funds, in FINANCIAL PRODUCT FUNDAMENTALS: A GUIDE FOR LAWYERS 11-3, 11-4, 11-5 (Clifford E. Kirsch ed. 2000).
"The term 'hedge fund' is undefined, including in the federal securities laws. Indeed, there is no commonly accepted universal meaning. As hedge funds have gained stature and prominence, though, 'hedge fund' has developed into a catch-all classification for many unregistered privately managed pools of capital. These pools of capital may or may not utilize the sophisticated hedging and arbitrage strategies that traditional hedge funds employ, and many appear to engage in relatively simple equity strategies. Basically, many 'hedge funds' are not actually hedged, and the term has become a misnomer in many cases."
"Like mutual funds, hedge funds pool investors' money and invest those funds in financial instruments in an effort to make a positive return. However, unlike mutual funds, hedge funds are not registered with the SEC. This means that hedge funds are subject to very few regulatory controls. In addition, many hedge fund managers are not required to register with the SEC and therefore are not subject to regular SEC oversight. Because of this lack of regulatory oversight, hedge funds historically have been available to accredited investors and large institutions, and have limited their investors through high investment minimums (e. g. $1 million).
Many hedge funds seek to profit in all kinds of markets by pursuing leveraging and other speculative investment practices that may increase the risk of investment loss."
"'Hedge fund' is a general, non-legal term used to describe private, unregistered investment pools that traditionally have been limited to sophisticated, wealthy investors. Hedge funds are not mutual funds and, as such, are not subject to the numerous regulations that apply to mutual funds for the protection of investors - including regulations requiring a certain degree of liquidity, regulations requiring that mutual fund shares be redeemable at any time, regulations protecting against conflicts of interest, regulations to assure fairness in the pricing of fund shares, disclosure regulations, regulations limiting the use of leverage, and more."
--SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, INVEST WISELY: AN INTRODUCTION TO MUTUAL FUNDS, available at http://www. sec. gov/investor/pubs/inwsmf. htm.
*   *   *   *   *   *   *
May 13, 2003   Washington, DC  
See ROGER LOWENSTEIN, WHEN GENIUS FAILED (2000); see also Scott J. Lederman, Hedge Funds, in FINANCIAL PRODUCT FUNDAMENTALS: A GUIDE FOR LAWYERS 11-3, 11-4, 11-5 (Clifford E. Kirsch ed. 2000); Loomis, The Jones Nobody Keeps Up With, FORTUNE (Apr. 1966).
Welcome to the Chuck Hughes Website!
Greetings and welcome to the ChuckHughes. com website. I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about my trading programs. I have been trading stocks, options, currencies and commodities for more than 26 years.
I developed a simple trade selection process that trades with the trend. When the price trend is up we buy and when the price trend is down we take short positions. Now even though this concept sounds very simple it really works.
When I started trading back in 1984 I had young children and a mortgage and could only start with a $4,600 trading account.
But in my first two years of trading I made $460,164 in actual profits using my simple trend systems. And over the past 26 years my trend systems produced over $5.9 million in actual profits proving that trend following really does work.
These profits have provided me and my family with financial security and allowed me to retire from my airline pilot job at age 48. I can tell you from experience that financial independence is a great feeling!
Despite the uncertain economy and volatile markets my trade selection process has led me to some great trading opportunities. My trend following programs have been taking full advantage of this increased volatility and have been on the right side of the trend in global markets. In my 26 years of trading experience there has never been a better time to profit from market trends than now.
I recommended going short most of the global markets to my advisory service members in August of 2008 and stayed short most markets until mid March of 2009 when we reversed and went long most markets. This produced record profits for my advisory service members.
So to sum things up, at this stage in my life I really want help others succeed as I have. My goal is to help my members duplicate my success and achieve their financial goals.
I'm really excited about the profit opportunities currently available and I want to personally invite you to join us in our quest to convert these market trends into trading profits.
I wish you all the best and hope you have a successful trading experience.
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Enroll online and get started in coaching.
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How to Safely Double Your Dividend Yield With Covered Call Options
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As it turns out, despite the summer swoon, income investors were the big winners in 2011.
While the Dow Jones Industrial Average finished the year with a gain of just 5.5%, the 100 highest-yielding stocks tracked by the Dow Jones – as measured by the iShares Dow Jones Select Dividend ETF (NYSE: DVY ) – returned a market beating 11.73%.
Of course, the question today is whether or not that performance will carry on in 2012.
However, given the contentious nature of the U. S. presidential race, the ongoing turmoil in the Eurozone and the clouds hanging over the global economy, 2012 is looking like it will provide another great year for dividend investors.
"The problem with going for capital growth," Martin points out, "is that you very often don't get it, and then you've got nothing – the investment just sits there."
By contrast, Hutchinson added, "Dividends are easy… All you have to do is figure out which companies have genuinely solid business models that aren't going away."
Options Strategy: Boosting Your Yield With Covered Calls
What's more, if you're willing to put in a little extra time and make use of a proven strategy involving call options. you can safely double, triple, or even quadruple the amount of income you receive from your dividend-paying stocks – even if the share price does absolutely nothing.
The technique is known as "writing covered calls ," and implementing the strategy is quite simple.
All you do is sell (or write) one out-of-the-money call option – i. e. one with a strike price higher than the stock's current market price – for each 100 shares of the stock you own (the underlying security ).
The call is said to be "covered" because you own the underlying shares. As a result, you don't have to put up any added money or "margin " in order to make the trade.
All of the money you receive for selling the calls – the "option premium " – is yours to keep regardless of what happens to the price of the underlying stock.
This "option premium" is then added to your overall gains, boosting the yield you are set to earn from the dividend.
Here's how it works in practice:
For example, let's say you own 300 shares of stock in Abbott Laboratories (NYSE: ABT ), trading this week around $55.70 with an annual dividend of $1.92 a share. That equates to a current yield of 3.45%.
However, you decide that you would like boost your cash flow by writing covered calls.
What you'd do is write three covered calls against your 300 shares, choosing to sell the out-of-the-money $57.50 strike price calls with a May 18, 2012 expiration date.
Early Wednesday, those calls – with just four months of life left – were quoted at $1.00 a share or $100 per 100-share contract. That means selling three of them would put $300 in your account – minus a modest commission of, say, $15.
Thus, you'd be adding roughly $285 to the quarterly dividend of $144 you will receive on your 300 shares of Abbott stock – nearly tripling the amount of income from your position.
So long as Abbott's stock price stays below $57.50 until May 18, you get to keep both the stock and the premium received for selling the calls, as well as collecting the dividend.
And, since you can repeat this strategy every three months or so – adding an estimated $1,140 to the annual dividend payment of $576 ($1.92 x 300 = $576) – your annual cash flow will rise to about $1,716.
That equates to a one-year yield of 10.26% ($1,716 / 300 x $55.70 = $16,710 = 10.269%).
What about the risks? ….
Well, if Abbott's stock price falls, you suffer the same loss you would have faced by just holding the stock alone. But the premium you received from selling your covered calls helps offset part of the loss, softening the blow.
The bigger risk is that you might have to sell your shares at a price higher than where they're trading today. That is, if ABT is priced above $57.50 on May 18 and the calls are exercised, you'll have to sell the stock at that price, forfeiting any gains on the stock above that level. However, selling there would still give you a gain of $1.80 a share (or $540) from today's price.
What's more, you'll also earn the $1.00 a share ($285 net) you received for the options, giving you a total profit of almost $3.00 a share. Hardly an unpleasant outcome.
You would, of course, forfeit any future ABT dividend payments, but you could continue to earn revenue from Abbott Labs using the money you received to finance an alternate strategy known as "selling cash-secured put options " (which we'll detail in an upcoming Money Morning article) until ABT pulls back to an attractive level for repurchasing the stock.
A Second Way to Look at Covered Calls
This strategy can also be used to make stocks with fairly low yields more attractive to income investors.
For example, discount retailer Family Dollar Stores Inc. (NYSE: FDO ) . recent price $53.83, is a fairly attractive growth candidate given the still-high jobless rate and the iffy economy, which translates into more budget-conscious customers.
However, with an annual dividend of just 72 cents, FDO offers an annual yield of just 1.33% – hardly appealing to income investors.
But thanks to the extended period of market volatility, FDO options are carrying high premiums. To be precise, the April $57.50 call, almost $4.00 a share out of the money and having just three months of life left, was quoted at $1.10, or $110 per contract.
Thus, if you bought 300 shares of FDO stock at the present price, paying $16,149, then sold three April $57.50 calls, the $330 in option income plus the $54 quarterly dividend would increase the annualized yield on Family Dollar to roughly 9.51%. That's almost as good as what you would have gained in our Abbott Labs example.
This covered call strategy is also remarkably versatile. It can be used to produce an income stream from stocks that don't even pay a dividend, and it can be structured to provide a wide variety of yields and cash payouts by adjusting the choice of strike prices and expiration dates.
So, if you want to generate more income and higher yields from your stock holdings, consider covered calls.
The tables for options on most stocks are available on both Google Finance and Yahoo! Finance, as well as most brokerage firm trading platforms, and checking them can help you calculate how selling covered calls can boost your investment returns.
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Thanks for this very easy to understand description of the use of covered call transactions to boost income. I look forward to reading your future article on use of cash-secured puts but at present I rank them lower in my income-production strategy because I cannot collect dividends during the term the underlying stock issue is not held in my account yet the nearly the same amount of money needed to purchase that stock is restricted from any other use by me until the put expires or is executed if the stock price drops to the contracted value.
In your future article, please address the relative attractiveness and ease of use of covered calls compared to cash-secured puts.
Hi, There is a business in the business of teaching people how to do Covered Calls buy buying a stock and then doing covered calls on it. Usually the duration is for around 3 – 4 wks. And then go on and do it all over again. They mentor you and also give you a daily list of stocks to buy for 12mths, but after that they charge for the service AND THAT'S ON TOP OF THE SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT THEY CHARGE YOU FOR THE COURSE. And if for any reason you don't start within that time, then you've just wasted your money. From what I read it would appear that one can learn how to do covered call without the huge cost, but then how does one determine what stocks to buy? I would appreciate your insight, thanks!
buy a high yield m reit nly write a higher call option, collect dividend, repeat now you owe me 3000.00. saved you a lot of seminar fees. donate to your favorite charity. buena suerte. its easy been doing it for years. do not use margin or debt. save 20% for irs tax…
Step 2 – Your pension options
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Separate terms apply to the use of third party websites and Scottish Widows does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, availability or otherwise of these sites.
Scottish Widows Limited. Registered in England and Wales No. 3196171. Registered office in the United Kingdom at 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN. Autorizado por la Autoridad de Regulación Prudencial y regulado por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera y la Autoridad de Regulación Prudencial. Financial Services Register number 181655.
Scottish Widows Unit Trust Managers Limited. Registered in England and Wales No. 1629925. Registered Office in the United Kingdom at Charlton Place, Andover, Hampshire SP10 1RE. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Financial Services Register number 122129.
Clerical Medical is a trading name of Scottish Widows Limited.
*We may record and monitor calls to help us improve our service. Full terms and conditions are available from Scottish Widows together with hard copies of all literature on request.
Offshore bonds are provided by CMI Insurance Company Limited (“CMI”). CMI Insurance Company Limited, registered in Isle of Man number 33520, with registered office at Clerical Medical House, Victoria Road, Douglas, Isle of Man IM99 1LT. On 30 November 2015 CMI was acquired by the RL360 Group. CMI will be branded as RL360 Services in the near future. In the interim, it continues to use the Clerical Medical & Scottish Widows brands under licence.
Choice Strategies™—A Standard in HRA, FSA & HSA Administration
Choice Strategies, a division of WageWorks Inc. is a leading third-party administrator of consumer-directed benefit programs differentiated by flexible plan design and exceptional service. We offer Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs ), Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs ), Health Savings Accounts (HSAs ) and commuter benefits .
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Choice Strategies’ custom plan designs combine a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA ), Flexible Spending Account (FSA ) or Health Savings Account (HSA ) with any higher-deductible insurance program to offer a consumer-driven benefits plan with significant cost savings to the employer. Contact us today to get started!
News & Updates
Sep 1, 2015 - The Eligibility Team at Choice Strategies proudly maintains a prompt 2-day processing benchmark for all online eForm submissions, including enrollments, status changes, and terminations. Please use our eForms whenever possible to help us deliver the best benefits experience.
July 20, 2015 - As part of our complimentary services, Choice Strategies has provided our HRA clients with a calculation of the amount they owe for their plan under the PCORI fee, if any, and directions for filing this fee.
June 1, 2015 - Effective July 13, 2015, Choice Strategies is only able to pay our members' providers directly when their claims are submitted through their online accounts.
After 7 years at our location in Waterbury Center, Vermont we have moved to a larger office space in nearby Williston, Vermont. Our first day at this new location was Monday, October 27 th .
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Social Security Administration have released the cost-of-living (COLA) adjustments that apply to dollar limitations set forth in certain IRS Code Sections.
May 9, 2014 - On April 23, 2014, the IRS released the new Health Savings Account (HSA) index figures for 2015. The 2015 index includes modest increases from all 2014 levels.
April 15, 2014 - An IRS release on March 28, 2014 gives plan administrators an insight into how carryover funds may be designated in the current plan year and the affect on Health Saving Account (HSA) eligibility.
May 20, 2014 - Is COBRA obsolete? Should employees elect COBRA continuation or look to the Health Insurance Marketplace (Marketplace)? These questions are troubling to both employers and employees. And once deciding whether to obtain coverage through COBRA continuation or the Marketplace is made, there’s always the question of if and when a COBRA beneficiary may switch to Marketplace coverage.
April 10, 2014 - The Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program, Senate Bill 1339 signed into law September 30, 2012, was unanimously approved by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Air District) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). A new rule.
March 5, 2014 - On September 13, 2013 IRS Notice 2013-54 provided additional guidance on the application of certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which impacted Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs) used to comply with the HCSO. This is a follow-up to our Compliance Alert concerning HCSO interim guidance.
Feb. 26, 2014 - On December 13, 2013 the Tri-agencies (Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Department of Labor (DOL) and Health and Human Services (HHS) released proposed regulations that provided clarification and requested comments to ensure that certain FSAs and HRAs could include specific benefits and still be considered excepted benefits.
December 2, 2013 - Members can now quickly and easily enroll online in FSA, DCA, Transit (TRN) or Parking (PKG) plans.
November 20, 2013 - The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Social Security Administration have released the cost-of-living (COLA) adjustments that apply to dollar limitations set forth in certain IRS Code Sections.
November 4, 2013 - The U. S. Department of the Treasury and the IRS issued a notice modifying the longstanding "use-it-or lose it" rule for health flexible spending arrangements (health FSAs). The key changes.
November 4, 2013 - For HRAs to be offered in compliance with the new Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements beginning January 1, 2014, there is an exhaustive list of plan types that are available.
November 4, 2013 - On Friday, September 13, 2013 Treasury published Notice 2013-54 (Notice) which preserves all health flexible spending accounts (health FSAs) that are considered excepted benefits but eliminates.
Best, Accurate & Free Binary Options signals with 70-90% Accuracy.
There are lots of way to succeed in trading binary options. Not all traders will be willing to share their secrets of success, but here at Binary Options Trading Blog, we’re happy to give you a few tips to help you get your head in the game and start making high returns on your investment. Here are five binary option trading tips that you can’t live without:
Tip One – Pick a High Return Broker that Gives Great Bonuses
Before you even make your first trade, you’ll want to set yourself up for success. Asegúrese de que encuesta a todos los diferentes corredores de opciones binarias en línea y encontrar un corredor de opciones binarias con una plataforma de comercio libre, un montón de activos y mercados para elegir y un alto rendimiento de su comercio.
Tip Two – Trade One Hour Options
There are lots of different types of options to trade on, one year, one month, one day and even one hour. Saber qué opción elegir es todo depende de si quieres ganar dinero rápido o lento. However, since it’s typically very challenging to determine how the markets will be reacting in one year, one month or even one week, make sure that you trade on a platform that allows you to buy one hour options. Las opciones de una hora no sólo son la manera más rápida de ganar dinero, sino que proporcionan una mayor flexibilidad que otras opciones.
Tip Three – Read the News Like a Hawk
If someone told you that you could make thousands of dollars from reading the news, you’d probably be combing the news 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Well, binary options are an apparatus for just that — people who love to read the news can make tons of money with binary option. ¿Por qué? Because people who read the news know what important events are coming up and can predict how markets will react — the basics of any good binary option trade.
Tip Four – Plan Your Trading Schedule :
Let’s look at an example. En la mañana usted va en línea y comienza a leer las noticias financieras. Usted ve que Apple tiene un nuevo lector de tabletas que sale y van a anunciar los detalles del nuevo producto a las 3 pm ese día. Dado que hay mucha anticipación sobre lo que Apple va a decir, puede ir en línea y leer comentarios de expertos sobre lo que Apple podría estar liberando.
Sin embargo, usted puede estar trabajando demasiado duro. If you were a more seasoned trader (or read this article) you’d know that when companies make announcements about new technology their stocks usually shoot up… Knowing that information, would be a great indicator to get online and to schedule a binary option trade for right as the information is going live — that way you’ll be able to catch the upswing of the asset and make a high return, simply from reading the news.
Tip Five – Never Trust Any Bot Softwares :
Yes you heard me right! Since past few months many companies have launched different softwares for generating binary options signals but trust me when i say all of them are MERE SCAM.
you may wonder why. thats because.
A software can never .
1. E qual los seres humanos en el análisis de los mercados e identificar las operaciones libres de riesgo.
2. Diferencia entre mercados volátiles y no volátiles.
3. M odificar su estrategia interna de acuerdo con las condiciones de los mercados.
4. T hink. 5. R ead the News y actuar en consecuencia.
Choose a binary options trading platform that offers at least 65-70% returns - One of the many advantages of binary options trading is that the pay-out is determined in advance so the investor is completely aware of what they would earn, or even lose before the expiration of the option . To reap the benefits of a earning with binary options you only need to be in-the-money by 0.001, whether the underlying asset’s movement was great or small. Given this, you should ensure that the binary options trading platform you choose will give you the biggest pay-out possible so you can maximize your earnings. After all, if you could get more for your money, why wouldn’t you?
Trade on a platform that offers a return, even when the outcome is an out-of-the-money result - As frustrating as it is when you are presented with an out-of-the-money result, all may not be lost if you trade with a site that offers investors a payback, even for a disappointing outcome like this . There are binary options trading platforms, few that they are, that do offer as much as a 15% return on all out-of-the-money results which is a great advantage to consider when narrowing down different trading platforms choices to suit you.
Choose a trading platform that offers a wide range of assets - With the media being a great tool for investors trading in binary options one can keep up-to-date with news of movements and fluctuations in the main markets . Informes de noticias financieras y gráficos en línea de la figura proporcionan un buen margen para tomar decisiones respaldadas al hacer una apuesta. This said, the wider the options of assets a site has to choose from and the more known that the assets are provide the investor with better ground when all fingers from outside sources are pointing to particular movements. You wouldn’t want to limit yourself to a site that has slim pickings when there are those who can open the doors to a wider and richer choice.
Be aware of platforms with excess charges - With money coming in and hopefully not too much going out, the last thing an investor needs from an online binary options platform is additional charges that may be applied for things like depositing money . Look out for sites that charge extra for these things and luckily there are sites that charge no such fees.
Select a trading platform that has a promising customer service obligation - Whether you’re just a beginner or old-hat at trading binary options, there may be times when you will need advice or support when trading online . Whether it’s technical queries or some simple guidelines, a good customer services team is an important factor when choosing a binary options trading platform and can be an essential piece of the puzzle in smoothing over some lines, making way for some successful returns. Many sites have local help-line numbers for every country they service.
Use a trading platform that resources good security measures - Now this is important stuff . Para que su plataforma de operaciones de opciones binarias sea completamente segura para su uso, el elemento más necesario para buscar es el cifrado, asegurándose de que está equipado con encriptación SSL de 128 bits de un proveedor de seguridad líder en el mercado. This acts as your only protection against online theft.
As said by many, binary options returns up to 80% profit per trade. Sí, es verdad.
Pero el punto es qué si perdemos un comercio.
we loose 100% of our hard earned income (To be frank enough I lost approx. $6700 in my first month of trading without proper advice and fake signal providers and softwares out there in market. )
Everyone(including me) wants to aim for that straight 80% profit in minutes.
But what if we get hit by 100% loss?
Yes, that is a terrible disaster that (happened to me &) could have happened to any.
1) Follow our signals exactly. 2) Trade no more than 5% of the trading budget each trade. 2) Trade no more than 20% at each session. 3) Need a strike rate of at least 57% before you can make any money.
Maintain 80% accuracy throughout the trading session maybe through out a day, a month or a year; and yes we can reach sure profits zone. I call it a safe zone using my strategy and signals.
I know you have tried many methods (including me) which have failed miserably leaving your account balance frequently been visited by 100% loss instead of 80% profit.
Even We have experienced the same thing as you did
How we came out with a solution??
We haven't found a key which completely unlock the problem of loosing binary options trading and achieve 100% accuracy.
But after extensive research putting all 5Yrs of experience together we achieved very near solution by achieving upto 90% accuracy.
All YOU need to do is, follow signals that we give you on skype " rcreddy28 "
We can help you .
OUR SKYPE ID: rcreddy28
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Call bull spread
The strategy consists of the purchase of ITM. ATM or OTM calls and the simultaneous writing of OTM calls with higher strike price on the same underline security with the same expiration date.
It is a debit spread because the money we have to pay for the long call is more than the money we earn from the written call.
When to use
When we believe that the price of the underline will rise until a certain level and the implied volatility is relatively low. The bull call spread is a way to partially finance our long call position and that’s why we sell OTM calls. We accomplish the highest possible profit at expiration when the price of the underline is equal to or higher than the higher strike price.
Loss/Profit at expiration
Maximum loss. Limited to the net amount we paid for the spread + commissions.
Maximum gain. (Higher strike – lower strike) – net amount we paid for the spread – commissions.
Profit/Loss diagram
Below is the profit/loss diagram of the bull call spread strategy. The long call has a strike of $25 and premium $2 and the written call has a strike of $30 and premium $0.50.
Call bull spread strategy example
In the daily chart of ERF stock we have spotted an ascending triangle and the market (SPY) is also bullish. When the stock is at point A, we can buy an ITM call with strike $13 and expiration after three weeks. As long as we believe that the stock will not be much more above $17 in three weeks time due to the presence of a strong resistance at this level (line 2), we can write an OTM call with strike $17 which expires after three weeks and in that way finance the cost of the long call.
Of course in case we believe that the stock price will rise much more above $17 there is no point in implementing a bull call strategy because we will impose an upper limit in our profit potential.
Our philosophy
Welcome to Compass International Wealth Management llc. At CIWM we strive to provide our private advisory clients and institutional partners with unparalleled advice, service, actionable trade ideas based on our proprietary market timing and trading models, and above all, our unbiased, honest opinion of current market trends. With over 50 years of combined financial market experience. we have the expertise to guide you along the treacherous waters of financial markets, much like a trusted compass to a sailor!
Our advisory process involves investing time to understand you, your personal circumstances, needs and goals. We want to know your dreams! We then design a plan of action to assist you in achieving your financial goals and help to make those dreams come true. Once we know where we want to go, we have to decide how we are going to get there and charting a course of action is key to our philosophy. Once your investment profile is defined, we then offer a variety of personalized, tested strategies to serve as the vessel to get you through the journey. Part of this process involves asset diversification, risk management, non-market correlated assets and managing tax exposure. Bottom line, we will match your financial profile to state of the art financial products and services from the top money managers in the industry. The right strategy for your unique individual situation. Your dreams, your goals, our execution!
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Concentrated stock: considerations and strategies
Whether you inherited a large holding, exercised options to buy your company's stock, sold a private business, hold restricted stock, or have benefitted from repeated stock splits over the years, having a large position in a single stock carries unique challenges. Even if the stock has done well, you may want more diversification, or have new financial goals that require a shift in strategy.
When a single stock dominates your portfolio, however, selling the stock may be complicated by more than just the associated tax consequences. There also may be legal constraints on your ability to sell, contractual obligations such as lock-up agreements, or practical considerations, such as the possibility that a large sale could overwhelm the market for a thinly traded stock. The choices appropriate for you are complex and will depend on your own situation and tax considerations, but here is a brief overview of some of your options.
Selling obviously frees up funds that can be used to diversify a portfolio. However, if you have a low cost basis, you may be concerned about capital gains taxes. Or you may want to avoid any perception of market manipulation or insider trading. You might consider selling shares over time, which can help you manage the tax bite in any one year, yet allow you to participate in any future growth.
You'll need to consider the tax consequences of any sale. The American Tax Relief Act of 2012 set the maximum tax rate on long-term capital gains at 20 percent for those in the 39.6 percent federal income tax bracket; a 15 percent rate will generally apply for individuals in the 25 percent, 28 percent, 33 percent, or 35 percent% tax brackets, and a 0 percent rate will generally apply for those in the 10 percent and 15 percent brackets. Also, if your adjusted gross income exceeds $200,000 ($250,000 for married couples filing jointly), your net investment income will be subject to an additional 3.8 percent Medicare contribution tax. In contrast to previous years, these rates are not scheduled to expire at a certain date. That increased certainty should simplify planning.
If you hold restricted shares, you might set up a 10b5-1 plan, which spells out a predetermined schedule for selling shares over time. Such written plans specify in advance the dates, prices and amounts of each sale, and comply with SEC Rule 144, which governs the sale of restricted stock and was designed to prevent insider trading. A 10b5-1 plan demonstrates that your selling decisions were made prior to your having any insider knowledge that could influence specific transactions. (However, terminating the plan early or selling too much too quickly could raise questions about the plan's legitimacy.)
You might also be able to avoid some of the restrictions on how much and when you can sell by selling shares privately rather than on the public market. However, you would likely have to sell at less than the market value, and would still face capital gains taxes.
Hedge your position
You may want to try to protect yourself in the short term against the risk of a substantial drop in price. There are multiple ways to try to manage that risk by using options. However, bear in mind that the use of options is not appropriate for all investors.
Buying a protective put essentially puts a floor under the value of your shares by giving you the right to sell your shares at a predetermined price. Buying put options that can be exercised at a price below your stock's current market value can help limit potential losses on the underlying equity while allowing you to continue to participate in any potential appreciation. However, you also would lose money on the option itself if the stock's price remains above the put's strike price.
Selling covered calls with a strike price above the market price can provide additional income from your holdings that could help offset potential losses if the stock's price drops. However, the call limits the extent to which you can benefit from any price appreciation. And if the share price reaches the call's strike price, you would have to be prepared to meet that call.
A collar involves buying protective puts and selling call options whose premiums offset the cost of buying the puts. However, as with a covered call, the upside appreciation for your holding is then limited to the call's strike price. If that price is reached before the collar's expiration date, you would not only lose the premium you paid for the put, but would also face capital gains on any shares you sold. Be careful about closing one side of the collar while the other side of the trade remains outstanding. For example, if you exercised the put but the shares you sell are later called away prior to the call's expiration date, you could be left with an uncovered call. You could potentially suffer a loss if you had to repurchase the shares at a higher price to fulfill the call.
Monetize the position
If you want immediate liquidity, you might be able to use a prepaid variable forward (PVF) agreement . With a PVF, you contract to sell your shares later at a minimum specified price. You receive most of the payment for those shares — typically 80 percent to 90 percent of their value--when the agreement is signed. However, you are not obligated to turn over the shares or pay taxes on the sale until the PVF's maturity date, which might be years in the future. When that date is reached, you must either settle the agreement by making a cash payment, or turn over the appropriate number of shares, which will vary depending on the stock's price at that time. In the meantime, your stock is held as collateral, and you can use the upfront payment to buy other securities that can diversify your portfolio. In addition, a PVF still allows you to benefit to some extent from any price appreciation during that time, though there may be a cap on that amount.
Caution: PVF agreements are complicated, and the IRS warns that care must be taken when using them. Consult a tax professional before using this strategy.
Borrow to diversify
If you want to keep your stock but need money to build a more diversified portfolio, you could use your stock as collateral to buy other securities on margin. However, trading securities in a margin account involves risks which you should discuss with a financial professional before considering this strategy.
Exchange your shares
Another possibility is to trade some of your stock for shares in an exchange fund (a private placement limited partnership that pools your shares with those contributed by other investors who also may have concentrated stock positions). After a set period, generally seven years, each of the exchange fund's shareholders is entitled to a prorated portion of its portfolio. Taxes are postponed until you sell those shares; you pay taxes on the difference between the value of the stock you contributed and the price received for your exchange fund shares. Though it provides no liquidity, an exchange fund may help minimize taxes while providing greater diversification (though diversification alone does not guarantee a profit or ensure against a loss). Be sure to check on the costs involved with an exchange fund as well as what other securities it holds. At least 20 percent must be in nonpublicly traded assets or real estate, and the more overlap between your shares and those already in the fund, the less diversification you achieve.
Donate shares to a trust
If you want income rather than growth from your stock, you might transfer shares to a trust. If you have highly appreciated stock, consider donating it to a charitable remainder trust (CRT). You receive a tax deduction when you make the contribution. Typically, the trust can sell the stock without paying capital gains taxes, and reinvest the proceeds to provide an income stream for you as the donor. When the trust is terminated, the charity retains the remaining assets. You can set a payout rate that meets both your financial objectives and your philanthropic goals; however, the donation is irrevocable.
Another option is a charitable lead trust (CLT), which in many ways is a mirror image of a CRT. With a typical CLT, the charity receives the income stream for a specified time; the rest goes to your beneficiaries. You receive no tax deduction for transferring assets unless you name yourself the trust's owner, in which case you will pay taxes on the annual income. Other philanthropic options include donating directly to a charity or private foundation and taking a tax deduction.
Managing a concentrated stock position is a complex task that may involve investment, tax, and legal issues. Consult professionals who can help you navigate the maze.
This material was prepared by Raymond James for Brent Shakespeare of Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Brent can be reached at 435-688-8800 or brent. shakespeare@raymondjames. com.
Read or Share this story: http://www. thespectrum. com/story/news/2016/03/03/concentrated-stock-considerations-and-strategies/81147180/
How to sell Credit Spreads for Safe, Steady Profits
Selling CREDIT SPREADS is how you can trade options with minimum risk where the deck is definitely stacked in your favour. With this strategy, TIME DECAY works in your favour, and margin requirements are low enough to make it possible for smaller investors. Even if the trade works against you by a certain extent, you still win. Using this strategy, I regularly make at least 15% per month on my portfolio, and have sometimes made up to 70% in one month on an individual stock that is trending strongly. These are not bad gains, especially for beginners, smaller investors and the risk averse.
What is a Credit Spread?
When you sell a credit spread, you simultaneously sell one option and buy one option for a stock as a single transaction. The options are traded for the same expiration month, with different strike prices and are either both call options or both put options. You sell the more expensive option, and buy the cheaper option, resulting in a credit to your account.
Here is an example:
Bear Call Credit Spread
Using trend analysis, you have determined that Stock XYZ is trending down (Bearish). It is quite a strong trend, so you feel secure in placing a trade. XYZ is trading at $100 per share, towards the end of May.
TRADE: Sell XYZ 120 June Call for 0.80. Credit $80 Buy XYZ 125 June Call for 0.30. Debit (cost) $30 (further OTM, therefore cheaper) Net Credit $50
You sell an OTM Call Option for XYZ for the closest expiration date (not more than one month out), at a strike price of $120. You simultaneously buy (this is done as one transaction) an OTM call option at a further out strike price (say, $125). You immediately collect the money for this sale. Say the first options costs $0.80, and the second costs $0.30, the difference is $0.50. Because options are always traded in lots of 100, you pocket $50. All you need to do is wait for the option to expire a month later, and you get to keep the money!
Bull Put Credit Spread
Using trend analysis, you have determined that Stock XYZ is trending up (Bullish). It is quite a strong trend, so you feel secure in placing a trade. XYZ is trading at $100 per share, towards the end of May.
TRADE: Sell XYZ 80 June Put for 0.80. Credit $80 Buy XYZ 75 June Put for 0.30. Debit $30 (further OTM, therefore cheaper) Net Credit $50
You sell an OTM Put Option for XYZ for the closest expiration date (not more than one month out), at a strike price of $80. You simultaneously buy an OTM Put option at a further out strike price say, $75.
Why buy the further out option? Why not just sell options?
Es simple. If your trade goes against you, and you have sold an option without protection (i. e. a naked option), you have a heavy obligation. You will be obliged to either sell the stock at the strike price (if you sold a call), which means you first need to buy the stock at a higher price (if you are ITM) and then sell it at a lower price. Or you will be obliged to buy the stock at the strike price (if you sold a put), even if the price of the stock is much lower than that price. This means you must have the money available to do that, and your broker requires a pretty high margin to cover your risk. You therefore buy an option at the closest next strike price as a cover or hedge against your trade going wrong.
Even before you get into the trade, you are protected! You have an upfront credit, and you have a very clear idea of how much you can potentially lose. In addition, as you will see, you can manage this trade so that you NEVER lose!
Here's How - step by step instructions for trading a credit spread
TOP TIP: Want to learn more? Here is an options trading video course that takes you step by step through real trades on the TOS trading platform. This course is excellent value for money.
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On this page you will learn what is without doubt the absolute best, safest, most consistently profitable and easiest option trading method available. And just because it is low risk does not mean it is not profitable. You can start with a small initial investment and steadily make it grow in way that most investors only dream of.
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How to Sell Covered Call Options
Paso 6
Enter the number of stock shares you want to buy, the number of call options to sell and a net cost limit price for the trade. A covered call trade involves selling one call option for every 100 shares purchased. The price of the trade is the stock price minus the options price. Due to the potential for wide bid/ask spreads on options, it is usually better to place a limit order with the limit price between the listed bid and ask spreads for the trade. When your pricing is set, submit the trade. You will then own the shares of the stock and receive the price of the call options as a cash credit to your account.
Paso 7
Monitor your covered call trade, watching the share price in relation to the call option strike price and the expiration date. If the stock rises above the strike price, your shares will be called away and you will receive the option strike price for the share, resulting in additional profit. If the stock does not move above the strike price, the options will expire without value. You keep the premium from the sold options and can sell more call options with a new expiration date against the shares you continue to own.
A working call writing strategy will result in the reinvestment of your money into a new covered call trade every two to three months. If you can earn 3 to 5 percent with each trade, you end up with a nice profit margin at the end of the year.
Use a covered call profit potential calculator to determine the possible return from any covered call combination. Your online brokerage account probably offers option strategy calculators.
Do not forget to include commission costs in you profit calculations. Covered call trading results in a significant amount of stock and options commission.
Develop a list of stocks that are good covered call candidates. When it is time to reinvest the results of a trade, review your list for the best profit potential.
The worst outcome for a covered call trade is a rapid drop in the stock price. To close out the trade you must first buy back the call options and then sell the shares. Close out covered call trades early at a small loss and do not wait for a trade going bad to recover.
Vanguard Group unveils two international ETF options
VIGI to follow an income investing strategy, focusing on companies with high dividend yields
VYMI will emphasize stocks exhibiting dividend growth
The Vanguard Group is expanding its line of popular dividend exchange traded funds to include two international options that mirror U. S.-focused offerings.
Vanguard has launched the Vanguard International Dividend Appreciation ETF (NasdaqGM: VIGI) and Vanguard International High Dividend Yield ETF (NasdaqGM: VYMI) . according to a press release .
VIGI will follow the Nasdaq International Dividend Achievers Select Index, which is comprised of over 200 all-cap developed and emerging market company stocks with a history of growing dividends.
VYMI will reflect the performance of the FTSE All-World ex US High Dividend Yield Index, which is composed of over 800 of the highest yielding large - and mid-cap developed and emerging market securities.
“The Vanguard International High Dividend Yield Index Fund will follow an income investing strategy, focusing on companies with high dividend yields, while Vanguard International Dividend Appreciation Index Fund will emphasize stocks exhibiting dividend growth,” said Vanguard said in a previous statement. [ Vanguard to Introduce International Dividend ETFs ]
Both of the new Vanguard ETFs are share classes of the company’s mutual funds, which were also launched Wednesday. Through the Vanguard ETFs, investors may enjoy low costs and no minimum investments. For instance, VIGI has a 0.25% expense ratio, the same fees associated with Admiral shares of the mutual fund, which also require a $10,000 minimum investment. VYMI comes with a 0.30% expense ratio, the same costs for the respective Admiral shares.
ETF investors may also be familiar with the two new Vanguard additions as the Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF (NYSEArca: VIG ) and Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF (NYSEArca: VYM ) have been popular dividend plays among income-minded investors.
VIG, which has $19.5 billion in assets under management, tracks U. S. stocks that have increased dividends on a regular basis for at least 10 consecutive years and shows a 2.37% 12-month yield.
VYM, which has $12.3 billion in assets, targets high-yield U. S. companies and has a 3.31% 12-month yield.
Max Chen contributed to this article .
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Strategy To YieldBoost Federated National Holding From 0.8% To 24.3% Using Options
Shareholders of Federated National Holding Co. (FNHC ) looking to boost their income beyond the stock's 0.8% annualized dividend yield can sell the June covered call at the $25 strike and collect the premium based on the $1.60 bid, which annualizes to an additional 23.4% rate of return against the current stock price (at Stock Options Channel we call this the YieldBoost ), for a total of 24.3% annualized rate in the scenario where the stock is not called away. Any upside above $25 would be lost if the stock rises there and is called away, but FNHC shares would have to advance 5.3% from current levels for that to occur, meaning that in the scenario where the stock is called, the shareholder has earned a 12.1% return from this trading level, in addition to any dividends collected before the stock was called.
START SLIDESHOW : Top YieldBoost Calls of the S&P 500 »
In general, dividend amounts are not always predictable and tend to follow the ups and downs of profitability at each company. In the case of Federated National Holding Co. looking at the dividend history chart for FNHC below can help in judging whether the most recent dividend is likely to continue, and in turn whether it is a reasonable expectation to expect a 0.8% annualized dividend yield.
Binary Options Autotrader Signals – Is it a Scam or will it Make Me Rich?
Binary Options AutoTrader Signals
& # 8211; Excuse me Sir, can you please show me the quickest path to being rich? But I need a truckload of money and I need it quick… like yesterday.
& # 8211; Sure, just pay a signal provider and you’ll be fine. Money will be pouring in…
If only things were that easy, I would be the first to pay a Binary Options signal provider subscription and then lay back and enjoy the show. Desafortunadamente las cosas no son realmente tan simples y los estafadores están siempre buscando a un novato desprevenido a presa. Whenever money is involved, scammers appear and as we know, the Binary Options industry is plagued by the “Get Rich Quick” syndrome. Of course, I am not suggesting that all signal providers are scammers or bad traders, but the majority is. Sin embargo, hoy voy a hablar de un servicio que parece estar dirigido por comerciantes reales y honestos. Don’t get your hopes up, don’t sell the farm to invest. Sólo sigue leyendo para saber más sobre ellos.
How AutoTrader Signals works
Binary Options AutoTrader is a service provider service who allows automatic copy trading. What that means is that you don’t have to be in front of your computer when a signal is given because the software they provide does that automatically. Una vez que se suscriba a su servicio, podrá descargar una extensión de Chrome que hará todo el trabajo para usted y una vez que sus operadores abran una posición, el mismo comercio exacto se abrirá en su cuenta. En el momento que apoyan sólo un puñado de corredores por lo que tendrá que abrir una cuenta con los corredores, pero algunos de los nombres están entre nuestros corredores recomendados por lo que estoy seguro de que encontrará un fiable. On the AutoTrader website you will also find a step by step video explanation which I am sure will make things easier.
Monthly fee and average number of signals
They have different types of accounts, with different perks and subscription fees: the smallest monthly fee is $200 (Silver), followed by $1000 (Gold) and $3000 (Diamond). Gold and Diamond subscriptions have a big advantage: you will get your subscription money back if the month does not turn out to be profitable. If you ask me, that’s how all signal providers should do business. Después de todo, si el cliente paga una cuota mensual y encima de eso pierde dinero en el mercado debido a las señales proporcionadas, tendrá un mes realmente malo, pero el proveedor de señal gana de cualquier manera. Then, what’s their incentive to give good signals? None, because they make money no matter what. If the fee is returned to the customer in case of a losing month, it means the signal providers have to perform well and to improve their trading. They are motivated!
Binary Options AutoTrader had a Bronze Subscription which was free but the maximum investment per trade was $30 so you couldn’t make a lot of money out of that free subscription because its purpose was to test the service. Then, if you would find it satisfactory, you could go for a paid subscription and increase the amount traded. Lamentablemente, debido a cambios recientes, esta suscripción gratuita ya no está disponible. Sigue leyendo para ver por qué.
Proporcionan alrededor de 80 señales por mes, pero nos informan sobre la naturaleza variable de este número. Por supuesto, el mercado no es siempre el mismo, por lo que el número de señales cambia según las condiciones del mercado.
This is probably the main reason why I consider this signal provider better than others. Muestran estadísticas reales de rendimiento. Take that with a pinch of salt because I’m not an expert at deciding whether a picture is fake or real. But if you take a look at their Performance page you will notice their results are not outstanding; they are not a money making machine and losing months are there, just like winning months. Hey, that’s trading, it’s normal to lose sometimes, but their overall performance is in the green.
Últimamente AutoTrader está luchando con un mal desempeño global, que consiste en señales mediocres a malas, operaciones perdidas o operaciones que terminan ITM con un corredor pero OTM con otro. This initially determined them to suspend all new subscriptions until the problems are solved and it seems that now they released AutoTrader v4.7, a new version which allows integration with SpotOption v2 platform and is supposed to fix the compatibility and functionality issues they’ve been having. Unfortunately there’s another change: the free subscription are gone and the only way to get their signals is to pay. La suscripción de Bronce tendrá lugar de la Plata y será una suscripción pagada.
AutoTrader team explains the removal of free subscription the following way: “As you all know, we recently had issues with brokers inflating entry prices or dropping payouts for positions opened by the AutoTrader. This was due to the fact that too many positions were opened in the same direction at the same time, throwing broker’s risk management systems out of balance. To avoid these complications, we now have to limit the number of clients using our AutoTrader”. So the brokers’ risk management systems were thrown out of balance by 30 dollar orders (that was the maximum investment/trade allowed for a free subscription)… and the only solution was to remove the free subscriptions. Well, that’s their choice, of course, but at the moment, AutoTrader’s performance does not justify a paid subscription.
Is “Binary Options Autotrader” a Scam?
Their performance does not look fake, the Gold and Diamond subscriptions come with a money back guarantee in case of a losing month so they look legit. The owning company is SAS Neutrino, a piece of information easily available on the website, so you know who you are dealing with (well, you know a name but that’s a start) and on top of that, they previously suspended new subscriptions because “We recently experienced a lot of issues with brokers inflating entry prices and compatibility difficulties to the point that we can no longer honestly provide you with a good and profitable service ” . Notice the bolded part; I have never seen a signal provider suspend their subscription because they feel the service is no longer profitable. Usually they say something like “Hang tight and continue losing money until we fix the problem” or “Ah, it’s just a minor issue and it will be fixed soon”. Well, if there’s a problem, discontinue the service until that problem is solved – that’s the right way of doing it and that’s how the guys at Binary Options AutoTrader are doing it. To answer the question about them being scams: they don’t have the characteristics of a scam business and at the moment there is no major scam suspicion around them, but – as always – keep your eyes open.
So, should I subscribe to “Binary Options Autotrader”?
Some of you might know that I am not really a fan of automated copy trading or signal providers and that I believe everyone should learn how to trade rather than rely on someone else. Dicho esto, los chicos de Binario Opciones Autotrader están haciendo un buen trabajo en mi opinión (Check out AutoTrader Signals Forum Room). They are not telling you everything you want to hear – stuff like “Join us and live The Dream! Forget about money problems for the rest of your life” – and instead call things by their names, showing good trades and bad trades. I like the concern they show for their customers’ money and the fact that one of their affiliates keeps us updated each day on our Forum regarding their performance. For the time being, their performance is not very good but previous results show great success. If they can get their trading back In the Money, they could be a good choice for a trader looking for a signal service.
Darwin’s Inverse Leveraged Short ETF Strategy – Incredible Results Outlined
by Darwin on January 26, 2010
The time has arrived to finally unveil Darwin’s Inverse Leveraged Short ETF Strategy. If you’re wondering what it is and why it matters, in a nutshell, it has completely changed the face of trading for me – and it can for you too, if you have the access to the 2X or 3X Leveraged Funds required, if you enable margin trading, if you have the capital requirements and if you can monitor and sustain risk of loss. It’s a long name, and it can be complex to follow so please read along.
What is Darwin’s Inverse Leveraged Short ETF Strategy?
I will start at the most basic level and delve into increasing levels of complexity as we go. At it’s most basic level, you short opposing leveraged ETFs at the same time with equal funds. The desired outcome is a market-neutral strategy whereby you can reap significant returns over time regardless of what equities at large are doing. What wealthy investors pay a hedge fund manager 2% plus 20% of profits is now at your fingertips – with risks, that you must understand and manage. Take a look at the chart below for an example from 2009. I’ve charted the performance of the 3X short ETF, 3X Long ETF and the underlying sector ETF all related to the Financial Sector.
Note how the Blue Line (XLF – 1X Financials ETF) is up marginally over the period. Meanwhile, FAS, the 3X Leveraged Financial ETF is down close to 50% while FAZ, the 3X Short Financials ETF is down over 90%. If you shorted both FAS and FAZ for calendar year 2009, you made 50% on FAS and 90%+ on FAZ for a normalized gain of 70%. You made this 70% during one of the most tumultuous, volatile and desperate trading years in our generation. And get this – you’re not really putting up the funds to earn that 70% (sort of). You can be long in whatever you want (cash, stocks, bonds, whatever) and use your short capability to dedicate a portion of your portfolio to daul inverse short ETF positions as I outline below.
Wait, if one Leveraged ETF is up, the Inverse ETF must be down, right?
Nope – More often than not, they’re both down over long periods of time (just months, we’re not talking years here). That’s the tragedy (for long investors) and the beauty (for shorts). Due to daily rebalancing, which slowly erodes the value of these ETFs, everyone’s screaming from the rooftops that they’re bad buy and hold investments. In fact, there are numerous lawsuits against Direxion and Proshares for selling these “instruments of mass destruction” to retail investors – and even professional money managers – who can’t grasp the concept. Basically, if you’re going to take a number and go up 2%, down 2% bouncing back and forth, as long it’s not a steady march in one direction for weeks on end, both sides will decline over time. Try it out yourself in a spreadsheet – you’ll see – it’s that simple. Since they are such bad investments over time, rather than diving in head first and buying them; short them!
Darwin’s Actual Returns: Inverse Leveraged Short ETF Strategy
So as to remove any doubt, I’ve included the actual screenshot of my trading account as of this weekend where Ameritrade clearly outlines my total gains and losses since opening the position. In each of the pairs ( ERX ) ( ERY ) Energy, ( FAS ) ( FAZ ) Financials and ( GLL ) ( UGL ) Gold, I’m up. Note how the NET gain for each pair is positive – that’s the key. I’m up regardless of what happened to the underlying sectors. In order to understand what these returns would look like on an annualized basis, I’ve performed some nifty excel functions since I’ve only been in each position for a few months. I also made sure to include the impact of short dividend sales and distributions that occurred late last year (which makes my return look worse, not better).
You might be saying “ ¿Y qué? The S&P500 is up 65% since the bottom in March. And you’re wasting time making 37% . & # 8220; That would come from someone that’s totally missing the point. The market will not be up 65% again in the foreseeable future. The market will undergo corrections and lackluster years. This model is blissfully indifferent to the whims of the overall market returns. This model can also make 37% when the market is down . It can make 37% when the market is flat . By using sectors that aren’t correlated closely (oil, gold, financials), and offsetting the time of entry, I’m even introducing diversification into the returns of each pair.
Remember Madoff? People Lost Their Life Savings Chasing 12% in Any Market.
Well, this is as transparent as it gets and you can capture double digit gains annually in any market – as long as you manage and understand your risks as outlined below. I will continue to share my specific short trades and results here (Subscribe ).
Sounds Too Good to be True – What’s the Catch?
There’s an important factor I didn’t share yet – and I want to highlight it prominently. This model breaks down when the underlying sector takes off. There are margin issues to consider. There are several risks and considerations – please read the next section before trying this.
Risks and Considerations
I already have a disclaimer on my blog, but I want to reiterate that fact that I am not certified to provide financial advice. I am an individual trader and not your adviser. If you want to embark on a risky strategy that entails margin requirements, the ability to cover margin calls, the ability to sustain losses in the event of unforeseen market moves, and other risks that may not have been outlined here, you should consult your own adviser before doing so. I think you get the point. Aside from that, I want to highlight where this model breaks down and how I personally manage risk in my leveraged short portfolio:
Not Enough Shares to Short with Broker: I ran into this with my TMF/TMV Short Pair as evidenced in the performance snapshot. Basically, Ameritrade called up one day and said I had to close out my short position because there weren’t enough shares to short. This was a few months into the position and in looking back to 7/1/09, if I still held those shares short, I’d be up an impressive 19% on average since they each lost 19% over that
6 month period coincidentally ( see Short Treasury Pairs Chart Below ). That was one of those circumstances where each side of the trade lost a substantial amount of money over a brief period. Anyway, there’s really nothing you can do to prevent this from happening other than going with a larger online broker and going with the more prominent pairs. What I’ve found is that multiple pairs I’ve tried to short with multiple online brokers have not been available to short. So, I’ve had to settle with the 3 pairs I have going now.
Margin Call – Given the recent more stringent margin requirements for leveraged ETFs (which really did nothing to address the lack of understanding of these instruments and only made it more expensive to trade), it’s entirely plausible that when one of the pairs may have gained by say, 50% (meaning you’re 50% in the hole in a short position), even though it’s inverse ETF pair may have lost, say, 70% (meaning you have a 70% gain there, for a net 20% positive position), the customer service rep likely won’t even understand the math involved and quote procedure and say that you’ve either gotta pony up more capital or close out your short position. While this would still net you a gain overall in this hypothetical scenario, you may be margin called in a sub-optimal situation or have no extra cash to input.
Margin Costs – Depending on what sort of other capital and holdings you have in your portfolio, be careful that you’re not paying exorbitant margin fees to maintain this strategy. While I’m not getting hit with margin expenses because these positions aren’t occupying a majority of my portfolio, if you have this strategy eating up the max margin window, you may be paying 10%+ in margin fees to maintain a strategy that may not even make 10% for you ex-expenses.
Runaway Market - This is pretty much your largest risk. While I outlined how you can make money on both sides of the inverse leveraged ETF pairs in many situations, when an underlying index appreciates (or depreciates) so rapidly on a routine daily basis without a significant break in the trend, you can literally have runaway returns. Remember how you can say, make 40% on one side and lose 32% on the other side and still come out ahead? Well, what happens when a leveraged ETF returns over 100% in a given period? You can’t make more than 100% by shorting anything – it’s mathematically impossible. What would actually happen is your gain would be maxed out at around 90% while the runaway leveraged ETF could be up say, 200% (net loss of 110%). Recall, when you short something, your losses are infinite. See below on how I manage a Runaway Market. To demonstrate an extremely bad situation, see below ( Bad Chart) for what happened from the absolute pivot bottom in March until September in 2009. FAS was up over 500%. This would have killed an investor who stayed in short without taking evasive action.
How to React to a Runaway Leveraged Short ETF Situation
What do you do if you undertook the strategy when an underlying index takes off, delivering triple digit gains on one side of the coin? There are a few options at your disposal, none of them being optimal.
First, you could run for cover and just close your positions. You’d take a loss, which happens in trading. I’d advise against just closing your losing position and letting the other one run since it’s no different than just opening a 1-sided short position now, which is more akin to just picking a direction and shorting it as opposed to the market-neutral returns the Inverse Leveraged Short ETF Strategy is supposed to deliver.
The next strategy, which is what I’ve modeled out and started to do for one position when it ran involves offsetting risk of further loss and seeking a new market-neutral overlay position with stock options. It’s rather complex, and up front, one can’t possibly line out how every scenario must be confronted on a generic level. Much depends on which underlying index you’re dealing with, what volatility looks like, how far out of whack the inverse ETFs are, etc. This will be the subject of Part 2 (subscribe for free for future posts) of this series on Darwin’s Inverse Leveraged Short ETF Strategy. In short, you reset the equation with options (either puts or calls, writing or buying [depends on the situation]) such that if the dual short ETF strategy runs away on you, your are compensated by the overlaid options position(s). The bottom line is you’ve gotta be prepared for another run up or down because this runaway scenario can and does occur.
How Does This Strategy Fit Into My Portfolio?
As I alluded to earlier, there are now pretty rigid margin restrictions and lack of available shares to short out there, so you can’t go willy-nilly shorting all kinds of pairs without collateral to back it up. In my case, these short positions occupy a portion of a broader trading portfolio that includes long stock positions, options, credit spreads, and other strategies. As such, a failure of any one or two inverse short ETF pairs wouldn’t be devastating, nor would it trigger margin costs that I couldn’t readily rectify. I just want to make it clear that you can’t go open a trading account funded with $2,000 and go short $2,000 in ETF pairs. If you’re considering this, consider how it fits into your broader portfolio, if at all.
Why Am I Telling the World About This Strategy?
I’m not the only smart guy out there who’s figured it out. And I’m not that smart – the traders at Goldman and the quant funds are smart. There are probably crazy blocks of trades going on exploiting this stuff on a daily basis with all kinds of derivatives, options and futures supplementing these strategies. Think of this as the poor man’s hedge fund. As such, it’s only a matter of time before it’s out there, so why not be the first to publicize and share what I’m doing? I wanted to allow several months of tested data to show that I was putting my money where my mouth is, and it’s looking good at this point. Might wider adoption result in fewer shares to short, impacting my ability to continue to do this into the future? Maybe, but there will likely be an ample supply of uninformed retail investors continuing to flood into long positions in leveraged ETFs despite my best attempts to highlight Leveraged ETF Risks of value decay over time.
This is what a good chart looks like – when both sides of the Leveraged ETF Pair lose value over a short period of time. Just let it ride!
Here’s What a BAD Chart would Look Like:
When this happens, you can’t sit idly by and watch your margin short position take off. Back at the 50% up mark on FAS, I would have taken evasive action as outlined above.
Check out the tickers in the lists below, plot them side by side in Yahoo! Finance or Google Finance charts and move the slider around. You’ll find some cases where this worked out beautifully and some where you could be caught with a losing position. The trick is to find the right pairs and manage the position closely by checking at least once per week.
Full Leveraged ETF List for your reference.
If you need ETF Tickers for general sectors, here are over 800 ETF Tickers by Description.
This post will surely result in some discussion and questions.
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It’s Time To Rethink Your Social Security Claiming Strategy
It’s Time To Rethink Your Social Security Claiming Strategy by Robert Dietz, Alliance Bernstein
Retirees in the US can control when they begin to receive Social Security benefits, but a recent rule change has narrowed the options for married couples. Now is the time to reevaluate your plan. You may be among the lucky few who can still claim benefits under the old rules, if you act before April 29.
Workers in the US can begin to receive Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62. However, the annual benefit at 62 will be some 25% less than if you wait until full retirement age (FRA), which is age 66 to 67, depending on your date of birth. Between FRA and age 70, you can earn delayed retirement credits that can increase the annual benefit by as much as 8% per year.
Given these choices, some people simplify the question to: Should you wait and receive higher annual benefits, or would you be better off receiving smaller payouts over a longer period of time? Yet, this simple question does not account for variations in longevity. Also, married retirees need to coordinate their claiming strategies.
In our analysis, when you should begin receiving benefits depends primarily on the overall health of your retirement plan—on whether you have enough core capital, the wealth needed to fund your spending needs throughout retirement. We quantify core capital for retirees using a proprietary financial model that stress tests spending through poor markets, periods of high inflation, and long life expectancies. The key drivers are your current age, marital status, spending rate, and investment allocation.
If your assets are at or above your core capital amount . then the most important factor in your decision should be your life expectancy. As long as you expect at least an average lifespan, we generally recommend initiating benefits at FRA or even later, instead of age 62. Fewer but larger payments are likely to maximize your wealth.
If you’re married, it is important to base your expectations on your joint life expectancy with your spouse, because your spouse may be eligible for a survivor benefit that is equal to the value of your own benefit. Waiting until age 70 to claim benefits can maximize the benefit for yourself and for your surviving spouse.
If you haven’t met your core capital requirement . you would be better off waiting until age 70, our research shows. You might think that it is better to support spending with Social Security payouts as soon as possible, because your plan is underfunded. But waiting until age 70 to get higher benefits in effect provides low-cost, inflation-adjusted longevity insurance that is backed by the federal government. If you or your spouse, or both, live well into your 90s, you’ll need it.
Social Security – The New Rules
In order to close “unintended loopholes,” the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 eliminates the file and suspend tactic as of April 30, 2016, and further restricts eligibility for the restricted application.
The file and suspend tactic allowed a married person (here, the “Primary”) to file for retirement benefits at his or her FRA and then suspend the actual payments. This allowed the spouse to collect spousal benefits based on the Primary’s earnings record, while allowing the suspended retirement benefit to grow by 8% a year to age 70.
However, you can still take advantage of the file and suspend tactic if you will be at least 66 on April 29, 2016, and submit a request to suspend benefits by the same date. If you meet these guidelines and are interested in this option, check with your Social Security office to see if you are eligible.
The restricted application tactic allowed one-half of a dual-earner married couple to claim spousal benefits at FRA without also claiming his or her own retirement benefits. By filing a restricted application at FRA, one-half of the couple could receive a “free” spousal benefit while allowing their primary retirement benefits to grow by 8% a year to age 70.
You can still file a restricted application when you reach age 66, if you were born in 1953 or earlier. However, the change in file and suspend rules outlined above means that your spouse will have to be receiving a worker benefit when you apply.
Choosing the right claiming strategy ultimately depends on your unique circumstances and goals. Bernstein’s investment planning and core capital framework can help you understand your options and secure your retirement goals.
Bernstein does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult professionals in those areas before making any decisions.
Taking the Mystery Out of Inherited IRAs and the Stretch Strategy
IRA holders generally name beneficiaries to inherit the assets in their Traditional, Roth, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA. Beneficiaries are required to eventually take Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from an inherited IRA, and the amount and payout period, after the IRA holder’s death, depends on who is designated as the IRA beneficiary(ies) and their age at the time of the IRA holder’s death. T o manage taxes, most beneficiaries choose to take the smallest payment that the law allows, and at the latest possible date, which allows the IRA the potential to grow tax deferred over their lifetime.
Inheriting an IRA
If a spouse is named as the primary beneficiary of an IRA, they have the following options after the holder’s death:
· Establish a beneficiary IRA account and eventually begin RMDs
· Deplete the entire balance before the end of the fifth year following the year of the IRA holder’s death (available if the IRA holder had not started RMDs, i. e. died before age 70Ѕ, or the inherited IRA is a Roth IRA)
· Roll the assets into their own IRA (and name their own beneficiaries)
A rollover is the most popular choice, as it could possibly stop or slow RMDs that were currently being taken by the now deceased IRA holder. When the spouse beneficiary turns 70Ѕ, RMDs must begin using the IRS Uniform Lifetime Table to determine payouts. After the spouse beneficiary’s death, the assets pass to his or her own designated beneficiaries.
Non-spouse beneficiaries who inherit IRAs do not have the rollover option . However, the following options are available:
· Deplete the entire balance before the end of the fifth year following the year of the IRA holder’s death (available if the IRA holder had not started RMDs, i. e. died before age 70Ѕ, or the inherited IRA is a Roth IRA)
· RMDs based on their own life expectancy, determined by referencing the IRS Single Life Expectancy Table
To “stretch” is a strategy to distribute the IRA assets well beyond the lifetime of the person who established the IRA. In order to do this, after the holder’s death:
The designated beneficiary(ies) chooses to take RMDs based on their own single life expectancy and must begin by December 31 of the year following the IRA holder’s death.
Upon inheriting the IRA, the beneficiary is allowed to name their own beneficiary(ies) through a designation of beneficiary form, if the IRA custodian permits.
If the beneficiary of the inherited IRA dies before reaching their full life expectancy, the IRA assets can continue to be paid to the next beneficiary over the remaining distribution period of the deceased beneficiary.
As an example, an individual who is age 70Ѕ names a grandchild who is 15 years old as a beneficiary. While the IRA holder is alive, the RMDs are paid over a 27.4-year period (Uniform Lifetime Table factor). After five years, the IRA holder dies. The beneficiary, who is now 20, must continue to take RMDs in the year following the IRA holder’s death. However, the payments will now be based on the grandchild’s own single life expectancy factor, which is 62.1 years (IRS Single Life Expectancy Table) for someone age 21. And, if the tax laws don’t change, the 62.1 years is a guaranteed payout period to the beneficiary or to the beneficiary’s named beneficiary(ies).
RMD taxation and penalties
Although distributions are taxed at the beneficiary’s tax level, the 10% penalty associated with IRA distributions to those under 59 Ѕ years of age is not applicable for inherited IRA distributions. However, failure to take a RMD will result in a 50% excise penalty tax on the undistributed amount.
Distribution Reference Chart
The following chart may be used to determine inherited IRA Required Minimum Distributions. Beneficiary options vary depending upon if death occurred before or after the IRA holder reached their Required Beginning Date (RBD). Note that a beneficiary’s age as of December 31 of the year of distribution is used to determine the life expectancy (LE) factor for RMDs.
The NYSE Tick (or $TICK) indicator is not commonly or normally used for Binary Options trading, but after seeing this video I began to see where it’s value could be applied. This isn’t an indicator that you will find on most (or any that I found) regular free stock charts as an add-on indicator. In fact, I had a difficult time finding a stand-alone one that would show the NYSE tick in a 5 minute frame, but here is where you can find it also: NYSE Tick Chart You will simply have to select the “1 Day” timeframe and then it will display 5 minute bars and keep it open in a different tab from your regular chart(s) and trading platform.
The interesting thing about this indicator, as the narrator points out, is that it shows you what the massive institutional investors and giant hedge funds are doing. And because these are the creatures that truly “wag the dog”, I beleive this may give some valuable insight into where the market for the rest of us (retail traders & binary options traders) may be about to go in the near future.
If this indicator works wonders for traditional traders and day traders, why the hell wouldn’t it work for us Binar Options traders?
Until you personally do some backtesting and paper trading, I wouldn’t bet the farm but I do think that, after getting a better understanding of this NYSE TICK / $TICK indicator, it could be a really useful tool.
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These Low-Cost Strategies Can Save Your Retirement
Curtis Johnson—Getty Images
How to turn your tax-deferred savings into the secure and prosperous retirement you're looking for.
This is the first in a four-part series covering one of the most powerful tools on the road to retirement security: tax-advantaged savings. Even if you don’t have a 401(k) through your employer, you still have access to other tax-deferred plans that can help you jump-start—and turbocharge—your retirement. What follows are the four key strategies you need to know. Today: Keep costs low.
Over the past few years, retirement savers have absorbed an important message: Keeping costs low is crucial. The lower your investment fees, the more gains you can hold on to.
Fund fees are falling, according to a 2015 survey by the 401(k) rating firm BrightScope and the Investment Company Institute trade association. From 2009 to 2013, 401(k) stock funds’ average expense ratio—the percentage of assets each year that go to the manager, not you—fell to 0.54%, down from 0.64% in 2009. Trends are similar at 403(b)s, the usual retirement plans at nonprofits and state and local governments.
In your retirement plan—especially if you work for the federal government or a large company or nonprofit—you might see low-fee funds not open to you otherwise, since individuals don’t have a big plan’s bargaining power. At a smaller operation, however, you might find yourself paying high fees instead. The BrightScope/ICI 401(k) data show that workers in small plans—those with less than $10 million in assets—pay an average of 0.81% for domestic stocks, vs. just 0.44% for savers in plans holding at least $1 billion. Over 25 years, paying those higher fees would set you back $34,000, assuming 6% average annual gains on a $100,000 opening balance.
“When it comes to retirement investments, one of the first things you should look at is the cost of each fund,” says Wharton economics professor Olivia Mitchell.
Smart Moves
Know your costs. Have a 401(k). Check your account statements for fund fees. Have a 403(b). You may have to search company websites or call customer service to get the expense ratios. Work for the U. S. For each of the funds in your Thrift Savings Plan, the expense ratio is a minuscule 0.03%.
Go low, if you can. Choose funds with the lowest expense ratios. Those are usually index funds, though larger plans may have actively managed portfolios with rock-bottom fees. A good benchmark: Look for U. S. stock funds with expense ratios below 0.5%, bond funds below 0.4%, and specialty funds (such as international funds) below 0.8%. If you have an IRA or a solo 401(k), where you can get a wider selection, index funds are your lowest-cost option.
Look elsewhere, if you can’t. Should your employer’s funds be too expensive, invest only enough to take full advantage of any match. Then put the rest of your money—up to $5,500, if you’re under 50—in a Roth IRA, an individual retirement account that not only grows tax-free but also lets you withdraw earnings tax-free after age 59 1/2. Your ability to contribute to a Roth, though, starts phasing out once your income exceeds $184,000 for married couples filing jointly ($117,00 for singles). If you max out a Roth or can’t save in one, try a traditional IRA, which lets your money grow tax-deferred until retirement time. But first look at your W-2—and your spouse’s, if you’re married—to see whether box 13, labeled “retirement plan,” is checked. No checked boxes? Your contribution is deductible. At least one checked box in the house? Deductibility phases out at $61,000 if you’re single, $98,000 if both spouses participate in a plan, and $184,000 if only one is covered.
If you don’t qualify for a deduction, you can save in a taxable account that holds tax-efficient investments—those that generate few short-term gains or dividends. Your best bets are index funds and municipal bonds.
Alternatively, if you’re in a high-cost 403(b): Once you’ve gotten your match, contribute to your 457 plan, if available. A 457, offered by about 15% of employers with 403(b)s, may have better choices, says Scott Dauenhauer, a financial adviser in Murrieta, Calif. In a bad Simple IRA? Ask if the plan has a designated financial institution. If not, you can direct your savings to the fund group you want, says Louisville planner Andrew Sloan.
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Reduce Risk in Your Investment Portfolio With These Four "Shock Absorbers"
by Carl Delfeld. Investment U's Global Equities and Emerging Markets Expert
Thursday, March 31, 2011: Issue #1481
In the immediate aftermath of the Japanese earthquake, uncertainty and volatility reigned, both for the people directly affected and investors, too.
For the latter, it was a powerful reminder of portfolio risk management and the typical response to a crisis. Many people whose portfolios weren't adequately prepared for the shock let their emotions rule and engaged in a furious bout of panic selling.
However, there are some simple ways to cushion the blow when markets turn against you.
Shock Absorber #1: Trailing Stops
We've all been there. You buy a stock and its value quickly rises. Then it begins to decline. ¿Qué haces? Buy more, let it ride, or sell?
Save yourself a lot of pain and agony by following a simple rule: If a position ever falls by more than 25% from its high, sell it immediately and reassess the situation.
Why 25%? Because this sort of decline typically indicates that the fundamentals have broken down and it's time to exit. However, if your risk tolerance isn't as high, you can set a tighter stop at 10% to 20%.
Shock Absorber #2: Hedging Your Risk With ETF Put Options
Two of the fastest-growing markets over the past few years are exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and options. And today, roughly 40% of ETFs have options available that you can use to hedge your risk on positions.
Many ETF investors are unaware of this, though.
To see if options are available for a specific ETF, just go to Yahoo! Finance and enter the ticker symbol. On the left side, you'll see a menu. Just click on the "options" link and if options are available, they'll show up.
One of the simplest ways to use options for downside protection is by buying puts to hedge against long ETF positions. For example, you could take out what I call "China insurance."
Suppose you think the Chinese market will rise, but you're uncomfortable with the downside risk that also comes with investing there. You could do two things.
Invest in a China ETF like the iShares FTSE China 25 Index Fund (NYSE: FXI ) or select some individual Chinese ADR stocks.
At the same time, you could purchase a put option on FXI, with an expiration date in January 2012 or 2013. The cost of this is the "premium," which will depend on the "strike price" you choose.
Doing this ensures that you're positioned to profit from upside on the Chinese stocks or FXI, while also having the put option to cover against any losses.
If you're new to the options world, however, be sure to do your homework before jumping in. In our Investment U archives, we've got a ton of educational material and "how to" articles on various options strategies .
Shock Absorber #3: Inverse ETF Hedges
Speaking of ETFs, there are funds that move in the opposite direction to the indexes/sectors that they cover. These are known as inverse ETFs.
For example, if you strongly believe that emerging markets are overvalued, you could play that theory through the ProShares Short MSCI Emerging Market ETF (NYSE: EUM ), which moves in the opposite direction to the MSCI Emerging Market index.
There are a plethora of inverse ETFs available on a wide range of areas, such as oil, gold, Treasuries and currencies.
Shock Absorber #4: Cash Can Be King. But Use it Wisely
Many investors have a hard time holding too much cash in a portfolio. In order for the portfolio to grow effectively, the cash needs to be put to work. However, it's a lot smarter to invest gradually, rather than toss it into the market at once.
Likewise, shifting to 100% cash in your portfolio is almost always a blunder. But in a sharp market downturn when your positions hit their trailing stops. it's wise to replenish your cash reserves and then follow a calm plan to put it to work.
Employ these four "shock absorbers" in your portfolio and they'll help you manage risk better and avoid panic selling.
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USO: Tap the Oil ETF for Torrential Cash Flow
Crude oil is experiencing one of its largest down days since its rousing recovery began in mid-February. The king of oil exchange-traded funds — The United States Oil Fund ( USO ) — is down over 3% in Monday’s afternoon trading.
Traders familiar with the mean reverting nature of asset prices are altogether unsurprised at Monday’s downdraft. Given the gargantuan gains in the oil patch a pullback was inevitable.
If you’re a believer in the ongoing USO rebound, any and all dips should be viewed as future profit generators. If the much anticipated bottom has actually formed in crude oil and February’s lows hold for months to come, then dips are now buyable in black gold.
While it’s always difficult to discern exactly how much a stock will pullback before buyers rush in to halt the descent, technical analysis does provide a few time-tested tools to make some educated guesses.
One oft-watched metric known to be a gathering ground for dip buyers is the moving average. The 20- and 50-day MA in particular are hot spots for support to materialize. As shown in the accompanying chart, both averages are sitting at $9.17. Should the oil pullback persist, the $9.17 zone is as logical an area for USO to bounce as any.
One more support identifying tool is the Fibonacci retracement, which simply measures the magnitude of a stock’s descent relative to its prior ascent.
For example, USO has rallied from $7.67 (Feb 11 low) to $10.29 (March 11 high) over the past month.
If we draw a Fib retracement from the low to the high we discover a 38.2% retracement of the advance would take USO down to $9.28. This is one of the first areas where buyers often congregate to halt the decline and kickoff a new advance.
Drill for Cash in USO
Regardless of where support ends up materializing, traders have a number of profit-generating strategies beckoning in the options market. And USO options are the poster child for liquidity, making them a cinch to trade.
If you’re willing to wager the oil ETF remains above the $9 level for the month ahead, sell the April $9 put for 25 cents. The max reward is limited to the initial 25 cents and will be captured if the put expires out-of-the-money at expiration.
The margin requirement (i. e. the amount of money your broker will tie up as collateral for the trade) should come in somewhere around $100 due to the low price tag of USO, giving the trade a fantastic return on investment.
By selling the put you obligate yourself to buy 100 shares of USO at $9 if the put sits in-the-money at April expiration.
At the time of this writing Tyler Craig owned short calls and puts on USO.
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Dialysis Options
The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. A licensed healthcare professional should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any medical conditions.
Dialysis is a method of removing waste products and excess fluid from your body after your kidneys have failed. 1 Kidney dialysis is an artificial process that performs the two main functions of the kidneys:
filtering waste from the blood; y
balancing the body’s fluid levels.
There are two types of dialysis: peritoneal dialysis (PD) and haemodialysis (HD). 2
Your clinical condition is only one factor in determining which dialysis treatment is best suited to you. Often the decision depends on a number of external factors including your lifestyle and support available.
It is important that you seek information on dialysis from a range of sources before choosing a suitable method. You should also discuss your options with your doctor, renal healthcare team and family.
If, after starting dialysis treatment, you feel you’ve made an incorrect choice or your circumstances have changed, it is usually possible to change your treatment methods. Asking your doctor or renal healthcare team about new treatments is the best way to keep up-to-date with your treatment options.
Filtering waste from the blood
During dialysis waste and excess water pass from the blood into a liquid called dialysate for removal from the body by a process called diffusion.
A thin layer of natural tissue (in peritoneal dialysis) or of synthetic plastic (in haemodialysis), known as the dialysis membrane, keeps the blood separate from the dialysis fluid. Blood cells are too large to pass through the dialysis membrane, though waste and water can diffuse into the dialysis fluid. Wastes are then removed from the body by extracting the dialysis fluid.
Balancing the body's fluid levels
In both haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, a process called ultrafiltration removes excess fluid.
In haemodialysis, the fluid is simply drawn from the blood by the dialysis machine. The amount of water to be removed can be varied by changing the dialyser’s settings.
In peritoneal dialysis a substance (most commonly glucose) is added to the blood to draw water out in a process called osmosis. Peritoneal dialysis solution containing a lot of glucose will draw out more fluid than a weaker solution.
Peritoneal dialysis (PD)
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) uses the peritoneum, a natural membrane lining the cavity of your abdomen. The membrane has tiny holes that allow waste products and fluid to filter from your blood.
Bags of dialysis fluid (dialysate) are attached to your body with a small, soft plastic tube, called a PD catheter. The catheter is inserted into your abdomen in a minor procedure. Approximately 18 centimetres of the catheter remain outside your body allowing you to easily change your dialysate as often as your doctor prescribes.
During the dwell phase (the time dialysate remains in the abdomen) excess water and waste products from the blood are drawn across your peritoneal membrane into the dialysate. The process of waste removal, as in haemodialysis, is called diffusion. The removal of excess water, osmosis, is aided by another substance within the dialysis fluid, usually glucose.
The substance (eg. glucose) is added to your blood and draws excess fluid from it. A thin layer of natural tissue, your peritoneal membrane, separates the blood from the dialysate. While your blood cells are too large to pass through the semi-permeable membrane, excess water is drawn into the dialysate by the glucose. Ultrafiltration is complete. The excess water now in the dialysate needs to be changed in a process called an exchange.
Your doctor will prescribe the number of exchanges to be performed each day and the amount and type of dialysate to be used.
There are two types of PD – continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) and automated peritoneal dialysis (APD). At renal units, specialist nurses will train you to perform CAPD or APD treatments safely, so you may continue your treatment at home, returning regularly to the renal unit for check-ups.
Both types of PD allow you to be relatively independent and manage your own care at home. Travel for business or pleasure may also be arranged with a little pre-planning.
PD in brief
Fit your treatment around your lifestyle
Independence – mostly you perform the treatment yourself
Fewer visits to the dialysis unit (usually once a month)
Works during sleep time for some people
Continuous therapy is gentler and more like your natural kidney function
Portable and flexible – easy to take your treatment with you when you travel
Less fluid and diet restrictions
No needles
Better blood pressure control
You need to be well trained
Permanent catheter access required
Some risk of infection
May show a slightly larger waistline (due to carrying fluid)
Storage space required in your home
Possible changes in your appearance due to medications side effects
Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)
If you choose to treat your kidney failure with Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) you will be required to perform your PD manually (dialysate fluid is drawn in and out of the body with the aid of gravity and a system of tubing and bags connected to you externally) with three-to-five exchanges per day.
CAPD allows gravity to draw dialysate in and out of the peritoneal cavity, using a system of tubing and bags.
CAPD requires you to connect tubing and a bag of sterile dialysate to the peritoneal catheter. The bag is elevated to shoulder level, allowing the solution to flow into the peritoneum.
It is during the dwell phase (when the fluid remains in the peritoneum cavity) that the dialysis or transfer of waste into fluid occurs. Waste products and excess fluid pass from the blood, through your peritoneal membrane (lining of the abdomen), which acts as a filter, and into the dialysate.
Once diffusion is complete, you are required to drain all fluid and waste from your peritoneal cavity and replace the dialysate with fresh solution in a process called an “exchange”.
How does a CAPD exchange work?
An exchange of dialysis fluid in CAPD is simple and you will be trained over a week or two to perform exchanges on yourself.
The basic steps are:
Connect the tubing set to the catheter
Drain out the used solution
Fill with fresh solution
Disconnect tubing set from the catheter
Discard the used solution and disposable tubing and bags
An exchange takes about 30 minutes, with most CAPD people requiring three to five exchanges a day.
If you have limited eyesight or decreased use of your hands there are devices available to make performing exchanges easier. Ask your renal care team about devices that may help you.
Automated peritoneal dialysis (APD)
Automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) is performed by a machine, called a cycler, while you sleep.
Like CAPD, APD uses your peritoneal membrane as a filter to draw waste and excess fluid from your blood into a dialysate solution.
The APD machine automatically controls the timing of exchanges, drains the used solution and fills the peritoneal cavity with new solution, based on the prescribed number of exchanges.
For extra treatment, dialysis solution remains in your peritoneal cavity during the day. The peritoneal cavity of most adults can comfortably hold two-to-three litres of fluid. 2
How does APD work?
When you go to bed, connect your PD catheter to the APD machine and switch on the machine.
The APD machine carries out exchanges automatically overnight while you are sleeping. The machine carefully measures the amount of fluid that goes into your peritoneal cavity and the amount that comes out. This usually continues for eight-to-10 hours, with a last fill that remains throughout the day.
In the morning, you disconnect from the machine and go about your day.
APD is a simple procedure, the machines are easy to operate and have built-in safety devices. They are portable (around the size of a small suitcase) and may be used wherever there is an electricity supply.
Haemodialysis (HD)
Haemodialysis (HD) is a machine-assisted blood filtration method which removes waste and excess fluid from your blood in a dialyser (or artificial kidney) outside your body.
HD requires a doctor to surgically create permanent access to your blood stream, via your arm or thigh, allowing blood to be diverted from your body, through the dialyser and back into your blood stream.
There are two types of permanent access – a fistula and a graft. A fistula is the surgical linking of an artery to a vein, providing access to blood vessels. A graft is a tube surgically placed under the skin linking an artery to a vein.
During HD treatment two needles are inserted into the access point. Plastic tubes attached to these needles connect them to a dialyser. 3 The blood, about 200mL at any one time, is drawn from your body via one needle and pumped through the dialyser. An artificial membrane separates the blood from the dialysis fluid but allows waste and excess water to diffuse through from the blood.
The clean blood is then returned to your body via the second needle or tube and the needles are removed at the end of each session. Each session lasts three-to-six hours and is usually performed three times a week.
It is likely you will feel tired and weak following HD treatment.
Haemodialysis treatments may be administered:
In hospital – in a renal unit within the hospital campus
Satellite centre – in a minimal care unit where you are more involved in the treatment process.
At home – where you are largely responsible for your treatment sessions and have more flexibility in the timing of each treatment.
Hospital and Satellite Haemodialysis
If you choose to under-go hospital or satellite HD you must be committed to participating in a dialysis session at least three times a week for four-to-five hours at a time. Activities during dialysis are limited to watching television, reading, talking or sleeping.
Nurses at the unit will prepare the equipment, insert the needles and supervise you during each session, however most units will encourage you to play an active role in your own treatment. This may involve checking your own blood pressure, inserting needles or getting yourself on and off the dialysis machine.
If you perform your dialysis at a minimal or self-care satellite centre, you will be even more involved in your treatment. Under medical supervision you may prepare the dialysis machine, insert the needles, adjust pump speeds and machine setting and chart your own progress.
Hospital and Satellite HD in brief
Regular contact with other dialysis patients and staff
3 treatments per week (4 days off)
No equipment or supplies kept at home
Immediate access to medical help during therapy
Travel to clinic 3 times/week on a fixed schedule
Permanent access required, usually in your arm
Insertion of 2 needles for each treatment
Restricted diet/limited fluid intact
Possible discomfort such as headache, nausea, leg cramps, tiredness
Home haemodialysis (Home HD)
HD machines are sometimes available for use at home if your Haemodialysis team decides you are suitable for this method of treatment. These machines have many built-in safety features and require you to have someone around (a partner or family member) each time you are on the machine.
Some renal units have a designated home Haemodialysis nurse, who provides education and support for people using home HD. These specialist nurses will also monitor your treatment and provide a link between you and the staff at the renal unit. This nurse will spend one-to-three months thoroughly training you to use the home dialysis machine, as there are many technical aspects that you must fully understand before you can perform dialysis unsupervised.
Home HD treatments may be performed three times a week under the supervision of another person in your home. You will have considerable freedom in deciding when to dialyse and will not have to travel to a renal unit for treatment sessions. For these reasons, home haemodialysis may be an ideal option for you if you value your independence or need to fit your treatments into a busy schedule.
To undergo home HD you will need a special water supply at home, space to accommodate the Haemodialysis machine and stocks of dialysis supplies.
Home HD in brief
Help from family members
More control overtimes to dialyse
No travel to clinic for treatment
Works during sleep time for some people
3 treatments per week (4 days off)
You need to be well trained
Permanent access required, usually in your arm
Insertion of 2 needles for each treatment
Restricted diet/limited fluid intact
Possible discomfort such as headache, nausea, leg cramps, tiredness
Storage space required for equipment and supplies
Call 000 (Australia) or 111 (New Zealand) in the event of an emergency during treatment
Choosing the dialysis that is best for you
Daugirdas, J. Blake, P. & Ing, T. 2007, Handbook of Dialysis, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, USA, p. 165-8.
Cutler, R. 2003, Kidney Failure in The Merck Manual of Medical Information, 2nd Edition, West Point, PA, USA, p. 833.
Stein, A, Wild, J. & Auer, J. 2002, Kidney Dialysis and Transplants, Class Publishing, London, UK, p. 90.
Home Dialysis Information by Kidney Health Australia
Baxter Healthcare believes that any person requiring treatment for renal disease should make an informed choice about the different treatment options available to themselves or their loved ones.
Baxter Healthcare recommends the Kidney Health Australia websites for detailed unbiased patient information on Kidney Disease and treatment options available.
Kidney Disease Resources
For additional resources on kidney disease, please click on one of the links below.
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All good things must come to an end and that is true of the Earth Policy Institute. We closed our doors on July 1, 2015. This website is now being hosted by Rutgers University and will continue to remain live, but without updates, for years to come.
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Birth of America II: Wars in America 1750-1815 is the expanded reprise of veteran developer AGEODs acclaimed first release, which allows players to command either side of the conflicts before, during and after the American War for Independence between 1636 and 1815. Apart from the engaging turn-based strategy play that has been expanded and vastly improved over the original, Birth of America II includes major new features like an improved and expanded map, new European off-map boxes and more.
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This medium campaign scenario starts in 1880 with most major powers having a solid industrial base and solved domestic issues (Civil War in the USA, Meiji reforms in Japan) or international recognition (Germany and Italy have succeeded in their unification process).
Genre: Strategic Timeline: Inter War Period
Innovative Change Innovative Change Number of organizations: 331
Life and Death Life and Death Number of organizations: 83
Language Language Number of organizations: 740
Environment Environment Number of organizations: 3438
Information Information Number of organizations: 1389
Philosophy Philosophy Number of organizations: 248
Societal Problems Societal Problems Number of organizations: 590
Ekistics Ekistics Number of organizations: 115
Cybernetics Cybernetics Number of organizations: 588
Astronomy Astronomy Number of organizations: 116
Peace Peace Number of organizations: 486
Culture Culture Number of organizations: 909
Development Development Number of organizations: 2664
Plant Life Plant Life Number of organizations: 573
Oceanography Oceanography Number of organizations: 441
Science Science Number of organizations: 803
Aesthetics Aesthetics Number of organizations: 285
Geology Geology Number of organizations: 458
Defence Defence Number of organizations: 711
Society Society Number of organizations: 4573
Agrosciences Agrosciences Number of organizations: 33
Social Activity Social Activity Number of organizations: 5825
Earth Earth Number of organizations: 60
Strategy Strategy Number of organizations: 213
Conservation Conservation Number of organizations: 1700
Climatology Climatology Number of organizations: 374
Agriculture/Fisheries Agriculture/Fisheries Number of organizations: 1016
Biosciences Biosciences Number of organizations: 916
Health Care Health Care Number of organizations: 3401
Research/Standards Research/Standards Number of organizations: 4100
Hydrology Hydrology Number of organizations: 421
Meteorology Meteorology Number of organizations: 135
Amenities Amenities Number of organizations: 1541
History History Number of organizations: 385
Transportation/Telecommunications Transportation/Telecommunications Number of organizations: 2874
Fundamental Sciences Fundamental Sciences Number of organizations: 1833
Morals Morals Number of organizations: 219
Economics Economics Number of organizations: 798
Policy-making Policy-making Number of organizations: 469
Theology Theology Number of organizations: 1555
Education Education Number of organizations: 3808
Geophysics Geophysics Number of organizations: 50
Informatics/Classification Informatics/Classification Number of organizations: 441
Community Community Number of organizations: 55
Psychology Psychology Number of organizations: 309
Law Law Number of organizations: 3037
Management/Administration Management/Administration Number of organizations: 762
Communication Communication Number of organizations: 1386
Resources Resources Number of organizations: 754
Government Government Number of organizations: 2173
Design Design Number of organizations: 114
Religious Practice Religious Practice Number of organizations: 1792
Recreation Recreation Number of organizations: 2485
Mankind Mankind Number of organizations: 187
Commerce Commerce Number of organizations: 3670
Technology Technology Number of organizations: 1186
Security Security Number of organizations: 188
Zoology Zoology Number of organizations: 646
Industry Industry Number of organizations: 2686
International Relations International Relations Number of organizations: 827
Sociology Sociology Number of organizations: 215
Geography Geography Number of organizations: 773
Metapolitics Metapolitics Number of organizations: 253
Medicine Medicine Number of organizations: 3760
Number of International Organizations by Subject of Activity in 2013
About UIA
The Union of International Associations (UIA) is a research institute and documentation centre, based in Brussels. It was founded over one hundred years ago. in 1907, by Henri La Fontaine (Nobel Peace Prize laureate of 1913), and Paul Otlet. a founding father of what is now called information science.
Non-profit, apolitical, independent, and non-governmental in nature, the UIA has been a pioneer in the research, monitoring and provision of information on international organizations, international associations and their global challenges since 1907.
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NAPSNET Special Report Philip Dorling March 15, 2016 I. INTRODUCTION Operation Crowflight has long b.
Since its founding in Berkeley, California in 1992, the Nautilus Institute has evolved into a thriving public policy think-tank and community resource. Along the way it has addressed critical security and sustainability issues such as the United States nuclear policy in Korea and the effect of the U. S.-China relationship on environmental insecurity. The Institute has built a reputation not only for innovative research and analysis of critical global problems, it also translates ideas into practical solutions, often with high impact.
The Institute convenes a community of scholars and practitioners who conduct research on strategies to solve interconnected global problems. Our Associates and Partners are located in Asia, North America, Europe, Australia and India. With our network of partner organizations and associates, we develop and apply these strategies to the linked threats of nuclear war, urban and energy insecurity, and climate change in the Asia Pacific region.
Nautilus encourages civil society to strengthen regional governance of these common problems and shared solutions.
NK News reported Nautilus’s key conclusion: “It appears likely, therefore, that the main impacts will be on households using kerosene for lighting, a small amount of cooking, and a directly proportional amount of space heating in winter time.
The Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability, led by Australian defence academic Des Ball, reveal details of the facility that few of us would know about. Richard Tanter of Nautilus Institute, said the facility essentially remained top sec.
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Where’s math in this play? Open Minds book is out, and our new book bundle. Newsletter March 7, 2016
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A Math Circle Journey
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Rice and circumference go together? Why, yes, they do! Yesterday, I was playing with the Going in Circles spark from the Inspired by Calculus class with my online class and my children. We did this activity. We had so much fun verifying that the difference in the lengths of string was really the … Read more ›
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2, 3, 12. Call, invite, summon imply requesting the presence or attendance of someone at a particular place. Call is the general word: to call a meeting. To invite is to ask someone courteously to come as a guest, a participant, etc. leaving the person free to refuse: to invite guests to a concert; to invite them to contribute to a fund. Summon implies sending for someone, using authority or formality in making the request and (theoretically) not leaving the person free to refuse: to summon a witness, members of a committee, etc.
Dictionary. com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2016. Cite This Source
Examples from the Web for call Expand
First, legal sex workers in frightening situations can threaten to call the police, which may discourage violent escalation.
With such violent actions, he added, "Cabello is digging the grave of what they call the revolution."
Accenture, Foster Wheeler, Tyco, and Cooper Industries all call Bermuda home.
In this case, doing something like this, I always just get a call from the studio.
I call my friend, a fan of colonics, who recommends that I call Lyt on 34th Street.
After a death the friends of the family should call in person inside of a month.
About five o'clock he started off to call on Pen, and tell her about the Secretary's letter.
Still Jim Honor Willsie Morrow
He cares nothing, for example, for what we call the beauties of nature.
"You politicians—" she began, when she was interrupted by a call at the door.
Still Jim Honor Willsie Morrow
It can call its preachers from among the fishermen, and raise them to power.
British Dictionary definitions for call Expand
( often foll by out ) to speak or utter (words, sounds, etc) loudly so as to attract attention: he called out her name
( transitive ) to ask or order to come: to call a policeman
( intransitive ) sometimes foll by on. to make a visit (to): she called on him
( often foll by up ) to telephone (a person): he called back at nine
( transitive ) to summon to a specific office, profession, etc: he was called to the ministry
(of animals or birds) to utter (a characteristic sound or cry)
( transitive ) to summon (a bird or animal) by imitating its cry
( transitive ) to name or style: they called the dog Rover
( transitive ) to designate: they called him a coward
( transitive ) ( Brit. dialect ) to speak ill of or scold
( transitive ) to regard in a specific way: I call it a foolish waste of time
( transitive ) to attract (attention)
( transitive ) to read (a list, register, etc) aloud to check for omissions or absentees
when tr, usually foll by for. to give an order (for): to call a strike
( intransitive ) to try to predict the result of tossing a coin
( transitive ) to awaken: I was called early this morning
( transitive ) to cause to assemble: to call a meeting
( transitive ) ( sport ) (of an umpire, referee, etc) to pass judgment upon (a shot, player, etc) with a call
( transitive ) ( Austral & NZ ) to broadcast a commentary on (a horse race or other sporting event)
( transitive ) to demand repayment of (a loan, redeemable bond, security, etc)
( accounting ) ( transitive ) often foll by up. to demand payment of (a portion of a share issue not yet paid by subscribers)
( transitive ) ( Brit ) to award (a student at an Inn of Court) the degree of barrister (esp in the phrase call to the bar )
( transitive ) ( computing ) to transfer control to (a named subprogram)
( transitive ) ( poker ) to demand that (a player) expose his hand, after equalling his bet
( intransitive ) ( bridge ) to make a bid
(in square-dancing) to call out (instructions) to the dancers
( billiards ) to ask (a player) to say what kind of shot he will play or (of a player) to name his shot
( intransitive ) foll by for
to require: this problem calls for study
to come or go (for) in order to fetch: I will call for my book later
( intransitive; foll by on or upon ) to make an appeal or request (to): they called upon him to reply
( transitive ) to predict the outcome of an event: we don't know yet if the plan has succeeded because it's too soon to call
call into being, to create
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EasyVista’s Mobile-First Strategy Embraced Worldwide as the Mandate to Mobilize Service Management Becomes Urgent -- Mobility is the imperative of service management in 2016, fueling growth and continued innovation of the only enterprise platform of its kind built for the mobile era
NEW YORK, NY, March 16, 2016 -- EasyVista Inc. a leading provider of service management for IT organizations, today announced that its mobile-first approach to service management is being embraced by enterprises across every industry. With more than 1,000 enterprise customers worldwide, more than 6 million users and a 98% retention rate, EasyVista offers the world’s only service management platform built from the ground up as a mobile experience. As enterprise mobility requirements have increased in recent years, the expansion of EasyVista’s customer base reflects the demand of enterprises requiring new capabilities enabling IT to deliver service management to their enterprise mobile users.
“Since long before the first iPhone in 2007, we were innovating a mobile-first, customer-centric approach within our service management platform,” said Jamal Labed, EasyVista’s founder and Chief Operating Officer and President of Tech In France (the #1 professional organization representing over 400 software publishers in France). "Our greatest reward is that today we are uniquely built to help our customers meet the mobile mandate they urgently need now, as well as building on those successes for future expansion.”
“More IT decision-makers are thinking mobile-first. Our 2016 Trends in Enterprise Mobility survey found that for the first time, 40% more companies are planning to prioritize the mobilization of general business apps over the next two years than those just prioritizing mobilizing field and sales teams,” said Chris Marsh, Research Director for Enterprise Mobility at 451 Research, in the paper 2016 Trends in Enterprise Mobility. “IT leaders need to look for vendors that are mobile-first ready."
Global Customer Wins In H2 2015
In the second half of 2015, the company’s mobile-first approach to service management landed EasyVista customers in key industries spanning higher education, financial services, public sector, manufacturing, and more. Just a few of these include:
• North America: CBL & Associates, Freeman Company, Loto-Quebec, Wieden + Kennedy, Youth Villages, Boulder Valley School District, Creighton University, The Martin Agency and Preformed Line Products • Europe: Accaieria Beltrame, Banco Comercial do Atlântico, Banque Public d'Investissement, Conseil Régional Midi Pyrénées, Conseil Général des Hauts de Seine, DIA Supermercados, Eram, Federação Portuguesa de Futebol, Ineo Digital, Kuehne + Nagel, Norauto and Oesía Colombia
“Mobile-first has become a key buying criteria for companies in every industry, and it played a key role in nearly every customer win in the past six months,” said Kevin Coppins, EasyVista General Manager, North America. “Never before has IT been more affected by end users’ service expectations. The X-factor in service management today is how companies deliver elegant services to the array of mobile devices their users rely on every day.”
Lo que dicen los clientes
“EasyVista’s vision and world-class technology fit our high standards, including one-click mobile access to any enterprise service for tens of thousands of end users.” Fernando Oliveira, VP of Client Services, Wireless Analytics
“One of our goals was to increase productivity for users who needed access to service on all types of mobile devices. Deeply-rooted in mobile enablement, EasyVista’s technology aligned well with our own progressive IT strategy.” Raphael Helion, CIO, PwC-France
“EasyVista enables us to automate and manage service management for our highly mobile students, many of whom rely on up to eight different devices throughout the day.” Roger Cummings, Project Manager, Gonzaga University
“EasyVista not only addresses our IT service requirement; it enables us to provide users with self-service capabilities from our marketing, legal and finance departments as well.” Russel Jesski, IT Director, FCCI
EasyVista Platform Innovations in H2 2015
Service Apps: Easy to Use with Mobile-First: The company enhanced its Service Apps for end users to resolve problems, get information and request service -- anytime via any device. This includes enhanced and simplified deployment methods, new and enhanced mobile widgets and thousands of small enhancements that create simple and efficient apps on smartphones and tablets.
Apps Builder: Easy to Configure with Codeless Configuration: EasyVista also advanced its codeless App Builder, an intuitive, interface for IT professionals as well as HR, Facilities, Customer Care and any line of business leaders to build service apps without a line of code. These innovations include a new theme builder to simplify the building of consistent, elegant mobile apps and easy integration with third-party web services via a REST API.
Service Manager: Comprehensive Service Management: The company enhanced Service Manager for IT professionals to manage the entire service management lifecycle, with updates that include a new graphical workflow editor, and enhanced codeless customization options and controls.
EasyVista Builds Momentum
EasyVista achieved additional company metrics that indicate its mobile gamble is paying off: • 100% revenue growth over the past 4 years. • 25% average growth for SaaS globally, including 71% in North America in 2015. • More than 6 million SaaS end-users worldwide. • 98% customer retention rate in 2015 -- and 90+% over the past 3 years. • Strong sales in the industry sectors of banking, insurance, manufacturing, professional services, public sector, IT outsourcing and technology.
EasyVista is reinventing service management for the mobile user -- making it easy to deliver and easy to use. EasyVista is a service management platform that automates and personalizes service delivery for employees and other end users -- without a single line of code. The only solution on the market that is purpose-built as a mobile-first experience, EasyVista helps 1,000+ enterprises around the world radically improve the service experience, dramatically simplify and accelerate service creation and management and reduce and control the total cost of service delivery. With more than 20 years in service management, EasyVista serves companies across a variety of industries, including financial services, healthcare, higher education, technology, public sector, retail, manufacturing and more. Headquartered in Paris and New York, EasyVista is traded on the French stock exchange as ALEZV:EN. For more information, visit the company's web site, and follow us at @EasyVista.
Buying Stocks on Margin 101
By Joshua Kennon. Investing for Beginners Expert
Thanks to his straight-forward approach and ability to simplify complex topics, Joshua Kennon's series of lessons on financial statement analysis have been used by managers, investors, colleges and universities throughout the world. "If an investment idea takes more than a few sentences, or cannot be explained to a reasonably intelligent fourth grader, you've moved into speculation," Joshua insists. "Whether you're dealing with a public company such as McDonald's, or a private company such as Chanel, these are the types of firms that are easy to understand. You know where the sales originate, what the costs are, and how profits are generated. These are the types of enterprises that aren't going to cause you to wake up in the middle of the night, breaking into a cold sweat because of the sub-prime crisis or esoteric securities trading in illiquid markets. That's a huge advantage to growing your wealth. Focus on what you know, pay a fair price, and invest for the long-term.
Updated December 15, 2014.
If you have at least a few thousand dollars in your brokerage account. you might qualify to borrow money against your existing stocks to buy even more by taking advantage of something called margin. It's an inherently speculative technique that allows people who want to get really aggressive to buy more shares of a company than they could otherwise afford.
In this article, we discover what margin is, how you can put it to work in your portfolio. the inherent risks and the power of leverage upon your asset base .
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The Definition of Margin
Defined, margin is essentially investing with borrowed money. Any eligible individual may purchase securities on margin by borrowing money from their broker at a fixed interest rate (for example, 9.5%). The rate is determined by each brokerage house and normally decreases as the amount borrowed increases (e. g. an investor borrowing $500,000 will pay a substantially lower rate than one borrowing $5,000).
Margin Maintenance Requirements
Each brokerage house establishes a margin maintenance requirement.
This maintenance requirement is the percentage equity the investor must keep in his portfolio at all times. A house that maintains a 30% maintenance requirement, for example, would lend up to $2.33 for every $1 an investor had deposited in his account, giving him $3.33 of assets with which to invest. An investor with only one or two stocks in his portfolio may be subject to a higher maintenance requirement (typically 50%) because the broker believes the risk of default is greater due to the lack of diversification .
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The Power of Leverage - An Example of Margin Trading
A speculator deposits $10,020 into his margin-approved brokerage account. The firm has a 50% maintenance requirement and is currently charging 8% interest on loans under $50,000.
The speculator decides to purchase stock in a company. Normally, he would be limited to the $10,020 cash he has at his disposal. However, utilizing margin. he borrows just under the maximum amount allowable ($10,000 in this case), giving him a grand total of $20,020 to invest. He pays a $20 brokerage commission and uses the $20,000 ($10,000 his money, $10,000 borrowed money) to buy 1,332 shares of the company at $15 each.
Margin Debt Scenario 1 The stock falls to $10 per share. The portfolio now has a market value of $13,320 ($10 per share x $1,332 shares), $10,000 of that is cash from the margin loan, $3,320, or 25% of the margin loan, is the investor's equity. This is a serious problem. The speculator must restore his equity to 50% within twenty-four hours or his broker will liquidate his position to pay the outstanding balance on the margin loan. This 24-hour notice is known as a margin call. To meet his margin call, he will have to deposit cash or shares of stock worth at least $6,680.
Had the speculator not bought on margin, his loss would have been limited to $3,333. He would have also had the freedom to ignore the fall in market value if he believed the company was a bargain. His use of margin, however, has turned his loss into $6,680 plus the commission on the forced sale of stock and the interest expense on the outstanding balance.
Margin Debt Scenario 2 After purchasing 1,332 shares of stock at $15, the price rises to $20. The market value of the portfolio is $26,640. The speculator sells the stock, pays back the $10,000 margin loan and pockets $6,640 before interest and the selling commission. Had he not utilized margin, this transaction would have only earned him a profit of $3,333 before commissions.
The Lesson You Should Learn About Investing in Stocks on Margin The lesson is that margin amplifies a portfolio's performance; it makes losses and gains greater than they would have been if the investment had been on a strict cash-only basis. The primary risks are market and time; prices may fall even if an investment is already undervalued and / or it may take a significant amount of time for the price of a stock to advance, resulting in higher interest costs to the investor. An investor that found an undervalued stock is speculating ipso facto by using margin because he is now betting that the market will not fall far enough to force him to sell his holdings.
The Basics of Trading on Margin
When you sign up for a margin brokerage account. generally:
All securities in your account are held as collateral for a margin loan. including stocks. bonds, etc.
The margin maintenance requirement varies from broker to broker, stock to stock and portfolio to portfolio. The brokerage firm has the right to change this at any time so you might find yourself with a demand to immediately pay off your margin debt balance with no warning or face having your portfolio liquidated.
If you fail to meet a margin call by depositing additional assets, your broker may sell off some or all of your investments until the required equity relationship is restored.
It is possible to lose more money than you invest when using margin. You will be legally responsible for paying any outstanding debt you may have to your broker even if your portfolio is completely wiped out.
The interest rate charged by your broker on margin balances is subject to immediate change.
Community News
2nd Feb 2013 – After ten months, the Freeciv forums are finally back. Perdón por el retraso. They've been rebuilt from scratch, so you'll need to re-register.
31st Mar 2012 – Michał Zieliński has ported Freeciv 2.3 to Android! Visit civ. zielm. com or download the beta from Google Play.
19th Dec 2011 – Version 2.0 of Chess . the minimalistic monochrome tileset by Xin Yu (a. k.a. Anyu ), has been released. Descargalo hoy mismo!
Daniel Markstedt
18th Nov 2011 – A new Longturn Freeciv (one turn per day) server is open for players to sign in. The game runs on Freeciv 2.3, and the player maximum has been extended to 126 players. Usually we play with 20-30 players
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We have several kinds of information available:
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Please take time to connect to as many of our pages and links as possible. There is literally a wealth of information on the internet, and I have actually spent hundreds of hours looking for the best material for commodity traders. (I have tried my best to filter out the junk, but some of it may slip past me anyway.)
Time is money. To help eliminate the long wait for my web pages to load for you to see (like many other sites), I have limited the "artwork" and fancy stuff on this site to just a few things. The other stuff on some web sites, while often very slick, can make you wait SOOO long for a page to load. My focus here is on providing you with good information, not art or entertainment.
I recommend that you check this site regularly for updates and additional information. Knowledge is power, and wisdom leads to riches. What you don't know CAN hurt you.
Remember, it's a proven fact that most people lose money trading commodities. And the reason is NOT the cost of commissions. It's because they put on losing trades. For example, if you MAKE $500 on a trade, what difference does it make if you paid $20 or $50 in commissions? What if you LOSE $500? Does it make much difference whether the rate was $20 or $50? I am amazed that so many people (especially brand new traders) utilize "discount" services, thinking that they are saving money. Full-service professional advice is available for a small additional cost, and can be worth many times the price. For example, if you needed to see a dentist, would you go to someone who advertised, "I'll drill any tooth for $10?" Or if you were arrested for a crime you didn't commit, would you hire a lawyer who advertised, "I'll take any lawsuit for $50?" When you hire any other professional, your first question is never, "How CHEAP are you?" It's always, "How GOOD are you?" Why should it be different when choosing a brokerage service and advice for your trading? It's a rule of economics that " you get what you pay for ." When you go shopping in any store, there are only 2 reasons why they would give you a "discount" off their regular price -- either you are a "volume" buyer and are getting a large quantity discount, or you are getting a "low-quality" discount for "seconds" (i. e. defective merchandise) or end-of-season close-outs (like bathing suits in September or winter coats in April). The next time you see an ad for a discount brokerage company, ask yourself why they are telling you how cheap they are. People advertise quality when they have it to offer. Otherwise they can only sell you a cheap price.
Firefox, Group Policy and Active Directory
O ne of the complaints that seems to come up a lot with regards to Firefox in the enterprise is the lack of support for management via Active Directory (using Group Policies). There have actually been a couple attempts to solve this including FirefoxADM and WetDog. There is even a company, FrontMotion. that makes custom Firefox MSIs that can be managed via Active Directory.
I decided I don’t know enough about this area, so I’ve spent the past couple weeks investigating what Microsoft provides and the results actually surprised me: IE configuration via Group Policies seems to focus much more on customizing the browser(*) than it does on configuring individual preferences. Learning this made me wonder what exactly it is that people mean when the say that Firefox has a lack of support for Active Directory. Do they mean using Active Directory to manage install and updates? Or do they mean the types of customization that are provided via IE’s Group Policy.
So I’d like to pose a few questions to my readers:
Do you use Active Directory and Group Policy to manage Internet Explorer? If so, what policies are most important to you?
Do you use FirefoxADM or WetDog to manage Firefox? If so, what features are most important to you?
If support for Group Policies was implemented for Firefox, should it focus more on customizing the browser or setting preferences?
For more information on this subject, here are some links:
(*) By customizing the browser I mean things like removing printing, removing the help menu, removing view source, removing the context menu, preventing saving files to disk, removing the ability to open new windows, turning off tabbed browing, removing access to bookmarks, etc.
Posted on Thursday, January 24, 2008
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Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.
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21 thoughts on “ Firefox, Group Policy and Active Directory ”
At one time, I do some IE restriction with the GPO. They are very usefull notably in a kiosk like environnement ( web cafe, public internet access, job center born ). Indeed it allow to provide a fully restricted IE environnement ( most of the time, the browser only display one site defined by the sysadmin ) and thus even if the user is using an Admistrator account ( that’s why preventing saving files to disk is usefull for example ). Possibility to restrict options like Proxy settings, startup pages are also usefull.
Restrictions interestings for Firefox with GPO : – proxy settings – startup pages – ability to add extensions – ability to disable or restrict search engine in search bar – all the restrictions supported by IE ( except the ActiveX ones 😉 ) – ability to print – ability to print in color ( printing in B&W or grayscale allow to save toner ) or to select the printer ( restrict the user to a specific printer )
For me, as a user, the only resistance I have found is the use of automatic proxy configuration via a javascript file. It’s ok for someone like to do, but for joe user it means they can’t access anything.
oh, and secondly, use of NTLM is everywhere. it’s quite useful with intranets. i think NTLM dialog could be improved to state it’s Windows authentication, and how the use should state their id in the DOMAIN\USERNAME form; ideally the trusted NTLM domains list could be added to with another checkbox.
sorry; the second one is core, rather than specific to your question.
i hope this is of use; i’ve recently been trying to get an abandoned intranet project (abandoned by the developer) running for a global company who use AD and expect single sign on; i’ve been using FF to build it as it’s late and i don’t have time for IE to render pages ;-), and these are the main issues for me, but not only me as i’m also having to handle some support and the NTLM dialog is so confusing to jo user.
I used to work for a company that implemented security policies against IE based on AD. Things that where blocked out (that come to me immediately) was 1. The ability to download. 2. The File->Open menu, or any other menu that would allow you to browse the hard drive. 3. Internet Options. 4. The abillity to add favorites or make any other permanent changes to the browser settings.
Mikko Järvinen says:
Hi Mike Active Directory and Group Policy support means actually two things: 1. Support for installing Firefox, Extensions and Plugins (MSI-package) 2. Support for configuring preferences (ADM-template)
…and something that glues these two nicely together.
(“Installing” covers actually the whole setup concept including installing, updating/patching and uninstalling.)
First one – the MSI-package – is a problem for enterprises because there isn’t any. You’ll have to make the MSI by yourself. Repackaging requires a person with the time, skills and tools to get the job done. Or then you could buy the MSI e. g. from FrontMotion. Nevertheless these MSI’s aren’t official. You’ll have to do the same job every time Firefox gets an update and there always the risk that something has changed since the last version so you always have to test the new package carefully. This is what enterprises currently do. Would’t it be great if you could skip the repackaging part and just grab a new MSI from mozilla. com when it’s time to update?
I know you Mike tailor your very own Firefox setup-exe’s and that’s one solution. I dare to say that an un-modified and official Firefox MSI would fit to a majority of enterprises. That MSI, however, should never mess up the computers in the domain. I don’t believe Mozilla project is going to publish anything even close to that in many years.
But the MSI is not enough if you can’t push the settings to users. Currently this requires some modifications to the plain vanilla Firefox and there are many (a way too many) ways to get to the goal. The problem here is that none of these ways is a official one and not very many enable control using Group Policies. (Mission Control might be considered to be official one, but it has nothing to do with Group Policies.) Mozilla project should create one – or just take FirefoxADM. So you pick up some solution, but even that’s not complete one. This bring us up to the second item – an ADM-template. Enterprise admins want to push Firefox settings to end users using GPO’s, but they also want – and suppose – this to be easy. Easy as enabling “Default home page”-policy setting and typing in the URL. Not easy as creating or editing your home-brewn ADM-file to include the setting for “browser. homepage. startup”, importing ADM file to GPO and finally making that simple setting. ADM-template should also be official one, published and maintained by Mozilla. But because ADM-template writes to registy and Firefox has it’s setting mainly in prefs. js & co, the official system between these two will be needed first. This is something Mozilla could do and should do before MSI-package.
So, to answer the questions you made:
1. Yes. For example default home page and various security settings. 2. FirefoxADM. Disabling automatic updates. 3. Preferences. Both locked and default-only-prefs. And the preferences should really cover every setting you can do from Firefox GUI – not just the ones that are in prefs. js.
The thing that confuses me the most here is that the group policy editor does NOT allow you to modify many IE preferences at all. It appears you are expected to use the IEAK to create a version of IE that has the preferences you want and then use group policy to lock the UI to prevent the changing of the preferences.
So I’m unclear why people are expecting something out of Firefox ADM that even IE doesn’t provide.
That is access to ALL preferences via group policy…
Mikko Järvinen says:
Mike You’re right. Configuring IE with group policies is actually quite a mess. But that’s no excuse for Firefox not be configurable via group policies. And this is not about IE vs. Firefox. This is about system administrators’es needs to do the configurations with the tools (GP’s) that are native and ready-to-use in their environment (AD) and with the tools they are familiar with. People are expecting this because that is the way system configurations are done in many “small enterprises”. People want something a lot more easier than setting up an LDAP for Mission Control or preparing prefs. js and other files and repackaging Firefox to MSI-package.
Currently you can do zero congurations to Firefox with group policies. Anything between zero and ALL would be a good start.
And now that I’ve been thinking this a bit more I guess what is needed is “Group Policy Extension for Firefox”. Firefox has it’s settings in too many places and is too complex to be fully configurable using only ADM templates and FirefoxADM.
And about configuring IE, there will be improvements with Windows Server 2008 and “Group Policy Preferences”:
From personal experience, IE GPOs are primarily used for configuration management not feature customizations – configuration management: proxy settings, home pages – security settings: security zones, mime types, exposed protocols – functional defaults and restrictions: url shortcuts, search engines, active-x whitelists/blacklists, rss performance/behavior (IE7)
We replicate virtually all policy settings with Mission Control for Firefox (I still owe you an article on that…) keeping the infrastructures safe and separate. Today we can do a little more with feature customizations in Firefox but a little less with security configurations (i. e. no straight forward way to set/lock security zones). There is definitely room for both IE and Firefox to beef up granularity on all functional fronts.
With Firefox, we can also prepackage some extensions and then lock down/default whatever settings they expose to the profile. Extensions is the big differentiator here for the customizations you are referring to.
We use wetdog to set: – network. automatic-ntlm-auth. trusted-uris – network. proxy. http (actually for all protocols) – network. proxy. http (actually for all protocols) – network. proxy. no_proxies_on – network. proxy. share_proxy_settings – network. proxy. type
We previously customized Firefox setup in: – browser. startup. homepage – browser. startup. homepage_reset – security. warn_submit_insecure – bookmarks of interest for our organization – disabled the migration wizard (import internet explorer settings)
We need it to add and update company website bookmarks for every user in the organization. Not replace, but merge with the users own bookmarks. and preferably have them come up first on the ‘bookmarks toolbar’. That’s it, but as it is now I have to take controll of ALL the bookmarks by ‘hijacking’ the bookmarks. html or be content with setting the homepage.
We’d like to deploy Firefox at our firm, but without a way to restrict extension installation and some of the configuration settings people have mentioned via Group Policy, then it may not happen.
That would be a shame since we’d like to give our users the ability to use a non-IE browser for regular browsing. Personally, I’d like to limit IE’s use to just those sites that require ActiveX controls – in our environment that’s at least a dozen document review sites. Ideally, those sites would quit using ActiveX controls altogether, but sadly that’s unlikely.
Chrome isn’t an option at all because Google refuses to let you choose where to install it or where it stores it’s data unless you get it from the google pack, which is patently unacceptable. Opera didn’t even come up in the survey we did asking some users which browsers they’d like the option to use here, and I don’t think many even know Safari is available for Windows.
Anything you want to customize in Firefox can be customized. If you have specific requirements, please let me know. I can take a look and see if I can help you.
I need to lock atleast the Advanced Tab in Firefox if not the whole Options menu item. How can this be done for Workstations. I tried installing and configuring FirefoxADM in Active Directory (2008), but it is of little help as the Advanced tab remains open on Client machines and the user can change them as they require.
Mike Kaply says:
Sorry for this incredible delay.
Do you still need to do this?
do you mean the advanced tab in preferences?
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